289 research outputs found

    Influence de la taille des vitroplants et du type d’explant sur la réponse à la callogenèse chez le cotonnier (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivé en Côte d’Ivoire

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    L’aptitude à la callogenèse chez le cotonnier a été estimée par le taux d’induction et le poids sec des cals en fonction de la source de l’explant et de la taille des plantules. Le taux d’induction des cals augmente avec la taille des plantules alors que le poids sec des cals ; résultat de la croissance des cals, évolue en sens contraire. L’hypocotyle permet d’induire une bonne callogenèse suivi de la racine et du cotylédon quelle que soit la taille des plantules. Les plantules de petite taille ont une bonne aptitude à la  callogenèse pour les explants hypocotyles et racines alors que pour les explants cotylédons, ce sont les plantules de grande taille qui favorisent l’induction des cals.Mots clés: Cal, explant, cotonnier, <i>Gossypium hirsutum</i>, vitroplants

    Bibliographic Review of Aquatric Systems and their Relevance to the Ivory Coast, a Sub-Saharan African Country

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    Through a review of aquaponic techniques, the present work highlights the interest aroused by this practice in the world as well as different modes of exploitation. Aquaponics is defined as a coupling between a recirculated aquaculture compartment and an aboveground crop compartment. Since two decades, it has been the subject of a significant economic activity in Canada, the USA, Australia and induces numerous research activities. This system is subdivided into three (3) major techniques which are the culture techniques on bed of inert substrates, on nutritive film and that of rafts. Aquaponics is the subject of profitable industrial economic activity on both large and small scale in the USA and Canada. Given the benefits of low water consumption, the non-use of fertilizers and pesticides, aquaponics is unquestionably according to researchers and users, the system capable of revolutionizing livestock farming and agriculture around the world. CĂ´te d'Ivoire is suffering not only from the consequences of climate change but also from rapid urbanization, with the consequent change in water resources. Aquaponics deserves to be mastered then popularized in this country, to help produce fish and plants of better quality while avoiding the waste of water caused by traditional livestock systems

    Dynamiques Socio-Economiques de l’Adoption de la Culture de l’Anacarde en Milieu Rural Ivoirien : Cas de la Sous-Préfecture de Languibonou

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    Résumé - La culture de l’anacarde en Côte d’Ivoire occupe une place importante dans l’économie rurale. Depuis les politiques de valorisation de cette culture, elle se présente comme la culture traditionnelle pour les populations du centre et du nord à la substitution du vivrier et du maraîcher. Tout en privilégiant l’approche mixte, l’étude a mobilisé la recherche documentaire, un questionnaire et un guide d’entretien pour la collecte des données sur le terrain. La théorie du changement social et celle de l’acteur stratégique ont servi de fondement théorique à l’analyse des données. Comme résultat, on retient que malgré les contraintes du marché liées aux fluctuations des prix bord-champ, l’anacarde fournit des revenus importants aux paysans et contribue au développement local à travers la création d’emplois directs et indirects. Face aux contraintes du marché, ils développent des stratégies d’extension des surfaces dans le but d’accroître leur production agricole. Celles-ci servent de stratégie de captation du foncier et constitue une menace pour l’économie alimentaire.Abstract – the cultivation of cashews in the Ivory Coast occupies an important place in the rural economy. Since the promotion policies of this culture, it presents itself as the traditional culture for the populations of the center and north in the substitution of the food crop and the market gardener. While favoring the mixed approach, the study mobilized documentary research, a questionnaire and an interview guide for collecting data in the field.the theory of social change and that of strategic actor served as the theoretical basis for the analysis of the data. As a result, we note that despite the market constraints linked to price fluctuations on the field, the cashew nut provides significant income to farmers and contributes to local development through the creation of direct and indirect jobs. Faced with market constraints, they are developing land extension strategies in order to increase their agricultural production. These serve as a land capture strategy and pose a threat to the food economy.Keywords – Agriculture, Cashew, Peasant, Economic Change,  Local developmen

    Bibliographic Review of Aquaponic Systems and their Relevance to Côte d’Ivoire, a Sub-Saharan African Country

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    Through a review of aquaponic techniques, the present work highlights the interest aroused by this practice in the world as well as different modes of exploitation. Aquaponics is defined as a coupling between a recirculated aquaculture compartment and an aboveground crop compartment. Since two decades, it has been the subject of a significant economic activity in Canada, the USA, Australia and induces numerous research activities. This system is subdivided into three (3) major techniques which are the culture techniques on bed of inert substrates, on nutritive film and that of rafts. Aquaponics is the subject of profitable industrial economic activity on both large and small scale in the USA and Canada. Given the benefits of low water consumption, then on-use of fertilizers and pesticides, aquaponics is unquestionably according to researchers and users, the system capable of revolutionizing livestock farming and agriculture around the world. CĂ´te d'Ivoire is suffering not only from the consequences of climate change but also from rapid urbanization, with the consequent change in water resources. Aquaponics deserves to be mastered then popularized in this country, to help produce fish and plants of better quality while avoiding the waste of water caused by traditional livestock systems

    Effect of an Aqueous Extract of Alchornea Cordifolia (Euphorbiacea) Leaves on Sperm Parameters and Reproductive Function of Male Wistar Rats

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    Alchornea cordifolia (euphorbiaceae) is a tree whose leaves are used in traditional medicine to cure several health problems. Little information, however, exist on the effects of this herb on the male reproductive system. In order to assess the effect of Alchornea cordifolia on reproductive male parameters and testosterone production, twenty-four male wistar rats divided into four groups of six rats were used. The aqualus extract of Alchornea cordifolia was administered at a dose of 100 mg/kg of bw, 200 mg/kg of bw, and 400 mg/kg of bw per day, orally for 60 days. A significant increase in androgen-dependent organs, testosterone quantity, mobility, and sperm concentration was observed at doses of 200 mg/kg of bw and 400 mg/kg of bw. Only the unwinger sperm count significantly increased at the 100 mg/kg of bw dose. These results revealed that the aqualius extract of the leaves of Alchornea cordifolia has the potential to improve sperm quality and have positive effects on the reproductive system

    Les Mutuelles d’Asistance Funéraire dans les Perspectives Socioéconomiques à Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Cet article analyse la dynamique des mutuelles d’assistance funĂ©raire et de leur impact socioĂ©conomique dans les espaces urbains en CĂ´te d’Ivoire. En effet, BouakĂ©, Ă  l’instar de certaines villes ivoiriennes s’illustre dans ces dernières annĂ©es par un nombre croissant de mutuelles d’assistance funĂ©raire. Ce travail de recherche a adoptĂ© les mĂ©thodes quantitatives et qualitatives. Ă€ cet effet, les entretiens et les questionnaires menĂ©s respectivement auprès des responsables des diffĂ©rentes structures et des mutualistes rĂ©vèlent que dans les diffĂ©rentes mutuelles interrogĂ©es Ă  BouakĂ©, de 2008 Ă  2022, le nombre total d’adhĂ©rents est passĂ© de 1734 Ă  36642. Par ailleurs, le nombre de mutuelles d’assistance funĂ©raire sur la mĂŞme pĂ©riode est passĂ© de 7 Ă  14. Aussi, les montants des assistances sont-ils passĂ©s de 100.000 F CFA Ă  1.000.000 F CFA par mutualiste. En somme, l’on constate une multiplication des adhĂ©sions dans l’ensemble de ces mutuelles enquĂŞtĂ©es. Cet engouement autour de ces mutuelles s’explique par plusieurs raisons, entre autres, la spontanĂ©itĂ© et l’importance des prestations financières consistantes. Ces mannes financières sont dans l’ensemble, rĂ©investies dans des activitĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ratrices de revenus ou l’immobilier.   This article analyzes the dynamics of funeral assistance mutuals and their socio-economic impact in urban spaces in CĂ´te d'Ivoire.  Indeed, BouakĂ©, like some Ivorian towns, has distinguished itself in recent years by a growing number of mutual funeral assistance funds.  This research work adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods.  To this end, the interviews and questionnaires conducted respectively with the heads of the various structures and the mutualists reveal that in the various mutuals questioned in BouakĂ©, from 2008 to 2022, the total number of members increased from 1,734 to 36,642., the number of mutuals of funeral assistance over the same period rose from 7 to 14. Also, the amounts of assistance increased from 100,000 CFA francs to 1,000,000 CFA francs per mutualist.  In short, there is an increase in membership in all of the mutuals surveyed.  This enthusiasm for these mutuals can be explained by several reasons, among others, the spontaneity and the importance of consistent financial services.  These financial windfalls are generally reinvested in income-generating activities or real estate
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