314 research outputs found

    Similar additional frequency patterns on fundamental and overtone mode RR Lyrae stars showing f68f_{68} frequencies

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    Up to now, it seemed that the additional frequencies in the fundamental mode (RRab) and in the overtone mode pulsating (RRc and RRd) RR Lyrae stars have different nature. RRab stars show frequencies associated with periodic doubling, as well as frequencies at the first and second radial overtones, and linear combinations of these. RRc stars show frequencies with specific ratios (f1/fxf_1/f_x\sim0.61, or \sim0.63) which are explained by non-radial modes and frequencies with fx/f10.68f_x/f_1\sim0.68 ratio which have no currently accepted explanation. To search for similarities in spectral content, we compared the Fourier spectra of the recently published TESS and K2 data of RRc stars with the spectra of Kepler RRab stars that do not show the Blazhko effect but contain additional frequencies. The time series data have been analysed using standard Fourier methods, and the possibility of the excitation of the second radial overtone mode in RRab stars has also been tested using numerical hydrodynamical codes. We show that the additional frequencies appear in non-Blazhko RRab stars at the position of the second radial overtone mode, and the pattern they create, is very similar to that caused by the additional frequencies with the period ratio 0.68\sim0.68 in RRc stars. The former explanation of the additional frequencies of these RRab stars by a second radial overtone is unlikely.Comment: 5 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    A terrorizmus elleni fellépés eszközrendszerének fejlődése, különös tekintettel a terrorizmus finanszírozása elleni küzdelemre = The development of measures for combating terrorism with special respect to the fight against financing terrorism

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    Az előirányzott munkaterv szerint részt vettünk a Nemzetközi Büntetőjogi Társaság (AIDP) égisze alatt a 2009. szeptember 20-27. között Isztambulban megrendezésre került XVIII. Nemzetközi Büntetőjogi Kongresszuson. A 2009. évben anyaggyűjtési és adatfeldolgozási, rendszerezési munkálatok kerültek napirendre annak érdekében, hogy előkészítésre kerüljön a terrorizmus összefüggésében fentebb részletezett tématerületek összehasonlító jogi szempontok szerint történő továbbgondolása. 2009. novemberében Európai és Nemzetközi Büntetőjog címmel megrendezett konferencián mutattuk be a kutatás eredményeit. 2010.-nem a konferencia anyagát a Jog-Állam-Politika szakfolyóiratban tettük közzé. Ennek keretében megjelent publikációkat korábban ismertettük. Az előirányzott munkaterv szerint 2010. júniusában kutatást végeztünk a Columbia Egyetem könyvtárában. 2011. júniusában a kutatási tervnek megfelelően látogatást tettünk a Bűnügyi Tudományok Nemzetközi Intézetében (Syracusa, Olaszország), ahol a záró tanulmány elkészítéséhez még hiányzó szakmai anyagokat beszereztük. Az eredeti kutatási tervben rögzítettek szerint a munka eredményeit összefoglaló zárótanulmányt 2011 július hónapban véglegesítettük. Ennek keretében önálló fejezetet szenteltünk a terrorizmus fogalma, a terrorizmus kriminológiai és A záró-tanulmány monografikus feldolgozásban az UNIVERSITAS-GYŐR Nonprofit Kft. gondozásában 2011. nyarán nyomtatásban is megjelent. | Pursuant to the original research plan, the final summary of the results stemming from the research project was made in April 2011. This material discusses the mainstreams of our work in single chapters, where the concept of terrorism, the criminological and criminal policy aspects of terrorism, as well as the national and international means and legislative efforts of fighting against terrorism are focused upon. The monographical version of this summary has been finally published by UNIVERSITAS-GYŐR Nonprofit Ltd. in the end of summer 2011

    The Hungarian Quarterly Projection Model (NEM)

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    This document gives a detailed account of the current version of the Hungarian Quarterly Projection Model (NEM). It describes the main building blocks, presents the forecast performance of the model and, finally, it illustrates the responses to the most important shocks the Hungarian economy may face. This version of the model is used to produce the Bank’s quarterly projections, as well as to perform simulations and scenario analyses.econometric modelling, forecasting, simulation.

    Towards stable single-atom catalysts: Strong binding of atomically dispersed transition metals on the surface of nanostructured ceria

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    The interaction of a series of different transition metal atoms with nanoparticulate CeO2 has been studied by means of density-functional calculations. Recently, we demonstrated the ability of sites exposed on {100} nanofacets of CeO2 to very strongly anchor atomic Pt, making the formed species exceptionally efficient single-atom anode catalysts for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. Herein, we analyzed the capacity of these surface sites to accommodate all other group VIII-XI transition metal atoms M = Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Cu, Ag, and Au. The interaction of the M atoms with {100} nanofacets of ceria leads to oxidation of the former and such interaction is calculated to be stronger than the binding of the atoms in the corresponding metal nanoparticles. Comparing the stability of metal-metal and metal-oxide bonds allows one to establish which metals would more strongly resist agglomeration and hence allows the proposal of promising candidates for the design of single-atom catalysts. Indeed, the remarkable stability of these adsorption complexes (particularly for Pt, Pd, Ni, Fe, Co, and Os) strongly suggests that atomically dispersed transition metals anchored as cations on {100} facets of nanostructured ceria are stable against agglomeration into metal particles. Therefore, these sites appear to be of immediate relevance to the preparation of stable catalysts featuring the highest possible metal efficiency in nanocatalysis