12 research outputs found

    Shear strength behavior of geotextile/geomembrane interfaces

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    This paper aims to study the shear interaction mechanism of one of the critical geosynthetic interfaces, the geotextile/geomembrane, typically used for lined containment facilities such as landfills. A large direct shear machine is used to carry out 90 geosynthetic interface tests. The test results show a strain softening behavior with a very small dilatancy (<0.5 mm) and nonlinear failure envelopes at a normal stress range of 25-450 kPa. The influences of the micro-level structure of these geosynthetics on the macro-level interface shear behavior are discussed in detail. This study has generated several practical recommendations to help professionals to choose what materials are more adequate. From the three geotextiles tested, the thermally bonded monofilament exhibits the best interface shear strength under high normal stress. For low normal stress, however, needle-punched monofilaments are recommended. For the regular textured geomembranes tested, the space between the asperities is an important factor. The closer these asperities are, the better the result achieves. For the irregular textured geomembranes tested, the nonwoven geotextiles made of monofilaments produce the largest interface shear strength

    Modelado y verificaci贸n de sistemas digitales con SystemVerilog

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es presentar la metodolog铆a de modelado y verificaci贸n con SystemVerilog, un lenguaje para la descripci贸n y verificaci贸n de sistemas digitales (Hardware Description and Verification Language). La explicaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n del lenguaje est谩 orientada a dise帽adores con conocimientos de modelado VHDL. En primer lugar se describe el modelado de sistemas digitales con SystemVerilog. Se exponen las t茅cnicas para modelar el funcionamiento de circuitos combinacionales, circuitos secuenciales y circuitos complejos. Despu茅s se explica la realizaci贸n de bancos de test SystemVerilog para verificar el correcto funcionamiento de los modelos. A continuaci贸n se describe el lenguaje de especificaci贸n de propiedades de SystemVerilog (SVA, SystemVerilog Assertions), explicando la formulaci贸n de propiedades temporales y el uso de aserciones, mostrando ejemplos y un caso de aplicaci贸n sencillo. Para ilustrar la aplicaci贸n del modelado SystemVerilog se realiza el modelo de un master I2C, con el que se construye un circuito de medida de temperatura y humedad que se materializa en hardware con la tarjeta de prototipado DECA MAX10, que dispone de un sensor de temperatura y humedad (HDC1000, de Texas Instruments), y una tarjeta de expansi贸n, XDECA, que se emplea para presentar las medidas. Abstract: The purpose of the present project is to introduce a Hardware Description Language called SystemVerilog, starting from some knowledge of VHDL language. The realization of the project consisted, first, in the study of the elements of SystemVerilog that are dedicate to model digital systems and the part which concerns the specification of temporary properties. On the first chapters of the present project, is going to be explained how to model and implement combinational logic and sequential circuits. In addition, how to verify this circuits using Test-Bench. Throughout the document is being described how to implement an application that measures through a temperature and humidity sensor (HDC1000, from Texas instruments). To develop the application it has been used the DECA prototype board, that includes the sensor with an I2C interface, and the XDECA expansion board. Furthermore, before describing how to implement the application, is going to be described the SystemVerilog Property Specification Language (SVA, SystemVerilog Assertions). This section explains the temporary properties and the use of assertions with a simple application example. To summarize, the project have two different sections, the first one is more a theoretical part that include the most important concepts to learn about how to implement the language SystemVerilog. The second part will develop the simulation and verification of the application. In our case, to do the verification of the measurement application, it will be used a tool called Quartus II

    Modelado y verificaci贸n de sistemas digitales con SystemVerilog

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es presentar la metodolog铆a de modelado y verificaci贸n con SystemVerilog, un lenguaje para la descripci贸n y verificaci贸n de sistemas digitales (Hardware Description and Verification Language). La explicaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n del lenguaje est谩 orientada a dise帽adores con conocimientos de modelado VHDL. En primer lugar se describe el modelado de sistemas digitales con SystemVerilog. Se exponen las t茅cnicas para modelar el funcionamiento de circuitos combinacionales, circuitos secuenciales y circuitos complejos. Despu茅s se explica la realizaci贸n de bancos de test SystemVerilog para verificar el correcto funcionamiento de los modelos. A continuaci贸n se describe el lenguaje de especificaci贸n de propiedades de SystemVerilog (SVA, SystemVerilog Assertions), explicando la formulaci贸n de propiedades temporales y el uso de aserciones, mostrando ejemplos y un caso de aplicaci贸n sencillo. Para ilustrar la aplicaci贸n del modelado SystemVerilog se realiza el modelo de un master I2C, con el que se construye un circuito de medida de temperatura y humedad que se materializa en hardware con la tarjeta de prototipado DECA MAX10, que dispone de un sensor de temperatura y humedad (HDC1000, de Texas Instruments), y una tarjeta de expansi贸n, XDECA, que se emplea para presentar las medidas. Abstract: The purpose of the present project is to introduce a Hardware Description Language called SystemVerilog, starting from some knowledge of VHDL language. The realization of the project consisted, first, in the study of the elements of SystemVerilog that are dedicate to model digital systems and the part which concerns the specification of temporary properties. On the first chapters of the present project, is going to be explained how to model and implement combinational logic and sequential circuits. In addition, how to verify this circuits using Test-Bench. Throughout the document is being described how to implement an application that measures through a temperature and humidity sensor (HDC1000, from Texas instruments). To develop the application it has been used the DECA prototype board, that includes the sensor with an I2C interface, and the XDECA expansion board. Furthermore, before describing how to implement the application, is going to be described the SystemVerilog Property Specification Language (SVA, SystemVerilog Assertions). This section explains the temporary properties and the use of assertions with a simple application example. To summarize, the project have two different sections, the first one is more a theoretical part that include the most important concepts to learn about how to implement the language SystemVerilog. The second part will develop the simulation and verification of the application. In our case, to do the verification of the measurement application, it will be used a tool called Quartus II

    Estudio m茅dico legal del suicidio en Espa帽a en el periodo 2000-2012

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    Regarding the suicide as a cause of death, in this study we start from the assumption that the number os suicides in the XXI century in Spain has changed trough time and considering the age, sex and method used. Having gotten the results from the national statistics institute, we have proved that our hypothesis was correct, observing firstly a higher prevalence among men than women. Regarding the age, the most common group to comit suicide are those between 30 and 40 years old, with little variation over time. Comparing the different methods that are used, we see a predominance of hanging among men, and jumping from a high spot among women, being the other methods far less common. If we study the variation through time of the suicide in general, we may observe an increase from 2005, becoming unwavering, with little variation, from this date.Estudiando el suicidio como causa de muerte, en este estudio partimos de la hip贸tesis de que el n煤mero de suicidios en Espa帽a en el siglo XXI ha variado en el tiempo, con respecto a la edad, sexo y m茅todos utilizados. Obteniendo los datos estad铆sticos del Instituto Nacional de Estad铆stica, hemos comprobado que nuestra hip贸tesis era cierta, observ谩ndose en primer lugar mayor prevalencia entre los hombres que entre las mujeres. Con respecto a la edad, la d茅cada m谩s habitual para los suicidios consumados es entre los 30 y 40 a帽os, con poca variaci贸n a lo largo de los a帽os. Al comparar los m茅todos utilizados, observamos un predominio del ahorcamiento entre los hombres y de precipitaci贸n al vac铆o por parte de las mujeres, quedando el resto de m茅todos por detr谩s. Si tenemos en cuenta la variaci贸n a lo largo del periodo estudiado en t茅rminos globales, podemos hablar de un notable aumento a partir del a帽o 2005 con respecto a los anteriores, manteni茅ndose constante, con ligeras variaciones, a partir de dicho a帽o