10 research outputs found

    Alternative Financing as an Instrument for Overcoming Financing Constraints for the SMEs in Latvia

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    Å ajā bakalaura darbā tiek pētÄ«tas iespējas Latvijas MVU pārvarēt esoÅ”os finansÄ“Å”anas ierobežojumus, izmantojot alternatÄ«vus finansÄ“Å”anas modeļus. MVU sektora attÄ«stÄ«ba ir nepiecieÅ”ama valsts ekonomikas izaugsmei. Piekļuve finansējumam ir viens no vissvarÄ«gākajiem faktoriem, kas nosaka uzņēmuma efektivitāti. LÄ«dz ar to Ŕī darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot, vai ir iespējams izmantot alternatÄ«vo finansējumu kā finansējuma ierobežojumu pārvarÄ“Å”anas instrumentu Latvijas MVU. Darbā tiek pētÄ«ti MVU jēdziena teorētiskie aspekti, alternatÄ«va finansējuma koncepcija, paÅ”reizējo MVU sektora un alternatÄ«va finansējuma modeļu attÄ«stÄ«ba Latvijā un pasaulē. Izmantojot intervijas un aptaujas metodi, tiek pētÄ«ts alternatÄ«vā finansējuma potenciāls Latvijas MVU finansējuma ierobežojumu pārvarÄ“Å”anai.This bachelor thesis is exploring the opportunities for Latvian SMEs to overcome existing financing constraints by using alternative financing models. The development of the SME sector is necessary for the economic growth of the country. Access to financing is one of the most crucial factors, in determining the enterprise's performance. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to find whether the usage of alternative finance is the instrument for overcoming financing constraints for Latvian SMEs. The thesis explores the SMEs notion theoretical aspects, and the concept of alternative financing, and analyses the current situation with the development of the SME sector and alternative financing in Latvia, and worldwide. Using an interview and survey method, the possibility of overcoming financial constraints for Latvian SMEs using alternative financing models is explored

    Medical approach of transhumanism

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    Tremendous human development in technology could result in ā€œposthumanā€ modes of being. After offering some definitions and conceptual clarification, review the utilization in medicine of new technology. This quasi ā€“ religion, of continuous human body improvement refer to some posthuman modes of being would be very valuable. The general acceptance of medical usage of transhuman approach become more acceptable, if we use technological development to treat humane body diseases. Moreover, there is ample evidence that human aspiration to prolong life without diseases provide to greater acceptance of transhuman - ā€œposthumanā€ concepts

    Biobehevioural background of a stress and the social stressor relation to Cognitive Function

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    Stress more often affects our social lives. Undergoing high level or persistent stress, implicate that individuals frequently retract from social interactions and provide to be irritable and hostile. Moreover it provides to impairment of cognitive function. Exposure to stress modulated by early-life adversity could provide to cognitive function impairment; moreover, the effects of early-life stress depend on the timing of exposure and genetic factors. Executive function (EF) is an umbrella term that refers to processes that control other cognitive processes. Nevertheless, there is ample evidence that prolonged stress provides alterations in brain structure tied to cognitive function