8 research outputs found

    Improvements in Performance of Nursery Pigs Provided with Supplemental Oil Derived from Black Soldier Fly (<i>Hermetia illucens</i>) Larvae

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    The current study evaluated the impact of increasing levels of supplemental black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) oil, a novel and sustainable feed ingredient, on growth performance and blood chemistry indices in nursery pigs. Pigs were weaned at 21 days of age (n = 192; body weight = 6.9 ± 0.15 kg) and randomly allotted within sex and body weight to 1 of 4 dietary treatments, using 48 pens (4 pigs/pen). Treatments contained 0, 2, 4, or 6% supplemental BSFL oil, replacing equivalent quantities of corn oil. A 3-phase feeding program was used with 14, 11, and 15 days for phase 1 to 3, respectively. Supplementation of BSFL oil linearly (p ≀ 0.052) improved pig body weight and daily gain throughout the study and overall. No differences were observed in feed intake; however, feed efficiency was linearly improved with BSFL oil supplementation for phase 1 and 2 (p p = 0.002) and platelet count tended to increase linearly (p = 0.082) with increasing BSFL oil. No other differences were detected in blood chemistry and all results were within normal ranges. In conclusion, BSFL oil is a valuable, energy-dense feed ingredient that can promote growth performance of nursery pigs

    ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: RUMINANT/ NONRUMINANT FEED COMPOSITION: Challenges and opportunities associated with creating large feed composition tables

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    Traditional feed composition tables have been a useful tool in the field of animal nutrition throughout the last 70 yr. The objective of this paper is to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with creating large feed ingredient composition tables. This manuscript will focus on three topics discussed during the National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) Symposium in ruminant and nonruminant nutrition carried out at the American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, on July 11, 2019, namely: 1) Using large datasets in feed composition tables and the importance of standard deviation in nutrient composition as well as different methods to obtain accurate standard deviation values, 2) Discussing the importance of fiber in animal nutrition and the evaluation of different methods to estimate fiber content of feeds, and 3) Description of novel feed sources, such as insects, algae, and single-cell protein, and challenges associated with the inclusion of such feeds in feed composition tables. Development of feed composition tables presents important challenges. For instance, large datasets provided by different sources tend to have errors and misclassifications. In addition, data are in different file formats, data structures, and feed classifications. Managing such large databases requires computers with high processing power and software that are also able to run automated procedures to consolidate files, to screen out outlying observations, and to detect misclassified records. Complex algorithms are necessary to identify misclassified samples and outliers aimed to obtain accurate nutrient composition values. Fiber is an important nutrient for both monogastrics and ruminants. Currently, there are several methods available to estimate the fiber content of feeds. However, many of them do not estimate fiber accurately. Total dietary fiber should be used as the standard method to estimate fiber concentrations in feeds. Finally, novel feed sources are a viable option to replace traditional feed sources from a nutritional perspective, but the large variation in nutrient composition among batches makes it difficult to provide reliable nutrient information to be tabulated. Further communication and cooperation among different stakeholders in the animal industry are required to produce reliable data on the nutrient composition to be published in feed composition tables

    Fatty Acid Profiles in Managed Care Green and Kemp’s Ridley Turtles over Time

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    To understand fatty acid status and the potential impact of sample storage, dried blood spot (DBS) samples were collected from fourteen green turtles and ten Kemp’s ridleys undergoing rehabilitation. Half the DBS samples from each animal species were collected in 2021 and sent for immediate analysis while the other half were collected in 2017 from different animals and stored at −80 °C for 4 years before analysis. The blood fatty acid profiles in both species during rehabilitation differed visually from prior wild turtle data. Essential fatty acids linoleic (18:2w6) and linolenic acid (18:3w3) were higher in green turtles than in Kemp’s ridleys but both were approximately half of the percentage previously found in wild turtles. No difference in arachidonic acid between species in rehabilitation were found but percentages were approximately 10% of wild representatives. Sea turtle diets in rehabilitation management may need to be evaluated to ensure species-specific fatty acid balance. Twenty-eight of the 36 individual fatty acids tested were found and all seven fatty acid groupings were detected. When analyzed by storage time, 11 individual fatty acids and four fatty acid groups differed (p = 0.05). When compared by species, 14 individual fatty acids and three groups differed. Current data suggest DBS samples may be best utilized when analyzed immediately

    Fatty Acid Profiles in Managed Care Green and Kemp&rsquo;s Ridley Turtles over Time

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    To understand fatty acid status and the potential impact of sample storage, dried blood spot (DBS) samples were collected from fourteen green turtles and ten Kemp&rsquo;s ridleys undergoing rehabilitation. Half the DBS samples from each animal species were collected in 2021 and sent for immediate analysis while the other half were collected in 2017 from different animals and stored at &minus;80 &deg;C for 4 years before analysis. The blood fatty acid profiles in both species during rehabilitation differed visually from prior wild turtle data. Essential fatty acids linoleic (18:2w6) and linolenic acid (18:3w3) were higher in green turtles than in Kemp&rsquo;s ridleys but both were approximately half of the percentage previously found in wild turtles. No difference in arachidonic acid between species in rehabilitation were found but percentages were approximately 10% of wild representatives. Sea turtle diets in rehabilitation management may need to be evaluated to ensure species-specific fatty acid balance. Twenty-eight of the 36 individual fatty acids tested were found and all seven fatty acid groupings were detected. When analyzed by storage time, 11 individual fatty acids and four fatty acid groups differed (p = 0.05). When compared by species, 14 individual fatty acids and three groups differed. Current data suggest DBS samples may be best utilized when analyzed immediately

    ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: RUMINANT/ NONRUMINANT FEED COMPOSITION: Challenges and opportunities associated with creating large feed composition tables

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    Traditional feed composition tables have been a useful tool in the field of animal nutrition throughout the last 70 yr. The objective of this paper is to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with creating large feed ingredient composition tables. This manuscript will focus on three topics discussed during the National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) Symposium in ruminant and nonruminant nutrition carried out at the American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, on July 11, 2019, namely: 1) Using large datasets in feed composition tables and the importance of standard deviation in nutrient composition as well as different methods to obtain accurate standard deviation values, 2) Discussing the importance of fiber in animal nutrition and the evaluation of different methods to estimate fiber content of feeds, and 3) Description of novel feed sources, such as insects, algae, and single-cell protein, and challenges associated with the inclusion of such feeds in feed composition tables. Development of feed composition tables presents important challenges. For instance, large datasets provided by different sources tend to have errors and misclassifications. In addition, data are in different file formats, data structures, and feed classifications. Managing such large databases requires computers with high processing power and software that are also able to run automated procedures to consolidate files, to screen out outlying observations, and to detect misclassified records. Complex algorithms are necessary to identify misclassified samples and outliers aimed to obtain accurate nutrient composition values. Fiber is an important nutrient for both monogastrics and ruminants. Currently, there are several methods available to estimate the fiber content of feeds. However, many of them do not estimate fiber accurately. Total dietary fiber should be used as the standard method to estimate fiber concentrations in feeds. Finally, novel feed sources are a viable option to replace traditional feed sources from a nutritional perspective, but the large variation in nutrient composition among batches makes it difficult to provide reliable nutrient information to be tabulated. Further communication and cooperation among different stakeholders in the animal industry are required to produce reliable data on the nutrient composition to be published in feed composition tables

    Tailoring the properties of grafted silver nanoprism composites

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    We present simple phenomenological evidence linking the optical and tensile properties of nanocomposites of metallic particles in polymer melts to their method of preparation. We made films containing silver nanoprisms embedded in a matrix of poly (vinylpyrrolidone), PVP, or poly (ethylene oxide), PEO, by solvent casting or spin coating. Microscopy imaging revealed that the silver nanoparticles can either disperse uniformly or self-assemble into different structures within the polymer matrix. The type of arrangement depends on the particles concentration, phase of the matrix (amorphous or crystalline) and matrix-particle interactions. In PVP edge-to-face arrangements were observed whereas in PEO the nanoparticles preferentially segregated at the crystal boundaries. Spin coating was found to induce a certain degree of local alignment of the nanoparticles, however the mechanical properties as measured by tensile strain, were not affected at all. The different Ag particle arrangement led to large changes in the optical properties of the composites, as characterized by vis-NIR absorbance spectroscopy. The large sensitivity of the optical properties and virtual insensitivity of mechanical properties constitute design criteria for potential applications