66 research outputs found

    Genetic integrity of four species of Leptidea (Pieridae, Lepidoptera) as sampled in sympatry in West Siberia

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    In southern West Siberia, as many as four Leptidea Billberg, 1820 species are present sympatrically: L. amurensis (Ménétriés, 1859), L. morsei (Ménétriés, 1859), L. sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) and L. juvernica Williams, 1946. The two latter were recently recognised as nearly sibling species on morphological and molecular characters. Specimens intermediate as to their subtle diagnostic characters occurring in West Siberia and elsewhere were interpreted as resulted from limited introgression. This supposition was tested via populational morphological and molecular analysis of spring brood specimens of all the four species taken from a limited (4.5 × 0.2 km) area in the suburbs of Novosibirsk. The samples were analysed with respect to the genitalic morphology, external characters, three nuclear (CAD, H1 gene and ITS2) and one mitochondrial (COI) molecular markers, infection of the intracellular maternally inherited bacterial symbiont Wolbachia Hertig, 1836 and its wsp gene coding for a hypervariable surface protein. Interspecific variation of the nuclear CAD and ITS2 sequences and the mitochondrial COI gene in L. sinapis and L. juvernica turned out concordant. The absence of molecular evidence of introgression suggests genetic integrity of these two species and allows their reliable identification by molecular characters. The genitalic (lengths of the saccus and valva) and external characters (wing pattern) of males overlap in L. sinapis and L. juvernica, as identified by molecular markers and thus are not so helpful in actual species identification. Only the ductus bursae length showed no overlap and can be used for identification of females. The histone H1 gene appeared five times less variable over the four studied species than COI, and found to be identical in species L. sinapis and L. juvernica. Wolbachia infection was found in all studied species. We identified three wsp variants of Wolbachia: 1) wsp-10 allele in L. amurensis, L. sinapis, L. juvernica; 2) a very similar wsp-687 allele in L. sinapis; and 3) wsp-688, highly divergent to the previous ones, in L. morsei

    Protective properties of fractured-porous aeration zone in the case of groundwater pollution by liquid hydrocarbons

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    The problem of migration of a hydrocarbon liquid through aeration zone to groundwater table is formulated and solved analytically. The aeration zone is represented by fractured-porous rocks, and the pollution source is a shallow pool that has formed due to a spill. Two schemes of liquid infiltration from fractures into rock blocks - piston-like and kinetic - are considered. The trajectory of pollution front in fractures and its distribution in the rock blocks are found. © 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Mathematical simulation of nonaqueous-phase organic liquid infiltration in soils

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    A mathematical model was developed for the vertical migration of "light" nonaqueous-phase organic liquid contaminant in soils under field capacity conditions. The model describes the experimentally observed arrest of the nonaqueous-phase liquids (NAPLs) front caused by the swelling of soil organic matter due to its interaction with a contaminant. This effect is not considered in the conventional models of infiltration and mass transfer in porous environments. Calculations were performed whose results agree with experimental data. © 2004 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" (Russia)

    Computer Simulation and Comparison of the Efficiency of Conventional, Polymer and Hydrogel Waterflooding of Inhomogeneous Oil Reservoirs

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    The oil displacement in a layered inhomogeneous reservoir using two types of physical-chemical technologies (polymer flooding and hydrogel flooding) is the subject of this research. In the first case the aqueous polymer solution of the desired concentration is injected into the porous reservoir creating the high-viscous moving fields. Unlike this technology, the hydrogel flooding is characterized by creation and evolution of the moving hydrogel field directly in porous medium in result of chemical reaction between the water solutions of two gel-forming components which one after another are injected into the oil reservoir with given time interruption. The first component is sorbed more intensively and moves slower than the second one, so when it gradually overtakes the first solution, they begin chemically react with creation of hydrogel. Special numerical methods, algorithms and computer software are developed to solve these systems of nonlinear equations, study and compare an efficiency of the oil field development at the different type of waterflooding. It is shown that creations of the moving polymer or hydrogel fields significantly increases the uniformity of oil displacement in all layers of reservoir and improve their basic exploitation parameters due to the cross-flows between layers and creation of the moving structures in the velocity field of two-phase flow. In doing so, hydrogel technology may be much more effectiveness in comparison with polymer flooding

    Тhiacalix[4]arene phosphonate C-800 as a novel fluorescent probe for zinc in living cells

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    Zn ions are significant for maintaining the proper human organism functioning, thus monitoring­ the zinc content in living cells and the development of sensitive tracking systems and sensors for Zn is particularly important. The purpose of the work was to study the properties of synthetic thiacalix[4]arene C-800 (5,11,17,23-tetrakis[(hydroxy-ethoxyphosphonyl)methyl])-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxythiacalix[4]arene) as a fluo­rescent sensor for zinc ions in living cells. Our studies demonstrated that thiacalix[4]arene C-800 containing­ four hydroxy-ethoxyphosphonylmethyl groups on the upper rim exhibited fluorescent properties at 340 nm excitation wavelength. Fluorescence intensity of thiacalix[4]arene C-800 was increased significantly in the presence of Zn cations, while cations of other metals, such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ did not affect it. Computer modeling demonstrated that two Zn cations interact with the oxygen atoms of four hydroxy-ethoxyphosphonylmethyl groups. It was shown that thiacalix[4]arene C-800 quickly penetrated rat myometrial cells that led to an increased intracellular fluorescence level. The addition of Zn2+ to cells, stained with thiacalix[4]arene C-800, was followed an even greater increase of intracellular fluorescent signal intensity. No effect of thiacalix[4]arene C-800 on reactive oxygen species production in myometrial cells was detected as well as on cells viability in the range of its 50-250 μM concentrations. Thus, thiacalix[4]arene C-800 can potentially be used as a selective fluorescent probe for the detection of Zn2+ in living cells

    Принципиальное значение запрета на поворот к худшему для уголовно-процессуальной системы

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    The article deals with the problem of the expediency of a criminal case’s returning to the prosecutor at the stage of appointment and preparation of a court session in Russian criminal proceedings. This problem is relevant to the science of criminal procedure.The purpose of the study is to analyze critically the practice of returning of a criminal case back to the prosecutor in order to correct mistakes made at the pre-trial stages of the proceedings according to the new concept of justice independence and the absence of an accusatory bias in the court functioning.The methodological basis of the study is a set of scientific techniques, focused mostly on the dialectical approach, which made it possible to determine the essential characteristics of the prohibition to turn the criminal proceedings in Russia for the worse. Both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematic method) and specific scientific methods (formal-legal, historical-legal, comparative-legal) of knowledge were also used. The analysis helped to formulate the position of understanding the turn for the worse as an independent principle of criminal procedural law, to study the procedural form of the turn for the worse. The synthesis method made it possible to determine the return of the criminal case to the prosecutor at the stage of appointment and preparation of the court session as a holistic institution of the criminal procedure. The systematic approach allowed to determine not only the mixed nature of the mechanism for changing the prosecution to a more serious one, but the investigative organization of pre-trial proceedings and its place in the structure of criminal proceedings, the separation of the investigative and “accusatory powers” of the prosecutors as well as their balance. The historical method let us trace the evolution of the prohibition to turn the Soviet and Russian criminal procedural systems for the worse. The comparative-legal method made it possible to assess the potential of domestic legislators' reception of foreign experience of regulating the prohibition to turn for the worse and formulate proposals to improve the Russian criminal procedural legislation.The main scientific results of this research consist of justification of the conclusion of the conversion expediency of the domestic judicial proceedings to the adversarial model of accusation which is carried out within the trial on the previously filed charge. The presentation of a new charge (criminal action) in court and the procedure of supplementing the charge change it for the worse. This model of re-indictment for the worse for the defendant appears to be fairer and more convenient both for the prosecuting authority and for the legal organization of combating crime. The changeover to the suggested form of implementation of the ban to turn for the worse in the institution of bringing and changing charges in court is possible only in a systematic link with the reform of the preliminary investigation. Conclusion. The institution of the criminal case returning by the court to the prosecutor in order to change the charge to a more serious one when implementing the adversarial model of bringing charges in the criminal procedure system of Russia will fully satisfy the concept of independence of justice administration and the absence of an accusatory bias in the activities of the court, while at the same time with fairly organized the prosecutorial power aimed at countering crime.The section 1 was prepared by N.N. Lysov, section 2 by K.D. Vanyan (together with M.T. Tashilin), section 3 by A.S. Shuisky (together with I.R. Gilmanov), section 4 by V.V. Kosterin.Исследование посвящено актуальной для уголовно-процессуальной науки проблеме целесообразности существования в российском уголовном судопроизводстве института возвращения прокурору уголовного дела на стадии назначения и подготовки судебного заседания. По мнению авторов, запрет на поворот к худшему имеет более фундаментальное значение для уголовно-процессуальной системы, чем ему обычно приписывает теория. Справедливость и эффективность процедуры возвращения судом дела на доследование, позволяющей следователю изменить положение подсудимого посредством предъявления нового обвинения, сомнительны. Предпочтительнее выглядит модель изменения государственным обвинителем обвинения в суде с соблюдением состязательной процедуры, существующая в ряде государств, имеющих состязательный тип уголовного судопроизводства.Раздел 1 подготовлен Н.Н. Лысовым, раздел 2 – К.Д. Ванян (совместно с М.Т. Тащилиным ), раздел 3 – А.С. Шуйским (совместно с И.Р. Гильмановым), раздел 4 – В.В. Костериным

    Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by calix[4]arene C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity

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    The discovery of compounds that might modify myometrial contractility is an important area of researches. In our previous experiments, we found that some representatives of macrocyclic compounds fami­ly – calix[4]arenes – can modify the enzymatic and transport activity of membrane-bound cation-transport ATP hydrolases. The aim of this work was to study and compare the effect of calix[4]arene C-107 on the enzymatic activities of Mg2+-dependent ATPases of the uterine smooth muscle, namely: ouabain-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase, plasma membrane Ca2+-independent “basal” Mg2+-ATPase, ATPase of the actomyosin complex and myosin subfragment-1, with effect on the contractile activity of the myometrium. It was shown that calix[4]arene C-107 efficiently inhibited myometrium Na+,K+-ATPase (I50 = 54 ± 6 nM) selectively to other ATP-hydrolases of the plasma membrane and simultaneously activated the enzymatic activity of the myosin ATPase of smooth muscles (A50 = 9.6 ± 0.7 μM). Such reciprocal biochemical effects led to the stimulation of the smooth muscle contractile activity that was demonstrated by the tensometric method using different isolated smooth muscles. Calix[4]arene С-107 was shown to stimulate the increase of the tonic component of myometrium contractions induced by oxytocin, as well as contractions of the caecum muscles induced by high-potassium solution or acetylcholine, and to maintain increased tension for a long time. Thus, calix[4]arene C-107 is a prospective compound for enhancing the smooth muscle basal tone and/or contraction in case of hypotonic dysfunctions

    Сalix[4]arene chalcone amides effects on myometrium mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are a key player in a wide range of the most important functions of the cell. Calixarenes are supramolecular compounds that have been widely used in bioorganic chemistry and biochemistry. The aim of this work was to study the effects of calix[4]arenes with two (С-1012, С-1021), three (С-1023, С-1024) and four (С-1011) chalcone amide groups on the myometrial mitochondria membranes polarization, Ca2+ concentration in the matrix of these organelles ([Ca2+]m ) and on the average hydrodynamic diameter of mitochondria. It was shown that permeabilized myometrium cells incubation with calix[4]arenes containing two or more chalcone amide groups, was accompanied by an increased level of myometrial mitochondria membranes polarization. All studied calix[4]arenes increased [Ca2+]m values in the absence and in the presence of exogenous Ca2+. The values of [Ca2+]m in the absence of exogenous Ca2+ were higher at mitochondria incubation in Mg2+-containing, than in Mg2+,ATP-containing medium. Incubation of isolated mitochondria with the studied calix[4]arenes resulted in changes of mitochondria volume: at incubation with С-1012, С-1021, C-1023 the average hydrodynamic diameter was decreased, while with С-1011 it was increased. Thus, we have shown that a short-term (5 min) incubation of mitochondria in the presence of 10 µM calix[4]arenes, which contain from two to four chalcone amide groups, increased the level of mitochondria membranes polarization, ionized Ca concentration in the matrix and had different effects on the mitochondrial volume

    Linkage map construction involving a reciprocal translocation

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    This paper is concerned with a novel statistical–genetic approach for the construction of linkage maps in populations obtained from reciprocal translocation heterozygotes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Using standard linkage analysis, translocations usually lead to ‘pseudo-linkage’: the mixing up of markers from the chromosomes involved in the translocation into a single linkage group. Close to the translocation breakpoints recombination is severely suppressed and, as a consequence, ordering markers in those regions is not feasible. The novel strategy presented in this paper is based on (1) disentangling the “pseudo-linkage” using principal coordinate analysis, (2) separating individuals into translocated types and normal types and (3) separating markers into those close to and those more distant from the translocation breakpoints. The methods make use of a consensus map of the species involved. The final product consists of integrated linkage maps of the distal parts of the chromosomes involved in the translocation

    Protective properties of fractured-porous aeration zone in the case of groundwater pollution by liquid hydrocarbons

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    The problem of migration of a hydrocarbon liquid through aeration zone to groundwater table is formulated and solved analytically. The aeration zone is represented by fractured-porous rocks, and the pollution source is a shallow pool that has formed due to a spill. Two schemes of liquid infiltration from fractures into rock blocks - piston-like and kinetic - are considered. The trajectory of pollution front in fractures and its distribution in the rock blocks are found. © 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"