266 research outputs found

    Variability of genes involved in inflammatory, immunomodulatory and apoptotic process as a risk factor for head and neck basal cell carcinomas

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    Bazocelularni karcinom (BCK), poznat kao i bazaliom, je najčešćih oblik kancera u populaciji Kavkayijanaca...Introduction: Basal-cell carcinoma (BCC), also known as basalioma, is the most frequent tzpe of cancer among the Caucasus..

    The impact of elimination diet in food intolerance on health and sports performance in professional athletes

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    Uvod. Vrlo intenzivna i učestala fizička aktivnost dovodi do povećanja permeabilnosti gastrointestinalne barijere, pa je samim tim i uzrok intolerancije na hranu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj tromesečne eliminacione dijete na nivo specifičnih IgG antitela u serumu, intenzitet gastrointestinalnih tegoba, telesnu kompoziciju i sportske sposobnosti profesionalnih sportista. Materijal i metode. U studiji je učestvovalo 32 profesionalnih sportista: 18 muškaraca (uzrasta 25 ± 7 godina) i 14 žena (uzrasta 25 ± 4 godina). Ispitanici su odabrani na osnovu AQUA (Allergy Questionnaire for Athletes) i GSRS (Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale) upitnika, kao i alergen-specifičnog IgG testa intolerancije na hranu. Svi sportisti su bili na tromesečnoj eliminacionoj dijeti kreiranoj prema rezultatima alergen-specifičnog IgG testa intolerancije. Pored navedenih upitnika i testa intolerancije na hranu, na početku studije su svi ispitanicima bili podvrgnuti osnovnom sportsko-medicinskom ispitivanju i kardiopulmonalnom testu fizičkim opterećenjem. Sve navedene procedure, uključujući i upitnike, su urađene i nakon tromesečne eliminacione dijete. Rezultati. Vrednosti skorova AQUA upitnika su bili značajno niži. Takođe je vrednost skora ukupnog GSRS upitnika bila značajno niža, kao i vrednost skora za sindrom ingestije. Nivo specifičnih IgG antitela se značajno smanjio kod svih sportista i za sve namirnice na koje je postojala intolerancija. Procenat telesnih masti sportista se značajno smanjio, bez značajne promene u njihovoj telesnoj masi. Srčana frekvencija u drugom i trećem minutu oporavka nakon kardiopulmonalnog testa se značajno smanjila, dok se fleksibilnost sportista značajno povećala nakon tromesečne dijete. Rezultati ove studije ukazuju na pozitivan efekat tromesečne eliminacione dijete kreirane na osnovu IgG antitela na gastrointestinalne tegobe sportista, u smislu smanjenja njihovog intenziteta, kao i poboljšanje njihove telesne kompozicije i sportskih sposobnosti.Background: Intensive and frequent physical activity causes increase of the gastrointestinal (GI) barrier permeability leading to food intolerance. The aim was to examine the impact of 3-month elimination diet on specific IgG antibodies level, GI discomfort intensity, body composition and sports performance of the athletes. Methods: in this study participated 32 professional athletes: 18 males (mean age 25±7 years) and 14 females (mean age 25±4 years). The participants were chosen on results of The Allergy Questionnaire for Athletes (AQUA) and Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaires, as well as on results of specific IgG food intolerance blood test. All athletes were on a 3-month elimination diet based on the results of specific IgG food intolerance blood test. In addition to the above questionnaries and specific IgG food intolerance blood test, basic medical examination and cardiopulmonary testing were assessed prior to and after the study. Results: AQUA scores were significantly lowered. There was a significant reduction in total GSRS score and indigestion syndrome score. The level of the specific IgG antibodies was significantly decreased for all athletes and all foods they were intolerant to. Fat percent (FAT%) of the athletes decreased significantly without change in weight. Heart rate (HR) at the second and the third minute recovery phase was significantly lower. The flexibility of athletes significantly increased. The results of this study indicate a positive effect of a 3-month elimination diet based on IgG food intolerance blood test on GI discomfort, in terms of significant decrease of its intensity and a significant improvement on athletes’ body composition and their sports performance

    Sustainable tourism development of mountain tourism destinations in Serbia

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    Tourism represents the fastest growing branch of economy, which is focused on the realization of economic effects. In the previous period of tourism development, no account was taken of natural resources and the environment. Contemporary trends indicate the existence of a growing demand for preserved natural resources and ecologically clean environment. This trend has caused sustainable tourism development, which will establish a positive relationship between the tourism development and the preservation of the environment. This paper presents the fundamentals of sustainable tourism development. Serbia's mountain areas have a preserved potential of natural resources and the environment, which are the basis for the development of sustainable tourism. The aim of paper is to analyze the previous tourism development of mountain tourist destinations in Serbia, such as Kopaonik and Tara. The indicators of sustainable tourism are tested in this paper, and the results will show whether the previous tourism development in these areas was sustainable or unsustainable.Publishe

    Potentials for tourism development based on protected natural resources in Moravica administrative district territory: Opinion of the city of Čačak residents

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    The purpose of this paper is to indicate the potentials for tourism development based on the protected natural resources of the Republic of Serbia situated in the Moravica administrative district territory, the degree of their current utilization for the purposes of tourism and local population information on the above mentioned. Closed-ended survey was conducted (five-point scale) on the random sample of the residents in the urban part of the city of Čačak as the administrative center of the Moravica administrative district. The results are: 1) low degree of information among the local population, 2) medium (good) potential for tourism development, and 3) very low level of its utilization for tourism purposes. The results are also considered according to the natural resources protection type. The contribution of this paper is in the indication of potentially successful elements in future tourism offer for the entities in the field of tourism and hospitality.Publishe

    Sustainable tourism development of mountain tourism destinations in Serbia

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    Tourism represents the fastest growing branch of economy, which is focused on the realization of economic effects. In the previous period of tourism development, no account was taken of natural resources and the environment. Contemporary trends indicate the existence of a growing demand for preserved natural resources and ecologically clean environment. This trend has caused sustainable tourism development, which will establish a positive relationship between the tourism development and the preservation of the environment. This paper presents the fundamentals of sustainable tourism development. Serbia's mountain areas have a preserved potential of natural resources and the environment, which are the basis for the development of sustainable tourism. The aim of paper is to analyze the previous tourism development of mountain tourist destinations in Serbia, such as Kopaonik and Tara. The indicators of sustainable tourism are tested in this paper, and the results will show whether the previous tourism development in these areas was sustainable or unsustainable

    Financial Position and Sustainability of Associations in Croatia

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    This paper emphasizes the economic importance of the civil society sector in the national socio-economic context. There is a systematic neglect of the economic and financial components of civil society organizations and non-profit sector in Croatia even though a significant volume of civil society organizations’ activities is funded from public sources and there is a high possibility of exploitation of their relatively privileged tax position. The purpose of this paper is to present research results of the funding sources, the financial potential and the elements of economic performance of citizens’ associations in the Republic of Croatia. The survey sample includes over 20,000 citizens’ associations which have submitted financial reports to the Registry of Non-profit Organizations in accordance with the statutory obligation. The research is based on aggregated data reported in the Balance Sheet and Performance Report for 2015 and 2016. The scientific contribution of the paper is reflected in the assessment of the financial performance and financial transparency of the activities of civil society organizations in the Republic of Croatia and their sustainability in comparison with Serbia and Slovenia. &nbsp

    Sorption of lead, cadmium and zinc ions from aqueous solutions onto natural and modified zeolite

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    Sorpcija se koristi za uklanjanje zagađujućih materija iz vode, zahvaljujući efikasnosti i ekonomičnosti, posebno ako se koriste jeftini sorbenti i ukoliko je moguća njihova višestepena regeneracija. Zeoliti zauzimaju značajno mesto među sorbentima za uklanjanje neorganskih jona iz prirodnih i otpadnih voda. Da bi se sorpcioni kapacitet prirodnih zeolita za jone metala povećao i proces sorpcije unapredio, poslednjih godina se proučavaju različiti postupci modifikovanja zeolita. Jedan od efikasnih postupaka modifikacije je nanošenje na površinu zeolita gvožđe(III)-oksihidroksida, koji su takođe aktivni sorbenti i igraju značajnu ulogu u imobilizaciji jona u prirodi. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je proučavana sorpcija jona olova, kadmijuma i cinka iz jednokomponentnih i višekomponentnih rastvora u dejonizovanoj i komunalnoj otpadnoj vodi, na prirodnom zeolitu i zeolitu koji je modifikovan gvožđe(III)-oksihidroksidima. Cilj disertacije je bio objašnjenje razlike u mehanizmima sorpcije i sorpcionim kapacitetima prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita. Karakterizacija prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita pokazala je da nije došlo do narušavanja strukture zeolita i da se modifikacija odigrala na površini, obrazovanjem klastera amorfnog gvožđe(III)-oksihidroksida. Adsorpcijom azota na temperaturi tečnog azota utvrđeno je da je modifikacija uzrokovala značajno povećanje specifične površine i zapremine mezopora, kao i zatvaranje mikropora. Specifična površina oba zeolita je određena i na osnovu adsorpcionih izotermi za n-heksan, benzen, hloroform i tetrahidrofuran primenom inverzne gasne hromatografije u uslovima konačne prekrivenosti na temperaturi od 240 °C. Niže vrednosti specifične površine dobijene inverznom gasnom hromatografijom za modifikovani zeolit u odnosu na vrednost dobijenu na osnovu adsorpcije azota ukazuju na prisustvo mezopora manjih dimenzija, manjih nego u slučaju prirodnog zeolita, koje su dostupne molekulima azota, a nisu molekulima n-heksana, benzena, hloroforma i tetrahidrofurana, koji su većih dimenzija u odnosu na N2...Sorption is used to remove pollutants from water, thanks to its efficiency and cost effectiveness, especially if cheap sorbents are used and if there is a possibility for their multistage regeneration. Zeolites occupy an important place among the sorbents for removal of inorganic ions from natural and waste waters. In order to increase the sorption capacity of natural zeolites for metal ions, and to improve the sorption process, various methods for modifying zeolites have been studied in recent years. One of the most effective methods is a modification of the surface of the zeolite with iron(III)–oxyhydroxides, which are also active sorbents and play a important role in the immobilization of ions in nature. This doctoral thesis investigates sorption of lead, cadmium and zinc ions from multicomponent solutions in deionized and municipal waste water, onto natural zeolite and zeolite modified with iron(III)-oxyhydroxides. The goal of the thesis was the explanation of differences in the sorption mechanisms and sorption capacity of natural and modified zeolites. Characterization of natural and modified zeolites showed that no damage to the zeolite structure was done and that the modification occurred on the surface, forming clusters of amorphous iron(III)-oxyhydroxides. Nitrogen adsorption at liquid nitrogen temperature determined that the modification caused a significant increase in specific surface area and volume of mesopores and micropores closing. The specific surface area of natural and modified zeolite was also determined based on the adsorption isotherms of n-hexane, benzene, chloroform and tetrahydrofuran by inverse gas chromatography at finite concentration condition at a temperature of 240 °C. Lower values of specific surface area obtained by inverse gas chromatography for the modified zeolite, compared to the value obtained by nitrogen adsorption, indicate the presence of mesopores with smaller dimensions, smaller than in the case of natural zeolite. These pores are available for nitrogen molecule, and they are not available for the molecules of n-hexane, benzene, chloroform and tetrahydrofuran, which are large in size in comparison to N..