29 research outputs found

    Primary Cilia Mediate Diverse Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Mechanisms in Cancer.

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    Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that detect mechanical and chemical stimuli. Although cilia house a number of oncogenic molecules (including Smoothened, KRAS, EGFR, and PDGFR), their precise role in cancer remains unclear. We have interrogated the role of cilia in acquired and de novo resistance to a variety of kinase inhibitors, and found that, in several examples, resistant cells are distinctly characterized by an increase in the number and/or length of cilia with altered structural features. Changes in ciliation seem to be linked to differences in the molecular composition of cilia and result in enhanced Hedgehog pathway activation. Notably, manipulating cilia length via Kif7 knockdown is sufficient to confer drug resistance in drug-sensitive cells. Conversely, targeting of cilia length or integrity through genetic and pharmacological approaches overcomes kinase inhibitor resistance. Our work establishes a role for ciliogenesis and cilia length in promoting cancer drug resistance and has significant translational implications.This research was partly funded by the Institute of Cancer Research and by grants from Sarcoma UK (to B.E.T. [14.2014] and P.H.H. [3.2014]), Kent Cancer Trust (to M.M.), Hilfe fuer Krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V. and Frankfurter Stiftung fuer Krebskranke Kinder (to J.C.), CRUK-CI Core Grant (C14303/A17197), and S.H.D. Fellowship (Wellcome Trust/Royal Society [107609]) (to M.D.R.). B.E.T. was supported by an ICR fellowship

    Vessel co-option mediates resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy in liver metastases

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    The efficacy of angiogenesis inhibitors in cancer is limited by resistance mechanisms that are poorly understood. Notably, instead of through the induction of angiogenesis, tumor vascularization can occur through the nonangiogenic mechanism of vessel co-option. Here we show that vessel co-option is associated with a poor response to the anti-angiogenic agent bevacizumab in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases. Moreover, we find that vessel co-option is also prevalent in human breast cancer liver metastases, a setting in which results with anti-angiogenic therapy have been disappointing. In preclinical mechanistic studies, we found that cancer cell motility mediated by the actin-related protein 2/3 complex (Arp2/3) is required for vessel co-option in liver metastases in vivo and that, in this setting, combined inhibition of angiogenesis and vessel co-option is more effective than the inhibition of angiogenesis alone. Vessel co-option is therefore a clinically relevant mechanism of resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy and combined inhibition of angiogenesis and vessel co-option might be a warranted therapeutic strategy

    Apoptotic signalling targets the post-endocytic sorting machinery of the death receptor Fas/CD95

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    Fas plays a major role in regulating ligand-induced apoptosis in many cell types. It is well known that several cancers demonstrate reduced cell surface levels of Fas and thus escape a potential control system via ligand-induced apoptosis, although underlying mechanisms are unclear. Here we report that the endosome associated trafficking regulator 1 (ENTR1), controls cell surface levels of Fas and Fas-mediated apoptotic signalling. ENTR1 regulates, via binding to the coiled coil domain protein Dysbindin, the delivery of Fas from endosomes to lysosomes thereby controlling termination of Fas signal transduction. We demonstrate that ENTR1 is cleaved during Fas-induced apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner revealing an unexpected interplay of apoptotic signalling and regulation of endolysosomal trafficking resulting in a positive feedback signalling-loop. Our data provide insights into the molecular mechanism of Fas post-endocytic trafficking and signalling, opening possible explanations on how cancer cells regulate cell surface levels of death receptors

    The Usability of E-learning Platforms in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The use of e-learning in higher education has increased significantly in recent years, which has led to several studies being conducted to investigate the usability of the platforms that support it. A variety of different usability evaluation methods and attributes have been used, and it has therefore become important to start reviewing this work in a systematic way to determine how the field has developed in the last 15 years. This paper describes a systematic mapping study that performed searches on five electronic libraries to identify usability issues and methods that have been used to evaluate e-learning platforms. Sixty-one papers were selected and analysed, with the majority of studies using a simple research design reliant on questionnaires. The usability attributes measured were mostly related to effectiveness, satisfaction, efficiency, and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, several research gaps have been identified and recommendations have been made for further work in the area of the usability of online learning

    Inhibitors in AKTion: ATP-competitive vs allosteric.

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    Aberrant activation of the PI3K pathway is one of the commonest oncogenic events in human cancer. AKT is a key mediator of PI3K oncogenic function, and thus has been intensely pursued as a therapeutic target. Multiple AKT inhibitors, broadly classified as either ATP-competitive or allosteric, are currently in various stages of clinical development. Herein, we review the evidence for AKT dependence in human tumours and focus on its therapeutic targeting by the two drug classes. We highlight the future prospects for the development and implementation of more effective context-specific AKT inhibitors aided by our increasing knowledge of both its regulation and some previously unrecognised non-canonical functions

    Prevalence and treatment of aerobic vaginitis among non-pregnant women: evaluation of the evidence for an underestimated clinical entity

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    We sought to evaluate the evidence on the prevalence of aerobic vaginitis (AV) among symptomatic non-pregnant women, as well as the treatment administered for this clinical entity. The PubMed and Scopus databases were systematically searched. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria, 11 of which reported on the prevalence of possible AV, two on the prevalence of diagnosed AV, and three on the treatment and outcomes of women with diagnosed AV. The prevalence of diagnosed AV varied from 5 to 10.5 %. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and coagulase-negative staphylococci were the most commonly identified Gram-positive pathogens among women with possible AV, with prevalences of up to 58.7, 41.7, and 37.4 %, respectively, while Escherichia coli was the most common Gram-negative pathogen identified, with a prevalence of up to 23 % among symptomatic women. Regarding antibiotic treatment for AV, the antibiotic schemes administered, which mainly consisted of suppositories of aminoglycosides, showed good effectiveness without serious adverse events provided by any of the included studies. The currently available data suggest that the prevalence of AV is not negligible, while the prevalence of possible AV is considerable. Well-designed studies comparing the prevalence of aerobic pathogens between symptomatic and asymptomatic women are warranted

    SARA and RNF11 interact with each other and ESCRT-0 core proteins and regulate degradative EGFR trafficking

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    Smad anchor for receptor activation (SARA) is highly enriched on endocytic membranes via binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphates through its FYVE (Fab1p-YOTB-Vps27p-EEA1) domain. SARA was originally identified as a protein that recruits non-phosphorylated SMAD2/3 to the activated TGFβ receptors for phosphorylation, but later reports suggested a regulatory role in endocytic trafficking. Here we demonstrate that the ubiquitin ligase RNF11 is a SARA-interacting protein residing on early and late endosomes, as well as the fast recycling compartment. RNF11 and SARA interact with the ESCRT-0 subunits STAM2 and Eps15b, but only RNF11 associates with the core subunit Hrs. Both gain- and loss-of-function perturbation of RNF11 and SARA levels result in delayed degradation of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-activated EGF receptor (EGFR), while loss-of-function sustained/enhanced EGF-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These findings suggest that RNF11 and SARA are functional components of the ESCRT-0 complexes. Moreover, SARA interacts with clathrin, the ESCRT-I subunit Tsg101 and ubiquitinated cargo exhibiting all the properties of Hrs concerning ESCRT-0 function, indicating that it could substitute Hrs in some ESCRT-0 complexes. These results suggest that RNF11 and SARA participate structurally and functionally in the ESCRT-dependent lysosomal degradation of receptors. As a consequence, the negative influence that perturbation of RNF11 and SARA levels exerts on the lysosomal degradation of EGFRs could underscore the reported overexpression of RNF11 in several cancers. In these cancers, deficient termination of the oncogenic signaling of mutated receptors, such as the EGFRs, through suboptimal lysosomal degradation could contribute to the process of malignant transformation

    ERBIN is a new SARA-interacting protein: Competition between SARA and SMAD2 and SMAD3 for binding to ERBIN

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    SARA, an early endosomal protein, plays a key role in TGFβ signalling, as it presents SMAD2 and SMAD3 for phosphorylation by the activated TGFβ receptors. Here, we show that ERBIN is a new SARA-interacting protein that can be recruited by SARA to early endosomes. ERBIN was recently shown to bind and segregate phosphorylated SMAD2 and SMAD3 (SMAD2/3) in the cytoplasm, thereby inhibiting SMAD2/3-dependent transcription. SARA binds to ERBIN using a new domain, which we have called the ERBID (ERBIN-binding domain), whereas ERBIN binds to SARA using a domain (amino acids 1208-1265) that also interacts with SMAD2 and SMAD3, which we have called the SSID (SARA- and SMAD-interacting domain). We additionally show that SARA competes with SMAD2/3 for binding to ERBIN. In agreement, overexpression of SARA or the ERBID peptide reverses the inhibitory effect of ERBIN on SMAD2/3-dependent transcription. Taken together, these data suggest that the response of cells to TGFβ and activin A can be influenced by the relative concentrations of SARA, ERBIN and SMAD2/3. © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

    Embryonic stem cells are devoid of macropinocytosis, a trafficking pathway for activin A in differentiated cells.

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    Ligand-receptor complexes formed at the plasma membrane are internalised via various endocytic pathways that influence the ultimate signalling output by regulating the selection of interaction partners by the complex along the trafficking route. We report that, in differentiated cells, activin A-receptor complexes are internalised via clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and macropinocytosis (MP), whereas in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) internalisation occurs via CME. We further show that hESCs are devoid of MP, which becomes functional upon differentiation towards endothelial cells through mesoderm mediators. Our results reveal, for the first time, that MP is an internalisation route for activin A in differentiated cells, and that MP is not active in hESCs and is induced as cells differentiate