75 research outputs found

    Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: From Fluid Atoms in ILP Processor Pipelines to Fluid Atoms in P2P Streaming Networks

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    © 2012 Mitrevski and Kotevski, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: From Fluid Atoms in ILP Processor Pipelines to Fluid Atoms in P2P Streaming Networ

    Visualization of flood data using HTML5 technologies

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    Human civilization always used to settle near water sources, such as rivers, lakes and seas. But, beside the vast benefits that these regions offer, they sometimes present a huge threat of flooding the inhabited areas, when even the human life could be endangered. Thus, a systems that would offer an early information about the flood state of an endangered region is crucial for all the inhabitants, so they can base their quick actions on real and accurate data and not only on certain speculations. This paper presents a low cost solution that offers precise information about a flooded (or high risk) region using current web technologies. The system presents mapped data visualizations that show the position, the water level and the time of the last condition of multiple marked map points representing the flood sensors placement

    Developing extensible software in Java

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    This thesis addresses the subject of developing extensible software in Java. In the introductory part, the analysis of the process of software development is presented as well as the main reasons why the majority in the IT business world decide to develop extensible software. In the following part we have the two types of extensible software and the most used design pattern in that area (plugins). Analysis of the widely used framework for developing extensible software (OSGi) were made and the facts behind the reasons for not using that framework and developing our own are presented. In the central part of the thesis a deep analysis of our newly developed framework with emphasis on the main problem in developing such framework - security has been made. In the final part we present the usage example to prove that the framework is almost invisible to the end user, and that it doesn't add complexity to the application

    Application of 3ds Max for 3D Modelling and Rendering

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    In this article, the application of 3ds Max for 3D modelling and rendering of a car model is described. The process of creating a 3D car model is explained as well as setting up the references, working with editable poly, details in car interior, using turbosmooth and symmetry modifier. The manner which materials are applied to the model are described as well as lighting the scene and\ud setting up the render. The rendering methods and techniques are described, too. Final render results from several rendering plugins, such as V-ray, Mental Ray, Iray, Scanline, Maxwell, Corona, Octane and LuxRender are presented and compared

    Using machine learning to understand and improve care and outcomes for patients with head and neck cancer

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    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a complex disease with diversity in treatment modality and survival by anatomical site of origin. There is limited knowledge of the utility of oncology information systems (OIS) for the collection and reporting of HNC data during routine clinical practice to investigate prognostic factors and predict head and neck cancer-specific survival (HNCSS). Routinely collected structured data was extracted from an OIS from seven major hospitals in Australia for patients diagnosed with HNC between 2000 and 2017 and treated with definitive radiotherapy. Deaths were obtained from the National Death Index via record linkage, and HNCSS was measured from the date of diagnosis until death from HNC. Open-source machine learning and nomogram models were used to predict HNCSS and perform multivariable analysis to identify prognostic factors. Descriptive and survival analysis was used to identify inter-hospital variation in data collection, primary radiotherapy treatment, and survival. A random sample of clinical radiation oncology documents from an OIS were anonymised using a customised open-source tool (Microsoft Presidio) to evaluate the use of unstructured information for medical research. Not all user-defined fields were routinely completed and not all hospitals relied solely on the OIS, with one hospital collecting disease information in a parallel database. However, structured information collected in a standardised way with minimal missing data during routine clinical practice in an OIS can be used to predict two-year HNCSS with high performance. Evidence of inter-hospital variation in data completeness, primary radiotherapy dose, and five-year HNCSS was detected. The presence of missing data in the OIS reduced the number of predictors for prognostic analysis and prevented exploratory analysis to explain differences in survival by hospital. Lastly, the application of the anonymisation tool on unstructured clinical information sourced from an OIS demonstrated safe and secure use for some fields and a need to improve the detection and removal of person names. Data mining techniques for unstructured data or strategies to improve structured data collection should be explored to enable the development of prediction models using more complete data, patients, and variables, followed by external validation to confirm model performance

    Developing extensible software in Java

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    This thesis addresses the subject of developing extensible software in Java. In the introductory part, the analysis of the process of software development is presented as well as the main reasons why the majority in the IT business world decide to develop extensible software. In the following part we have the two types of extensible software and the most used design pattern in that area (plugins). Analysis of the widely used framework for developing extensible software (OSGi) were made and the facts behind the reasons for not using that framework and developing our own are presented. In the central part of the thesis a deep analysis of our newly developed framework with emphasis on the main problem in developing such framework - security has been made. In the final part we present the usage example to prove that the framework is almost invisible to the end user, and that it doesn't add complexity to the application

    Specific legal nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina - sustainability of Dayton system

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    Иако је Босна и Херцеговина добила међународно признање још 1992. године, њен суштински основ за постојање и функционисање представља међународни споразум договорен и потписан у Дејтону. Тим договором усаглашен је њен правни оквир и створени су неопходни услови да она, као истински међународноправни субјект, преузме сва права и обавезе које такав статус носи. До постигнутог договора није се дошло на лак и једноставан начин. Карактеристичне историјске околности, специфичан географски положај и сложена унутрашња структура утицали су на то да се у тренутку распада Југославије формирају различити концепти о будућности Босне и Херцеговине. Како ти концепти нису могли бити усаглашени за преговарачким столом, приступило се њиховој материјализацији оружаним путем. Под таквим околностима међунационални и међуверски антагонизми достигли су критичну тачку, што је изазвало озбиљна и систематска кршења основних људских права широм Босне и Херцеговине. Паралелно са тим сукобима трагало се за решењима која би зауставила крвопролиће и омогућила повратак нормалном животу. Након пропасти неколико преговарачких процеса коначно је, након дуготрајних и мукотрпних преговора, постигнут споразум којим су заустављена оружана дејства и који је, у тренутку доношења, представљен као велики тријумф мировних напора међународне заједнице. Дејтонски споразум је у тренутку доношења представљао догађај од прворазредног значаја у међународним оквирима. Сложеност и комплексност проблема са којима су се суочили непосредни учесници преговора утицали су на то да постигнути договор обилује оригиналним решењима, несвојственим дотадашњој пракси међународних мировних уговора. Неминовно је било и велико интересовање међународноправне науке за овако сачињен међународни уговор, те се моментално по његовом објављивању приступило детаљној анализи његове садржине, упоредноправној анализи појединих карактеристичних одредаба и оцењивању одрживости како појединих решења, тако и Споразума у целини.Even though Bosnia and Herzegovina was internationally acknowledged in 1992, the international treaty agreed and signed in Dayton represents its crucial base for existence and functioning. This agreement harmonized Bosnia’s legal framework and created the necessary conditions for the country to receive all the rights and obligations that go along with this status, as a true international legal subject. The agreement however, was not reached in an easy and simple way. Typical historical circumstances, specific geographic position and complex internal structure caused different concepts on the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the moment of disintegration of Yugoslavia. Since these concepts could not be made at a negotiating table, their materialisation began through armed conflicts. Under such circumstances, interethnic and inter-religious antagonisms reached their critical point, which caused serious and systematic human rights violations all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Parallel with these conflicts were sought solutions which would stop bloodshed and enable people to continue with their normal lives. After failure of several negotiating processes and after long and arduous negotiations, the treaty, which stopped the armed conflicts and which was represented as a big triumph of peace efforts by the international community, was reached. The Dayton Agreement, at the time when it was reached, was an event of first-rate significance in international frameworks. The complicity and complexity of the problem, which the direct participants of negotiations faced, influenced the fact that the reached agreement had many original solutions, uncommon for the international peace agreement practice at that time. The interest of international legal science for this type of agreement was inevitable and great, so just after it had been published, its content was analysed in details, certain typical provisions were analysed in a comparative and legal way, and the sustainability of some solutions and the whole Agreement was evaluated

    Multidisciplinary Therapy of Young Aphasic Women

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    Helicobacter pylori seroprevalence in coronary artery disease

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    Uvod: Infekcija bakterijom Helicobacter (H.) pylori je dobro poznati uzrok kroničnog gastritisa i želučanog vrijeda. Međutim, sve je više dokaza da kronični upalni odgovor na ovaj patogen može isto tako imati važnu ulogu u koronarnoj arterijskoj bolesti (KAB). Cilj ove studije bio je ispitati razliku u seroprevalenciji infekcije H. pylori u kontrolnoj skupini u usporedbi sa skupinom bolesnika s elektrokardiografski dokazanom KAB. Materijal i metode: U studiju je bilo uključeno 98 zdravih osoba kao kontrolna skupina i 102 bolesnika s elektrokardiografskim dokazima srčane bolesti kao skupina bolesnika. Kvantitativno mjerenje IgG protutijela na H. pylori provedeno je automatiziranom metodom EIA u serumu ispitanika obiju skupina. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija H. pylori IgG bila je značajno viša u skupini bolesnika (87,3%) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (53,1%) (P<0,001). Zaključak: Rezultati su ukazali na moguću pojačanu seroepidemiološku udruženost infekcije H. pylori i KAB.Background: Helicobacter (H.) pylori infection is a well-established cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. However, there is growing evidence that chronic inflammatory response to this pathogen may also play an important role in coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in seroprevalence of H. pylori infection in a control group compared to a group of patients with electrocardiographic evidence of CAD. Materials and Methods: The study included 98 apparently healthy control subjects as the control group and 102 heart disease patients with electrocardiographic evidence of CAD as the patient group. Quantitative measurement of IgG antibodies to H. pylori in sera from subjects of both groups was performed with an automated commercial EIA method. Results: Seroprevalence of H. pylori IgG was significantly higher in the patient group (87.3%) compared to the control group (54.1%) (P<0.001). Conclusion: The results suggest that there may be an increased seroepidemiological association of H. pylori infection with CAD

    A Simple FSPN Model of P2P Live Video Streaming System

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    Peer to Peer (P2P) live streaming is relatively new paradigm that aims at streaming live video to large number of clients at low cost. Many such applications already exist in the market, but, prior to creating such system it is necessary to analyze its performance via representative model that can provide good insight in the system’s behavior. Modeling and performance analysis of P2P live video streaming systems is challenging task which requires addressing many properties and issues of P2P systems that create complex combinatorial problem. Inspired by several related articles, in this paper we present our Fluid Stochastic Petri Net (FSPN) model for performance analysis of a mesh based P2P live video streaming system