243 research outputs found

    Ставoви и практики за Хуман Папиломавирус, вакцина за Хуман Папиломавирус и поврзани фактори меѓу населението во Република Косово

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    Аpproximately 50–80% of sexually active women are exposed to at least one HPV variant during their lifetime. Based on the 2015 annual report of the National Institute of Public Health of Kosova, 68 new cases of cervical cancer were detected. The aim of the study was to investigate the attitude and practice regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections and the Human Papillomavirus vaccine in the population of the Republic of Kosova. Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the knowledge concerning HPV infections among the population aged 18 to 35+ years. The study was conducted during the period of time June 2021 –to August 2021. The sample included 500 participants. The questionnaire was anonymous, and participants were free to end their participation any time, without completing the questionnaire. Results: Regarding the claim "The HPV vaccine is safe", more than half of the respondents, respectively58.6% declare that they do not know, 33.4% of the respondents agree, 6.0% gave an incorrect answer / disagree, and 2.0% did not answer. The percentage difference between the unknown and correct answers is statistically significant for p<0.05. Conclusion: This study found out that the attitude towards the HPV vaccine among people of the Republic of Kosova is low to moderate. HPV vaccines should be included in the national immunization programs, since there is not still established national vaccination program for HPV vaccination.Приближно 50-80% од сексуално активните жени се изложени на барем една варијанта на ХПВ во текот на нивниот живот. Врз основа на годишниот извештај на Националниот институт за јавно здравје на Косово за 2015 година, откриени се 68 нови случаи на рак на грлото на матката. Целта на студијата беше да се истражи ставот и практиката во однос на инфекциите со хуман папиломавирус (ХПВ) и вакцината против хуманиот папилома вирус кај населението на Република Косово. Материјал и методи: Спроведена е студија на пресек за да се процени знаењето за ХПВ инфекциите кај популацијата на возраст од 18 до 35+ години. Студијата е спроведена во периодот јуни 2021 година до август 2021 година. Примерокот опфати 500 учесници. Прашалникот беше анонимен, а учесниците можеа слободно да го прекинат своето учество во секое време, без да го пополнат прашалникот. Резултати: Во однос на тврдењето „ХПВ вакцината е безбедна“повеќe од половина од испитаниците, односно 58,6% се изјасниле дека не знаат, 33,4% од испитаниците се согласуваат, 6,0% дале неточен одговор/ не се согласуваат, а 2,0% не одговориле. Процентуалната разлика помеѓу непознатите и точните одговори е статистички значајна за p<0,05. Заклучок: Оваа студија покажа дека односот кон ХПВ вакцината кај жителите на Република Косово е низок до умерен. ХПВ вакцините треба да бидат вклучени во националните програми за имунизација, бидејќи сèуште не постои воспоставена национална програма за вакцинација против ХПВ

    Partnership of media with the public

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    In this paper is addressed the new media status, which is created in the digital age. Media in the digital age tends to be a business and policy partners, whether for traditional reasons, or because with new digital technology is not known where media is divided from the technology, so where is divided journalism as a profession from the business journalism. Media has become an equal partner with business and politics, but has lost its partnership with the public. Where is leading the journalism this partnership? Theoretical approach in this paper is within the critical cultural school and in which are intended to be detected trends, messages and ideologies of new digital media.&nbsp

    Urban renewal: Retransformation instead of Demolition

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    Now days, technology is everywhere, in our homes and working areas, we even carry a lot of electronic technology with us. It is one of the most used notions and a part of life. Ourhouses also have a lot of electronic technology, it relieves our lives. Technology can also make our space more comfortable, saves our time in many ways. However, technology can not physically enlarge or replace our spaces. Flexibility is an essential component of our lives, increases our space and allows the most possibilities through the changes of our lives. It remains a part of our lives and complements our space. How do we live today between a lot of technology and often a lack of living space that many people have? A smart addition of these two components, technology and flexibility would be an ideal combination..

    How Do We Live

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    Nowadays, technology is everywhere, in our homes and working areas, we even carry a lot of electronic technology with us. It is one of the most used notions and a part of life. Our houses also have a lot of electronic technology, it relieves our lives. Technology can also make our space more comfortable, saves our time in many ways. However, technology can not physically enlarge or replace our spaces. Flexibility is an essential component of our lives, increases our space and allows the most possibilities through the changes of our lives. It remains a part of our lives and complements our space. How do we live today between a lot of technology and often a lack of living space that many people have? A smart addition of these two components, technology and flexibility would be an ideal combination

    The Training Process of Civil Servants Employees in Ministry of Economic Development in Kosovo: Effect of Training through the Prism of Participants and Interpretation of Employee Questionnaire Survey

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    The Institutions of Public Administration in the Republic of Kosovo are relatively new institutions. This Paper addresses the need for a more carefully specified training process for the civil servant employees of the Ministry of Economic Development [MED]. The paper has assessed the trainings provided during the period 2005-2011, focusing on the effects and results for increase of skills and knowledge of trained employees. Despite the large number of training topics it has never been clear how effective they were, what knowledge and skills the employees gained through these trainings and whether they have increased their skills and applied in their workplace. This study was conducted to improve the performance of MED employees and to design trainings that enable employees to gain new skills and knowledge. During the research activities, especially from the first survey conducted with MED officials it was noticed that there was a discrepancy between the organized training courses and shown results at work by the trained officers. It is recommended to design an effective evaluation process on training. MED, has not issued any report on how effective the previous training have been, what new skills and knowledge an employee has applied at his/her workplace. This lack not only faded the whole process of trainings, but it demotivated employees on taking seriously the training proces

    Discrimination of women in the private sector

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    Our research on the topic set forth, "Discrimination of women in the private sector" has resulted in a detailed picture of the role and place of women in the overall socio-economic and political life in post-war Kosovo, by emphasising the problem of the employment process and other current problems, which women face on daily basis.Women, who constitute half of humanity, since the beginning of the era of patriarchy have faced discrimination, in social as well as economic and political aspects, and since then appeared barriers to their career development. This problem is present even today, in almost all countries of the world and is not peculiar only for Kosovo, however the problem in Kosovo appears to be more acute. This kind of discrimination comes as a result of various “reasons“: religious, social and cultural. In subsequent periods, especially during the last decade, women‘s participation in everyday life has begun to improve in all sectors of life, however it is still far from the desirable one.Our findings, which helped the completion of this research, lead us to conclude that women have been, are and continue to be discriminated against in all walks of life and so it will be, until the woman does not realise that her fate is in her own hands, namely not to ask a man to free space for her, but to fight in order to conquer it herself

    The impact of Democracy in the Media and Public Opinion

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    Media in the last two centuries, and especially with the development of science and technology have evolved enough and rightly today not coincidentally are also being considered as the fourth power state, for which freely can say that is presented as the work controler of the three powers of the state. The role of media is great for all societies, regardless of whether they are democratic or not, but rightly is emphasized the role (importance) of the media in democratic societies. So from this, it can be stated that the media are a very important element of the social democratic system and one of the main factors in the development of information society. It is understandable that without this important element, society (especially modern and democraticone), would be deprived of the most important instruments that influence the development of all areas of their lives. While, on the other hand the political system would be without an arm, or without its most important part, which directly affects the good functioning of this system. But, for the establishment of democracy it is required the continued development of free political life and new social relations. Free political life and socio-political relations are an integral and essential part of general democratic structure. The importance of political life in contemporary society is crucial for any political system, especially for the democratic system and the media being in the middle have a very special and important role. Keywords: media, public opinion, democracy, contemporary socieite

    Знаења за хуман папиломавирус и фактори поврзани со него кај населението на Косово

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    Above 70% of sexually active women and men will be infected with human papilloma irus at some point in their lives, and several may yet be infected in more than one circumstance. Around 80% of sexually active women acquire HPV infection, while for the most part, they are asymptomatic with the immune system-mediated clearance of contagion within 6–12 months. High-risk papillomavirus is accountable for causing cancer associated with the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and oropharynx. This survey aims to investigate the level of knowledge among residents in the Republic of Kosova regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and HPV-associated diseases and to discover the relationship between these factors. Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed by investigating the knowledge concerning HPV infection in the population aged 18 to 35+ years. The study was conducted in the interval from June 2021 - August 2021. The sample included 500 participants. The questionnaire was anonymous, and participants were free to end the participation at any time, without finishing the questionnaire. Results: More than half of the respondents knew about HPV - 70.0%, and 29.6% did not know. Respondents with secondary and higher education showed 18 times more knowledge for HPV (OR = 18.1311 95% CI: 8.7465-37.5852) than respondents with primary education. To the question Can HPV cause cancer of the cervix, 37.2% (n=186) of the respondents gave a correct answer. The results presented that most participants knew what HPV was (70%), but they also revealed that most participants had low or moderate knowledge about HPV, which was a comparable result with earlier studies. A small number of participants in this survey knew that HPV could heal by itself (12.8%), which was similar to results presented in other surveys. Conclusions: It is important to improve the inadequate knowledge about HPV among the population in the Republic of Kosova. In order to do that, it could be significant to assess which factors affect the knowledge so that young women and all adolescents will get pushed to use protective measures against cervical cancer and have protected sexual behaviour.Над 70% од сексуално активните жени и мажи ќе бидат заразенисо хуман папиломавирус во некоја фаза од нивниот живот, а неколку сепак може да бидат заразени во повеќе од една околност. Околу 80% од сексуално активните жени добиваат ХПВ инфекција, додека во најголем дел, тие се асимптоматски со отстранување на заразата посредувано од имунолошкиот систем во рок од 6-12 месеци. Високоризичниот папиломавирус е одговорен за предизвикување рак поврзан со грлото на матката, вулвата, вагината, анусот, пенисот и орофаринксот.Ова истражување има за цел да го провери нивото на знаење кај жителите во Република Косово во врска со инфекциите со хуман папиломавирус (ХПВ) и болестите поврзани со ХПВ и да ја открие врската помеѓу овие фактори. Материјал и методи: Спроведовме студија на пресек за знаењето на ХПВ инфекцијата кај популацијата на возраст од 18 до 35+ години. Студијата беше спроведена во интервалот од јуни 2021 до август 2021 година. Примерокот вклучи 500 учесници. Прашалникот беше анонимен, а учесниците можеа слободно да го прекинат учеството во секое време, без да го завршат прашалникот.Резултати: Повеќе од половина од испитаниците знаеја за ХПВ - 70,0%, а 29,6% од нив не знаеја. Испитаниците со средно и високо образование покажаа 18 пати повеќе знаење за ХПВ (ОR= 18,1311 95% CI: 8,7465-37,5852) од испитаниците со основно образование. На тврдењето ХПВ може да предизвика рак на грлото на матката, 37,2% (n=186) од испитаниците дале точен одговор.Резултатите покажаа дека повеќето учесници знаеја што е ХПВ (70%), но тие исто така покажаадека повеќето учесници имаа ниско или умерено познавање за ХПВ, што е споредлив резултат со претходните студии. Мал број од учесниците во ова истражување знаеја дека ХПВ може сам да се лекува (12,8%), што е слично со резултатите од други истражувања.Заклучок: Од клучно значење е подобрување на несоодветното знаење за ХПВ кај луѓето во Република Косово. За да се направи тоа, би можело да биде значајно да се процени кои фактори влијаат на знаењето, така што младите жени и сите адолесценти ќе бидат принудени да користат заштитни мерки против рак на грлото на матката и да имаат заштитено сексуално однесување