41 research outputs found


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    The female image has been exploited in advertising for more than a dozen years. For such a long period, one can observe a real regression: the image has turned from restrained into loose. The female image in advertising is enclosed in a strict framework, it is filled with stereotypes that are used to increase the effectiveness of advertising. The article examines the development of the image of a woman in advertising from the XIX century to the present, compares female and male images, highlights gender stereotypes actively used in advertising, shows the consequences of objectification: constantly observing idealized images around, young girls begin to hate themselves and their bodies; all this leads to eating disorders, depression and low self-esteem and attempts to fight against it: the activities of Jean Kilborn; progressive advertising of Dove; the association The Brave Girls Alliance; statements by media personalities (such as singer Lorde and model Cindy Crawford); the introduction at the legislative level of the requirement for models to provide certificates about a healthy body mass index; the organization of the Advertising Standards Commission of Great Britain (ASA). The possible reasons for the use of such images have been studied as well.Женский образ эксплуатируется в рекламе уже не один десяток лет. За столь долгий период можно наблюдать настоящую регрессию: образ из сдержанного превратился в распущенный. Женский образ в рекламе заключен в строгие рамки, он наполнен стереотипами, которые используются для увеличения эффективности рекламы. В статье рассмотрено развитие образа женщины в рекламе начиная с XIX века и до современности, произведено сравнение женского и мужского образов, выделены гендерные стереотипы, активно используемые в рекламе, приведены последствия объективации: постоянно наблюдая вокруг идеализированные изображения, молодые девушки начинают ненавидеть себя и свое тело; все это ведет к расстройствам с питанием, депрессиям и низкой самооценке и попытки борьбы против нее: деятельность Джин Килборн; прогруссивная реклама Dove; объединение The Brave Girls Alliance; высказывания медийных личностей (таких как певица Lorde и модель Синди Кроуфорд); введение на законодательном уровне требования для моделей о предоставлении справок о здоровом индексе массы тела; организация комиссии по рекламным стандартам Великобритании (ASA). Изучены возможные причины использования подобных образо

    Lacustrine diatom oxygen isotopes as palaeo precipitation proxy - Holocene environmental and snowmelt variations recorded at Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, Polar Urals, Russia

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    The diatom oxygen isotope composition (δ18Odiatom) from lacustrine sediments helps tracing the hydrological and climate dynamics in individual lake catchments, and is generally linked to changes in temperature and δ18Olake. Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye (67°53′N; 66°19′ E; 186 m a.s.l) is the largest and deepest freshwater reservoir in the Polar Urals, Arctic Russia. The diatom oxygen isotope interpretation is supported by modern (isotope) hydrology, local bioindicators such as chironomids, isotope mass-balance modelling and a digital elevation model of the catchment. The Bolshoye Shchuchye δ18Odiatom record generally follows a decrease in summer insolation and the northern hemisphere (NH) temperature history. However, it displays exceptional, short-term variations exceeding 5‰, especially in Mid and Late Holocene. This centennial-scale variability occurs roughly contemporaneously with and similar in frequency to Holocene NH glacier advances. However, larger Holocene glacier advances in the Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye catchment are unknown and have not left any significant imprint on the lake sediment record. As Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye is deep and voluminous, about 30–50% of its volume needs to be exchanged with isotopically different water within decades to account for these shifts in the δ18Odiatom record. A plausible source of water with light isotope composition inflow is snow, known to be transported in surplus by snow redistribution from the windward to the leeward side of the Polar Urals. Here, we propose snow melt variability and associated influx changes being the dominant mechanism responsible for the observed short-term changes in the δ18Odiatom record. This is the first time such drastic, centennial-scale hydrological changes in a catchment have been identified in Holocene lacustrine diatom oxygen isotopes, which, for Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, are interpreted as proxy for palaeo precipitation and, on millennial timescales, for summer temperatures

    Holocene vegetation and climate history in Baikal Siberia reconstructed from pollen records and its implications for archaeology

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    Past research has greatly improved our understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes in the Lake Baikal Region, but at the same time has indicated intra-regional variations in this vast study area. Here we present a new AMS-dated late glacial-middle Holocene (ca. 13,500-4000 cal. yr BP) pollen record from Lake Ochaul (54 degrees 14'N, 106 degrees 28'E; altitude 641 m a.s.l.) situated in the less-studied area of Cis-Baikal and compare reconstructed vegetation and climate dynamics with the published environmental history of Trans-Baikal based on the pollen record from Lake Kotokel (52 degrees 47'N, 108 degrees 07'E; altitude 458 m a.s.l.). Although both records show comparable major long-term trends in vegetation, there are considerable differences. Around Ochaul the landscape was relatively open during the Younger Dryas stadial, but forest vegetation started to spread at the late glacial/Holocene transition (ca. 11,650 cal. yr BP), thus ca. 1000 years earlier than around Kotokel. While in both regions taiga forests spread during the early and middle Holocene, the marked increase in Scots pine pollen in the Kotokel record after ca. 6800 cal. yr BP is not seen in that from Ochaul, where birch and coniferous taxa, such as Siberian pine, larch, spruce and fir, dominate, indicating different environmental conditions and driving forces in both study regions. However, the pollen data from Ochaul emphasizes that the Cis-Baikal area also saw a continuous increase in forest cover and in the proportion of conifers over birch trees and shrubs during the early-middle Holocene, which may have contributed to a decrease in the number of large herbivores, the main food resource of the Early Neolithic hunter-gatherer groups. This and rather abrupt reorganization of atmospheric circulation, which affected atmospheric precipitation distribution resulting in thicker and longer-lasting snow cover, may have led to a collapse of Early Neolithic Kitoi populations ca. 6660 cal. yr BP followed by a cultural "hiatus" in the archaeological records during the Middle Neolithic phase (ca. 6660-6060 cal. yr BP). The results stress the importance of sub-regional palaeoenvironmental studies and the need for a representative network of well-dated, high-resolution sediment archives for a better understanding of environmental changes and their potential impacts on the hunter-gatherer populations in the archaeologically-defined micro-regions

    Информационная поддержка логистической системы поставки лекарственных средств

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    The primary goal of the state program "Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical industry" for 2013-2020" is the creation of innovative Russian pharmaceutical and medical industry of international standard. According to forecasts the share of Russian pharmaceutical companies in the market is going to increase from 14 to 50%. In order to ensure a complex approach to problem solving in pharmaceutical industry it needs to develop new mechanisms to manage industry sectors, clusters and enterprises. One of the most effective forms of management in this case is the creation of logistic schemes for medicine delivery to the population. The article describes the requirements for medicine delivery. We provide the economic and statistical technique – based on ABC/VEN-analysis – for the identification of the medicine demand in a large health care facility. The article uncovers the specifics of formation of a decision-making support system in time and amount of order in the context of (s, Q)-policy. The results reflect the specific features of construction of information support systems in medicine delivery.Рассмотрены условия снабжения лекарственными средствами. На основе АВС/VEN-анализа, предложена экономико-статистическая методика определения потребности в лекарственных средствах крупного лечебного учреждения. Предлагается использовать гибридные системы прогнозирования, основанные на совместном использовании методов фильтрации и нейронных сетей. Выявлены условия осуществления (s,Q)-политики по времени и объему заказа

    A global compilation of diatom silica oxygen isotope records from lake sediment – trends and implications for climate reconstruction

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    © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Oxygen isotopes in biogenic silica (δ 18OBSi) from lake sediments allow for quantitative reconstruction of past hydroclimate and proxy-model comparison in terrestrial environments. The signals of individual records have been attributed to different factors, such as air temperature (Tair), atmospheric circulation patterns, hydrological changes, and lake evaporation. While every lake has its own local set of drivers of δ 18O variability, here we explore the extent to which regional or even global signals emerge from a series of paleoenvironmental records. This study provides a comprehensive compilation and combined statistical evaluation of the existing lake sediment δ 18OBSi records, largely missing in other summary publications (i.e. PAGES network). For this purpose, we have identified and compiled 71 down-core records published to date and complemented these datasets with additional lake basin parameters (e.g. lake water residence time and catchment size) to best characterize the signal properties. Records feature widely different temporal coverage and resolution, ranging from decadal-scale records covering the past 150 years to records with multi-millennial-scale resolution spanning glacial-interglacial cycles. The best coverage in number of records (NCombining double low line37) and data points (NCombining double low line2112) is available for Northern Hemispheric (NH) extratropical regions throughout the Holocene (roughly corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 1; MIS 1). To address the different variabilities and temporal offsets, records were brought to a common temporal resolution by binning and subsequently filtered for hydrologically open lakes with lake water residence times 45°N) lakes, we find common δ 18OBSi patterns among the lake records during both the Holocene and Common Era (CE). These include maxima and minima corresponding to known climate episodes, such as the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM), Neoglacial Cooling, Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). These patterns are in line with long-term air temperature changes supported by previously published climate reconstructions from other archives, as well as Holocene summer insolation changes. In conclusion, oxygen isotope records from NH extratropical lake sediments feature a common climate signal at centennial (for CE) and millennial (for Holocene) timescales despite stemming from different lakes in different geographic locations and hence constitute a valuable proxy for past climate reconstructions.Peer reviewe

    Избыточное использование β2 -агонистов короткого действия у больных бронхиальной астмой в России: угроза сохраняется

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    Short-acting β2 -agonists (SABA) overuse is associated with negative outcomes in asthma patients. There is a lack of actual data about patterns of SABA overuse in the Russian population with asthma.The aim. To investigate patterns of SABA overuse in the Russian population with asthma.Methods. Data from the Russian population of “SABA use IN Asthma (SABINA) III” study were analyzed. SABINA III was a cross-sectional observational study covering 24 countries. Adults and adolescents with a documented diagnosis of asthma for at least 12 months were enrolled in the study. Data on disease characteristics and asthma treatments during previous 12 months were collected using real-time electronic case report forms and were analyzed with methods of descriptive statistics.Results. Majority of the Russian population (n = 618) consisted of patients with moderate/ severe asthma (78.5%). Asthma was uncontrolled or partly controlled in 70% of patients. SABA over-prescription (≥ 3 canisters per year) was seen in 37% of patients. The frequency of SABA over-prescription was similar in patients with mild (35%) and moderate/severe (38%) asthma. SABA was purchased over-the-counter (OTC) in the past 12 months by 30% of all patients, while 14% purchased ≥ 3 canisters of SABA per year. More than 90% of patients who purchased SABA OTC, already received prescriptions for SABA, of whom 59% were prescribed ≥ 3 canisters per year.Conclusion. Russia is faced with very high level of SABA overuse. Over-prescription is the main cause for SABA overuse. To reduce SABA overuse, it is necessary to educate both patients and doctors, and actively implement up-to-date asthma treatments. Избыточное использование β2 -агонистов короткого действия (КДБА) ассоциировано с неблагоприятными исходами у пациентов с бронхиальной астмой (БА). Актуальные данные о распространенности избыточного использования КДБА в российской популяции больных БА отсутствуют.Целью исследования явилось изучение распространенности избыточного использования КДБА у пациентов с БА в России.Материалы и методы. В статье представлен анализ данных, полученных в российской популяции исследования SABINA (SABA use IN Asthma) III. Поперечное наблюдательное исследование SABINA III проводилось в 24 странах. В него включались взрослые и подростки с установленным диагнозом БА, наблюдаемые ≥ 12 мес. Данные о характеристиках заболевания и лекарственной терапии собирались ретроспективно за предыдущие 12 мес. и вносились в электронную базу данных в режиме реального времени. Применялись методы описательной статистики.Результаты. В российской группе больных БА (n = 618) большинство (78,5 %) имели среднетяжелую или тяжелую БА. Контроль над БА не был достигнут у 70 % пациентов. Избыточное назначение КДБА (≥ 3 ингаляторов в течение 12 мес.) выявлено у 37 % больных. Частота избыточного назначения КДБА была сходной с таковой при легкой (35 %) и более тяжелой (38 %) БА. Приобретали КДБА без назначения врача в течение года 30 % пациентов, при этом 14 % приобрели ≥ 3 ингаляторов за 12 мес. Из числа пациентов, покупавших КДБА самостоятельно, 90 % также получали рецепты на эти препараты, причем для 59 % пациентов рецепты были выписаны не менее чем на 3 ингалятора в год.Заключение. В России уровень избыточного использования КДБА очень высок. Главная причина этого – чрезмерное назначение КДБА врачами. Чтобы снизить уровень избыточного применения КДБА, необходимо обучать пациентов и врачей, а также активно внедрять современные подходы к терапии БА

    Overuse of short-acting β2-agonists in the Russian population with asthma: the persisting threat

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    Short-acting β2-agonists (SABA) overuse is associated with negative outcomes in asthma patients. There is a lack of actual data about patterns of SABA overuse in the Russian population with asthma. The aim. To investigate patterns of SABA overuse in the Russian population with asthma. Methods. Data from the Russian population of “SABA use IN Asthma (SABINA) III” study were analyzed. SABINA III was a cross-sectional observational study covering 24 countries. Adults and adolescents with a documented diagnosis of asthma for at least 12 months were enrolled in the study. Data on disease characteristics and asthma treatments during previous 12 months were collected using real-time electronic case report forms and were analyzed with methods of descriptive statistics. Results. Majority of the Russian population (n = 618) consisted of patients with moderate/ severe asthma (78.5%). Asthma was uncontrolled or partly controlled in 70% of patients. SABA over-prescription (≥ 3 canisters per year) was seen in 37% of patients. The frequency of SABA over-prescription was similar in patients with mild (35%) and moderate/severe (38%) asthma. SABA was purchased over-the-counter (OTC) in the past 12 months by 30% of all patients, while 14% purchased ≥ 3 canisters of SABA per year. More than 90% of patients who purchased SABA OTC, already received prescriptions for SABA, of whom 59% were prescribed ≥ 3 canisters per year. Conclusion. Russia is faced with very high level of SABA overuse. Over-prescription is the main cause for SABA overuse. To reduce SABA overuse, it is necessary to educate both patients and doctors, and actively implement up-to-date asthma treatments.Избыточное использование β2-агонистов короткого действия (КДБА) ассоциировано с неблагоприятными исходами у пациентов с бронхиальной астмой (БА). Актуальные данные о распространенности избыточного использования КДБА в российской популяции больных БА отсутствуют. Целью исследования явилось изучение распространенности избыточного использования КДБА у пациентов с БА в России. Материалы и методы. В статье представлен анализ данных, полученных в российской популяции исследования SABINA (SABA use IN Asthma) III. Поперечное наблюдательное исследование SABINA III проводилось в 24 странах. В него включались взрослые и подростки с установленным диагнозом БА, наблюдаемые ≥ 12 мес. Данные о характеристиках заболевания и лекарственной терапии собирались ретроспективно за предыдущие 12 мес. и вносились в электронную базу данных в режиме реального времени. Применялись методы описательной статистики. Результаты. В российской группе больных БА (n = 618) большинство (78,5 %) имели среднетяжелую или тяжелую БА. Контроль над БА не был достигнут у 70 % пациентов. Избыточное назначение КДБА (≥ 3 ингаляторов в течение 12 мес.) выявлено у 37 % больных. Частота избыточного назначения КДБА была сходной с таковой при легкой (35 %) и более тяжелой (38 %) БА. Приобретали КДБА без назначения врача в течение года 30 % пациентов, при этом 14 % приобрели ≥ 3 ингаляторов за 12 мес. Из числа пациентов, покупавших КДБА самостоятельно, 90 % также получали рецепты на эти препараты, причем для 59 % пациентов рецепты были выписаны не менее чем на 3 ингалятора в год. Заключение. В России уровень избыточного использования КДБА очень высок. Главная причина этого – чрезмерное назначение КДБА врачами. Чтобы снизить уровень избыточного применения КДБА, необходимо обучать пациентов и врачей, а также активно внедрять современные подходы к терапии БА

    The last glacial maximum and late glacial environmental and climate dynamics in the Baikal region inferred from an oxygen isotope record of lacustrine diatom silica

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    The last glacial maximum and late glacial environmental and climatic variability in the Baikal region, southern Siberia, Russia has been studied in a sediment sequence from Lake Kotokel, located 2 km east of Lake Baikal, using the oxygen isotope composition of diatom silica (d18Odiatom). The purification of diatom frustules involved the process of trimethylsilylation, which has been shown to be suitable for preparation of diatoms for oxygen isotope analysis. The Lake Kotokel d18Odiatom record presented here spans intervals from about 24.6 to 22.9 ka BP (further referred to as ‘last glacial maximum’) and ~16.7-11.5 ka BP (further referred to as ‘late glacial’) displaying variations in the oxygen isotope composition between +26.7 and +31.2‰. Overall high d18Odiatom values of about +29 to +31‰ during the two investigated intervals characterize a strongly evaporative lake system in a dry environment and suggest a lower than present lake level due to enhanced evaporation. The Lake Kotokel diatom isotope record is roughly in line with the 60° N summer solar insolation, pointing to a linkage to broader-scale climate change, but displays weaker reaction to short-term climatic oscillations, i.e. Bølling-Allerød or Younger Dryas. The climate warming at ~14.3 ka BP is marked by negative spikes in the d18Odiatom record due to isotopically low melt water input from the mountainous hinterland