42 research outputs found
A Professional Learning Community Approach to Improving English/Language Arts Instructional Planning
Simply defined, effective English Language Arts (ELA) instruction is cohesive, integrated, and requires students to think deeply. Creating such instruction is difficult, however, because of insufficient training in instructional planning and the numerous types of curricula teachers must navigate that may not align well. Therefore, new secondary ELA teachers could benefit from high quality professional development focused on effective ELA planning practices. In this case study, a group of five secondary ELA teachers from different schools worked together with an expert facilitator to test the effectiveness of a professional learning community (PLC) model of professional development, a form that demonstrated promise for effective professional development. Using qualitative methods, this study determined (a) the instructional planning needs of new ELA teachers (b) how the PLC impacted teachersâ planning for cohesive, integrated, and deeply thoughtful instruction, and (c) what strengths and weaknesses existed in the design of this online training environment. Findings suggest that teachers have instructional planning needs across the domains of cohesion, integration, and content depth that teachers can improve within a PLC of this kind. Teachers most often improved in their understanding of between unit cohesion as well as wherever they had preintervention interests. However, the teachersâ growth was limited, overall, suggesting training of this kind should occur over longer than five weeks and/or with a different disbursement of the content. Implications include that even when preservice and in-service supports exist to assist new teachers with instructional planning, teachers will likely need professional development for instructional planning because of the highly contextualized and nuanced nature of the topics studied. In addition, PLCs seem to offer a viable way to offer assistance to new ELA teachers in improving their instructional planning. However, the limited nature of available research using this professional development model suggests that continued research should occur. This studyâs strengths and weaknesses in content and design may help others to fill in some of the gaps of PLC design options in future iterations of instructional planning PLCs that use technology-based platforms for collaboration
Strategizing of startup activity company: initialization and project implementation
У статті розглянуто сучасну концепцію стратегування стартап активності. Систематизовано концептуальні принципи стратегування стартап активності та конкретизовано їх інституційне оформлення в сучасних умовах на прикладі КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського. Технологія стратегування стартап активності складається зі змістовної і орга-нізаційних компонентів. Технологія стратегування стартап активності пропонується як сукупність змістовної ком-поненти: стратегічний аналіз; фактичний аналіз ресурсів; план реалізації стратегії; стратегічний синтез ключових факторів розвитку; формування бажаного майбутнього; формування стратегічних цілей та відповідних пріоритетів розвитку; розробка прогнозних сценаріїв; розробка набору програм і проектів, пов'язаних з "деревом цілей"; розробка механізмів реалізації стратегії та моніторингу. Технологія організаційної складової стратегічних робіт базується на використанні засобів організації діяльності, спільної організації учасників стратегічного процесу, а також на проце-дурах розробки, запуску та реалізації стратегій розвитку. В якості дослідницької бази результати Модулю Жан Моне «Європейські бізнес-моделі: трансформація, гармонізація та впровадження в Україні» використовуються для показу можливостей стартап активності в Україні. Також були використані дані українського статистичного агентства та відкриті міжнародні рейтинги. Загальна соціально-економічна ситуація для стартапів частково виявляється тен-денціями інноваційної діяльності українських компаній. Проаналізовано основні показники розвитку малого бізнесу в Україні у 2013–2019 роках. Як оптимальну модель управління подано КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського з поєднанням інновацій-ної екосистеми та набором проектів у рамках місії та загальної стратегії. Кейс-проект демонструє позитивне зміц-нення навичок студентів щодо перетворення інноваційних бізнес-ідей на бізнес-модель; пропонує перший практичний досвід ефективної командної взаємодії у бізнес-симуляціях.In the article the modern concept of strategizing of startup activity are considered. The conceptual principles of strategizing startup activity are systematized and its institutional design in modern conditions is specified on the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The technology of strategizing startup activity consists of essential and organizational components. The technology of strategizing startup activity is proposed as a set of essential component: strategic analysis; actual resource analysis; strategy implementation plan; strategic synthesis of key development factors; formation of the desired future; genera-tion of strategic goals and relevant development priorities; development of forecast scenarios; development of a set of programs and projects related to the "goal tree"; development of mechanisms for strategy implementation and monitoring. The technology of organizational component of strategic works is based on the use of means of organizing activities, co-organization of partici-pants in the strategic process, as well as on the procedures for developing, launching and implementing development strategies. As a research base the results of the Jean Monnet Module «European business models: transformation, harmonization and implementation in Ukraine» are used to show the opportunities for startup activity in Ukraine. Also, data from Ukrainian sta-tistic agency and the open international rankings were used. The general socio-economic situation for startup is partly revealed by tendencies of innovative activity of Ukrainian companies. The main indicators of small businesses development in Ukraine in 2013–2019 are analyzed. As the optimal management model, Igor Sikorsky KPI was represented like a model with a combi-nation of innovative ecosystem and a set of endeavor projects in framework of mission and general strategy. The case project shows positive reinforcement of students’ skills of transforming innovative business ideas into a business model; proposes the first practical experience of effective team interaction in solving business simulation
O presente trabalho trata da construção otimizada de horário escolar de turmas em escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, utilizando técnicas da Pesquisa operacional. Trata-se de problema complexo, envolvendo inúmeras variáveis, que ocorre a cada início de ano ou por mudança de turmas e professores, aposentadorias e licenças. Na construção do modelo são utilizadas restrições correspondentes a exigências administrativas como: máximo de duas aulas diárias por professor em uma mesma turma, aulas vagas dos professores preferencialmente as primeiras e/ou últimas, disponibilidades dos professores quanto a dias da semana; preferências de três professores por atuarem em três dias quaisquer dos cinco dias da semana e restrições para assegurar uma aula por turma e uma aula por professor em um mesmo horário. Para atender as exigências de aulas vagas no início e/ou final do turno, foram estabelecidos pesos adequados para interferência nas regras lexicográficas do simplex, forçando definições de horários que melhoram o valor da função objetivo. A definição das variáveis de decisão (binárias) foi realizada a partir de conjuntos de turmas e de dias da semana de cada professor, proporcionando uma redução de 6300 variáveis de decisão possíveis para 2510 utilizadas, devido à estrutura de esparsidade, pois nem todos os professores têm aulas em todas as turmas. São utilizadas também 15 variáveis binárias auxiliares às quais são impostas restrições que resultam na designação de aulas em três de cinco dias disponíveis. O problema foi implementado no LINGO versão 6.0 educacional, cuja solução apresenta 300 variáveis de decisão não nulas (horários designados)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo traçar o perfil dos acadêmicos do 1º ano do Curso de Ciências Licenciatura Plena da Unicentro Campus de Irati. De acordo com os procedimentos técnicos, trata-se de um estudo de caso descritivo-exploratório, em função dos objetivos, e de natureza qualitativa, sendo que o instrumento de coleta de dados foi através de aplicação de questionários, os quais foram tabulados e analisados, gerando um valor percentual para cada variável em estudo, as quais foram interseccionadas para obtenção de novos dados. Conclui-se que os acadêmicos ingressantes no 1º Ano do Curso de Ciências Licenciatura Plena, em sua maioria, já frequentaram cursos de informática, proporcionando-lhes relativos conhecimentos básicos de informática e internet. Considerável número de acadêmicos acessam a internet através dos laboratórios da universidade em seus horários livres de aula no período da noite, com uma frequência de duas vezes por semana, indicando que a universidade se torna um importante elo de ligação para o mundo digital. A principal finalidade do uso da internet é para pesquisas acadêmicas e busca de informações através da navegação pelas páginas web, com o intuito de atualização. No entanto, o computador e a internet não são utilizados como ferramenta complementar para as aulas do curso de graduação, o que possibilita inferir restrições quanto à adequada capacitação dos profissionais, em função da não utilização dos recursos da tecnologia aplicáveis ao sistema didático pedagógico.Abstract The present study has as objective to trace the profile of the students of the first year of the Course of Science Lato Sensu at Unicentro - Campus of Irati. According to technical procedures, it deals with a descriptive and exploratory case study in relation to the objectives and to the qualitative nature, as the data collection was carried out by means of the application of questionnaires, which were tabulated and analyzed, generating a percentage value for each variable in the study, which were intersectioned to obtain new data. It is concluded that the students from the first year of the Science Course, in the majority, have already attended some computer science courses, providing them with basic knowledge of Computer Science and Internet. A considerable number of students has access to Internet by means of the laboratories of the university in their free time of classes in the evening, with a frequency of two times per week, indicating that the university has become an important link of connection to the digital world. The main purpose of the use of the Internet is for academic research and to search for information by means of navigation in the web pages, with the intention of keeping themselves up to date. However, the computer and the Internet are not used as complementary tool for the lessons of the graduation course, what it makes possible to infer restrictions in relation to the adequate qualification of the professionals, as these technological resources have not been applied to the pedagogical didactic system
Legislación de la bruja: una genealogía del pensamiento jurídico
Long before the prosecution of individuals for witchcraft was rendered a legal impossibility in the states of modern Europe, the judicial and executive institutions of those states and their precursors were decisive in both legitimating and moderating, facilitating and constraining the detection, trial, and execution of alleged witches. If we are to impute more than unresolved cognitive dissonance to this paradoxical relationship of the apparatus of state to the perceived reality and threat of witchcraft, then the preconditions and contextual factors predicating that relationship bear investigation. This paper identifies genealogical traces of criminological, political, social, and religious thought embedded within several pivotal bodies of early-modern law pertaining to witchcraft, and attempts to infer the cultural, institutional, and textual sources and conditions from which they derive.Mucho antes de que la persecución de los individuos por brujería se convirtiera en una imposibilidad jurídica en los Estados de la Europa moderna, las instituciones judiciales y ejecutivas de esos Estados y sus precursores fueron decisivas para legitimar y moderar, facilitar y restringir la detección, el juicio y la ejecución de supuestas brujas. Si hemos de imputar más que una disonancia cognitiva no resuelta a esta relación paradójica del aparato del estado con la realidad percibida y la amenaza de la brujería, entonces las precondiciones y los factores contextuales que predican esa relación llevan a la investigación. Este artículo identifica huellas genealógicas de pensamiento criminológico, político, social y religioso incrustado dentro de varios cuerpos fundamentales del derecho temprano-moderno relacionados con la brujería, e intenta inferir las fuentes y condiciones culturales, institucionales y textuales de las cuales derivan
Execution and defense of diploma theses for the master’s level
Посібник містить загальні положення щодо виконання та захисту кваліфікаційних робіт другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти, розкриває їх тематику, зміст, структуру та вимоги до оформлення.
Навчальне видання призначене для студентів, які навчаються за освітньо-професійною програмою «Менеджмент і бізнес-адміністрування» спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент» КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського.The manual contains general regulations for the execution and defense of qualification theses of the second (master’s) level of higher education, reveals their subject matter, content, structure and requirements for registration.
The educational edition is intended for students who study under the educational and professional program «Management and business administration» specialty 073 «Management» of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute