102 research outputs found

    Isle of Rum Earthworm Conference

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    In collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage (Isle of Rum) and the University of Rzeszow, the Earthworm Research Group (ERG) from UCLan organised a conference in the Inner Hebrides in May 2014. This involved oral and poster presentations, field visits and discussions over a period of 3 days

    Dekada edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju – wizja, cel, strategia

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    Sustainable development was defined as an answer to natural environment degradation. It should be considered in three equally important domains – sustainability of environmental development (e.g. decreasing of environment pollution), sustainability of economical development (e.g. changing irresponsible habits of consumers) and sustainability of development of societies (fighting poverty and hunger). To spread the concept UNESCO announced the document: “Decade of Education for SD” (2005-2014). The aim of this article is to popularize the vision, aim, and strategy of the Decade and to present the author’s own research about the familiarity with the term ‘sustainable development’ in various groups of society.Zrównoważony i trwały rozwój (sustainable development) został zdefiniowany jako odpowiedź na degradację środowiska przyrodniczego. Należy go rozpatrywać w równie istotnych trzech aspektach: zrównoważonego rozwoju ekologicznego (np. zmniejszenie zanieczyszczenia środowiska), zrównoważonego rozwoju ekonomicznego (np. zmiana nierozsądnych postaw konsumentów), oraz zrównoważonego rozwoju społecznego (m.in. walka z ubóstwem i niedożywieniem). Aby upowszechnić tę ideę, UNESCO ogłosiła dokument „Dekada Edukacji dla Zrównoważonego Rozwoju” (2005-2014). Celem artykułu jest popularyzacja wizji, celu i strategii Dekady, a także zaprezentowanie badań własnych, w których oceniano znajomość pojęcia zrównoważony rozwój

    References of the Concept of Retardation of Natural Resources Transformation into Selected Legislative Acts in the Context of Building Sustainable Development and Circular Economy

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    Działania na rzecz zachowania zasobów przyrodniczych w stanie niepogorszonym, a docelowo zwiększenie ich trwałości i jakości zapisano w kilku polskich aktach prawnych, jako obowiązujące. Musi to być rozumiane i akceptowane zarówno przez wszystkich przedsiębiorców jak i decydentów i przeciętnego Polaka w każdym wieku. Do tej pory, dbałość o zasoby przyrody np. na obszarach cennych przyrodniczo (parki krajobrazowe, obszary chronionego krajobrazu czy natura 2000) przez wielu nie była traktowana ze zrozumieniem i widziana raczej jako bariera w rozwoju. Tymczasem zachowanie świadczeń ekosystemów dla człowieka jest warunkiem koniecznym dla poprawy szeroko rozumianej jakości życia. Może w tym pomóc upowszechnianie koncepcji retardacja tempa przekształcania zasobów przyrody a także prawidłowe rozumienie i pilne wdrażanie w życie strategicznie słusznych zapisów z obowiązującego w Polsce prawa. W artykule podkreślono wagę działań z zakresu ochrony różnorodności biologicznej także w kontekście poszerzenia perspektywy funkcjonowania inżynierii ekologicznej.The measures to preserve the natural resources in a non-deteriorated state, and ultimately to increase their sustain- ability and quality, have been recorded in several Polish legal acts as mandatory. It must be understood and accepted by all businessmen as well as the decision makers and Polish citizens of all ages. So far, attention to nature resources, such as the ones in valuable natural areas (landscape parks, protected landscapes or nature 2000) has not been paid nor treated with much understanding and is seen as a barrier to development. Meanwhile, the preservation of ecosystem services is a prerequisite for improving the quality of human life. This may be achieved by promoting the concept involving retardation of the transformation pace of natural resources, as well as the correct understanding and urgent implementation of strategically justified provisions of the Polish law in force . The article emphasizes the importance of biodiversity conservation activities also in the context of broadening the perspective of the functioning of ecological engineering

    Studium przypadku: jaskółka oknówka Delichon Urbicum okazją do przemyślenia potrzeby retardacji przekształcania zasobów przyrody i ochrony świadczeń ekosystemów

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    Contemporary industrial (consumerist) civilizations differ from previous ones as they strain the environment on much larger scale and with much bigger, global range. Therefore, the idea of retardation of processing of natural resources and taking actions that will put it to life should be popularized. This is crucial for protecting and managing the functions of ecosystems and their services to humans. House Martin Delichon urbicum case study may be a great tool to understand those problems.Współczesne cywilizacje industrialne (konsumpcyjne), różnią się od poprzednich znacznie większą skalą i globalnym zasięgiem antropogenicznego obciążenia środowiska. Powinno się więc upowszechnić przekonanie o konieczności retardacji (spowalniania) przekształcania zasobów przyrody i podejmowanie kroków, które tą retardację wprowadzą w życie. Ma to znaczenie dla ochrony i możliwości zarządzania świadczeniami ekosystemów dla człowieka. Studium przypadku jaskółka oknówka może być pomocne w przemyśleniu powyższych problemów

    Theodoret of Cyrus and philosophical dialogue

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    Theodoret, bishop of Cyrus, played an important role in the history of the Christian Church and Christian theology in the fifth century. His dialogue Eranistes was composed in 447 or 448 and its body consists of three discussions in a dialogue form, between two persons: Or- thodoxos and Eranistes. The work is introduced by a prologue in which the author describes heresies, to which he is opposed. The first dialogue deals with the immutability of Christ, in the second one the author proves that two natures of Christ are united, and the third one deals with the impassibility of divine nature of the incarnate Word. Each dialogue in supplemented by citations from the earlier ecclesiastical authors. The aim of this study is to examine the dialogue of Theodoret on the genological level


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    The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) - CITES is an international system limiting cross-border trade in various species of plants and animals and products made from them. The Convention was signed in 1973 in Washington, DC. Its main task is to reduce or completely eliminate the trade of species, the number of which state or imply that their uncontrolled extraction of the natural environment is detrimental to their survival. Although the provisions of CITES came into force in Poland in March 1990, still the problem is the lack of knowledge of its citizens as well as the adaptation of Polish legislation and its enforcement to the requirements of the Convention. The aim of the study was to present the CITES in the context of slowing the conversion of natural resources. Authors also analyzed data from the customs office and the perception of selected elements of the Washington Convention by representatives of Polish tourists

    Field and laboratory studies of the earthworm Dendrobaena Alpina

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    Distribution of Dendrobaena alpina covers the mountainous region of central Europe, where it has a high dominance and frequency index. This work describes data from field studies conducted over two annual cycles in the Bieszczady National Park (BNP), Poland, in different types of beech forest. Densities of this species ranged from 47-231 · m-2 with associated biomasses of 19 – 90 g · m-2. Most (66 %) were recovered from less than 0.1 m soil depth with a further 28 % to 0.2 m. Further animals were collected alive from Lutowiska close to the BNP to obtain baseline data on the life history of D. alpina. Mature individuals were kept in isolation and cocoon production monitored on a 2 monthly basis. Immature individuals were kept until they reached maturity, when they were paired, with combined output of cocoons regularly monitored. Cocoons were collected, had masses determined and were incubated. Hatchability was recorded, as was estimated duration of incubation and growth to maturity. Field-collected adults had a mean mass of 1.4 g and at 15ºC, these produced an average of 1.83 cocoons worm-1 · month-1. Zero cocoons were produced by further specimens, collected as immature, grown to maturity and maintained in isolation. Recently-matured, paired D. alpina produced an average of 1.65 cocoons worm-1 · month-1. Cocoons had a mean mass of 19 mg. At 15ºC, cocoons produced by recently matured adults hatched after 80 days (82 % viable), but after 2 months the majority of cocoons failed to hatch. Hatchling growth from an average of 18 mg to maturity required 7-11 months in the given substrate

    Effects of anesthetic compounds on responses of earthworms to electrostimulation

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    Properties of Vermicomposts Derived from Cameroon Sheep Dung

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    Due to a need for sustainability in agriculture, waste products ought to be utilized in the most appropriate way. A study was undertaken relating to the vermicomposting of Cameroon sheep dung (CSD) by the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta. Processing of this waste was investigated using unadulterated CSD and in a 1:1 mixture with unpalatable (waste) hay (CSDH). Results demonstrated that these materials were actively processed by D. veneta with vermicomposts obtained which can be characterized by a higher amount of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (average, respectively, 17.0, 10.5, 13.2 g kg−1 d.m.), as well as lower total carbon and magnesium content (respectively, 340 and 3.2 g kg−1 d.m.), compared with the initial waste material. No significant differences were found between CSD and CSDH vermicomposts with respect to chemistry. Levels of selected trace elements (average: Cu 17.5−18.8, Cr 5.7−5.8, Pb 13.5−14.4, Ni 3, Cd 0.4 mg kg−1 d.m.) in both vermicomposts did not exclude their application to agricultural soil as a fertilizer