194 research outputs found

    Xylem Vessels Traits of Oil Palm Roots Influenced by Root Diameter and Soil Hydrological Regime

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    Oil palm has been widely studied regarding growth and development, water use, productivity, and other economically relevant functions. However, not much is known about the hydraulic conductivity of oil palm root systems and how xylem vessels perform their function to transport water from roots to shoots so far. This information is needed to describe oil palm strategies to maintain water status, especially in oil palms that grow under various soil hydrological regimes. To investigate the root hydraulic performance, we measured mean xylem vessel diameter (D), vessel density (VD), vessel lumen area (Alumen), and potential hydraulic conductivity (Kp) for oil palm root samples in seasonally flooded riparian and well-drained sites at Harapan Jambi Forest. The result showed that D, Alumen, and Kp increased with increasing root diameter at both plantation types. On the contrary, VD significantly decreased with increasing root diameter. Potential hydraulic conductivity (Kp) in riparian sites was smaller than in well-drained sites and significantly different in root diameter >2-5 and >5-10 mm and related to both plantation types. The low potential hydraulic conductivity of root xylem vessels and the narrowing of xylem vessel lumen that occurs in oil palm roots in the seasonally flooded riparian sites were presumed as adaptation mechanisms to maintain water supply from the roots to the shoot in oil palm plants in these sites

    Evaluation of the Occlusal Conditions in Patients with and without Dysfunction of the Masticatory Apparatus

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    The aim of the study was to ascertain whether there is any correlation between occlusal abnormalities with dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus. (DMA) 137 young people between 16-19 years of age were examined, including 57 with DMA and 80 without DMA. The diagnosis was established with the agreement of the International Headache Society (IHS) criteria and directories of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. (AAOP). The occlusal conditions were evaluated with the help of the computer aided system T-Scan II (Tekscan, Inc, Boston, USA). According to this method occlusal point contacts (premature contacts) were evaluated at the beginning of the occlusion (centric relation-CR). At this time percentage distribution of the relative net force between teeth were determined. Teeth contacts with the maximum rel ative force along the dental arch were also recorded. In this way premature traumatic contacts were determined. There were also evaluated areas of support for the particular teeth or groups of the teeth in the maximum intercuspal position (MIP). The center of occlusal forces (COF) in MIP were then recorded. Finally percentage distribution of the values of the resultant occlusal force moments, acting on both sides of the dental arch, were evaluated. As normal differences in these values less than 9 % between bothsides of the dental arch were accepted. The other groups were defined on the basis of the differences in the values of both sides of the dental arch in the range: 10-19% as a satisfactory group, 20-29% as a moderate group, 30-39% as a high degree group and finally more than 40% as a very high degree group. The obtained results were submitted for statistical analysis. No correlations were found between occlusal abnormalities and DMA

    Reversible, High-Affinity Surface Capturing of Proteins Directed by Supramolecular Assembly

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    The ability to design surfaces with reversible, high-affinity protein binding sites represents a significant step forward in the advancement of analytical methods for diverse biochemical and biomedical applications. Herein, we report a dynamic supramolecular strategy to directly assemble proteins on surfaces based on multivalent host–guest interactions. The host–guest interactions are achieved by one-step nanofabrication of a well-oriented β-cyclodextrin host-derived self-assembled monolayer on gold (β-CD-SAM) that forms specific inclusion complexes with hydrophobic amino acids located on the surface of the protein. Cytochrome c, insulin, α-chymotrypsin, and RNase A are used as model guest proteins. Surface plasmon resonance and static time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry studies demonstrate that all four proteins interact with the β-CD-SAM in a specific manner via the hydrophobic amino acids on the surface of the protein. The β-CD-SAMs bind the proteins with high nanomolar to single-digit micromolar dissociation constants (KD). Importantly, while the proteins can be captured with high affinity, their release from the surface can be achieved under very mild conditions. Our results expose the great advantages of using a supramolecular approach for controlling protein immobilization, in which the strategy described herein provides unprecedented opportunities to create advanced bioanalytic and biosensor technologies

    State-of-the-art report: Intergenerational linkages in families

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    __Abstract__ We present a state-of-the-art of the literature on linkages between generations within families. We focus specifically on intergenerational coresidence, upward and downward intergenerational transfers in families and the relationship between norms of family obligation and intergenerational transfers. An overview of the academic literature on these topics is provided, as well as suggestions for future research

    Complementary feeding and overweight in European preschoolers : the ToyBox-study

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    Complementary feeding (CF) should start between 4-6 months of age to ensure infants' growth but is also linked to childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association of the timing of CF, breastfeeding and overweight in preschool children. Infant-feeding practices were self-reported in 2012 via a validated questionnaire by >7500 parents from six European countries participating in the ToyBox-study. The proportion of children who received breast milk and CF at 4-6 months was 51.2%. There was a positive association between timing of solid food (SF) introduction and duration of breastfeeding, as well as socioeconomic status and a negative association with smoking throughout pregnancy (p = 4 months or were formula-fed. The study did not identify any significant association between the timing of introducing SF and obesity in childhood. It is likely that other factors than timing of SF introduction may have impact on childhood obesity

    Protein identification by 3D OrbiSIMS to facilitate in situ imaging and depth profiling

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    Label-free protein characterization at surfaces is commonly achieved using digestion and/or matrix application prior to mass spectrometry. We report the assignment of undigested proteins at surfaces in situ using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Ballistic fragmentation of proteins induced by a gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) leads to peptide cleavage producing fragments for subsequent OrbitrapTM analysis. In this work we annotate 16 example proteins (up to 272 kDa) by de novo peptide sequencing and illustrate the advantages of this approach by characterizing a protein monolayer biochip and the depth distribution of proteins in human skin

    Metabolomic and Proteomic Analysis of ApoE4-Carrying H4 Neuroglioma Cells in Alzheimer’s Disease Using OrbiSIMS and LC-MS/MS

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    Growing clinical evidence reveals that systematic molecular alterations in the brain occur 20 years before the onset of AD pathological features. Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) is one of the most significant genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is not only associated with the AD pathological features such as amyloid-β deposition, phosphorylation of tau proteins, and neuroinflammation but is also involved in metabolism, neuron growth, and synaptic plasticity. Multiomics, such as metabolomics and proteomics, are applied widely in identifying key disease-related molecular alterations and disease-progression-related changes. Despite recent advances in the development of analytical technologies, screening the entire profile of metabolites remains challenging due to the numerous classes of compounds with diverse chemical properties that require different extraction processes for mass spectrometry. In this study, we utilized Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (OrbiSIMS) as a chemical filtering screening tool to examine molecular alterations in ApoE4-carried neuroglioma cells compared to wild-type H4 cells. The findings were compared using liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS targeted metabolomics analysis for the confirmation of specific metabolite classes. Detected alterations in peptide fragments by OrbiSIMS provided preliminary indications of protein changes. These were extensively analyzed through proteomics to explore ApoE4’s impact on proteins. Our metabolomics approach, combining OrbiSIMS and LC-MS/MS, revealed disruptions in lipid metabolism, including glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids, as well as amino acid metabolism, encompassing alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolism; aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis; glutamine metabolism; and taurine and hypotaurine metabolism. Further LC-MS/MS proteomics studies confirmed the dysfunction in amino acid and tRNA aminoacylation metabolic processes, and highlighted RNA splicing alterations influenced by ApoE4