200 research outputs found

    Spiking Neurons Learning Phase Delays

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    Time differences between the two ears are an important cue for animals to azimuthally locate a sound source. The first binaural brainstem nucleus, in mammals the medial superior olive, is generally believed to perform the necessary computations. Its cells are sensitive to variations of interaural time differences of about 10 μs. The classical explanation of such a neuronal time-difference tuning is based on the physical concept of delay lines. Recent data, however, are inconsistent with a temporal delay and rather favor a phase delay. By means of a biophysical model we show how spike-timing-dependent synaptic learning explains precise interplay of excitation and inhibition and, hence, accounts for a physical realization of a phase delay

    Dust and the type II-Plateau supernova 2004dj

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    We present mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a Type II-plateau supernova, SN 2004dj, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, spanning 106--1393 d after explosion. MIR photometry plus optical/near-IR observations are also reported. An early-time MIR excess is attributed to emission from non-silicate dust formed within a cool dense shell (CDS). Most of the CDS dust condensed between 50 d and 165 d, reaching a mass of 0.3 x 10^{-5} Msun. Throughout the observations much of the longer wavelength (>10 microns) part of the continuum is explained as an IR echo from interstellar dust. The MIR excess strengthened at later times. We show that this was due to thermal emission from warm, non-silicate dust formed in the ejecta. Using optical/near-IR line-profiles and the MIR continua, we show that the dust was distributed as a disk whose radius appeared to be slowly shrinking. The disk radius may correspond to a grain destruction zone caused by a reverse shock which also heated the dust. The dust-disk lay nearly face-on, had high opacities in the optical/near-IR regions, but remained optically thin in the MIR over much of the period studied. Assuming a uniform dust density, the ejecta dust mass by 996 d was 0.5 +/- 0.1) x 10^{-4} Msun, and exceeded 10^{-4}Msun by 1393 d. For a dust density rising toward the center the limit is higher. Nevertheless, this study suggests that the amount of freshly-synthesized dust in the SN 2004dj ejecta is consistent with that found from previous studies, and adds further weight to the claim that such events could not have been major contributors to the cosmic dust budget.Comment: ApJ in press; minor changes c.f. v

    A Spitzer Space Telescope Study of SN 2003gd: Still No Direct Evidence that Core-Collapse Supernovae are Major Dust Factories

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    We present a new, detailed analysis of late-time mid-infrared (IR) observations of the Type II-P supernova (SN) 2003gd. At about 16 months after the explosion, the mid-IR flux is consistent with emission from 4 x 10^(-5) M(solar) of newly condensed dust in the ejecta. At 22 months emission from point-like sources close to the SN position was detected at 8 microns and 24 microns. By 42 months the 24 micron flux had faded. Considerations of luminosity and source size rule out the ejecta of SN 2003gd as the main origin of the emission at 22 months. A possible alternative explanation for the emission at this later epoch is an IR echo from pre-existing circumstellar or interstellar dust. We conclude that, contrary to the claim of Sugerman et al. (2006, Science, 313, 196), the mid-IR emission from SN 2003gd does not support the presence of 0.02 M(solar) of newly formed dust in the ejecta. There is, as yet, no direct evidence that core-collapse supernovae are major dust factories.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Systematic Blueshift of Line Profiles in the Type IIn Supernova 2010jl: Evidence for Post-Shock Dust Formation?

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    Type IIn SNe show spectral evidence for strong interaction between their blast wave and dense circumstellar material (CSM) around the progenitor star. SN2010jl was the brightest core-collapse SN in 2010, and it was a Type IIn explosion with strong CSM interaction. Andrews et al. recently reported evidence for an IR excess in SN2010jl, indicating either new dust formation or the heating of CSM dust in an IR echo. Here we report multi-epoch spectra of SN2010jl that reveal the tell-tale signature of new dust formation: emission-line profiles becoming systematically more blueshifted as the red side of the line is blocked by increasing extinction. The effect is seen clearly in the intermediate-width (400--4000 km/s) component of Hα\alpha beginning roughly 30d after explosion. Moreover, we present near-IR spectra demonstrating that the asymmetry in the hydrogen-line profiles is wavelength dependent, appearing more pronounced at shorter wavelengths. This evidence suggests that new dust grains had formed quickly in the post-shock shell of SN 2010jl arising from CSM interaction. Since the observed dust temperature has been attributed to an IR echo and not to new dust, either (1) IR excess emission at λ<5μ\lambda < 5 \mum is not a particularly sensitive tracer of new dust formation in SNe, or (2) some assumptions about expected dust temperatures might require further study. Lastly, we discuss one possible mechanism other than dust that might lead to increasingly blueshifted line profiles in SNeIIn, although the wavelength dependence of the asymmetry argues against this hypothesis in the case of SN2010jl.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A

    Evidence of Asymmetry in SN 2007rt, a Type IIn Supernova

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    An optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the slowly-evolving Type IIn SN2007rt is presented, covering a duration of 481 days after discovery. Its earliest spectrum, taken approximately 100 days after the explosion epoch, indicates the presence of a dense circumstellar medium, with which the supernova ejecta is interacting. This is supported by the slowly-evolving light curve. A notable feature in the spectrum of SN 2007rt is the presence of a broad He I 5875 line, not usually detected in Type IIn supernovae. This may imply that the progenitor star has a high He/H ratio, having shed a significant portion of its hydrogen shell via mass-loss. An intermediate resolution spectrum reveals a narrow Halpha P-Cygni profile, the absorption component of which has a width of 128 km/s. This slow velocity suggests that the progenitor of SN 2007rt recently underwent mass-loss with wind speeds comparable to the lower limits of those detected in luminous blue variables. Asymmetries in the line profiles of H and He at early phases bears some resemblance to double-peaked features observed in a number of Ib/c spectra. These asymmetries may be indicative of an asymmetric or bipolar outflow or alternatively dust formation in the fast expanding ejecta. In addition, the late time spectrum, at over 240 days post-explosion, shows clear evidence for the presence of newly formed dust.Comment: Submitted to A&A on 4/2/2009. Accepted by A&A on 17/5/2009.15 pages plus 3 pages of online materia

    Hearing Loss Prevents the Maturation of GABAergic Transmission in the Auditory Cortex

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    Inhibitory neurotransmission is a critical determinant of neuronal network gain and dynamic range, suggesting that network properties are shaped by activity during development. A previous study demonstrated that sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in gerbils leads to smaller inhibitory potentials in L2/3 pyramidal neurons in the thalamorecipient auditory cortex, ACx. Here, we explored the mechanisms that account for proper maturation of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic transmission. SNHL was induced at postnatal day (P) 10, and whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were obtained from layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in thalamocortical slices at P16–19. SNHL led to an increase in the frequency of GABAzine-sensitive (antagonist) spontaneous (s) and miniature (m) inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs), accompanied by diminished amplitudes and longer durations. Consistent with this, the amplitudes of minimum-evoked IPSCs were also reduced while their durations were longer. The α1- and β2/3 subunit–specific agonists zolpidem and loreclezole increased control but not SNHL sIPSC durations. To test whether SNHL affected the maturation of GABAergic transmission, sIPSCs were recorded at P10. These sIPSCs resembled the long SNHL sIPSCs. Furthermore, zolpidem and loreclezole were ineffective in increasing their durations. Together, these data strongly suggest that the presynaptic release properties and expression of key postsynaptic GABAA receptor subunits are coregulated by hearing

    A Spitzer Space Telescope study of SN 2002hh: an infrared echo from a Type IIP supernova

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    We present late-time (590-994 d) mid-IR photometry of the normal, but highly-reddened Type IIP supernova SN 2002hh. Bright, cool, slowly-fading emission is detected from the direction of the supernova. Most of this flux appears not to be driven by the supernova event but instead probably originates in a cool, obscured star-formation region or molecular cloud along the line-of-sight. We also show, however, that the declining component of the flux is consistent with an SN-powered IR echo from a dusty progenitor CSM. Mid-IR emission could also be coming from newly-condensed dust and/or an ejecta/CSM impact but their contributions are likely to be small. For the case of a CSM-IR echo, we infer a dust mass of as little as 0.036 M(solar) with a corresponding CSM mass of 3.6(0.01/r(dg))M(solar) where r(dg) is the dust-to-gas mass ratio. Such a CSM would have resulted from episodic mass loss whose rate declined significantly about 28,000 years ago. Alternatively, an IR echo from a surrounding, dense, dusty molecular cloud might also have been responsible for the fading component. Either way, this is the first time that an IR echo has been clearly identified in a Type IIP supernova. We find no evidence for or against the proposal that Type IIP supernovae produce large amounts of dust via grain condensation in the ejecta. However, within the CSM-IR echo scenario, the mass of dust derived implies that the progenitors of the most common of core-collapse supernovae may make an important contribution to the universal dust content.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (References corrected

    The diversity of Type Ia Supernovae: evidence for systematics?

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    The photometric and spectroscopic properties of 26 well observed Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) were analyzed with the aim to explore SNIa diversity. The sample includes (Branch-)normal SNe as well as extreme events like SNe 1991T and 1991bg, while the truly peculiar SNIa, SN2000cx and SN2002cx are not included in our sample . A statistical treatment reveals the existence of three different groups. The first group (FAINT) consists of faint SNeIa similar to SN1991bg, with low expansion velocities and rapid evolution of SiII velocity. A second group consists of ``normal'' SNeIa, also with high temporal velocity gradient (HVG), but with brighter mean absolute magnitude =-19.3 and higher expansion velocities than the FAINT SNe. The third group includes both ``normal'' and SN1991T-like SNeIa: these SNe populate a narrow strip in the SiII velocity evolution plot, with a small velocity gradient (SVG), but have absolute magnitudes similar to HVGs. While the FAINT and HVG SNeIa together seem to define a relation between RSi(II) and Dm15(B), the SVG ones either do not conform with that relation or define a new, looser one. The RSi(II) pre-maximum evolution of HVGs is strikingly different from that of SVGs. The impact of this evidence on the understanding of SNIa diversity, in terms of explosion mechanisms, degree of ejecta mixing, and ejecta-CSM interaction, is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication to ApJ; few referee's comments adde

    Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium. IV. Transitional Type Ibn Supernovae

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    We present ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared data of the Type Ibn supernovae (SNe) 2010al and 2011hw. SN 2010al reaches an absolute magnitude at peak of M(R) = -18.86 +- 0.21. Its early light curve shows similarities with normal SNe Ib, with a rise to maximum slower than most SNe Ibn. The spectra are dominated by a blue continuum at early stages, with narrow P-Cygni He I lines indicating the presence of a slow-moving, He-rich circumstellar medium. At later epochs the spectra well match those of the prototypical SN Ibn 2006jc, although the broader lines suggest that a significant amount of He was still present in the stellar envelope at the time of the explosion. SN 2011hw is somewhat different. It was discovered after the first maximum, but the light curve shows a double-peak. The absolute magnitude at discovery is similar to that of the second peak (M(R) = -18.59 +- 0.25), and slightly fainter than the average of SNe Ibn. Though the spectra of SN 2011hw are similar to those of SN 2006jc, coronal lines and narrow Balmer lines are cleary detected. This indicates substantial interaction of the SN ejecta with He-rich, but not H-free, circumstellar material. The spectra of SN 2011hw suggest that it is a transitional SN Ibn/IIn event similar to SN 2005la. While for SN 2010al the spectro-photometric evolution favours a H-deprived Wolf-Rayet progenitor (of WN-type), we agree with the conclusion of Smith et al. (2012) that the precursor of SN 2011hw was likely in transition from a luminous blue variable to an early Wolf-Rayet (Ofpe/WN9) stage.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables. Accepted by MNRA

    Signature of Electron Capture in Iron-Rich Ejecta of SN 2003du

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    Late-time near-infrared and optical spectra are presented for the normal-bright SN2003du. At about 300 days after the explosion, the emission profiles of well isolated [FeII] lines (in particular that of the strong 1.644mu feature) trace out the global kinematic distribution of radioactive material in the expanding. In SN2003du, the 1.644 mu [FeII] line shows a flat-topped, profile, indicative of a thick but hollow-centered expanding shell, rather than a strongly-peaked profile that would be expected from a ``center-filled'' distribution.Based on detailed models for exploding Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs, we show that the feature is consistent with spherical explosion models.Our model predicts central region of non-radioactive electron-capture elements up to 2500--3000km/s as a consequence of burning under high density, and an extended region of 56Ni up to 9,000--10,000km/s. Furthermore our analysis indicates that the 1.644mu [FeII] profile is not consistent with strong mixing between the regions of electron- capture isotopes and the 56Ni layers as is predicted by detailed 3D models for nuclear deflagration fronts. We discuss the possibility that the flat-topped profile could be produced as a result of an infrared catastrophe and conclude that such an explanation is unlikely. We put our results in context to other SNeIa and briefly discuss the implications of our result for the use of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles.Comment: 12 pages + 8 figures, ApJ (in press, Dec. 20, 2004) For high resolution figures send E-mail to [email protected]