17 research outputs found

    Small Strain Growth and the Human Nail

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    A complete set of independent and physically meaningful invariants in the mechanics of solids reinforced by two families of fibres

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    It has recently been shown [2, 3] that only seven of the classical deformation invariants employed in hyperelasticity of solids reinforced by two families of unidirectional fibres are independent. This short communication demonstrates a manner in which such a set of seven invariants is conveniently identified without much deviation from well-known features that characterise their classical counterparts. It also shows that, unlike several of their classical counterparts, these newly identified invariants have all their own physical meaning. This new development is immediate applicable on mass-growth problems of tissue that preserve fibre direction [1] and, notably, on problems involving mass-growth of a circular tube reinforced by two families of helices wound symmetrically around the tube in opposite directions

    Mass-growth of a finite tube reinforced by a pair of helical fibres

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    Several types of tube-like fibre-reinforced tissue, including the layers of arteries and veins, different kinds of muscle, biological tubes as well as plants and trees, are reinforced by a pair of helical fibres wound symmetrically around the tube axis in opposite directions. In many cases, this kind of biological structures grow in an axially symmetric manner that preserves their own shape as well as the direction and shape of their embedded pair of helical fibres. This study considers and investigates the influence that preservation of fibre direction exerts on pseudo-elastic (elastic-like) mass-growth modelling of the described fibre-reinforced structure. Complete sets of necessary conditions that enable the implied axisymmetric tube mass-growth to take place are sought, found and presented. These hold in addition to, and simultaneously with standard kinematic relations and equilibrium equations met in conventional hyperelasticity. They thus render this mass-growth mathematical model the properties of an apparently overdetermined boundary value problem. However, the additional information they provide leads to identification of admissible classes of strain energy densities for growth that enable realisation of the implied type of tube mass-growth. The analysis is applicable to several different types of mass-growth of tube-like tissue reinforced by a pair of symmetrically wound helical fibres. This is demonstrated with an application which considers that mass-growth of the fibre-reinforced tube takes place in an incompressible manner; namely, in a non-isochoric manner that along with fibre direction, it also preserves the material density of the growing tube

    The generalized viscoelastic spring

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    A spring/rod model is presented that describes one-dimensional behaviour of solids susceptible to large or small viscoelastic deformation. Derivation of its constitutive equation is underpinned by the fact that the internal energy, which the elastic part of deformation stores into the spring, changes in time with the observed strain as well as with some, unknown part of the strain-rate. The latter emerges through the action of a viscous flow potential and is the source of inelastic deformation. Thus, unlike its conventional viscoelasticity counterparts, the model does not postulate a priori a rule that relates strain with viscous flow formation. Instead, it considers that such a rule, as well as other important features of combined elastic and inelastic material response, should become known a posteriori through the solution of a relevant, well-posed boundary value problem. This communication begins with considerations compatible with large viscoelastic deformations, and gradually progresses through simpler modelling situations. The latter also include the case of small viscoelastic strain that underpins formulation of classical, spring-dashpot viscoelastic models. In an example application, a relevant closed form solution is obtained for a spring undergoing small viscoelastic deformation under the influence of a viscous flow potential which is quadratic in the stress

    Generalised viscoelastic fibre at small strain

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    A straight elastic fibre is usually perceived as an one-dimensional structural component, and its similarity with a cylindrical rod makes its concept analogous, if not equivalent with the concept of an elastic spring. This analogy enables this communication to match the one-dimensional response of a relevant viscoelastic fibre with that of a viscoelastic spring and, hence, to describe its one-dimensional behaviour in the light of a new, generalised viscoelastic spring model. The model shares simultaneously properties of an elastic spring and an inelastic damper (dashpot) and in this communication is interested on its applicability at small strain only. However, the form of its constitutive equation, which is based on the combined action of an internal energy function and a viscous flow potential, is non-linear as well as differential and, also, implicit in the stress. The model enables a posteriori determination of (i) the manner that the elastic and the inelastic parts of the fibre strain are assembled and form the observed total deformation, (ii) the part of stress that create recoverable work and the part of stress wasted in energy dissipation, and (iii) the amount of work stored in the material as well as the amount of energy dissipation during the fibre-deformation. A detailed analysis is presented for the case that small-strain, steady viscoelastic deformation takes place in a spatially homogeneous manner. This includes a complete relevant solution of the problem of interest and is accompanied by an adequate set of corresponding qualitative numerical results

    Plane Strain Polar Elasticity Of Fibre-Reinforced Functionally Graded Materials and Structures

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    This study investigates the flexural response of a linearly elastic rectangular strip reinforced in a functionally graded manner by a single family of straight fibres resistant in bending. Fibre bending resistance is associated with the thickness of fibres which, in turn, is considered measurable through use of some intrinsic material length parameter involved in the definition of a corresponding elastic modulus. Solution of the relevant set of governing differential equations is achieved computationally, with the use of a well-established semi-analytical mathematical method. A connection of this solution with its homogeneous fibre-reinforced material counterpart enables the corresponding homogeneous fibrous composite to be regarded as a source of a set of equivalent functionally graded structures, each one of which is formed through inhomogeneous redistribution of the same volume of fibres within the same matrix material. A subsequent stress and couple-stress analysis provides details of the manner in which the flexural response of the polar structural component of interest is affected by certain types of inhomogeneous fibre distribution

    On elastic growth modelling of straight hair

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    Certain macroscopic similarities of the nail and hair elongation mechanisms enable the mass-growth activity that takes place within a straight hair follicle to be modelled through a suitable extension of a relevant small-strain pseudo-elasticity model of human nail growth. Basic differences which are taken into consideration are the facts that straight hair (a) resembles the form of a cylindrical rod, rather than a plate, while (b) its material constitution seems microscopically transversely isotropic, rather than isotropic. A complete analytical solution of the obtained governing differential equations is detailed for the case where incompressible mass-growth conditions prevail within the hair matrix. In addition to estimating displacement and stress distributions that develop within the growing matrix, and the resulting hair elongation, that solution enables prediction of a clinically observed zone of hair-fibre hardening that lies between the matrix soft tissue and the hard keratinous hair shaft. It also predicts that the longitudinal dimension of the hair matrix and that of the hair-fibre hardening zone depend on the material properties of the soft tissue of the follicle. Consideration of more advanced micro- or macro-scopic features of the hair follicle, such as layered structure or curved form, can be handled mathematically in a similar manner at the expense of analytical simplicity

    On three-dimensional dynamics of fibre-reinforced functionally graded plates when fibres resist bending

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    This communication aims to initiate an investigation towards understanding the influence that fibre bending stiffness has on the three-dimensional dynamic behaviour of fibrous composites with embedded functionally graded stiff fibres. In this context, it (i) formulates the general dynamical problem of a rectangular plate with embedded a single family of straight fibres that possess bending resistance and are distributed in a controlled, functionally graded manner through the plate thickness, and (ii) for simple support boundary conditions, it solves the free relevant vibration problem. The problem formulation is based on principles of polar linear elastic and leads to a high-order set of Navier-type partial differential equations with variable coefficients. For simply supported edge boundaries, solution of these equations is achieved with use of a computationally efficient semi-analytical (so-called fictitious layer) mathematical method. Two types of possible inhomogeneous distributions of straight fibres are considered for computational and numerical result presentation purposes. These are both regarded as possible, realistic types of inhomogeneous redistributions of stiff fibres that in previous studies have been assumed homogeneously distributed throughout the plate body. The presented numerical results examine to a considerable extent the manner that either of the employed types of inhomogeneous fibre redistribution, in conjunction with the fibre ability to resist bending, affects the dynamic behaviour of the fibrous composite plate of interest

    On the characterisation of polar fibrous composites when fibres resist bending

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    This study aims to initiate research for the invention of methods appropriate for characterisation of fibre-reinforced materials that exhibit polar material behaviour due to fibre bending resistance. It thus focuses interest in the small strain regime, where there are examples of particular deformations for which non-polar linear elasticity fails to distinguish clearly the nature of a fibrous composite or even to account for the presence of fibres. Particular attention is accordingly given to the solution of the polar material version of the pure bending problem of transverse isotropic or special orthotropic plates with embedded fibres resistant in bending. It is seen that pure bending deformation enables polar fibre-reinforced materials to generate constant couple stress-field which, in turn, endorses uniqueness of the solution of the corresponding boundary value problem. In this context, by appropriately extending the validity of Clapeyron’s theorem within the regime of polar linear elasticity for fibre-reinforced materials, it is shown that the solution of well-posed linear elasticity boundary value problems that generate a constant couple-stress field is unique. The well-known uniqueness of solution of conventional, non-polar linear elasticity boundary value problems is, in fact, a particular case in which the generated constant value of the couple-stress field is zero

    On the preservation of fibre direction during axisymmetric hyperelastic mass-growth of a finite fibre-reinforced tube

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    Several types of tube-like fibre-reinforced tissue, including arteries and veins, different kinds of muscle, biological tubes as well as plants and trees, grow in an axially symmetric manner that preserves their own shape as well as the direction and, hence, the shape of their embedded fibres. This study considers the general, three-dimensional, axisymmetric mass-growth pattern of a finite tube reinforced by a single family of fibres growing with and within the tube, and investigates the influence that the preservation of fibre direction exerts on relevant mathematical modelling, as well on the physical behaviour of the tube. Accordingly, complete sets of necessary conditions that enable such axisymmetric tube patterns to take place are initially developed, not only for fibres preserving a general direction, but also for all six particular cases in which the fibres grow normal to either one or two of the cylindrical polar coordinate directions. The implied conditions are of kinematic character but are independent of the constitutive behaviour of the growing tube material. Because they hold in addition to, and simultaneously with standard kinematic relations and equilibrium equations, they describe growth by an overdetermined system of equations. In cases of hyperelastic mass-growth, the additional information they thus provide enable identification of specific classes of strain energy densities for growth that are admissible and, therefore, suitable for the implied type of axisymmetric tube mass-growth to take place. The presented analysis is applicable to many different particular cases of axisymmetric mass-growth of tube-like tissue, though admissible classes of relevant strain energy densities for growth are identified only for a few example applications. These consider and discuss cases of relevant hyperelastic mass-growth which (i) is of purely dilatational nature, (ii) combines dilatational and torsional deformation, (iii) enables preservation of shape and direction of helically growing fibres, as well as (iv) plane fibres growing on the cross-section of an infinitely long fibre-reinforced tube. The analysis can be extended towards mass-growth modelling of tube-like tissue that contains two or more families of fibres. Potential combination of the outlined theoretical process with suitable data obtained from relevant experimental observations could lead to realistic forms of much sought strain energy functions for growth