198 research outputs found

    Paranoid Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms Features in Case of Presence of Musical Ear

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    In our work, we propose one of the options for a prognostic criterion, which at the beginning of the disease can provide sufficient evidence to predict the form and severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia.Aim. To investigate the influence of the presence of ear on music on the degree of severity of deficiency symptoms in paranoid schizophrenia.The study was conducted on the basis of the third clinical department of the Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital for the period of 2015. 40 patients with paranoid form of schizophrenia, aged 18 to 35, were examined, of which: group I – 20 patients with advanced ear on music (average age 28.60±1.01 years) and group II – 20 patients with no ear on music (average age 27.30±1.15 years). The main methods of studying the observation groups were: clinical-psychopathological, pathopsychological, and statistical. The pathopsychological study of the evaluation of negative symptoms was conducted using the "Qualitative Assessment Scale for Positivity, Negative and General Psychopathological Syndromes" (PANSS – Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), namely, its PANSS-NS subscale. Comparison of the probability of the difference between the average indices of unrelated groups was carried out using the Mann-Whitney method, comparing the relative parameters of the distribution structure by the xi-square criterion.Analysis of the results of the study shows that in patients with developed ear on music, the level of deficiency symptoms of negative symptoms under the PANSS-NS subclass is 2.2 times lower (p <0.01) than in patients with no developed ear on music: 2.04±0.14 against 4.46±0.17 points, respectively. Comparing the key indicators of the PANSS-NS subscale in patients with paranoid schizophrenia with advanced ear on music, it was found that the manifestations of "Violations of abstract thinking" (N5 – 2.35±0.15 points), "Violation of spontaneity and smoothness in the conversation" (N6 – 2.30±0.15 points) and "Stereotyped thinking" (N7 – 2.20±0.16 points). All these negative symptoms were in patients with muscular earache with significantly lower scores: from lack of severity (1 point) to weakness (3 points). The lack of expressiveness (1 point) was most common in N4 "Passive-apathy social strangeness " - 35.00±10.67 % of patients, very weak severity (2 points) - for N1 "Blurred passion" - 75.00±9.68 % of patients (p <0.05 with the proportion of negative symptoms 1 and 3 points), weakness (3 points) - for N5 – 45.00±11.12 % of patients (p <0.05 with the proportion of negative symptoms 1 point ) The highest proportion (70.00±10.25 %, p <0.05 with a share of negative symptoms of 6 points) of patients with paranoid schizophrenia without ear on music had a high severity (5 points) of rigidity and stereotyping of thinking (N7).The obtained data prove the influence of the factor of the presence of ear on music on deficit syndrome, as well as on the forms and degree of severity of negative symptoms in paranoid schizophrenia

    Climate change: causes, effects and the ways out

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    Climate is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather pattern over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in average condition. Based on the broadest scale, the rate at which energy is received from the sun and the rate at which it is lost will determine the equilibrium temperature and climate of earth distributed around the globe by winds ocean currents and other mechanisms to affect the climate of different regions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3603

    Судовий прецедент як джерело конституційного права зарубіжних країн

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    У сучасних умовах дослідження джерел конституційного права зарубіжних країн є надзвичайно актуальним. В статті визначено, що судовий прецедент є основним джерелом конституційного права держав англосаксонської правової системи та допоміжним джерелом конституційного права в романо-германській правовій системі. Також акцентовано увагу на тому, що 23 лютого 2006 року в Україні було прийнято фундаментальний Закон – Закон України «Про виконання рішень та застосування практики Європейського суду з прав людини». Визначено, що прийняття вищезазначеного законодавчого акту мало свого часу не тільки теоретичне значення для юридичної науки, але насамперед практичне значення для функціонування судів, оскільки вимогою даного законодавчого акту є неухильне виконання рішень Європейського Суду з прав людини, який в свою чергу визнає прецедентне право. У роботі визначено, що раніше, судовий прецедент в Україні не був загальновизнаним джерелом конституційного права. Проте, з часом судовий прецедент почав посідати надзвичайно важливе значення і вітчизняні суди все частіше оперують практикою вищестоящих судів при ухваленні тих чи інших рішень. Тому, в науковій статті обґрунтовано важливість дослідження судового прецедента як джерела конституційного права в зарубіжних країнах, оскільки відношення до даного джерела конституційного права в державах загального права і державах континентального права кардинально відрізняється. Також в науковій статті особливу увагу приділено питанням, пов’язаним із практикою застосування судового прецедента у кожній із правових систем сучасності. Зокрема, визначено який вплив мав судовий прецедент на розвиток конституційного права, чи виступають суди суб’єктами судової правотворчості чи ні, визначено основні аспекти судового прецедента та його співвідношення з судовою практикою. В науковій статті також висвітлено яким чином застосовується судовий прецедент в Франції, Німеччині, Великобританії, а також окремі особливості його застосування в Україні. В підсумку визначено, що судовий прецедент по праву визначається особливим джерелом конституційного права зарубіжних країн, а тому для України він також повинен зайняти особливо важливе місце в системі джерел конституційного права, хоча при цьому він і поступається нормативно-правовому акту як фундаментальному джерелу конституційного права романо-германської правової системи, до складу якої входить і Україна

    Systemic approach to business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise

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    The authors use the method of regression analysis, with the help of which they determine the dependence of the level and rates of economic growth of modern economic systems on development of innovation-oriented entrepreneurship. The additional methodological instrumentarium includes the proprietary method of evaluation of effectiveness of business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise. The authors offer a systemic approach to business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise and prove its high effectiveness as compared to the usual approach by the example of modern Russian innovation-oriented enterprises.peer-reviewe

    Innovative technologies in the treatment of short bowel syndrome

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    Introdiction. In recent years, many new technologies for the management of patients with short bowel syndrom (SBS), including SBS-IF (short bowel syndrom with intestinal failor), have appeared. The implemented surgical techniques are aimed at slowing down the progress of intestinal contents (antiperistaltic inserts, the creation of artificial valves in the small intestine, loops or pockets from the small intestine, etc.); surgical elongation of the small intestine (the most common STEP, Bianchy technique); intestinal transplantation. At the same time, when the intestine is shortened to 1.5–2,0 m, the adaptive rearrangements are still able to provide (albeit suppressed), but partially preserved absorption processes (in 80% of cases, the surface of the intestine is sufficient for slow transport of nutrients from the intestine to the blood). Therefore, it is important to increase the efficiency of adaptive rearrangements in any conservative way shown.Аim. Тo evaluate the role of hormonal stimulation of adaptive rearrangements in the residual bowel stump.Materials and methods. Рarameters of the well-known alimentary-volemic diagnosis, assessment of adaptive changes in the gastrointestinal tract (performed by determining citruline and GLP-2, as well as by morphological method). To stimulate the regulation of adaptive processes, a hormone preparation GLP-2 (teduglutide) was used in the nutritional support program.Results. It was shown that the length of the intestinal stump up to 1.5–2.0 m allows for digestive and transport processes due to adaptive rearrangements of the intestinal epithelium. With a super-short intestine, it is advisable to choose surgical methods of correction.Conclusion. For conservative correction of adaptive processes in the intestine, it is advisable to use a GLP-2 hormone preparation, in particular, teduglutide

    Study of ball transfer unit structural strength and performability at static and dynamic loading

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    Представлені результати експериментальних досліджень конструкційної міцності та роботоспроможності опор кулькових вільного переміщення виробництва ТОВ "Вікторія" (Україна) в залежності від твердості матеріалу корпуса та кількості кульок у ложі опори. Описані методика експериментів та спеціальне обладнання, спроектоване та виготовлене для їх проведення. Встановлені оптимальні режими термічної обробки корпусу опори та її реальні запаси міцності при нормативних рівнях статичних і динамічних навантажень. Проведена також оцінка роботоспроможності опори, яка визначалась, виходячи з можливості повного провертання центральної кулі в ложі з менших кульок при різних рівнях навантаження.Purpose. Justification of optimum heat treatment of ball transfer unit body was developed and patented by "Victoria Ltd." (Ukraine). These modes of heat treatment had to assure the maximum carrying capacity of ball transfer unit and its ability to withstand the load impact with given impact energy. Also the state of unit operability was investigated subject to applied static loading. Design/methodology/approach. The special experimental equipment was designed and manufactured for research. It allowed to simulate the real working conditions of ball transfer unit during the experiments. Entire test cycle was divided into three phases. Initially the units were subjected to impact loading with falling weight under increasing impact energy up to destruction of a body. The influence of steel body hardness on unit dynamic strength was estimated. Then samples of ball transfer units were loaded with static forces applied to central ball. Maximum failure load was determined and real safety factors were calculated subject to body hardness. Also unit operability at maximum load was investigated. It was estimated by possibility of full twisting central ball in the unit body. Findings.Optimum regimes of hardening of the body and the actual ultimate load safety factor at the normal loading of the unit were defined. Originality.New results on structural strength of ball transfer unit with steel punching body were obtained.Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований конструкционной прочности и работоспособности опор шариковых свободного перемещения производства ООО "Виктория" (Украина) в зависимости от твердости материала корпуса и количества шариков в ложе опоры. Описана методика экспериментов и специальное оборудование, спроектированное и изготовленное для их проведения. Установлены оптимальные режимы термообработки корпуса опоры и ее реальные запасы прочности при нормативных уровнях статических и динамических нагрузок. Проведена также оценка работоспособности опоры, определявшаяся исходя из возможности полного проворачивания центрального шара в ложе малых шариков при различных уровнях нагрузки

    Insurance as a Tool for Managing Risks in Agriculture

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    The article views the contradiction between necessity for agricultural reproduction of rational parameters for providing food security of the country and reduction of investments, primarily internal, into agrarian sphere of the economy. This condition causes the necessity for development of measures facilitating the stabilization of the sources for reproduction process in the sphere and its development. It was found that one of the most effective measures aimed at the solution of this problem is insurance. However, according to the analysis of current situation in Stavropol Krai, this tool didn’t achieve a lot of success. Taking into account the found drawbacks of the existing mechanism of agricultural insurance, the authors substantiated the necessity for unification of agricultural enterprises into societies of mutual insurance support for reproduction for the purpose of minimization of risks of reduction of profit, caused by the specifics of business in this sphere. Besides, the authors offer the mechanism for their functioning and the methodology for calculation of insurance rates, differentiated according to groups of husbandries as to the type of provided reproductional process, and developed the recommendations for increase of interest of enterprises in entering the societies of mutual insurance support for reproduction. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p22


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    The paper analyzes the cause-and-effect relations of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In OSAS,there is activation of the sympathetic nervous system and proinflammatory and procoagulant systems, endothelial dysfunction, and accelerated atherosclerosis in response to intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation, which leads to increased risk for CVD. Continuous positive airway pressure therapy reduces the risk of death in patients with OSAS</p

    Astenic syndrome in you students with different online-behaviors during the pandemic of new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Introduction. An urgent problem in many countries of the world is the growth of comorbid diseases and conditions associated with the pathological use of the Internet, including functional somatic disorders, which include asthenic syndrome.Purpose of the study. To study the frequency of occurrence of asthenic syndrome schoolchildren with different online behavior during the coronavirus pandemic.Materials and methods. The method of random sampling was used to examine 1 148 adolescents at the age of 11–18 years, of which 535 (46.6%) were boys and 613 (53.4%) were girls. The frequency of occurrence was analyzed in the entire sample of the surveyed, as well as in the comparison groups, formed by gender: 1 gr. – boys (n = 535), 2 gr. – girls (n = 613), age: 1 gr. – 11–14 years old (m + d) (n = 837) and 2 gr. – 15–18 years old (m + d) (n = 311), type of online behavior: 1 gr. – with adaptive use of the Internet, 2 gr. – with maladaptive internet use, 3 gr. – with pathological use of the Internet and type of Internet addiction.Results. The frequency of adaptive use of the Internet was 37.0%, with maladaptive – 49.9% and with pathological – 13.1% of the total sample of  the surveyed. The content structure of  the online behavior of  Tuvan schoolchildren includes the  presence of a game Internet addiction in 4.4% of the surveyed, dependence on social networks – in 12.5%, mixed IА – in 2.4% and undifferentiated IА – in 5.0%. The frequency of asthenic syndrome is 12.2% of all surveyed.Conclusion. A more pronounced association of asthenic syndrome in schoolchildren with maladaptive online behavior indicates the negative impact of the computer and the Internet on the body and justifies the need for a personalized approach to these contingents