159 research outputs found

    The influence of the flour amylolytic enzymes activity, dosage of ingredients and bread making method on the sugar content and the bread quality

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    The aim of this study was to study the effect of the sugar dosage, improver dosage, type of bread making methods and the amylolytic activity of five different types of wheat flours on the sugar content and the bread quality. The sugar content in the bread crumb was determined using the Bertrand’s method and was counted for sucrose. When the dough was prepared using accelerated technology, the improver affected the sugar content in the bread due to the starch enzymatic hydrolysis. The effect of improver dosages and sugar dosages on the sugar content in the bread was established. When using the improver, the sugar content exceeded the permitted amount in 1.25 times. No correlation was found between sugar dosage in recipe and bread quality when accelerated bread making way was used because of short fermentation time. The influence of wheat flour amylolytic activity (falling number) on the sugar content in bread was established, including when sugar was absent in the formulation. When sugar presented at bread formulation, the flour amylolytic activity did not significantly affect the bread quality, except the acidity. The bread making way had a greater influence on bread quality than falling number of flour. When sugar absent at bread recipe, the higher was the flour amylolytic activity, the higher was the sugar content in bread made by traditional way due to the starch deterioration. Obtained data have shown that when a baking method is selected, the flour amylolytic activity must be taken into account

    Innovative technologies in the treatment of short bowel syndrome

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    Introdiction. In recent years, many new technologies for the management of patients with short bowel syndrom (SBS), including SBS-IF (short bowel syndrom with intestinal failor), have appeared. The implemented surgical techniques are aimed at slowing down the progress of intestinal contents (antiperistaltic inserts, the creation of artificial valves in the small intestine, loops or pockets from the small intestine, etc.); surgical elongation of the small intestine (the most common STEP, Bianchy technique); intestinal transplantation. At the same time, when the intestine is shortened to 1.5–2,0 m, the adaptive rearrangements are still able to provide (albeit suppressed), but partially preserved absorption processes (in 80% of cases, the surface of the intestine is sufficient for slow transport of nutrients from the intestine to the blood). Therefore, it is important to increase the efficiency of adaptive rearrangements in any conservative way shown.Аim. Тo evaluate the role of hormonal stimulation of adaptive rearrangements in the residual bowel stump.Materials and methods. Рarameters of the well-known alimentary-volemic diagnosis, assessment of adaptive changes in the gastrointestinal tract (performed by determining citruline and GLP-2, as well as by morphological method). To stimulate the regulation of adaptive processes, a hormone preparation GLP-2 (teduglutide) was used in the nutritional support program.Results. It was shown that the length of the intestinal stump up to 1.5–2.0 m allows for digestive and transport processes due to adaptive rearrangements of the intestinal epithelium. With a super-short intestine, it is advisable to choose surgical methods of correction.Conclusion. For conservative correction of adaptive processes in the intestine, it is advisable to use a GLP-2 hormone preparation, in particular, teduglutide

    Functional properties of the Su(Hw) complex are determined by its regulatory environment and multiple interactions on the Su(Hw) protein platform

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    The Su(Hw) protein was first identified as a DNA-binding component of an insulator complex in Drosophila. Insulators are regulatory elements that can block the enhancer-promoter communication and exhibit boundary activity. Some insulator complexes contribute to the higher-order organization of chromatin in topologically associated domains that are fundamental elements of the eukaryotic genomic structure. The Su(Hw)-dependent protein complex is a unique model for studying the insulator, since its basic structural components affecting its activity are already known. However, the mechanisms involving this complex in various regulatory processes and the precise interaction between the components of the Su(Hw) insulators remain poorly understood. Our recent studies reveal the fine mechanism of formation and function of the Su(Hw) insulator. Our results provide, for the first time, an example of a high complexity of interactions between the insulator proteins that are required to form the (Su(Hw)/Mod(mdg4)-67.2/CP190) complex. All interactions between the proteins are to a greater or lesser extent redundant, which increases the reliability of the complex formation. We conclude that both association with CP190 and Mod(mdg4)-67.2 partners and the proper organization of the DNA binding site are essential for the efficient recruitment of the Su(Hw) complex to chromatin insulators. In this review, we demonstrate the role of multiple interactions between the major components of the Su(Hw) insulator complex (Su(Hw)/Mod(mdg4)-67.2/CP190) in its activity. It was shown that Su(Hw) may regulate the enhancer–promoter communication via the newly described insulator neutralization mechanism. Moreover, Su(Hw) participates in direct regulation of activity of vicinity promoters. Finally, we demonstrate the mechanism of organization of “insulator bodies” and suggest a model describing their role in proper binding of the Su(Hw) complex to chromatin


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    Regulatory framework and methodological approaches to evaluation of immunological effects of vaccination against brucellosis are not established, and the degree of immunological post-vaccinal rearrangement is not yet developed. Due to leading role of cellular immunity in formation of immune protection against brucellosis, evaluation the cellular response in response to antigenic stimulation may be considered the most informative and objective approach to analysis of immune changes in the body during vaccination. In order to develop the most diagnostically informative methods for design of antigen-stimulation cell tests in vitro, a careful selection of a stimulating agent (antigen) is required, which should have a sufficient activating potential, thus providing specificity of reaction under in vitro conditions. The aim of the present study is to study the in vitro specific activity of a protein-polysaccharide antigenic complex from the Brucella abortus 19 BA strain (BrAg), and an opportunity of its application in order to assess the formation of post-vaccinal cellular immunity against brucellosis.The study was performed with white laboratory mice (n = 50) immunized with the Brucella abortus 19 BA strain. The control group (n = 50) consisted of laboratory mice that received a sterile saline solution in a volume of 0.5 ml. Blood samples were taken from immunized and control animals before vaccination, and 7, 14, 21, and 30 days after immunization. By means of flow cytometry, the activation molecules CD25, CD69, MHC II and CD95, expressed on T lymphocytes (CD3+CD69+, CD3+CD25+, CD3+CD95+, CD3+MHC+) were determined. To observe the development of immunity, the intensity of expression of T lymphocyte activation markers was calculated using the stimulation quotient. BrAg was used for specific in vitro stimulation of T lymphocytes. The liquid brucellosis allergen (brucellin) was used as an antigen for comparison, when studying opportunity of BrAg usage for assessing the postvaccinal immunity development.The following results were obtained: BrAg has pronounced specific activity, it did not cause non-specific in vitro reactions (activation) of T lymphocytes, thus enabling its application as a test antigen when evaluating development of adaptive vaccine immunity against brucella.Experimental testing of brucellosis antigen for carrying out the in vitro antigen-stimulated cellular reactions, aiming for evaluation of post-vaccinal immunity development against brucellosis, showed that the usage of BrAg promotes increase in diagnostic sensitivity of cellular reactions under in vitro experimental conditions. The applied experimental antigen is a quite promising tool for development of laboratory algorithms for brucellosis diagnostics, and assessment of actual vaccination efficiency in cohorts previously vaccinated against brucellosis

    Using CAST-test to investigate human specific hypersensitivity to the anthrax pathogen

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    We present the results of applying functional cytometric test of antigen-stimulated activation basophils to assess specific immunological reactivity in the people with anthrax, and immunized with anthrax vaccine. As a criterion for antigen-specific basophil activation, we measured expression of the CD63 membrane receptor, which reflects the process of anaphylactic basophil degranulation. To determine spontaneous and antigen-induced activation of basophils (CCR3+CD63+), a FlowCAST reagent kit (Buhlmann laboratories AG, Switzerland) was used. Anthraxin, an experimental anthrax allergen (a hydrolysate the Bacillus anthracis STI-1 strain), manufactured by the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute, was used as a specific antigen. As based on clinical and experimental data, a threshold value of &gt; 10% of anthraxin-activated (CCR3+CD63+) basophils was accepted for the in vitro immunodiagnostic CAST test, as a laboratory criterion for the subjects exhibiting specific immune response, i.e., IgE-mediated sensitization. It was shown that, in anthrax patients within one week after onset of the disease (3-7 days), a positive CAST result was obtained in 92.3% cases; the levels of specific basophil activation with anthraxin averaged 37.9% (12.01 ÷ 78.9%). Immunological examination of individuals three weeks (21 days) after vaccination against anthrax revealed CAST-positivity in all the vaccinated persons. Intensity of anthraxin-induced basophil activation the vaccinated subjects was ranged from 10.87 to 30.03%, averaging 17.86%. The overall values of spontaneous and specific activation ranged within 12.39 ÷ 41.46%. The study opens prospectives for implementation of basophil antigenic activation test in the Flow CAST format in diagnostics of anthrax and to identify specific immune rearrangements after vaccination in humans, as an index of actual vaccination rates. Usage of CAST test with anthraxin makes it possible to identify anthrax patients at the early stages (2-4 days after onset of the disease) including, among patients with an increased CCR3+CD63+ background values, evaluation of immunological efficiency in the cohorts at risk for vaccination. At the same time, it was found that a significant decrease in diagnostic sensitivity of CAST test could be observed in the patients immune to anthrax pathogen who received intensive antibacterial and pathogenetic therapy at the early stages of infection, including glucocorticosteroids (anti-inflammatory drugs) and desensitizing agents that inhibit the degree of hypersensitivity development and its expression

    Cryo-EM structure of an antibody that neutralizes dengue virus type 2 by locking E protein dimers

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    There are four closely-related dengue virus (DENV) serotypes. Infection with one serotype generates antibodies that may cross-react and enhance infection with other serotypes in a secondary infection. We demonstrated that DENV serotype 2 (DENV2)–specific human monoclonal antibody (HMAb) 2D22 is therapeutic in a mouse model of antibody-enhanced severe dengue disease. We determined the cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of HMAb 2D22 complexed with two different DENV2 strains. HMAb 2D22 binds across viral envelope (E) proteins in the dimeric structure, which probably blocks the E protein reorganization required for virus fusion. HMAb 2D22 “locks” two-thirds of or all dimers on the virus surface, depending on the strain, but neutralizes these DENV2 strains with equal potency. The epitope defined by HMAb 2D22 is a potential target for vaccines and therapeutics

    Clinical Recommendations of the Northwest Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Interregional Association for Emergency Surgery, Russian Gastroenterological Association, Union of Rehabilitation Therapists of Russia and Russian Transplantation Society on Diagnosis and Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome-Associated Intestinal Failure in Adults

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    Aim. Current clinical recommendations address the epidemiology, causes, clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of possible immediate and long-term complications, as well as the problematic issues related to treatment and rehabilitation of adult short bowel syndrome patients.Key points. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a symptom complex of impaired digestion caused by the reduction of small intestine absorptive surface and manifested by intestinal failure (IF) of various severity (maldigestion and malabsorption) developing into malnutrition and systemic somatogenic disorders. The vital strategic aspects of its treatment are the personalisation of liquid, macro- and micronutrients consumption as well as avoidance of intestinal failure- and parenteral nutrition-associated complications. Various nutritional support regimes and the indications for infusion therapy and maintenance parenteral nutrition are considered in this patient category, also in outpatient settings. To mitigate the dependence on intravenous fluid- and nutrient administration and attain enteral autonomy in SBS-IF patients, the use of recombinant glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is justified as exerting a pronounced trophic effect on the epithelial regenerative potential as well as structural and functional adaptation of intestinal mucosa. The SBS-IF patients prescribed with home parenteral nutrition and/or their caregivers should be trained in a special programme that covers the catheter care, preparation of infusion solutions and nutrient mixture container, infusion pump operation as well as the prevention, recognition and management of complications. The main referral indications for small bowel transplantation (SBT) are: fast-progressing cholestatic liver disease-complicated irreversible intestinal failure; thrombosis of two or more central venous conduits used for parenteral nutrition; recurrent catheter-associated bloodstream infection.Conclusion. Current recommendations on diagnosis and treatment as well as the developed criteria of medical aid quality assessment are applicable at different levels of healthcare

    On the zero-Hopf bifurcation of the Lotka-Volterra systems in R3

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    Here we study the Lotka-Volterra systems in R3, i.e. the differential systems of the form dxi/dt = xi(ri - Σ3j=1 aijxj), i = 1, 2, 3. It is known that some of these differential systems can have at least four periodic orbits bifurcating from one of their equilibrium points. Here we prove that there are some of these differential systems exhibiting at least six periodic orbits bifurcating from one of their equilibrium points. The tool for proving this result is the averaging theory of third order

    Analysis of Epizootiological-Epidemiological Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2018 and Forecast for 2019

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    Presented is the analysis of brucellosis incidence among humans and animals in the Russian Federation in 2018. Epizootiological situation in the regions of developed animal husbandry remains reasonably tense. In 2018, as in previous years, the foci of bovine cattle and small ruminant brucellosis were registered in the North Caucasian, Southern Federal Districts, Volga and Siberian Federal Districts, the share of which made up to more than 90% of all registered in Russia potentially hazardous as regards brucellosis areas and cases of the disease in animals. Against the background of long-term unfavorable epizootic condition, the incidence of brucellosis over the past three years was, on average, 14 % lower than the average long-term indicators. The greatest number of cases (94.1 % of the overall Russian incidence) is registered in the administrative subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, Southern Federal District and Siberian Federal District, which have the maximum levels of brucellosis incidence in cattle (88.9 %) and small ruminants (95 %). In 2019, persistence of epidemiological problems in regard to brucellosis in the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District (primarily the Republic of Dagestan, Stavropol Territory), the Southern Federal District (the Republic of Kalmykia, Volgograd and Astrakhan Regions), and the Siberian Federal District (the Tuva Republic, the Omsk and Tyumen Regions) is predicted. The number of human cases of brucellosis may be within the range of 290–310 cases (intensive incidence rate per 100 thousand population – 0.21)