146 research outputs found

    Liver damage caused by hepatitis C viral infection and ethyl alcohol consumption

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    Background/Aim. Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) is a complex disease, most commonly chronicle (80-85%). The aim of this research was to determinate the level of the liver damage in the patients cansed by HCV in conjunction with consuming ethyl alcohol. Methods. The research included 15 patients with chronic HCV infection supported by the misuse of ethyl alcohol, as well. The diagnosis of C infection hepatitis was proved using the ELISA test and PCR method. Results. The results of the study showed the liver damage by both HCV infection and ethyl alcohol, which was verified by the presence of biochemical changes and patohystological processing of the patients (liver biopsy and prosection). Patohystological changes were at the level of liver cirrhosis and carcinoma (2 patients). There was a signficant difference between the two subgroups (p < 0.001) regarding the examined values Ī³-GT, PLT and PTV. The basic therapeutic procedure was to introduce this category of patients into alcohol abstinence, and, in a few patients, to apply the antivirus therapy, as well. Conclusion. Based on the number of the examined patients (n = 15), we could conclude that a prolonged ethyl alcohol misuse with the presence of HCV infection was in a correlation with the liver disease progression

    The limitations of competition in the insurance markets of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia

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    The article analyses the situation in the insurance markets of Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia in order to provide the insight into the limitation of competition. The study of the limitation of competition was conducted using the theoretically founded indicators of concentration and inequality as follows: Concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, and Entropy index. The indicatorswere calculate d for all the countries between 2004 and 2011. By comparatively analysing the obtained values of the indicators of concentration and inequality, we came to the conclusion that all three markets are characterised by a similar movement of the indicator, as well as that Croatian market, despite the relatively uneven market share distribution between individual companies, is more competitive than the other two

    Funkcija Ŕtitaste žlezde i prisustvo antitireoidnih autoantitela kod bolesnika sa sistemskim bolestima vezivnog tkiva

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    Autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) has been described in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTD). The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the prevalence of ATD in a group of 91 CTD patients, and in their subgroups: 53 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 24 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 7 primary Sjogrenā€™s syndrome (SSy) and 7 progressive systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. A control group of 34 healthy blood volunteers was used for comparison. Serum levels of free thyroxine (FT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), as well as thyroid autoantibodies (Abs) specific of thyroperoxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (TG) were examined. CTD patients, in general, as well as SLE and RA subgroups, had significantly higher number of thyroid dysfunction than the control group (p lt 0.05). The most prominent thyroid dysfunction was subclinical hypothyroidism, with a higher prevalence in all subgroups of patients when compared to the control. Anti-TPO Abs were detected in a significant number of CTD patients, especially in SLE subgroup when compared to the control group. It was also found that a higher number of CTD patients, SLE and RA subgroups, had positive anti-Tg Abs, when compared to the control subjects. In conclusion, the prevalence of ATD in CTD patients was more frequent than in the control group. The patients with anti-TPO Abs and anti-Tg Abs at the time when they were analyzed, had hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or were clinically and biochemically euthyroid. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was greater than the prevalence of hyperthyroidism in all subgroups of patients.Autoimunske bolesti Å”titaste žlezde (AITD) opisane su kod bolesnika sa sistemskim bolestima vezivnog tkiva (SBVT). Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita prevalencija AITD u grupi od 91 bolesnika sa SBVT, koja je uključila 53 bolesnika sa sistemskim eritemskim lupusom (SLE), 24 obolelih sa reumatoidnim artritisom (RA) i po 7 obolelih od primarnog Sjogrenovog sindroma (SSy) i progresivne sistemske skleroze (SSc). Kontrolnu grupu ispitanika činila su 34 dobrovoljna davaoca krvi. Kod svih učesnika u studiji merene su serumske koncentracije slobodnog tiroksina (FT4), tireostimuliÅ”ućeg hormona (TSH), kao i autoantitela specifičnih za tireoperoksidazu (anti-TPO At) i tireoglobulin (anti-Tg At). U grupi bolesnika sa SBVT, kao i u podgrupama obolelih od SLE i RA, nađena je statistički značajno veća učestalost poremećaja funkcije Å”titaste žlezde u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (p lt 0.05), a od svih poremećaja funkcije Å”titaste žlezde najčečće je detektovana subklinička hipotireoza. Anti-TPO At nađena su kod značajno većeg broja bolesnika sa SBVT i SLE, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Isto tako, i anti-Tg At su detektovana kod većeg broja ispitanika u grupi SBVT, i podgrupama SLE i RA, nego kod zdravih osoba. U zaključku, prevalencija AITD kod obolelih od SBVT veća je nego u kontrolnoj grupi. Bolesnici sa anti- TPO At i anti-Tg At u vreme kada su analizirani, imali su subkliničku ili klinički manifestnu hipotireozu ili hipertireozu, ili su joÅ” bili u stadijumu bolesti u kome se ne može detektovati poremećaj funkcije Å”titaste žlezde. Prevalencija hipotireoze bila je veća od prevalencije hipertireoze u svim podgrupama bolesnika sa SBVT

    Structural and magnetic properties of Y1-xYbxF3 solid solution

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    In this work, the polycrystalline samples Y1-xYbxF3 (x = 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) were synthesized and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetic measurements. In the first stage of synthesis, mixed sesquioxides (Y1-xYbx)2O3 were obtained by ceramic technology. In the second stage, obtained mixed sesquioxides were treated with an excess of ammonium hydrogen fluoride in air at 170 Ā°C for 20 h. In the third and last stage, Y1-xYbxF3 samples were obtained by heating the product from the second stage of synthesis at 500 Ā°C for 3 h in an inert atmosphere. The X-ray diffraction revealed that the crystal structure of the Y1-xYbxF3 solid solution is orthorhombic (YF3 structural type). The structure refinements were done by the Rietveld full-profile method within Pnma space group. Magnetic susceptibility measurements of all samples were done in a temperature range 2-300 K by SQUID magnetometer. The relation between magnetic and structural properties was discussed

    Efficacy and Safety of Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir Ā± Dasabuvir Regimen in Haemodialysis Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Case Series

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    Uvod: Infekcija virusom hepatitisa C (HCV) česta je među bolesnicima na hemodijalizi (HD) i važan je uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Kod bolesnika s kroničnom bolesti bubrega (CKD), rizici za negativne ishode značajno su veći u pacijenata zaraženih HCV-om nego u onih bez HCV infekcije, uključujući napredovanje u cirozu, hepatocelularni karcinom i smrtnost povezanu s jetrom. Ombitasvir (OBV), paritaprevir (PTV), ritonavir (r) i dasabuvir (DSV) metaboliziraju se u jetri i stoga ne zahtijevaju prilagodbu doze u bolesnika s bilo kojim stupnjem oÅ”tećenja bubrega. Ciljevi: Proučavali smo sigurnost i djelotvornost OBV/PTV/r+DSV u maloj skupini pacijenata zaraženih HCV-om na terapiji hemodijalizom. Metode: Analizirali smo liječenje ombitasvir / paritaprevir / ritonavir i dasabuvir; (3-DAA režim OBV / PTV / r + DSV Ā± RBV). Primarna zavrÅ”na točka bila je održivi viroloÅ”ki odgovor 12 tjedana nakon liječenja (SVR12). Prikupili smo podatke o nuspojavama (AEs), ozbiljnim neželjenim učincima i abnormalnostima laboratorija. Rezultati: Od 7 liječenih bolesnika, 6 su bili muÅ”ki i 1 ženski, a svi su bili zaraženi genotipom 1 (5 GT1b, 2 GT1a). Jedan pacijent imao je kompenziranu cirozu jetre, a Å”est bolesnika nije imalo cirozu jetre te niti jedan nije bio primatelj transplantata jetre. Svih sedam bolesnika zavrÅ”ilo je 12 tjedana liječenja i postiglo SVR12. Istodobni lijekovi morali su se mijenjati s početkom liječenja kod 5 od 7 bolesnika. Jedan od bolesnika imao je značajno smanjenje razine hemoglobina, broja bijelih krvnih stanica i trombocita tijekom razdoblja liječenja. NajčeŔće nuspojave bile su mučnina, proljev. Nuspojave su primarno bile blage, a nijedan pacijent nije prekinuo liječenje zbog AE. Zaključak: Liječenje OBV / PTV / r + DSV Ā± RBV bilo je dobro podnoÅ”ljivo i rezultiralo je visokim stopama SVR12 (100%) za bolesnike s HCV GT1b/1a na hemodijalizi.Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is common among patients on haemodialysis (HD) therapy and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the risks for negative outcomes are significantly higher in HCV-infected patients than in those without HCV infection, including progression to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related mortality. Ombitasvir (OBV), paritaprevir (PTV), ritonavir (r), and dasabuvir (DSV) are all hepatically metabolized and, therefore, require no dose adjustment in patients with any degree of renal impairment. Aims: We studied the safety and efficacy of OBV/PTV/r + DSV in a small group of HCV infected patients on haemodialysis therapy. Methods: Treatment course with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir; (3-DAA regimen of OBV/PTV/r+DSVĀ±RBV) was analysed. Pre-treatment evaluation of HCV infection included HCV RNA, genotype, and liver fibrosis assed by transient fibroelastography (FibroScan). The stage 5 CKD was defined as an eGFR of <15 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively; those on haemodialysis were considered to have stage 5 CKD or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Demographic data and concomitant medication were retrieved from patientsā€™ records. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12). We collected data on on-treatment adverse events (AEs), serious AEs, and laboratory abnormalities. Results: Among 7 treated patients, 6 were male and 1 female, all were infected with genotype 1 (5 GT1b, 2 GT1a). Patient had compensated liver cirrhosis and six patients did not have liver cirrhosis, none were liver transplant recipients. All of seven patients completed 12 weeks of treatment and achieved SVR12. Concomitant medication had to be modified with the treatment initiation in 5 out of 7 patients. One of the patients presented with a significant decrease in haemoglobin level, white blood cell and platelet count during the treatment period. The most frequent adverse events were nausea, diarrhoea. Adverse events were primarily mild, and no patient discontinued treatment due to an AE. Conclusions: Treatment with OBV/PTV/r +DSV Ā± RBV was well-tolerated and resulted in high rates of SVR12 (100%) for patients with HCV GT1b/1a on haemodialysis

    Gingivni i dentalni parametri u proceni estetskih obeležja fiksnih nadoknada - I deo

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    This paper argues on importance of gingival and dental parameters in evaluation of esthetic characteristics of fixed restorations. Human beauty is a specific category which is not easy to define by means of any known criteria or with mathematic formula. But, it is also important for practitioners to take into consideration some objective rules determining what is really nice and appealing. In reconstructing the personal identity, it is essential to harmonize the esthetic features. In dental practice, this approach means to establish a close correlation among the facial, dental, gingival and physical components of orofacia! system. For the purpose of this study, the authors have divided the overview of esthetic principles into two parts. The first one deals with some objective parameters such as: gingival health, the zenith of gingival contour, the balance of gingival levels, relative tooth dimensions, the golden proportion of the teeth, the design of dental arch, interdental contact areas, interdental closure, the contour of incisal edge and the shape of interincisal angles. The esthetic integration of these parameters into a frame of smile and the whole face, as well as some subjective criteria are discussed in the second part of the paper.Dentalni i gingivni parametri imaju veliki značaj u proceni estetskih obeležja fiksnih nadoknada. Činjenica da je ljudska lepota kategorija koja se ne može apsolutno definisati ni brižljivo odabranim kriterijuma, ni matematičkim formulama ipak ne zatvara vrata razmiÅ”ljanju da postoji neÅ”to Å”to se zove objektivno važenje, saglasnost o tome Å”ta jeste, a Å”ta nije lepo. U želji da se sačuva ili rekonstruiÅ”e identitet jedinke, usklađivanje estetskih obeležja je od ogromne važnosti. U stomatoloÅ”kom radu ovo podrazumeva uspostavljanje bliske komunikacije između facijalnih, dentalnih, gingivnih i fizičkih komponenti orofacijalnog sistema. s obzirom na složenost aktuelne problematike, autori su podelili naznačenu temu na dva dela. Ovi komplementarni delovi se bave sveobuhvatnim razmatranjima velikog broja objektivnih i subjektivnih faktora koji determiniÅ”u validnost dentalne kompozicije rekonstruisane fiksnim nadoknadama

    New internet services and growth of the operator's revenue in terms of monopoly

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    This paper begins with the current state of the electronic communications market in general, whose specificity is the existence of so-called a Significant Market Power (SMP) operator, and its ex-ante regulation by national regulatory authorities under predefined rules, that are based on EU legislation. European regulatory framework has changed many times and the number of markets with SMP operator also changed. Special attention has to be put on the existence of Internet market with of dominant wholesale operators. This market records continuous growth in revenues and three groups of participants appear on it: monopolists (one or more), alternative operators and regulator. Taking into account these facts, the paper analyzes the possibilities for simultaneous development of competition and further growth of monopolist's revenues, i.e. how much competition can be useful for the monopolists in the Internet market, either by encouraging himself to introduce new services or by the regulatory activities
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