42 research outputs found

    Ergonomics as instrument for prevention against work injury or occupational diseases

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    Ergonomics as complex branch solves work of employee on concrete work place and follows up relationships between human, machine and work environment. Goal of ergonomics is achievement the most appropriate work environment and decreasing of work injuries and occupational diseases probability. This goal will be achievement by implementation of two instruments - process approach which is built on systematic approach and synergy effect of two basic principles technical and human which affect and affect and complement each other. A powerful tool for decreasing of work injuries and occupational diseases probability can be obtained with combination of process approach and synergy effect

    Relative Displacement Sensor

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem optimálních parametrů relativního snímače polohy, pracujícího na elektrodynamickém principu. Snímač je založen na indukci napětí do cívky umístěné v proměnném magnetickém poli. Práce je rozdělena na část úvodní, teoretickou a praktickou. V úvodní části jsou uvedeny základní vztahy mezi snímači výchylky, rychlosti a zrychlení. Teoretická část obsahuje fyzikální pojmy a souvislosti nutné k výpočtům a tvorbě modelu permanentního magnetu v programu COMSOL Multiphysics. Dále je uveden patentový průzkum elektrodynamických snímačů. Praktická část popisuje samotnou tvorbu modelu permanentního magnetu a následný výpočet indukovaného napětí do cívky v programu Matlab. Následuje popis provedených měření v laboratoři a srovnání jejich výsledků se simulací, při kterém byly zjištěny některé neshody, způsobené pravděpodobně chybně provedeným výpočtem indukovaného napětí. Na závěr jsou uvedena obecná doporučení pro návrh snímače vyplývající ze simulací a měření.This thesis deals with design of optimal parameters of a relative displacement sensor, working on the electrodynamics principle. The sensor is based on the voltage induction to the coil placed in changing magnetic field. Thesis is divided into three parts: introductory, theoretical and practical. The introductory part provides basic relationships between displacement, velocity and acceleration sensors. The theoretical part contains physical concepts and describes relationships necessary for calculations and creating a model of permanent magnet in COMSOL Multiphysics. In thesis further presents patent research of electrodynamic sensors. The practical part describes the creation of the permanent magnet model and the subsequent calculation of the induced voltage in the coil in Matlab. A description of laboratory measurements follows, presenting the final comparison of the simulation and measurement results. There were found some differences, which might have been caused by incorrect calculation of the induced voltage. The final part of the thesis presents general recommendations for the design of sensor, resulting from simulations and measurements.

    The equation of State of Biogas

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    The presented work deals with a state behavior of real gas, biogas. Theoretical approach was utilized for processing of this work. Compressibility factor was calculated with help of two equation of state . Van der Waals equation and Redlich.Kwong equation. Constants a and b of both equations were calculated using geometric average of the constants of pure substances. On the basis of calculated data charts showing the dependence of compressibility factor and the pressure were created. These charts were created for temperatures 20 oC and 40 oC. Statistical analyses of data were carried out. The results showed that compressibility factor reached value from 0.997 to 0.97 (20 oC) and from 0.997 to 0.974 (40 oC) in the case Van der Waals equation and in the range of pressure from 100 kPa to 1000 kPa. In the case of Redlich-Kwong equation these values were from 0.997 to 0.967 (20 oC) and from 0.997 to 0.974 (40 oC) in the same range of pressures.O

    Mass Flowmeter

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    Tato práce se zabývá hmotnostním průtokoměrem na principu Coriolisovy síly. První část obsahuje objasnění principu Coriolisova průtokoměru, stručnou historii, popis důležitých částí a základní aplikace. Druhou část tvoří patentový průzkum zaměřený na řešení nejdůležitějších prvků Coriolisova průtokoměru. Jsou to: tvar měřicí trubice, budicí členy, snímače kmitů a způsob vyhodnocování měřeného signálu s kompenzací chyb. Každý uváděný patent obsahuje stručný popis návrhu, případně jeho výhody a nevýhody. Poslední část této práce je zaměřena na praktické ověření principu Coriolisova průtokoměru v laboratorních podmínkách.This work deals with mass flowmeter working on the Coriolis force. The first part contains explanations of Coriolis flowmeter, a short history, description of important parts and basic applications. The second part consists of a patent research, focused on solutions the most important elements of Coriolis flowmeter. These are: shape of the measuring tube, driver members, vibrations sensors and method for evaluating the measured signal with error compensation. Each featured patent contains short description, eventually its advantages and disadvantages The last part of this work is focused on practical Coriolis flowmeter verification in laboratory conditions.

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Biogas Plant – Determination of Assumptions and Estimation of Selected Top Event

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    Biogas plants are a specific facility from the QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment) methodologies' point of view, especially in the case of the determination of the event frequency of accident scenarios for biogas leakage from a gas holder and subsequent initiation. QRA methodologies determine event frequencies for different types of accident events related to vessels made of steel. Gas holders installed at biogas plants are predominantly made of other materials and are often integrated with the fermenter. It is therefore a specific type of gas holder, differing from that which is commonly used in the chemical industry. In addition, long-term experience is not available for the operation of biogas plants, unlike in the chemical industry. The event frequencies listed in the QRA methodologies are not relevant for the risk assessment of biogas plants. This work is focused on setting the prerequisites for QRA of biogas storage, including for example: information on hazardous chemical substances occurring at biogas plants, their classification, and information on the construction of integrated gas holders. For the purpose of the work, a scenario was applied where the greatest damage (to life or property) is expected. This scenario is the leakage of the total volume of hazardous gas substance from the gas holder and subsequent initiation. Based on this information, a "tree" was processed for "Fault Tree Analysis" (FTA), and frequencies were estimated for each event. Thereafter, an "Event Tree Analysis" was carried out. This work follows up on a discussion by experts on the determination of scenario frequencies for biogas plants that was conducted in the past

    Carbodiimide additive to control hydrolytic stability and biodegradability of PLA

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    Enhanced durability of bio-based polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the prerequisites to be a considered as alternative to petroleum-based polymers in long time application. The effect of bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)carbodiimide (BDICDI) additive in various concentration on the extent of hydrolytic stabilization and subsequent degradation kinetics of PLA was studied in the process of abiotic hydrolysis and microbial decomposition under composting conditions. The study showed that BDICDI acts as an efficient stabilizer suppressing the hydrolytic scission of ester bonds of PLA in both degradation processes tested, especially at concentrations above 1.5% w/w. Within the stabilization period which strongly depends on concentrations of BDICDI, suppression of hydrolytic degradation also triggered preservation of thermal and mechanical properties. After the period of stabilization as the dose of stabilizer is depleted, probably via reaction with water molecules and carboxylic groups, the material was hydrolyzed at a comparable or even slightly higher rate than pure PLA. By applying the appropriate amount of BDICDI, the approximate duration of stabilization could be set to suit the desired requirements of the final product. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd15-08287Y, GACR, Czech Science FoundationCzech Science Foundation [15-08287Y]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic [LO1504]; Internal Grant Agency of the Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/CPS/2016/004

    Identifikace, analýza a hodnocení rizik při provozu mostových jeřábů v organizaci Třinecké železárny a.s.

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    Prezenční040 - Katedra bezpečnostního managementuNeuveden

    A Guesthouse with a Restaurant

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    Předmětem předkládané diplomové práce je zpracování návrhu penzionu s restaurací ve formě projektové dokumentace, včetně problémů, které s daným tématem souvisí. Objekt se bude nacházet ve městě Bystřice pod Hostýnem, bude nepodsklepený s 3 nadzemními podlažími. Terén na stavební parcele rovný bez sklonu. Objekt bude proveden ze zděného systému POROTHERM a předpjatých panelů SPIROLL. Objekt bude mít plochou střechu. Při návrhu byl hlavně kladen důraz na funkčnost, dispozici a architektonickou stránku užívání domu.The aim of my diplom thesis is a project of a boarding house with a restaurant. The project is created in form of project documentation including all problems and related issues. The building is situated in Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The building is without cellar with three above-ground floors and it is built from brick system POROTHERM and prestressed concrete floor slab SPIROLL. The construction has warm flat roof. Concerning house-building plot, terrain is flat without any inclination. This project is primarily focused on functional, disposal and architectural aspects of building.