15 research outputs found

    Metisilliiniresistentti Staphylococcus aureus : – laboratoriodiagnostiikan kehittäminen ISLAB:n Mikkelin aluelaboratoriossa

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    Metisilliniresistentti Staphylococcus aureus eli MRSA on yleinen sairaalainfektioiden aiheuttaja. MRSA:n aiheuttamien infektioiden hoito on vaikeaa bakteerin geenimuutoksesta johtuvan alentuneen mikrobilääkeherkkyyden takia. MRSA:sta on sen nopean levinneisyyden myötä kehittynyt merkittävä haaste terveydenhuollolle, sillä MRSA-epidemiat aiheuttavat hoito-osastoilla toiminnanmuutoksia ja lisätyötä muun muassa pidentäen hoitojaksoja ja vaikeuttaen esimerkiksi leikkaushaavojen paranemista. Toiminnanmuutokset ja lisätyöt kasvattavat puolestaan hoitokustannuksia. MRSA:n aiheuttamien infektioiden ja oireettomien MRSA-kantajien nopea tunnistaminen onkin ensiarvoisen tärkeää tartuntojen leviämisen estämiseksi. Tämä opinnäyte toteutettiin kehittämistyönä, jonka tarkoituksena oli MRSA-laboratoriodiagnostiikan kehittäminen ISLAB:n Mikkelin aluelaboratoriossa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää tehostaako näytteiden rikastaminen MRSA:n tunnistamista. Rikastamisen tehoa selvitettiin kahdella tavalla. Ensimmäiseksi, vertailtiin keskenään kahta eri rikastusmenetelmää: yksittäisrikastamista ja poolirikastamista, jossa useita samasta potilaasta otettuja näytteitä yhdistetään samaan rikastusviljelyyn. Toiseksi, laimennossarjojen avulla verrattiin rikastettujen ja rikastamattomien näytteiden bakteerikasvua. Laboratoriodiagnostiikan kehittämisen ohella tutkimusnäytteiden avulla oli tarkoitus selvittää MRSA:n esiintyvyyttä päivystyspoliklinikan kautta osastoille otettavilla potilailla Mikkelin keskussairaalassa. Kehittämistyön laboratoriotutkimuksissa kesäkuussa 2009 analysoitiin yhteensä 140 potilaan näytteet, joista vain yksi oli positiivinen MRSA-löydös. Yksipuoliseksi osoittautuneen aineiston perusteella ei voitu vertailla luotettavasti kahta eri rikastusmenetelmää. Kehittämistyöstä saatiin kuitenkin arvokasta kokemusta rikastusmenetelmien käytöstä ja poolirikastusmenetelmän testausta on jatkettu toisessa ISLAB:n aluelaboratoriossa. Laimennossarjojen avulla todettiin MRSA-näytteiden rikastamisen tehostavan MRSA:n kasvua. Kehittämistyön toteutuksen jälkeen yksittäisten näytteiden rikastaminen otettiinkin rutiinikäyttöön ISLAB:n Mikkelin aluelaboratoriossa.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or, in other words, MRSA is a common cause for hospital acquired infections. The treatment of infections caused by MRSA is difficult due to decreased microbial drug hypersensitivity. Rapid diffusion of MRSA has proved a challenge to the health care system. In hospital wards MRSA epidemics have resulted in changes and extra work because the epidemics, as an example, prolong treatment periods and hinder the healing of surgical wounds. As a result, medical expenses have increased. Thus the quick identification of MRSA infections as well as of asymptomatic carriers of MRSA is essential in order to prevent contagion. This thesis was carried out as a project. The purpose of the project was to develop MRSA laboratory diagnostics in ISLAB’s Regional Laboratory in Mikkeli. The aim was to find out if swab enrichment boosts the identification of MRSA. Swab enrichment was examined in two ways. First, two methods of swab enrichment were compared. The methods compared were the enrichment of a single swab and an experimental method of enriching a pole of multiple swabs from the same patient. Second, a series of multiple dilutions was used to compare the significance of bacteria growth between enriched and non-enriched swabs. In addition to the development of laboratory diagnostics one aim of the thesis was to determine the incidence of MRSA at the central hospital of Mikkeli. At the laboratory screening phase in June 2009 a total of 140 swabs were analyzed. Only one of them tested positive to MRSA. The comparison of the two methods of swab enrichment was unreliable because of the one sided research material. However, the experience gained on the enrichment methods in this project was useful. The testing of the method of enriching a pole of multiple swabs has been continued in another ISLAB’s regional laboratory. The series of multiple dilutions proved that swab enrichment boosts the growth of MRSA. After this project the enrichment of a single swab has been taken into routine use in ISLAB’s Regional Laboratory in Mikkeli

    The role of activation functions 1 and 2 of estrogen receptor-α for the effects of estradiol and selective estrogen receptor modulators in male mice

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    Estradiol (E2) is important for male skeletal health and the effect of E2 is mediated via estrogen receptor (ER)-α. This was demonstrated by the findings that men with an inactivating mutation in aromatase or a non-functional ERα had osteopenia and continued longitudinal growth after sexual maturation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of different domains of ERα for the effects of E2 and SERMs on bone mass in males. Three mouse models lacking either ERαAF-1 (ERαAF-1(0)), ERαAF-2 (ERαAF-2(0)) or the total ERα (ERα(−/−)) were orchidectomized (orx) and treated with E2 or placebo. E2 treatment increased the trabecular and cortical bone mass and bone strength, while it reduced the thymus weight and bone marrow cellularity in orx wild type (WT) mice. These parameters did not respond to E2 treatment in orx ERα(−/−) or ERαAF-2(0) mice. However, the effects of E2 in orx ERαAF-1(0) mice were tissue-dependent, with a clear response in cortical bone parameters and bone marrow cellularity, but no response in trabecular bone. To determine the role of ERαAF-1 for the effects of SERMs, we treated orx WT and ERαAF-1(0) mice with Raloxifene (Ral), Lasofoxifene (Las), Bazedoxifene (Bza) or vehicle. These SERMs increased total body areal bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular volumetric BMD to a similar extent in orx WT mice. Furthermore, only Las increased cortical thickness significantly and only Bza increased bone strength significantly. However, all SERMs showed a tendency towards increased cortical bone parameters. Importantly, all SERM-effects were absent in the orx ERαAF-1(0) mice. In conclusion, ERαAF-2 is required for the estrogenic effects on all evaluated parameters, while the role of ERαAF-1 is tissue specific. All evaluated effects of Ral, Las and Bza are dependent on a functional ERαAF-1. Our findings might contribute to the development of bone specific SERMs in males

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1.

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Kaukolämmön paluuveden jäähtymän tarkastelu osana tekonurmihankkeen investointipäätöstä

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää tekonurmikentän lämmityksestä kaukolämmön paluuvedellä muodostuvat kustannukset sekä vaikutukset kaukolämpölaitokseen ja -verkkoon. Tutkittavana kohteena työssä oli Akaaseen rakennettava Lastumäen lämmitettävä tekonurmikenttä. Työssä selvitettiin kaukolämmön paluuveden käyttömahdollisuutta Akaan tekonurmikentällä, sekä pyrittiin laskemaan lämmittämisestä aiheutuvat kustannukset. Lisäksi työssä tehtiin pohjustus erilaisista kaukolämmön tuotannon rakenteista helpottamaan vastaavanlaiseen hankkeeseen ryhtyviä. Työn tulokseksi saadut kustannusarviot ovat karkeita arviota saatujen tietojen sekä lisäselvitysten pohjalta. Kaukolämpöverkkoon liittyminen paluupuolelta sekä priimausmahdollisuus menopuolelta on kannattava lämmitysmuoto kentälle. Lämpöyhtiö Elenia Lämpö Oy suhtautui myönteisesti hankkeeseen ja sen kaukolämpöverkko hyötyy viileämmästä paluuvedestä. Kentän sijainti on hyvä kaukolämpöverkkoon ja -laitokseen nähden. Liittymiskustannukset ovat karkeasti arvioituna maksimissaan 10 000 €, perusmaksua kentän lämmityksestä ei peritä ja energiamaksu tulee olemaan 28 000-65 000 €/v. Jäämestarit Oy:n antaman tarjouksen mukaan kentän lämmitysjärjestelmälle tulee hintaa 110 000-120 000 €, alv 0 % ja toimitus sisältää vaihdintilan, vaihdinpaketin, automaation, putkiston aurattuna rakennekerrokseen sekä lämmitysnesteen. Johtopäätöksenä työssä on, että tekonurmikentän lämmittäminen on kannattavaa, sillä Akaassa on suuri määrä jalkapallon harrastajia ja kentän sijainti on otollinen niin lähiliikuntapaikkana kuin kaukolämpöverkkoon liittymisen kannalta. Kustannusarvion mukaan paluuvedellä lämmitys on toimiva ratkaisu ja sen käyttöä voidaan suunnitella myös muille jalkapallokentille. Vastaavia rakennushankkeita varten tehtiin ohjeistus, jonka mukaan hankkeeseen on helpompi ryhtyä. Tarkemmat kustannukset selvinnevät Akaan Jalkapalloilun Tuki Oy:n ja Elenia Lämpö Oy:n neuvotteluissa, kun hanke etenee.The aim of this thesis was to inspect the uses of district heating cold flow and the expenses of the artificial turf which will be built in Akaa in southern Finland. At the end of the thesis the different district heating production forms are presented. The thesis was made by searching the information and cooperating with persons from heating plant Elenia Lämpö Ltd, football association Akaan Jalkapalloilun Tuki Ltd and engineering company Elomatic Ltd. The main task was to determine the costs incurring for the construction of the artificial turf and the heating costs. Evaluation of the cost statement and the profitability of the building took place in consultation with the various parties. Of the results of this thesis show that building the artificial turf is profitable. The district heating network is suitable and expenses are reasonable. A rough estimate of expenses is 10 000 € for connection costs, 28 000-65 000 €/year for energy costs and 110 000-120 000 € for field heating system. Construction of the artificial turf is profitable because there are lots of football players and other users and the location is suitable

    Optical projection tomography as a quantitative tool for analysis of cell morphology and density in 3D hydrogels

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    Assessing cell morphology and function, as well as biomaterial performance in cell cultures, is one of the key challenges in cell biology and tissue engineering (TE) research. In TE, there is an urgent need for methods to image actual three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures and access the living cells. This is difficult using established optical microscopy techniques such as wide-field or confocal microscopy. To address the problem, we have developed a new protocol using Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) to extract quantitative and qualitative measurements from hydrogel cell cultures. Using our tools, we demonstrated the method by analyzing cell response in three different hydrogel formulations in 3D with 1.5 mm diameter samples of: gellan gum (GG), gelatin functionalized gellan gum (gelatin-GG), and Geltrex. We investigated cell morphology, density, distribution, and viability in 3D living cells. Our results showed the usability of the method to quantify the cellular responses to biomaterial environment. We observed that an elongated morphology of cells, thus good material response, in gelatin-GG and Geltrex hydrogels compared with basic GG. Our results show that OPT has a sensitivity to assess in real 3D cultures the differences of cellular responses to the properties of biomaterials supporting the cells.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Labor tax reform and equilibrium unemployment: a search and matching approach

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    The paper studies simple strategies of labor tax reform in a search and matching model of the labor market featuring endogenous labor supply. Changing the composition of the tax wedge---that is, reducing a payroll tax and increasing a progressive wage tax such that the marginal tax wedge remains unaffected---increases employment, reduces the equilibrium unemployment rate, and increases public revenue as long as workers do not have all the bargaining power in wage negotiations. A strategy of replacing employment taxes by payroll taxes increases employment and reduces the equilibrium unemployment rate, while the effect on public revenue is ambiguous.