13 research outputs found

    Cywilnoprawne konsekwencje wpływu postanowień umowy kredytowej na zdolność kredytową

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    The obligation to carry out a creditworthiness assessment set out in Article 70 § 1 of the Banking Law is usually considered a norm of public law significance which does not affect the private law sphere of a credit agreement. However, this view is based on an idealized assumption that loan agreements are neutral towards the borrower’s risk, which does not correspond to the conditions of the contemporary economy. Practical experience shows that creditworthiness, and consequently also creditworthiness assessment, may also  depend on the structure of an adhesive loan agreement. In such cases, the erroneous message about the existence of creditworthiness becomes a form of pre-contractual information, which implies not only the public law liability of the bank, but also judicial interference in the sphere of relations between the parties of the agreement. Change in the interpretation of Article 70 § 1 of the Banking Law, which allows its informative function and private law sanctions for violating its disposition, is justified by developments in European Law and has already been initiated in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal.Obowiązek przeprowadzenia oceny zdolności kredytowej ustanowiony w art. 70 ust. 1 ustawy Prawo bankowe jest zwykle uważany za normę o znaczeniu publicznoprawnym, bez wpływu na sferę prywatnoprawną umowy kredytowej. Niemniej jednak pogląd ten jest oparty na wyidealizowanym założeniu o neutralności umów kredytowych wobec ryzyka kredytobiorcy, co nie odpowiada warunkom współczesnego obrotu. Praktyczne doświadczenia dowodzą bowiem, że zdolność kredytowa, a w konsekwencji również wynik jej oceny, mogą zależeć także od konstrukcji umowy kredytowej. W takich przypadkach błędny komunikat o zdolności kredytobiorcy do spłaty zobowiązania nabiera waloru informacji przedkontraktowej, co uzasadnia nie tylko publicznoprawną odpowiedzialność banku, ale i sądową ingerencję w sferę relacji pomiędzy stronami umowy. Zmiana wykładni art. 70 ust. 1 pr.bank., dopuszczająca informacyjną funkcję przepisu oraz prywatnoprawne sankcje za naruszenie jego dyspozycji, uzasadniona jest także zmianami w prawie europejskim i została już zapoczątkowana w orzecznictwie Sądu Najwyższego i Sądów Apelacyjnych

    Programowalna platforma mobilna do nauki programowania

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     Athe article shows possibilities of appication of low-cost technologies to construction programmable wheeledmobile platforms for multipurpose use, including learning. The prototype moves thanks to use of two DC motors.Onboard copmputer is based on Arduino Uno.W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania niskobudżetowych technologii do budowy programowalnych kołowych platform mobilnych, między innymi do zastosowań edukacyjnych. Prototyp opracowanej platformy porusza się z wykorzystaniem dwóch silników DC, komputer pokładowy to moduł Arduino Un

    Koncepcja uniwerslanej platfromy mobilnej, raport części wyników z grantu „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”

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     The article presents the concept of developed project and design of mobile platform. This is one of the results of project implementation as a part of the competition ”Student science clubs create innovations.”. The report contains an overview the drive system design, power supply and measurement data acquisition. In addition, it presented the software solution adopted in the scope of control movement platform.W pracy zaprezentowano koncepcje opracowanego projektu i konstrukcji platformy mobilnej. Jest to jeden z efektów realizacji projektu w ramach konkursu „Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje”. Praca zawiera omówienie konstrukcji układu napędowego, zasilania oraz akwizycji danych pomiarowych. Ponadto zaprezentowano zastosowane rozwiązania programistyczne w zakresie kontroli ruchu platformy

    LAMTOR2 (p14) Controls B Cell Differentiation by Orchestrating Endosomal BCR Trafficking

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    B-cell development and function depend on stage-specific signaling through the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). Signaling and intracellular trafficking of the BCR are connected, but the molecular mechanisms of this link are incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the role of the endosomal adaptor protein and member of the LAMTOR/Ragulator complex LAMTOR2 (p14) in B-cell development. Efficient conditional deletion of LAMTOR2 at the pre-B1 stage using mb1-Cre mice resulted in complete developmental arrest. Deletion of LAMTOR2 using Cd19-Cre mice permitted analysis of residual B cells at later developmental stages, revealing that LAMTOR2 was critical for the generation and activation of mature B lymphocytes. Loss of LAMTOR2 resulted in aberrant BCR signaling due to delayed receptor internalization and endosomal trafficking. In conclusion, we identify LAMTOR2 as critical regulator of BCR trafficking and signaling that is essential for early B-cell development in mice

    Egzoszkielet na rękę - koncepcja i rozwój w ramach grantu "Rzeczy są dla ludzi"

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    The Institute of Computer Science and the Faculty of Mechatronics at Kazimierz Wielki University, together with Edurewolucje Sp. z o. o. z/s in Bydgoszcz, received funding under the 'Things are for people' competition of the National Centre for Research and Development for the project entitled 'Development of a functional arm exoskeleton for active training and rehabilitation'. The aim of the project is to carry out research and development work leading to the development of an innovative technology allowing for the independent rehabilitation ofpeople with special needs (with the participation of rehabilitators and physiotherapists). The project envisages the construction of a prototype of a mechanical rehabilitation robot, the so-called hand exoskeleton, which will support the process of rehabilitation of people with paresis and other specific needs regarding lack of mobility in the hand area. The project will develop specialised, dedicated software that will adapt the strength and type of work of the hand exoskeleton to the current needs and goals of the patient's rehabilitation programme. The aim ofthis paper is to provide an insight into the origins and development of the above concept within the project team during the project work to date.Instytut Informatyki oraz Wydział Mechatroniki Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego wraz z firmą Edurewolucje Sp. z o. o. z/s w Bydgoszczy w ramach konkursu Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju "Rzeczy są dla ludzi" otrzymali dofinansowanie na realizacjęprzedsięwzięcia pn. „Opracowanie funkcjonalnego egzoszkieletu ręki do aktywnego treningu i rehabilitacji”. Celem projektu jest realizacja prac badawczo-rozwojowych prowadzących do opracowania innowacyjnej technologii pozwalającej na samodzielną rehabilitację osób zeszczególnymi potrzebami (przy udziale rehabilitantów i fizjoterapeutów). Projekt przewiduje skonstruowanie prototypu mechanicznego robota rehabilitacyjnego tzw. egzoszkieletu ręki, który wspomoże proces rehabilitacji osób z jej niedowładem oraz innymi szczególnymipotrzebami dotyczącymi braku mobilności w obszarze ręki. W ramach projektu powstanie specjalistyczne, dedykowane oprogramowanie, które będzie dostosowywało siłę i rodzaj pracy egzoszkieletu na rękę do aktualnych potrzeb i celów programu rehabilitacyjnego pacjenta. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przybliżenie powstania i rozwoju ww. koncepcji w ramach zespołu projektowego podczas dotychczasowych prac projektowych

    Ultrasound differentiation between benign versus malignant adnexal masses in pregnant patients

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) group ultrasound Simple Rules method in differentiating between benign and malignant ovarian tumors in pregnant patients. Materials and Methods. A prospective observational study that involved pregnant patients referred to our center due to suspicions of ovarian masses between January 2015 and December 2017 was performed. The Simple Rules performance was evaluated against the histopathological results. Each of the 10 sonographic Simple Rules were computed by logistic regression to demonstrate their odds ratios in predicting malignancy. Results. Ultrasound were conducted in 153 subjects, and 61 of those patients underwent surgery. By assigning masses not classifiable by Simple Rules as probably malignant, the Simple Rules method showed a sensitivity of 91.67% (CI 64.61–98.51) and a specificity of 69.39% (CI 55.47–80.48). After exclusion of masses where the Simple Rules method could not be applied, the method showed a sensitivity of 87.5% (CI 52.91–97.76) and a specificity of 94.44% (CI 81.86–98.46). The logistic regression model showed that the M-rules increased the risk of malignancy while the B-rules decreased the risk. Conclusion. Most ovarian masses in pregnant patient may be correctly categorized as benign or malignant using Simple Rules. This protocol may facilitate the management of pregnant patients presenting with adnexal masses

    Developing an UAV method of monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater ecosystems

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    Cyanobacterial blooms are widespread phenomenon naturally occurring in different types of water bodies. Characteristic indicator of the bloom is a change of water color to blue-green, due to pigments contained by growing cyanobacterial biomass. Recently observed climatic changes and increase of Earth’s surface temperature may lead to intensification and proliferation of cyanobacterial blooms, severe reduction of water quality and changes in functioning of freshwater ecosystems. Monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms appears to be crucial in order to undertake remediation policy, such as biomass harvesting. The aim of our study was to develop an index for cyanobacterial blooms detection with use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The data was collected from 30 frames floating on the surface of blooming waterbody. First, the reflectances inside the frames were measured by UAV equipped with multispectral camera, then immediately the and phycocyanin concentrations inside frames were measured in situ with use of multiparameter probe. Further statistical analyses allowed to create an index based on Red Edge 740 nm and 717 nm and NIR 842 nm spectral bands. The correlation of the index with phycocyanine concentration measured in situ was estimated as +70%

    LAMTOR2 (p14) controls B cell differentiation by orchestrating endosomal BCR trafficking

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    B-cell development and function depend on stage-specific signaling through the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). Signaling and intracellular trafficking of the BCR are connected, but the molecular mechanisms of this link are incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the role of the endosomal adaptor protein and member of the LAMTOR/Ragulator complex LAMTOR2 (p14) in B-cell development. Efficient conditional deletion of LAMTOR2 at the pre-B1 stage using mb1-Cre mice resulted in complete developmental arrest. Deletion of LAMTOR2 using Cd19-Cre mice permitted analysis of residual B cells at later developmental stages, revealing that LAMTOR2 was critical for the generation and activation of mature B lymphocytes. Loss of LAMTOR2 resulted in aberrant BCR signaling due to delayed receptor internalization and endosomal trafficking. In conclusion, we identify LAMTOR2 as critical regulator of BCR trafficking and signaling that is essential for early B-cell development in mice