113 research outputs found

    Dense Clumps in Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Density and Temperature Derived from 13^{13}CO(J=32J=3-2) Observations

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    In order to precisely determine temperature and density of molecular gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud, we made observations of optically thin 13^{13}CO(J=32J=3-2) transition by using the ASTE 10m telescope toward 9 peaks where 12^{12}CO(J=32J=3-2) clumps were previously detected with the same telescope. The molecular clumps include those in giant molecular cloud (GMC) Types I (with no signs of massive star formation), II (with HII regions only), and III (with HII regions and young star clusters). We detected 13^{13}CO(J=32J=3-2) emission toward all the peaks and found that their intensities are 3 -- 12 times lower than those of 12^{12}CO(J=32J=3-2). We determined the intensity ratios of 12^{12}CO(J=32J=3-2) to 13^{13}CO(J=32J=3-2), R3212/13R^{12/13}_{3-2}, and 13^{13}CO(J=32J=3-2) to 13^{13}CO(J=10J=1-0), R32/1013R^{13}_{3-2/1-0}, at 45\arcsec resolution. These ratios were used for radiative transfer calculations in order to estimate temperature and density of the clumps. The parameters of these clumps range kinetic temperature TkinT\mathrm{_{kin}} = 15 -- 200 K, and molecular hydrogen gas density n(H2)n(\mathrm{H_2}) = 8×102\times 10^2 -- 7×103\times 10^3 cm3^{-3}. We confirmed that the higher density clumps show higher kinetic temperature and that the lower density clumps lower kinetic temperature at a better accuracy than in the previous work. The kinetic temperature and density increase generally from a Type I GMC to a Type III GMC. We interpret that this difference reflects an evolutionary trend of star formation in molecular clumps. The R32/1013R^{13}_{3-2/1-0} and kinetic temperature of the clumps are well correlated with Hα\alpha flux, suggesting that the heating of molecular gas n(H2)n(\mathrm{H_2}) = 10310^3 -- 10410^4 cm3^{-3} can be explained by stellar FUV photons.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Changes in ice thickness and flow velocity of Yala Glacier, Langtang Himal, Nepal, from 1982 to 2009

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    ABSTRACT. To investigate recent glacier changes in the Himalayan region, we carried out GPS and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) measurements at Yala Glacier, a benchmark glacier in Nepal. Glacier surface elevation and ice thickness were surveyed along a 1. . Our results indicate that Yala Glacier has lost $40% of its ice volume over the last 27 years and that the rate of the mass loss has accelerated over the last decade

    Features of firn stratification in the coastal region of Antarctica detected from ground penetrating radar (GPR)

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OM] 極域気水圏11月16日(月) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Quest of the first Japanese glacier in the northern part of the northern Japanese Alps

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回気水圏シンポジウム 11月15日(火) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室

    Immunological and Psychological Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage

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    This preliminary investigation compares peripheral blood cell counts including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), CD4(+), CD8(+) and CD16(+) lymphocytes, CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio, hematocrit, humoral parameters including serum interferon-γ and interleukin-6, salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA). Psychological measures including the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire and the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) between recipients (n = 11) of carrier oil massage and aromatherapy massage, which includes sweet almond oil, lavender oil, cypress oil and sweet marjoram oil. Though both STAI and SDS showed a significant reduction (P < 0.01) after treatment with aromatherapy and carrier massage, no difference between the aromatherapy and control massage was observed for STAI and SDS. Aromatherapy, in contrast to control massage, did not significantly reduce RBC count or hematocrit. However, aromatherapy massage showed a significant (P > 0.05) increase in PBLs, possibly due to an increase in CD8(+) and CD16(+) lymphocytes, which had significantly increased post-treatment (P < 0.01). Consequently, the CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio decreased significantly (P < 0.01). The paucity of such differences after carrier oil massage suggests that aromatherapy massage could be beneficial in disease states that require augmentation of CD8(+) lymphocytes. While this study identifies the immunological benefits of aromatherapy massage, there is a need to validate the findings prospectively in a larger cohort of patients

    ASTE CO(3-2) Mapping toward the Whole Optical Disk of M 83: Properties of Inter-arm GMAs

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    We present a new on-the-fly (OTF) mapping of CO(J=3-2) line emission with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) toward the 8' x 8' (or 10.5 x 10.5 kpc at the distance of 4.5 Mpc) region of the nearby barred spiral galaxy M 83 at an effective resolution of 25''. Due to its very high sensitivity, our CO(J=3-2) map can depict not only spiral arm structures but also spur-like substructures extended in inter-arm regions. This spur-like substructures in CO(J=3-2) emission are well coincident with the distribution of massive star forming regions traced by Halpha luminosity and Spitzer/IRAC 8 um emission. We have identified 54 CO(J=3-2) clumps as Giant Molecular-cloud Associations (GMAs) employing the CLUMPFIND algorithm, and have obtained their sizes, velocity dispersions, virial masses, and CO luminosity masses. We found that the virial parameter alpha, which is defined as the ratio of the virial mass to the CO luminosity mass, is almost unity for GMAs in spiral arms, whereas there exist some GMAs whose alpha are 3 -- 10 in the inter-arm region. We found that GMAs with higher α\alpha tend not to be associated with massive star forming regions, while other virialized GMAs are. Since alpha mainly depends on velocity dispersion of the GMA, we suppose the onset of star formation in these unvirialized GMAs with higher alpha are suppressed by an increase in internal velocity dispersions of Giant Molecular Clouds within these GMAs due to shear motion.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, ApJ in press, version with high resolution figures is available via http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~kmuraoka/m83paper/m83aste-otf.pd

    Warm and Dense Molecular Gas in the N159 Region: 12CO J=4-3 and 13CO J=3-2 Observations with NANTEN2 and ASTE

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    New 12CO J=4-3 and 13CO J=3-2 observations of the N159 region in the Large Magellanic Cloud have been made. The 12CO J=4-3 distribution is separated into three clumps. These new measurements toward the three clumps are used in coupled calculations of molecular rotational excitation and line radiation transfer, along with other transitions of the 12CO as well as the isotope transitions of 13CO. The temperatures and densities are determined to be ~70-80K and ~3x10^3 cm-3 in N159W and N159E and ~30K and ~1.6x10^3 cm-3 in N159S. These results are compared with the star formation activity. The N159E clump is associated with embedded cluster(s) as observed at 24 micron and the derived high temperature is explained as due to the heating by these sources. The N159E clump is likely responsible for a dark lane in a large HII region by the dust extinction. The N159W clump is associated with embedded clusters mainly toward the eastern edge of the clump only. These clusters show offsets of 20"-40" from the 12CO J=4-3 peak and are probably responsible for heating indicated by the derived high temperature. The N159W clump exhibits no sign of star formation toward the 12CO J=4-3 peak position and its western region. We suggest that the N159W peak represents a pre-star-cluster core of ~105M_sol which deserves further detailed studies. Note that recent star formation took place between N159W and N159E as indicated by several star clusters and HII regions, while the natal molecular gas toward the stars have already been dissipated by the ionization and stellar winds of the OB stars. The N159S clump shows little sign of star formation as is consistent with the lower temperature and somewhat lower density. The N159S clump is also a candidate for future star formation

    ナンキョク ドームフジ キチ ノ テンモン カンソク サイト リヨウ ニ カンスル ヨビ チョウサ -カキ セッチ ランリュウソウ ノ ケンシュツ オヨビ ユソウ チュウ ノ シンドウ キロク-

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    南極中央高地は水蒸気量が極めて少なく低温で,かつ気流の乱れが少ないため,地球上で最も優れた天体観測が行える場所である可能性が高い.その調査の一環として,ドームふじ基地においてSODARによる接地境界乱流の測定を,第48次南極地域観測隊に委託して行った.2006年12月21日~2007年1月14日の連続25日間の有効な測定データ(乱流強度,3次元風速)が得られたので報告する.太陽高度に対応した乱流層高度の明瞭な日変化が見られた.また装置輸送時に測定した加速度計の記録も合わせて報告する.The Antarctic plateau can be the best astronomical observatory site on the earth because of its very dry air and low temperature. We have observed atmospheric turbulence in the boundary layer (up to the altitude of 1000m above ice surface) by SODAR during JARE-48. We obtained valid continuous data of turbulence strength and three dimensional wind speed from Dec. 21, 2006 to Jan. 14, 2007. Our data show clear correlation between turbulent layer height and solar elevation. Also reported is the jolt measured during transportation from Cape Town to Dome Fuji