76 research outputs found

    Electronic Presentation of Bulgarian Educational Archives: an Ontology-Based Approach

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    The paper presents an ongoing effort aimed at building an electronic archive of documents issued by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education in the 40ies and 50ies of the 20th century. These funds are stored in the Archive of the Ministry of the People’s Education within the State Archival Fund of the General Department of Archives at the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria. Our basic concern is not the digitization process per se, but the subsequent organization of the archive in a clear and easily-searchable way which would allow various types of users to get access to the documents of interest to them. Here we present the variety of the documents which are stored in the archival collection, and suggestions on their electronic organization. We suggest using ontologies- based presentation of the archive. The basic benefit of this approach is the possibility to search the collection according to the stored content categories

    Adapted Physical Activity and Ataxia

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    Ataxia affects the neurological system by impairing balance and motor coordination, which results in significant sensorimotor impairment in both children and adults. Physical activity (PA) has been linked to changes in the structure and functionality of the brain as well as effects on brain plasticity, according to numerous experimental and clinical studies. PA can help with concerns with standing and walking, fine and gross motor function regulation, and muscular tone. This chapter discusses the effects of various training programs on people with ataxia. Exercises that target balance, coordination, and muscular strength include: a) physical activity; b) treadmill training; c) locomotor training on a treadmill; d) trunk stabilization training; e) overground walking for balance; f) intensive exercises; and g) body-controlled videogames (exergames) played at home. Exercise and physical activity must be done frequently to maintain health, wellbeing, and quality of life. The duration and severity of the disease have an impact on how well adapted physical activity works

    EC4, a truncation of soluble N-cadherin, reduces vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis and markers of atherosclerotic plaque instability

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    Atherosclerotic plaque instability is precipitated by vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis in the fibrous cap, weakening it and leading to plaque rupture. We previously showed that reducing smooth muscle cell apoptosis with soluble N-cadherin (SNC) increased features of plaque stability. We have now identified the active site of SNC and examined whether a truncated form containing this site retains the antiapoptotic effect. SNC was mutated to prevent interaction with N-cadherin or fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR). Interaction with FGFR in the extracellular (EC) 4 domain of SNC was essential for the antiapoptotic effect. Therefore, we made a truncated form consisting of the EC4 domain. EC4 significantly reduced smooth muscle cell, macrophage, and endothelial cell apoptosis in vitro by ~70%, similar to SNC. Elevation of plasma levels of EC4 in male apolipoprotein E–deficient mice with existing atherosclerosis significantly reduced apoptosis in brachiocephalic artery plaques by ~50%. EC4 reduced plaque size and the incidence of buried fibrous layers and the macrophage:smooth muscle cell ratio (surrogate markers of plaque instability). Interaction of EC4 with FGFR induced potent antiapoptotic signaling in vitro and in vivo. EC4 modulates atherosclerosis in mice demonstrating its therapeutic potential for retarding plaque size and instability

    The role of cadherins in vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cartel damages actions in accordance with Greek law no. 4529/2018 (transposition law of Directive 2014/104/EU)

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    The present doctoral thesis examines private enforcement and actions for damages in particular for breach of competition law in case of cartels, according to Greek law No. 4529/2018 and Directive 2014/104/EU. The presentation and analysis of the current legal framework aims to contribute to the effectiveness of such actions for damages and to enhance their deterrence effect as a means of enforcement of European and Greek competition law. The analysis covers issues regarding to procedural prerequisites of a cartel damages action (legal standing and liability), as well as the essential legal components of a claim for compensation, such as unlawfulness and the binding effect of final decisions by NCAs and review courts, damages and quantification of harm, causality and fault and attribution. Furthermore, limitation periods and the new provisions for disclosure of evidence are discussed with reference to greek legal practice and finally the issues arising from a claim of restitution for unjust enrichment against a cartel member are addressed. Each issue is presented in light of ECJ’s current jurisprudence, taking into account mostly German and Greek literature and jurisprudence.Η παρούσα διατριβή πραγματεύεται την ιδιωτική επιβολή των κανόνων ανταγωνισμού (private enforcement) και ιδίως τις αγωγές αποζημίωσης από παράβαση των ενωσιακών και ελληνικών κανόνων ανταγωνισμού μέσω οριζόντιων συμπράξεων (καρτέλ), με βάση το Ν. 4529/2018 και την Οδηγία 2014/104/ΕΕ. Η διωκόμενη αποσαφήνιση της νομικής κατάστασης υπό την ισχύ του Ν. 4529/2018 συμβάλλει στην αποτελεσματική άσκηση των αγωγών αποζημίωσης και ενισχύει την αποτρεπτική λειτουργία τους στο σύστημα επιβολής του ενωσιακού και ελληνικού δικαίου ανταγωνισμού. Ερευνά και αναλύει τόσο τις διαδικαστικές προϋποθέσεις της αποζημιωτικής δίκης (ενεργητική και παθητική νομιμοποίηση) όσο και τις ουσιαστικές προϋποθέσεις της αξίωσης αποζημίωσης, όπως είναι το παράνομο και η περί τούτου δεσμευτικότητα των απρόσβλητων αποφάσεων των αρχών ανταγωνισμού και των αναθεωρητικών δικαστηρίων, η ζημία, η αιτιώδης συνάφεια και η υπαιτιότητα. Ακόμη αντικείμενο έρευνας αποτελούν ο καινοφανής θεσμός της κοινοποίησης εγγράφων, τα ζητήματα που συνέχονται με την παραγραφή της αξίωσης αποζημίωσης και τέλος η επικουρική αξίωσης της απόδοσης της κτηθείσας ωφέλειας του παραβάτη με ζημία του ζημιωθέντος. Λαμβάνει υπόψη όλη τη συναφή νομολογία του ΔΕΕ αλλά και, κυρίως, τη γερμανική θεωρία και νομολογία, χωρίς να παραλείπονται οι αναγκαίες αναφορές στο κοινό δίκαιο και τη νομολογία

    Biodiesel production via in situ and conventional transesterification using cynara cardunculus and rapeseed as raw materials

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    This study investigated the alkaline transesterification of Cynara cardunculus L. rapeseed and sunflower (oil and oil seeds) with methanol for the production of biodiesel. Both conventional and in situ transesterification were studied using ultrasonication (24 kHz, without external heating) or mechanical stirring (600 rpm) at 60 ºC and NaOH as a catalyst. Also, the kinetics of rapeseed and cynara oil methanolysis process via direct sonication and mechanical stirring were studied showing that the reaction rate constant is not affected by the method of stirring under specific conditions. The optimization of the in situ transesterification was studied for three different seeds (cynara, rapeseed and sunflower seeds) by applying Response Surface Methodology and investigating four different factors: amount of methanol, amount of catalyst, reaction time and seed size. Heterogeneous catalysis was also used for the transesterification of rapeseed oil using MgO and CaO as catalysts. The samples synthesized in the presence of PVA showed impressive catalytic performance whereas the activity of the samples synthesized in the absence of PVA was quite low. Lastly, the fuels produced were characterized and it was concluded that cynara, rapeseed and sunflower biodiesel properties comply with the specifications of the European Standard EN 14214, and thus the product may be used as an additive to conventional diesel.Στη παρούσα διατριβή μελετήθηκε η αλκαλική μετεστεροποίηση σπόρων ή ελαίων αγριαγκινάρας, ελαιοκράμβης και ηλιόσπορου για την παραγωγή βιοντίζελ χρησιμοποιώντας ομογενή και ετερογενή κατάλυση. Πιο συγκεκριμένα μελετήθηκε η συμβατική και η in situ μετεστεροποίηση με μεθανόλη και NaOH ως καταλύτη εφαρμόζοντας υπέρηχους (24 kHz ) ή μηχανική ανάδευση (600 rpm, 60 ºC). Η κινητική μελέτη της συμβατικής αντίδρασης της μεθανόλυσης έδειξε ότι η σταθερά ταχύτητας της αντίδρασης δεν εξαρτάται από την μέθοδο ανάδευσης σε συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες. Επίσης μελετήθηκε η βελτιστοποίηση της μεθόδου της in situ μετεστεροποίησης με υπέρηχους χρησιμοποιώντας τρία διαφορετικά είδη σπόρων (αγριαγκινάρα, ελαιοκράμβη και ηλιόσπορος) και μελετώντας τέσσερις διαφορετικές παραμέτρους: μέγεθος σπόρων, συγκέντρωση μεθανόλης, συγκέντρωση καταλύτη και χρόνο αντίδρασης εφαρμόζοντας την μεθοδολογία επιφανειών απόκρισης (Response surface methodology ή RSM) έτσι ώστε να διερευνηθεί οι επίδραση των παραμέτρων αλλά και να επιτευχτεί μέγιστη απόδοση. Κατά την μελέτη της ετερογενούς κατάλυσης οι καταλύτες που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ήταν τα MgO και CaO και παρατηρήθηκε ότι η παρουσία πολυβίνυλο αλκοόλης κατά την παρασκευή του MgO αύξησε την δραστικότητα του καταλύτη. Ο χαρακτηρισμός των τελικών προϊόντων έγινε με βάση το Ευρωπαϊκό πρότυπο EN 14214 δείχνοντας ότι το βιοντίζελ που παράχθηκε στη παρούσα διατριβή από τις τρεις διαφορετικές ύλες μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως πρόσθετο στο συμβατικό ντίζελ

    Validity and clinical utility of functional assessments in children with cerebral palsy

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    Objective To examine the validity and clinical utility of functional assessments (1-minute walk test, 10-meter walk test, Timed Up & Go [TUG] test, Timed Up and Down Stairs [TUDS] test, sit-to-stand [STS] test, and lateral step-up [LSU] test). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Four special schools for adolescents with physical disabilities. Participants Adolescents with spastic tetraplegia and diplegia (at levels I-III) were selected through convenience sampling (N=35; mean age, 14.97±2.03y). Interventions Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures GMFM-88 (dimensions D and E), 1-minute walk, 10-meter walk, TUG, TUDS, STS, and LSU tests. Data were analyzed using Pearson intercorrelations, multiple regression analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results Significant moderate to high intercorrelations were found. Three significant positive predictors emerged (1-minute walk, 10-meter walk, and LSU) with the following regression equation: YGMFM -88 (dimensions D and E) = 5.708 +.402 × X 1-minute walk +.920 × XLSU +.404 × X 10-meter walk The MANOVA was significant (Λ=.163, F=14.732, P<.001, η2=.596), and post hoc comparisons revealed significant differences across Gross Motor Function Classification System Expanded and Revised levels in all paired comparisons for the 1-minute walk and LSU tests. For the 10-meter walk test, significant differences were evident in the level I versus level III and level II versus level III comparisons. No significant differences were found in the 10-meter walk test between levels I and II. Conclusions These functional assessments (1-minute walk, LSU, and 10-meter walk tests) are simple to administer, quick, low cost, and user-friendly. Although these assessments are not a substitute for the criterion standard (GMFM-88), they may be used for a quick assessment in adolescents with cerebral palsy (levels I-III) either at school or during rehabilitation, especially when time is limited. © 2014 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine