533 research outputs found

    The lipid and glyceride profiles of infant formula differ by manufacturer, region and date sold

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    Abstract: We tested the hypothesis that the lipid composition of infant formula is consistent between manufacturers, countries and by target demographic. We developed techniques to profile the lipid and glyceride fraction of milk and formula in a high throughput fashion. Formula from principal brands in the UK (2017-2019; bovine-, caprine-, soya-based), the Netherlands (2018; bovine-based) and South Africa (2018; bovine-based) were profiled along with fresh British animal and soya milk and skimmed milk powder. We found that the lipid and glyceride composition of infant formula differed by region, manufacturer and date of manufacture. The formulations within some brands, aimed at different target age ranges, differed considerably where others were similar across the range. Soya lecithin and milk lipids had characteristic phospholipid profiles. Particular sources of fat, such as coconut oil, were also easy to distinguish. Docosahexaenoic acid is typically found in triglycerides rather than phospholipids in formula. The variety by region, manufacturer, date of manufacture and sub-type for target demographics lead to an array of lipid profiles in formula. This makes it impossible to predict its molecular profile. Without detailed profile of the formula fed to infants, it is difficult to characterise the relationship between infant nutrition and their growth and development.Financial support came from the BBSRC (BB/M027252/1) and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Cambridge. This research is supported by funding from the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centr

    Extraction of Lipids from Liquid Biological Samples for High-Throughput Lipidomics

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    Extraction of the lipid fraction is a key part of acquiring lipidomics data. High-throughput lipidomics, the extraction of samples in 96w plates that are then run on 96 or 384w plates, has particular requirements that mean special development work is needed to fully optimise an extraction method. Several methods have been published as suitable for it. Here, we test those methods using four liquid matrices: milk, human serum, homogenised mouse liver and homogenised mouse heart. In order to determine the difference in performance of the methods as objectively as possible, we used the number of lipid variables identified, the total signal strength and the coefficient of variance to quantify the performance of the methods. This showed that extraction methods with an aqueous component were generally better than those without for these matrices. However, methods without an aqueous fraction in the extraction were efficient for milk samples. Furthermore, a mixture containing a chlorinated solvent (dichloromethane) appears to be better than an ethereal solvent (tert-butyl methyl ether) for extracting lipids. This study suggests that a 3:1:0.005 mixture of dichloromethane, methanol and triethylammonium chloride, with an aqueous wash, is the most efficient of the currently reported methods for high-throughput lipid extraction and analysis. Further work is required to develop non-aqueous extraction methods that are both convenient and applicable to a broad range of sample types

    Peroxisomal 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase Is Involved in Endogenous Biosynthesis of Heptadecanoic Acid.

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    Circulating heptadecanoic acid (C17:0) is reported to be a pathology risk/prognosis biomarker and a dietary biomarker. This pathology relationship has been shown to be reliably predictive even when independent of dietary contributions, suggesting that the endogenous biosynthesis of C17:0 is related to the pathological aetiology. Little is known about C17:0 biosynthesis, which tissues contribute to the circulating levels, and how C17:0 is related to pathology. Hacl1+/- mice were mated to obtain Hacl1-/- and Hacl1+/+ control mice. At 14 weeks, they were anesthetized for tissue collection and fatty acid analysis. Compared to Hacl1+/+, C15:0 was not significantly affected in any Hacl1-/- tissues. However, the Hacl1-/- plasma and liver C17:0 levels were significantly lower: ~26% and ~22%, respectively. No significant differences were seen in the different adipose tissues. To conclude, Hacl1 plays a significant role in the liver and plasma levels of C17:0, providing evidence it can be endogenously biosynthesized via alpha-oxidation. The strong inverse association of C17:0 with pathology raises the question whether there is a direct link between α-oxidation and these diseases. Currently, there is no clear evidence, warranting further research into the role of α-oxidation in relation to metabolic diseases

    Semi-quantitative and structural metabolic phenotyping by direct infusion ion trap mass spectrometry and its application in genetical metabolomics

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    The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for plant metabolites requires the quantitation of these metabolites across a large range of progeny. We developed a rapid metabolic profiling method using both untargeted and targeted direct infusion tandem mass spectrometry (DIMSMS) with a linear ion trap mass spectrometer yielding sufficient precision and accuracy for the quantification of a large number of metabolites in a high-throughput environment. The untargeted DIMSMS method uses top-down data-dependent fragmentation yielding MS2 and MS3 spectra. We have developed software tools to assess the structural homogeneity of the MS2 and MS3 spectra hence their utility for phenotyping and genetical metabolomics. In addition we used a targeted DIMS(MS) method for rapid quantitation of specific compounds. This method was compared with targeted LC/MS/MS methods for these compounds. The DIMSMS methods showed sufficient precision and accuracy for QTL discovery. We phenotyped 200 individual Lolium perenne genotypes from a mapping population harvested in two consecutive years. Computational and statistical analyses identified 246 nominal m/z bins with sufficient precision and homogeneity for QTL discovery. Comparison of the data for specific metabolites obtained by DIMSMS with the results from targeted LC/MS/MS analysis showed that quantitation by this metabolic profiling method is reasonably accurate. Of the top 100 MS1 bins, 22 ions gave one or more reproducible QTL across the 2 years. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    A combination of metabolites predicts adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern and its associations with insulin sensitivity and lipid homeostasis in the general population: The Fenland Study, United Kingdom

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiometabolic benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been recognized, but underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate how the Mediterranean diet could influence circulating metabolites and how the metabolites could mediate the associations of the diet with cardiometabolic risk factors. METHODS: Among 10,806 participants (58.9% women, mean age = 48.4 y) in the Fenland Study (2004-2015) in the United Kingdom, we assessed dietary consumption with FFQs and conducted a targeted metabolomics assay for 175 plasma metabolites (acylcarnitines, amines, sphingolipids, and phospholipids). We examined cross-sectional associations of the Mediterranean diet score (MDS) and its major components with each metabolite, modeling multivariable-adjusted linear regression. We used the regression estimates to summarize metabolites associated with the MDS into a metabolite score as a marker of the diet. Subsequently, we assessed how much metabolite subclasses and the metabolite score would mediate the associations of the MDS with circulating lipids, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and other metabolic factors by comparing regression estimates upon adjustment for the metabolites. RESULTS: Sixty-six metabolites were significantly associated with the MDS (P ≤ 0.003, corrected for false discovery rate) (Spearman correlations, r: -0.28 to +0.28). The metabolite score was moderately correlated with the MDS (r = 0.43). Of MDS components, consumption of nuts, cereals, and meats contributed to variations in acylcarnitines; fruits, to amino acids and amines; and fish, to phospholipids. The metabolite score was estimated to explain 37.2% of the inverse association of the MDS with HOMA-IR (P for mediation < 0.05). The associations of the MDS with cardiometabolic factors were estimated to be mediated by acylcarnitines, sphingolipids, and phospholipids. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple metabolites relate to the Mediterranean diet in a healthy general British population and highlight the potential to identify a set of biomarkers for an overall diet. The associations may involve pathways of phospholipid metabolism, carnitine metabolism, and development of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia

    A mouse model of gestational diabetes shows dysregulated lipid metabolism post-weaning, after return to euglycaemia

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    Background: Gestational diabetes is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease for the mother in the decade after delivery. However, the molecular mechanisms that drive these effects are unknown. Recent studies in humans have shown that lipid metabolism is dysregulated before diagnosis of and during gestational diabetes and we have shown previously that lipid metabolism is also altered in obese female mice before, during and after pregnancy. These observations led us to the hypothesis that this persistent dysregulation reflects an altered control of lipid distribution throughout the organism.Methods: We tested this in post-weaning (PW) dams using our established mouse model of obese GDM (high fat, high sugar, obesogenic diet) and an updated purpose-built computational tool for plotting the distribution of lipid variables throughout the maternal system (Lipid Traffic Analysis v2.3).Results: This network analysis showed that unlike hyperglycaemia, lipid distribution and traffic do not return to normal after pregnancy in obese mouse dams. A greater range of phosphatidylcholines was found throughout the lean compared to obese post-weaning dams. A range of triglycerides that were found in the hearts of lean post-weaning dams were only found in the livers of obese post-weaning dams and the abundance of odd-chain FA-containing lipids differed locally in the two groups. We have therefore shown that the control of lipid distribution changed for several metabolic pathways, with evidence for changes to the regulation of phospholipid biosynthesis and FA distribution, in a number of tissues.Conclusions: We conclude that the control of lipid metabolism is altered following an obese pregnancy. These results support the hypothesis that obese dams that developed GDM maintain dysregulated lipid metabolism after pregnancy even when glycaemia returned to normal, and that these alterations could contribute to the increased risk of later type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
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