57 research outputs found

    Is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Connected with Cognition? The Complex Interplay between Liver and Brain

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    The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progressive form, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), is increasing in parallel with the rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Approximately one in four adults are diagnosed with liver steatosis globally. NAFLD is associated with insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, visceral adiposity, and dyslipidaemia. These risk factors are often accompanied by inflammation and oxidative stress, which also play a role in extrahepatic diseases, including conditions related to the central nervous system, such as mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The number of people living with dementia is approximately 55 million and is estimated to increase to approximately 2 billion people by 2050. Recent studies have found that NAFLD is associated with poorer cognition. The aim of this review was to summarise the findings of hitherto studies that have linked NAFLD with cognition and dementia, as well as to discuss the potential liver–brain pathways

    The association between serum uric acid levels and 10-year cardiovascular disease incidence: results from the ATTICA prospective study.

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    Limited data suggests possible gender-specific association between serum uric acid (SUA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence. The aim of the present analysis was to evaluate the association between SUA levels and 10-year CVD incidence (2002-2012) in the ATTICA study participants. Overall, 1687 apparently healthy volunteers, with SUA measurements, residing in the greater metropolitan Athens area (Greece), were included. Multivariable Cox-regression models were used to estimate the hazard ratios for SUA in relation to 10-year CVD incidence. Receiver operating curve analysis was conducted to detect optimal SUA cut-off values. Participants in the 2nd and 3rd SUA tertile had 29 and 73% higher 10-year CVD incidence compared with those in the 1st tertile (p < 0.001). In gender-specific analysis, only in women SUA was independently associated with CVD incidence; women in the 3rd SUA tertile had 79% greater 10-year CVD event risk compared to their 1st tertile counterparts. Obese in the 3rd SUA tertile had 2-times higher CVD incidence compared to those in the 1st tertile. Similar findings were observed in metabolically healthy (vs. unhealthy) and metabolically healthy obese. SUA thresholds best predicting 10-year CVD incidence was 5.05 and 4.15 mg/dL (0.30 and 0.25 mmol/L) in men and women, respectively. In conclusion, increased SUA levels were independently related to 10-year CVD event rate in women, obese and metabolically healthy individuals. SUA could predict 10-year CVD incidence even at low levels. Further studies are warranted to identify SUA cut-off values that may improve the detection of individuals at higher CVD risk in clinical practice

    Is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Connected with Cognition?: The Complex Interplay between Liver and Brain

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    The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progressive form, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), is increasing in parallel with the rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Approximately one in four adults are diagnosed with liver steatosis globally. NAFLD is associated with insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, visceral adiposity, and dyslipidaemia. These risk factors are often accompanied by inflammation and oxidative stress, which also play a role in extrahepatic diseases, including conditions related to the central nervous system, such as mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The number of people living with dementia is approximately 55 million and is estimated to increase to approximately 2 billion people by 2050. Recent studies have found that NAFLD is associated with poorer cognition. The aim of this review was to summarise the findings of hitherto studies that have linked NAFLD with cognition and dementia, as well as to discuss the potential liver–brain pathways

    The Effects of Dietary Advanced Glycation End-Products on Neurocognitive and Mental Disorders

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    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are glycated proteins or lipids formed endogenously in the human body or consumed through diet. Ultra-processed foods and some culinary techniques, such as dry cooking methods, represent the main sources and drivers of dietary AGEs. Tissue accumulation of AGEs has been associated with cellular aging and implicated in various age-related diseases, including type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The current review summarizes the literature examining the associations between AGEs and neurocognitive and mental health disorders. Studies indicate that elevated circulating AGEs are cross-sectionally associated with poorer cognitive function and longitudinally increase the risk of developing dementia. Additionally, preliminary studies show that higher skin AGE accumulation may be associated with mental disorders, particularly depression and schizophrenia. Potential mechanisms underpinning the effects of AGEs include elevated oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, which are both key pathogenetic mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and mental disorders. Decreasing dietary intake of AGEs may improve neurological and mental disorder outcomes. However, more sophisticated prospective studies and analytical approaches are required to verify directionality and the extent to which AGEs represent a mediator linking unhealthy dietary patterns with cognitive and mental disorders

    palaeoverse: A community‐driven R package to support palaeobiological analysis

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    1. The open-source programming language ‘R' has become a standard tool in the palaeobiologist's toolkit. Its popularity within the palaeobiological community continues to grow, with published articles increasingly citing the usage of R and R packages. However, there are currently a lack of agreed standards for data preparation and available frameworks to support the implementation of such standards. Consequently, data preparation workflows are often unclear and not reproducible, even when code is provided. Moreover, due to a lack of code accessibility and documentation, palaeobiologists are often forced to ‘reinvent the wheel’ to find solutions to issues already solved by other members of the community. 2. Here, we introduce palaeoverse, a community-driven R package to aid data preparation and exploration for quantitative palaeobiological research. The package is freely available and has three core principles: (1) streamline data preparation and analyses; (2) enhance code readability; and (3) improve reproducibility of results. To develop these aims, we assessed the analytical needs of the broader palaeobiological community using an online survey, in addition to incorporating our own experiences. 3. In this work, we first report the findings of the survey, which shaped the development of the package. Subsequently, we describe and demonstrate the functionality available in palaeoverse and provide usage examples. Finally, we discuss the resources we have made available for the community and our future plans for the broader Palaeoverse project. 4. palaeoverse is a community-driven R package for palaeobiology, developed with the intention of bringing palaeobiologists together to establish agreed standards for high-quality quantitative research. The package provides a user-friendly platform for preparing data for analysis with well-documented open-source code to enhance transparency. The functionality available in palaeoverse improves code reproducibility and accessibility, which is beneficial for both the review process and future research

    Data of Kouvari et al., 2021 - Humans and climate as possible drivers of the morphology and function of the mandible of Suncus etruscus in Corsica

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    Data and R files for manuscript Kouvari et al., 2021 titled "Humans and climate as possible drivers of the morphology and function of the mandible of Suncus etruscus in Corsica" Highlights - Mandible shape changed rapidly over the short period of time (14-19th century AD). - This led to changes in the mechanical potential of the principal masticatory muscle, the temporalis. - The temporalis’s negative correlation with the masseter, as well as their link with the anthropisation index suggest diet shifts linked to human activity - The integration of the body and ramus is not an indicator of environmental changes. Specimen photographs are only available upon request, due to their massive file size. Data folders: - The landmarks_morpho_raw folder contains the raw landmark coordinates of the specimens. These were produced using the "tpsdig2" software (Rohlf, 2010). - The landmarks_morpho_total folder contains the landmark coordinates of the specimens for each fragment type, including specimens for other more complete fragment types. - The size_and_mp folder contains centroid size and mechanical potential data files. - The specimen_info folder contains the specimen information per fragment type (layer, D for right and G for left side mandible, and specimen number). R files have a title describing what they do and they are in the order of execution

    The mediterranean and other dietary patterns in secondary cardiovascular disease prevention: A review

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    Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with increased hospital discharge rates, causing a serious public health issue and an economic burden. Recent demographic transitions, including ageing of the population, low fertility, urbanization and shift towards unhealthy behaviours have resulted in an increase in the prevalence of cardiometabolic disorders (i.e. hypertension, obesity, diabetes). According to the reports of international organisations, a substantial number of heart attacks could have been prevented through lifestyle modifications (i.e. diet, physical activity, smoking cessation). Regarding secondary prevention, it is well documented that effective cardiovascular rehabilitation requires a multidisciplinary approach, including medical treatment, as well as lifestyle changes. Diet has been recognised as one of the most important modifiable and preventable factors, being undoubtedly beneficial in primary prevention, as well as among cardiac patients. However, studies among CVD patients are scarce, and with inconclusive results. The most studied dietary pattern is the Mediterranean-type diet, with several observational studies and clinical trials demonstrating its protective role against recurrent cardiac events, whereas evidence regarding other well-known models, including Western-type, Vegetarian, Asian-type and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, are more limited. The aim of this review was to present an overview of the most prevalent dietary patterns and their role in the secondary CVD prevention and management. © 2016 Bentham Science Publishers

    Editorial: Nutrition in prevention and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Editorial: Nutrition in prevention and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseas

    Evolution of Gyrification in Carnivores

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    The order Carnivora is a large and highly diverse mammalian group with a long and well-documented evolutionary history. Nevertheless, our knowledge on the degree of cortical folding (or degree of gyrification) is limited to just a few species. Here we investigate the degree of cortical folding in 64 contemporary and 37 fossil carnivore species. We do so by measuring the length of gyri impressions on endocranial casts. We use this approach because we have found that there is a very good correlation between the degree of cortical folding and the relative length of the gyri that are exposed on the outer surface of the hemispheres. Our results indicate that aquatic and semiaquatic carnivores have higher degrees of cortical folding than terrestrial carnivores. The degree of cortical folding varies among modern families, with viverrids having the lowest values. Furthermore, the scaling of cortical folding with brain size follows different patterns across specific carnivore families. Forty million years ago, the first carnivores had a relatively small cortex and limited cortical folding. Both the size of the cortex and the degree of cortical folding increased independently in each family during evolution. Copyright © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel. All rights reserved

    Dietary patterns, caloric restrictions for management of cardiovascular disease and cancer; a brief review

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancers are overall still identified as the two most prevalent non-communicable diseases globally. Their prevention and potential reversal (in particular CVD risk) was seen effective with the modification of dietary intake that was applied in several different populations. Although the findings from epidemiological studies provide support that adhering to dietary patterns such as the Mediterranean diet can reduce incidence and prevalence of CVD and some forms of cancer, the mechanistic aspects of disease modulation associated with both diseases can be seen in dietary management. Several studies have already explored the potential modes of action of certain nutrients in well controlled large clinical trials. However, the clinical trials designed to determine the effects of adhering to a particular diet are relatively hard to conduct and these studies are faced with several obstacles particularly in the populations that are identified with a high risk of CVD or different cancers. Therefore, it is important to understand potential underlying and shared mechanisms of action and to explore how healthy dietary patterns may modulate the occurrence, initiation, and progression of such diseases. The aim of this review is to summarise and conceptualize the current understanding relating to healthy dietary patterns, and briefly discuss the opportunities that epigenetic research may bring and how it may assist to further interpret epidemiological and clinical evidence