25 research outputs found


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    A geodynamic model of upper mantle convection related to the Pacific subduction zone is mathematically substantiated and applied to investigate the Cretaceous-Cenozoic evolution of Central East Asia (CEA) and the Arctic. We present a solution for the two-dimensional stationary problem of thermal convection in the upper mantle layer, considering different Rayleigh numbers and taking into account the influence of the subduction process and lithospheric movements along the upper mantle base. We describe the results of 3D modeling of nonstationary upper mantle convection in a subduction zone. Our data give grounds to propose explanations for the entire spectrum of tectonic-magmatic processes developing within CEA in the Cenozoic and the Arctic in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic. We discuss the reasons why the lithosphere in CEA and the Arctic is generally shifting towards the Pacific subduction zone, considering the presence of separate magmatic provinces and rift zones. In our opinion, this is due to the existence of a large horizontally elongated convective cell, which interior is composed of smaller isometric cells. This long cell creates the effect of conveyor dragging of the lithosphere, while its internal cells produce the effect of upper mantle plumes


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    A geodynamic model of upper mantle convection related to the Pacific subduction zone is mathematically substantiated and applied to investigate the Cretaceous-Cenozoic evolution of Central East Asia (CEA) and the Arctic. We present a solution for the two-dimensional stationary problem of thermal convection in the upper mantle layer, considering different Rayleigh numbers and taking into account the influence of the subduction process and lithospheric movements along the upper mantle base. We describe the results of 3D modeling of nonstationary upper mantle convection in a subduction zone. Our data give grounds to propose explanations for the entire spectrum of tectonic-magmatic processes developing within CEA in the Cenozoic and the Arctic in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic. We discuss the reasons why the lithosphere in CEA and the Arctic is generally shifting towards the Pacific subduction zone, considering the presence of separate magmatic provinces and rift zones. In our opinion, this is due to the existence of a large horizontally elongated convective cell, which interior is composed of smaller isometric cells. This long cell creates the effect of conveyor dragging of the lithosphere, while its internal cells produce the effect of upper mantle plumes.Рассматривается математическое обоснование геодинамической модели верхнемантийной конвекции, сопряженной с Тихоокеанской зоной субдукции, в приложении к мел-кайнозойской эволюции Центрально-Восточной Азии (ЦВА) и Арктики. Приводится решение двухмерной стационарной задачи термической конвекции в слое верхней мантии при различных числах Рэлея с учетом влияния процесса субдукции и движения литосферного слоя вдоль подошвы верхней мантии. Описываются результаты 3D-моделирования нестационарной конвекции в верхней мантии, сопряженной с зоной субдукции. Полученные результаты позволяют объяснить весь спектр наблюдаемых тектономагматических процессов, развивающихся в пределах ЦВА в кайнозое и Арктики в верхнем мелу и кайнозое, а именно сочетание общего смещения литосферы ЦВА и Арктики в сторону Тихоокеанской зоны субдукции с наличием отдельных магматических провинций и рифтовых зон как следствие существования длинной горизонтально вытянутой конвективной ячейки (создающей эффект конвейерного волочения литосферы), осложненной внутренними изометричными ячейками (создающими эффект верхнемантийных плюмов)


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    East Asia is the vast region of Asia which is characterized by a complex geological structure and high activity of seismic and tectonic processes. Satellite geodetic data, reflecting the recent crustal movements in the region, demonstrate a considerable variability in magnitude and direction of motions both along the strike of island-arc margins and deep into the continent. To explain the anomalies in the Earth's surface displacement field, the paper proposes a geodynamic model of East Asia which involves the mechanism of interaction between the continental lithosphere of the region and the continent-to-ocean transition area along the Kuril-Kamchatka and Japanese island arcs. The proposed concept includes the model of the upper-mantle convective cell, developing beneath the continental lithosphere, in combination with the keyboard-block model explaining the regularities of seismic cycle in the island-arc margins. It has been shown that the consideration of interaction between the lithosphere and upper mantle in the continent-to-ocean transition area in the framework of the model of non-stationary convective cell allows us to explain the recent crustal movements observed up to a distance of 2000 km and the seismic tomography data without involving additional lithospheric blocks. The model contributes to the development of the physically grounded geodynamic approach to the analysis of recent tectonics and eliminates the inconsistencies between the observed data and classical plate tectonics in East Asia.Регион Восточной Азии характеризуется сложным геологическим строением и высокой сейсмической и тектонической активностью. Данные спутниковой геодезии, отражающие современные движения земной поверхности региона, демонстрируют существенную изменчивость по величине и направлению как вдоль простирания островодужных окраин, так и в глубь континента. В работе для объяснения аномалий поля смещений земной поверхности предлагается геодинамическая модель Восточной Азии, учитывающая механизм взаимодействия континентальной литосферы региона и переходной зоны континент – океан вдоль Курило-Камчатской и Японской островных дуг. Представленная концепция включает в себя модель верхнемантийной конвективной ячейки, развивающейся под континентальной литосферой, в сочетании с клавишно-блоковой моделью, объясняющей закономерности сейсмического цикла в островодужных окраинах. Показано, что учет взаимодействия литосферы и верхней мантии в зоне перехода континент – океан позволяет в рамках модели нестационарной конвективной ячейки объяснить наблюдающиеся на удалении до 2000 км современные движения земной поверхности и данные сейсмической томографии без привлечения дополнительных литосферных блоков. Модель способствует развитию физически обоснованного геодинамического подхода к анализу современной тектоники и позволяет устранить противоречия между наблюдаемыми данными и классической тектоникой плит в регионе Восточной Азии

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Capture and Cross-Present Viral Antigens from Influenza-Virus Exposed Cells

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    Among the different subsets of dendritic cells (DC), plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) play a unique role in secreting large amounts of type I interferons upon viral stimulation, but their efficiency as antigen-presenting cells has not been completely characterized. We show here, by flow cytometry, with human primary blood PDC and with a PDC cell line, that PDC display poor endocytic capacity for soluble or cellular antigens when compared to monocyte-derived myeloid DC. However, immature PDC efficiently take up cellular material from live influenza-exposed cells, subsequently mature and cross-present viral antigens very efficiently to specific CD8+ T cells. Therefore, during viral infection PDC not only secrete immunomodulatory cytokines, but also recognize infected cells and function as antigen cross-presenting cells to trigger the anti-viral immune response

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Capture and Cross-Present Viral Antigens from Influenza-Virus Exposed Cells

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    Among the different subsets of dendritic cells (DC), plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) play a unique role in secreting large amounts of type I interferons upon viral stimulation, but their efficiency as antigen-presenting cells has not been completely characterized. We show here, by flow cytometry, with human primary blood PDC and with a PDC cell line, that PDC display poor endocytic capacity for soluble or cellular antigens when compared to monocyte-derived myeloid DC. However, immature PDC efficiently take up cellular material from live influenza-exposed cells, subsequently mature and cross-present viral antigens very efficiently to specific CD8+ T cells. Therefore, during viral infection PDC not only secrete immunomodulatory cytokines, but also recognize infected cells and function as antigen cross-presenting cells to trigger the anti-viral immune response

    The effector T cell response to influenza infection

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    Influenza virus infection induces a potent initial innate immune response, which serves to limit the extent of viral replication and virus spread. However, efficient (and eventual) viral clearance within the respiratory tract requires the subsequent activation, rapid proliferation, recruitment, and expression of effector activities by the adaptive immune system, consisting of antibody producing B cells and influenza-specific T lymphocytes with diverse functions. The ensuing effector activities of these T lymphocytes ultimately determine (along with antibodies) the capacity of the host to eliminate the viruses and the extent of tissue damage. In this review, we describe this effector T cell response to influenza virus infection. Based on information largely obtained in experimental settings (i.e., murine models), we will illustrate the factors regulating the induction of adaptive immune T cell responses to influenza, the effector activities displayed by these activated T cells, the mechanisms underlying the expression of these effector mechanisms, and the control of the activation/differentiation of these T cells, in situ, in the infected lungs


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    In the article we considered the existing understanding of the relationship between the concepts of cluster policy, cluster program and cluster project, defined special features of cluster projects, and then developed our own definition of cluster project. Basic characteristics of industrial (vertical) and regional (horizontal) clusters were discussed. Then we distinguished three types of cluster projects and their main characteristics in horizontal clusters. The nature and features of competition and cooperation, their main types and forms were overviewed. We made hypotheses about factors that influence competition and cooperation. We described some already existing approaches to competition and cooperation modeling and their possible problems. Specific characteristics of agents in multi-agent system were defined. Conceptual agent-based model of competition and cooperation interactions between the members of the cluster project was proposed