1,154 research outputs found

    Features of atomic and molecular beams passage through capillary systems in the presence of evanescent light waves

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    A model of the transverse cooling of atoms in the field of a surface light wave inside a glass capillary is considered. The attenuation coefficient for transverse oscillations of atom in a microcapillary is estimated, and the length of effective atom cooling is calculated. A 3D model is constructed. The possibility for the practical application of this phenomenon both to develop the technology of atomic lithography and to fabricate the nanostructures is considered

    The stress state of piecewise homogeneous isotropic plate with circular cut

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    Розглянуто контактну задачу для нескінченної ізотропної пластинки з впаяним круглим пружним диском за наявності на лінії розмежування матеріалів зон спаю, гладкого контакту і відставання. Математичну модель задачі побудовано у вигляді системи сингулярних інтегральних рівнянь з логарифмічними ядрами. Розрахунок напруженого стану на межі поділу матеріалів проведено числово-аналітичним методом механічних квадратур і колокації.The solution of a contact task for infinite isotropic plate with a circumferential cut and elastic isotropic disk is proposed. The plate and the disk have to be soldered between themselves on the one part of the general contour, and a through symmetric section has to be on the other parts of the contour. Under the concentrated power loading applied in the center of the disk, the edges of a section of a lamellar design are in contact partially or along the whole length. Friction forces in the contact zone of the plate and the disk – are absent. The solution of such task assumes a tension component definition on a limit of the materials section and sets the size and position of the contact zone. Boundary conditions of the problem on a site of smooth contact are chosen as normal shifts equality of planimetric points of a plate and a disk, and on an interface site they are as shifts equality. Dependencies between the components of the displacement vector and contour points of the plate and the elastic disk and contact stresses are written down in the form of integral relations with logarithmic kernels. By the substitution of these expressions in boundary condition of the problem, the system of four singular integral equations for definition of functions, through which contact forces on the contact area and the juncture have been constructed. Beside the obtained system of equations the condition of force equilibrium state of a disk has to be satisfied. We considered cases of partial problem for a homogeneous plate with a cut along the arc of a circle and absolutely hard disk. An approximate solution of a problem is realized by mechanical quadratures and collocations method. The size and the position of the contact zone are defined by a dichotomy method. The influence of relative rigidity of the disk and the size of a soldering zone on distribution of planimetric tension has been investigated for a piecewise homogeneus isotropic plate with a circumferential cutting, the edges of which are in contact partially or along all length because of the force action of loading. The results of numeric computation with full and incomplete contact of the section's edges are illustrated on schemes and table


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    In this study, phages active against S. marcescens, causative agent of onion decay, were isolated from plant material. One virus isolate was shown to accumulate in high titers and was denoted as phage S. This bacteriophage exhibited a hexagonal head and tail and was attributed to Myoviridae family. It was shown the ability of bacteriophage S to suppress the development of bacteriosis on geranium plants. Investigated virus isolate also inhibited rooting of onion scales. This work focused on a biological control approach to use bacteriophages for reducing bacterial pathogen populations and disease severity on plants

    Comparison of gene expression of metallothioneins, ubiquitin and p53 in fibroblasts from lung and skin of rats of different age

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    We studied gene expression of five metallothioneins (MT 1-5), ubiquitin and protein p53 and their products in fibroblasts culture of the skin and lungs of white rats of different ages (2 weeks, 1, 3, and 24 months) and determined its (metallothionein 1-5 types, ubiquitin, p53) product quantity. All these proteins are protective ones, but perform their functions by using different mechanisms. Metallothionein bind, transport and excrete ions of bivalent metals, ubiquitin controls the cleavage of the defective and short-lived proteins in the proteasome, protein p53 controls apoptosis, thus ensuring the genome stability. The similarity of age dynamics of gene expression of ubiquitin and MT of cells of both sources has been shown – maximum at 3 months. Expression of p53 gene has a difference: both in the skin and lungs expression increases up to 24 months. Product quantity of p53 has a minimum in the skin at 3 months and remains constant; in the lungs, this value has a maximum at 1 month

    Morphological disturbances of rat parietal cortex and hippocampus neurons in the dynamics steady subtotal ischemia of the brain

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze changes in the morphological characteristics of neurons of phylogenetical different parts of the cerebral cortex (parietal cortex and hippocampus) of rats at different periods in the dynamics of stepwise subtotal experimental cerebral ischemia. Methods. The experiments were performed on 42 males of outbred white rats. Step subtotal cerebral ischemia was performed as follows: first, one common carotid artery was ligated, simulating partial ischemia. Then, with an interval of 1 day (subgroup 1), 3 days (subgroup 2) or 7 days (subgroup 3), the second common carotid artery was ligated. Results. A microscopic study of the size, shape, degree of chromatophilia of the cytoplasm and the content of ribonucleoproteins in pyramidal neurons of phylogenetically different parts of the cerebral cortex have shown the dependence of the severity of brain damage on the interval between the cessation of blood flow in both carotid artery. Adaptation was better with a 7-day interval between dressings, while the ligation with an interval of 1 day, the degree of morphological changes was maximum indicating a lack of resources for the implementation of adaptation mechanisms

    Рубцеве травлення і перетравність поживних речовин за включення у раціон корів продуктів переробки цукрового буряка

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    Obtaining produce from highly productive animals is directly related to the provision of a variety of high–quality feed, balanced by energy, nutrients, minerals and biologically active substances. In addressing this issue, a certain role belongs to plant food production waste, which is valuable energy, protein and mineral raw materials for compound feed industry, containing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other components necessary for animal organism. The most valuable vegetable food waste includes grains waste, sugar beet pulp and molasses, alcohol bard, spent grains, products of processing sunflower seeds, soy, rape, corn and potato pulp as well as fruit and berry pomace. Aim of research – to determine the effect of feeding milk cows with feed concentrate in compound feed for dairy cows in mid–lactation on diet nutrients digestibility. Article is devoted to high performance cows using their ration of food production wastes of plant origin. The most valuable of these include grain waste, beet pulp and molasses, alcohol bard, brewer's grain, processed sunflower seeds, soybeans, canola, corn and potato pulp, fruit pomace. The inclusion in the diet of cattle feed concentrate prepared from secondary products of sugar beet to 15 – 25% in the composition of feed enhances digestive processes in the rumen that provides improved digestibility of nutrients to 1.8 – 7.8% and nitrogen deposition 10.8–26.4%. Found significant differences of total protein in the blood 4.7–5.8% (P < 0.05) in animals, which replace 20 – 25% of the diet (by weight) referred concentrate. The tendency of reducing the concentration of urea in animal research groups that is most pronounced in cows, which replace 20 – 25% of the diet (by weight) concentrate by 9.8 and 7.3% relative to the control group. This indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the research groups of cows.Стаття присвячена питанням забезпечення високої продуктивності корів шляхом використання в їх раціоні відходів харчових виробництв рослинного походження. До найбільш цінних з них відносяться зернові відходи, буряковий жом і меляса, спиртова барда, пивна дробина, продукти переробки насіння соняшнику, сої, ріпаку, кукурудзяна і картопляна мезга, плодово–ягідні вичавки. Включення в раціон корів кормового концентрату, приготованого із вторинних продуктів переробки цукрових буряків 15 – 25% у складі комбікорму сприяє посиленню травних процесів у рубці, що забезпечує поліпшення перетравності поживних речовин на 1,8 – 7,8 % і відкладення азоту на 10,8 – 26,4%. Встановлено достовірні відмінності вмісту загального білка в крові на 4,7–5,8% (Р < 0,05) у тварин, яким замінювали 20 – 25% раціону (по масі) зазначеним концентратом. Відзначено тенденцію зменшення концентрації сечовини у тварин дослідних груп, що найбільш виражено у корів, яким замінювали 20 – 25% раціону (по масі) концентратом на 9,8 і 7,3% по відношенню до контрольної групи. Це вказує на активізацію обмінних процесів в організмі корів дослідних груп

    Prognosticvalueofnt proBNP level in respect to recurrence of atrial fibrillation

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    The aim of the study - to study clinic-anamnestic, laboratory, instrumental material in patients with AF and to estimate their relationship with arrhythmia recurrence after electrical cardioversion (ECV).Цель исследования - изучить клиническоанамнестические, лабораторные и инструментальные данные у пациентов с ФП и оценить их взаимосвязь с рецидивом аритмии после электрической кардиоверсии (ЭКВ)

    Dynamics of a disabled population in Morocco

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    BACKGROUND: The disabled population constitutes a class of people needing special care and necessitating important economic and social effort. METHODS: In this paper, using specific parameter settings, partial differential equations are used to model the temporal change of the proportion of the disabled population in Morocco. RESULTS: Combining different forms and values of the parameters, a numerical method is proposed and three scenarios are considered. These forms and values are determined by data fitting and simulation. CONCLUSIONS: The experiments show clearly the dynamical evolution of the disabled population with time and age according to each scenario

    Ecological Invasion, Roughened Fronts, and a Competitor's Extreme Advance: Integrating Stochastic Spatial-Growth Models

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    Both community ecology and conservation biology seek further understanding of factors governing the advance of an invasive species. We model biological invasion as an individual-based, stochastic process on a two-dimensional landscape. An ecologically superior invader and a resident species compete for space preemptively. Our general model includes the basic contact process and a variant of the Eden model as special cases. We employ the concept of a "roughened" front to quantify effects of discreteness and stochasticity on invasion; we emphasize the probability distribution of the front-runner's relative position. That is, we analyze the location of the most advanced invader as the extreme deviation about the front's mean position. We find that a class of models with different assumptions about neighborhood interactions exhibit universal characteristics. That is, key features of the invasion dynamics span a class of models, independently of locally detailed demographic rules. Our results integrate theories of invasive spatial growth and generate novel hypotheses linking habitat or landscape size (length of the invading front) to invasion velocity, and to the relative position of the most advanced invader.Comment: The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com/content/8528v8563r7u2742