467 research outputs found


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    О конкуренции (lexical clashes) отрицательных префиксов in- и un- в современном английском языке (аналитический обзор) (The competition (lexical clashes) of the most wide-spread English prefixes in- and un of present-day English (analytical overview)

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    Статья обобщает новейшие исследования английского словообразования. Использован материал авторитетных английских толковых и синонимических словарей, пособий по культуре речи, художественной литературы. Рассматриваются вопросы происхождения, семантики, продуктивности, частотности, синонимии, частеречной принадлежности, сочетаемости наиболее распространенных отрицательных префиксов современного английского языка. (The paper reviews latest researches on English word-building. The material is used of authoritative English monolingual and synonymic dictionaries, books on word usage, fiction literature. Questions are considered of origin, semantics, productivity, frequency, synonymy, parts-of speech relationships, collocability of the most wide-spread English prefixes of present-day English.

    Towards a Theory Grounded Theory of Language

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    In this paper, we build upon the idea of theory grounding and propose one specific form of theory grounding, a theory of language. Theory grounding is the idea that we can imbue our embodied artificially intelligent systems with theories by modeling the way humans, and specifically young children, develop skills with theories. Modeling theory development promises to increase the conceptual and behavioral flexibility of these systems. An example of theory development in children is the social understanding referred to as “theory of mind.” Language is a natural task for theory grounding because it is vital in symbolic skills and apparently necessary in developing theories. Word learning, and specifically developing a concept of words, is proposed as the first step in a theory grounded theory of language


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    Using Instant Feedback System And Micro Exams To Enhance Active Learning

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    This paper presents the outcomes of the preliminary survey in which the method of IFS was used to integrate motivating questions into the lecture presentations in order to increase the students' involvement. Instant Feedback System (IFS) enables the educators to improve their own teaching by getting instant and real-time feedback about how clear the lesson for the students is; it also advances the students' participation and active involvement that improves the understanding of the learned materials. Our long term objectives are to conduct a series of studies to explore both technological and didactic aspects of integrating the IFS system into engineering education. As a first step in our long journey, we designed a new academic course of analog electronics with motivating questions embedded. A ten minute micro exam was conducted every three weeks, during the lesson. The students expressed opinions like:" my recommendation is to keep teaching this way. I believe in active learning during the lectures, it motivates me to come and participate in the lectures." And: "It drives the students to participate in all the lectures of the course. The motivating questions and the micro exams are an efficient tool to bring the students into the lectures." Half of the students chose to participate in one micro exam at least while the other half did not; the academic achievements of the motivated group showed a 26 points advantage in comparison to the other group. The lecturer's conclusions and his perceptions are described in this paper as well

    On the construction of a semantically secure modification of the McEliece cryptosystem

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    The security of currently used asymmetric cryptosystems is based on the problems of discrete logarithm or discrete factorization. These problems can be effectively solved using Shor’s algorithm on quantum computers. An alternative to such cryptosystems can be the McEliece cryptosystem. Its security is based on the problem of decoding a general linear code. In its original form, the McEliece cryptosystem is not semantically secure, from here the problem of constructing a semantically secure cryptosystem of the McEliece type is relevant. In the paper, the goal is to construct a McEliece type cryptosystem that has the IND-CPA property. Further, one can suppose that this system can be used as base cryptosystem for building the McEliece type encryption scheme with the IND-CCA2 property and an efficient information transfer rate

    Efficient S-repetition method for constructing an IND-CCA2 secure McEliece modification in the standard model

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    The paper is devoted to the construction of IND-CCA2-secure modification of the McEliece cryptosystem in the standard model. The modification uses S-repetition encryption of S/2 various messages with one common secret permutation, in contrast to other modifications that use S -repetition encryption of one message. Thus, this modification provides IND-CCA2-security with an efficient information transfer rate

    Choosing parameters for one IND- CCA2 secure McEliece modification in the standard model

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    The paper is devoted to choosing parameters for one IND-CCA2-secure McEliece modification in the standard model. In particular, the underlying code, plaintext length and one-time strong signature scheme are suggested. The choice of parameters for the scheme was based on efficiency, on the one hand, and security, on the other. Also, experiments for the suggested parameters are provided using the NIST statistical test suite. The paper is devoted to choosing parameters for one IND-CCA2-secure McEliece modification in the standard model. In particular, the underlying code, plaintext length and one-time strong signature scheme are suggested. The choice of parameters for the scheme was based on efficiency, on the one hand, and security, on the other. Also, experiments for the suggested parameters are provided using the NIST statistical test suite