341 research outputs found

    Castles of Slavonia

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    U radu je prikazana povijest dvoraca Slavonije te njihovo sadaÅ”nje stanje. Detaljno su obuhvaćeni dvorci Prandau- Normann u Vlapovu, Eltz u Vukovaru i dvorac Pejačević u NaÅ”icama. U prvom dijelu diplomskoga rada može se pročitati o povijesti Slavonije, dvorcima i kurijama u Slavoniji te o dvorcima općenito. DanaÅ”nji dvorac u Valpovu nastao je tijekom prve polovice 18. stoljeća, a u njemu su boravile obitelj Hileprand od Prandaua i od 1885. godine grofovska obitelj Normann od Ehrenfelsa. U dvorcu je od 1956. godine smjeÅ”ten Muzej ValpovÅ”tine. Dvorac Eltz barokni je dvorac smjeÅ”ten na u gradu Vukovaru. Gradnju dvorca počeo je 1749. g. vlasnik vukovarskog feuda grof Anzelmo Kazimir Eltz, a viÅ”e je puta dograđivan. Od 1968. godine u dvorcu Eltz smjeÅ”ten je Gradski muzej Vukovar. Zgrada je 1991. pretrpjela straÅ”na oÅ”tećenja, a dvorac je u cjelini obnovljen 2011.g. U srediÅ”tu NaÅ”ica nalaze se veliki i mali dvorac Pejačević. Gradnju je započeo grof Ladislav Pejačevević. Danas se u dvorcu nalazi Zavičajni muzej NaÅ”ice.This work deals with the history of castles in Slavonia and the present state they are in. The castle Prandau-Norman in the twon of Valpovo, castle Eltz in the town of Vukovar and castle Pejačević in the town of NaÅ”ice are included in detail. The first part of this work is about the history of Slavonia, the castles and curiae in Slavonia and castles in general. The present castle in Valpovo was built during the first half of the 18th century and its residents were the family Hilleprand of Prandau and, since 1885, the noble family Norman of Ehrenfels. Since 1956 the castle has been housing the Museum of the Area of Valpovo. The castle Eltz is a baroque castle situated in the town of Vukovar. The construction of the castle was started in 1749 by the Vukovar landowner count Anzelmo Kazimir Eltz and further work was carried on several times. The castle Eltz has been housing the Town Museum of Vukovarsince 1968. The building was badly damaged in 1991 but was completely renewed in 2011. In the center of NaÅ”ice there are the small and the big castle Pejačević. Count Ladislv Pejačević started the building. Today the castle houses the Local Museum of NaÅ”ice

    Attitudes of teachers and students towards playing an instrument in Music class

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    Glazbena se nastava mijenjala i razvijala kroz povijest. Prema Nastavnom planu i programu za osnovnu Å”kolu, nastavna područja razredne nastave su pjevanje, sviranje, elementi glazbene kreativnosti i sluÅ”anje glazbe. Sviranje je po prvi put uvedeno u hrvatske općeobrazovne Å”kole donoÅ”enjem nastavnoga programa iz 1958. godine. Djeca su od rođenja u doticaju s glazbom. Ona žele i vole sudjelovati u različitim glazbenim aktivnostima i naÅ” zadatak je, kao učitelja, da im to omogućimo. Sviranjem djeca aktivno sudjeluju u nastavi, pospjeÅ”uju svoju stvaralačku aktivnost te lakÅ”e i potpunije shvaćaju glazbu. U ovom diplomskom radu provedeno je istraživanje kojim su se željeli ispitati stavovi studenata i učitelja o sviranju na satu glazbene kulture. U istraživanju su sudjelovali studenti druge, treće, četvrte i pete godine Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku te učitelji na području Vukovarsko-srijemske i Osječko-baranjske županije. Analiza rezultata pokazala je da studenti i učitelji uglavnom imaju negativna iskustva i stav prema sviranju i neće svirati svojim učenicima na satu glazbene kulture.Music instruction has changed and evolved throughout history. According to the Primary School Curriculum, the teaching fields are singing, playing, elements of musical creativity and listening to music. With the adoption of the 1958 curriculum, playing was introduced into Croatian general education schools. Children are in contact with music since birth. They want and love to participate in different music activities and it is our task, as teachers, to enable them to do so. By playing, children are actively involved in class, enhancing their creative activities and understanding music more easily. In this master thesis, research was conducted to examine the attitudes of students and teachers about playing music culture lessons. In this study, students from the second, third, fourth and fifth years of the Faculty of Education in Osijek and teachers in the VukovarSrijem and Osijek-Baranja counties participated. Analysis of the results showed that students and teachers generally had negative experiences and attitudes toward playing and would not play to their students in music culture classes

    Particle swarm optimization for critical experiment design

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    ā€œCritical experiments are used by nuclear data evaluators and criticality safety engineers to validate nuclear data and computational methods. Many of these experiments are designed to maximize the sensitivity to a certain nuclide-reaction pair in an energy range of interest. Traditionally, a parameter sweep is conducted over a set of experimental variables to find a configuration that is critical and maximally sensitive. As additional variables are added, the total number of configurations increases exponentially and quickly becomes prohibitively computationally expensive to calculate, especially using Monte Carlo methods. This work presents the development of a particle swarm optimization algorithm to design these experiments in a more computationally efficient manner. The algorithm is then demonstrated by performing a two-dimensional and three-dimensional optimization of a uranium-molybdenum and plutonium-molybdenum critical experiment, respectively. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional optimizations on average performed 35x and 3277x faster than the parameter sweep method, respectively. This corresponds to a 5.6 day and 2,314 day reduction in computation timeā€--Abstract, page iii

    Examining the Legal Consciousness of Residence Life Staff

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    Understanding the law has become an integral part of the work of higher education professionals, especially residence life staff. For decades, courts have contributed an increasingly important role in shaping the litigious nature of society at large and within higher education (Greenleaf, 1982). Barr and Associates (1988) noted the increasingly major influence of the law on campus life. Even in the mid-1990s, Gehring and Penney (1995) highlighted the critical need to understand legal issues for those professionals entering the field of higher education and student affairs. Since Olivas (2013) found that higher education law is a rapidly changing area in the field, knowledge of the law is critical to anyone in a professional position in higher education. [Discussion questions developed by Amelia King-Kostelac.

    Projektiranje sustava regulacije vertikalne sile tribometra s uzorkom na disku uključujući aktivno i pasivno priguÅ”enje vertikalnih vibracija

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    This paper presents the design of a computer-controlled pin-on-disk tribometer for friction characterization of various friction sliding pairs. The tribometer setup comprises two high-bandwidth servomotors for the control of the rotating disk and the normal load-related spindle drive, as well as a high-precision tri-axial piezoelectric force sensor for normal and tangential forces measurement. Since the spindle drive system is characterized by notable compliance effects, the normal force cascade control system is designed with the aim of vertical vibrations active damping. In order to compensate for the unevenness of the rotating disk surface and associated high-level perturbations in the specimen normal force, the normal force control system is extended with a feedforward compensator of the disk unevenness disturbance, and a dedicated leaf spring suspension system is designed. The effectiveness of the proposed system of vertical vibrations damping is verified experimentally.U članku je prikazan dizajn računalom upravljanog tribometra s uzorkom na disku za karakterizaciju različitih kliznih parova. Postav tribometra sadrži dva električna servomotora visokih dinamičkih performansi koji se koriste za regulaciju rotacijskog diska i navojnog vretena za generiranje normalne sile, te tro-osni piezoelektrični senzor za mjerenje normalne i tangencijalne sile. Kako je pogon navojnog vretena karakteriziran značajnom elastičnoŔću, kaskadni sustav regulacije sile je projektiran s ciljem aktivnog priguÅ”enja vertikalnih vibracija. U svrhu kompenzacije značajnih neravnina povrÅ”ine rotacijskog diska i s njima povezanih velikih amplituda perturbacija normalne sile na uzorak, sustav regulacije normalne sile proÅ”iruje se unaprijednim kompenzatorom poremećaja uslijed neravnina povrÅ”ine diska, te za tu svrhu namijenjenim sustavom ovjesa s lisnatim oprugama. Učinkovitost predloženog sustava za priguÅ”enje vertikalnih vibracija provjerena je eksperimentalnim putem

    The golden ratio in probablistic and artificial intelligence

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    Problem linijskog odsječka utemeljenog na omjeru zlatnog reza Ļ† = 1,618033 ima analogiju u vjerojatnosti. RjeÅ”enje elementarne eksponencijalne raspodjele, posebice ističe vrijednost 2lnĻ†. Ova vrijednost također ima ključnu ulogu u odnosu Rikatijevih hiperboličnih funkcija s Fibonačijevim i Lukasovim brojevima u kontinuiranom području. Time se uspostavlja bliska veza između konstanti e i Ļ†. Izvedena su dva nova teorema o konvergenciji konstanti Ļ† i e . Broj e je temelj Markovskih procesa, koji su naÅ”li primjenu u teoriji vjerojatnosni i umjetne inteligencije. Omjer konstanti e i Ļ†, kao i mnogi drugi prirodni fenomeni na temelju zlatnog reza, ističu potrebu za proÅ”irenjem područja vjerojatnosni i umjetne inteligencije.The problem of the line section based on the golden ratio Ļ† = 1,618033 has the analogy in probability. The solution of the elementary exponential distribution relies on the value 2lnĻ† in particular. This value also plays a key role to Riccati hyperbolic functions with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers in continuous domain. This establishes a close relationship between the constants e and Ļ†. Two new theorems on the convergence between the constants Ļ† and e were derived. The number e is the foundation of Markov processes, which find applications in probabilistic and artificial intelligence theory. The ratio between the constants Ļ† and e, as well as many other natural phenomena based on the golden ratio, highlight the need to expand the field of probabilistic and artificial intelligence

    A Comparison of Welded Structure Cost Calculation Methods

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    With the increase in material and labour costs, the optimization of welded steel structures is gradually becoming a necessity. Precise cost calculation methods are a prerequisite for the optimization process; they enable the designers to differentiate between product variations and select the best one. However, while the calculation of the material cost is simple, the calculation of fabrication costs, which include the costs of cutting, handling, welding, and surface preparation, is harder to define. Thus, in this paper, two available cost calculation methods are compared by observing two specific welded structures: a welded I beam and a gearbox housing. Both the total and the partial costs were compared. Based on the results, it was concluded that the methods are in agreement considering the total cost values and that both methods can differentiate between the design variations comparably. On the other hand, partial costs of process segments differed, mostly due to variations in the pre-defined scope of each process (e.g., one method included handling in the material costs, while the other included it in the welding costs)
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