96 research outputs found

    Investigation on the relationship between personal characteristics with lip, jaw and philtrum dimensions

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    Background: The relationship between the sizes of the structures that form our face, such as lips, philtrum, and the jaw, and our personality characteristics are unknown. In this study, it was scientifically researched whether lip, jaw and philtrum anatomy can give us clues on personality characteristics or not.Methods: The photographs of the university students were taken using digital camera in two positions. The students who were photographed were asked to simultaneously complete personality test. The photographs were transferred to the computer and, using photoshop program installed on the computer, measurements were made. The mouth widths, upper and lower lip thicknesses, the distance between lip spots, philtrum length and width, lateral mouth width, jaw heights were recorded, and lip type and philtrum depth were identified. The results were compared to the personality characteristics of the students.Results: Lip thicknesses were found to be correlated positively only with the ‘openness to experience’ trait from among personality characteristics. A positive correlation between lip type and ‘conscientiousness’ was also found. There was a negative correlation between philtrum length and ‘negative valence’.Conclusions: This study shows that lip thickness and philtrum length can give us an idea regarding personality characteristics

    A deep femoral artery passing in front of the femoral vein

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    It is known that a different ramification pattern can occur as a function of the development of the arteries of the lower limb. During a routine dissection, a variation of the deep femoral artery was found passing in front of the femoral vein in the left lower limb of a 43-year-old male cadaver. This case is reported because of its rare occurrence in the literature. The variation is discussed on the basis of the possible embryological development of the lower limb arteries

    Effect of foot anthropometric measurements on postural stability

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    Aim: To examine the effect of foot anthropometric measurements and body sizes of young male adults with normal posture on balance. Methods: In this study, the effect of body size and foot anthropometric measurements of 112 young male adults with normal posture on balance was investigated. The foot and body parameters of the cases were measured. The static and the dynamic balance tests were evaluated according to the dominant foot in each case. The parameters that affected balance were determined and the variables were taken to the model. In addition, the significance levels that defined the effects of the properties examined in relation with the balance were also calculated. Results: When the findings were evaluated, it was determined that the effect of the foot parameters other than the foot length, and the effect of 15 body parameters other than the biiliac diameter, trochanteric height, and right upper extremity length on balance performance was significant. The balance test performance was predicted with success ranging from 7.8% to 43% with the parameters included in the model. Conclusion: In this study, the fact that the relation between the foot anthropometric and body dimensions and functional balance performances of young male adults was found to be significant shows that this relation must be considered in the creation of a normative database on balance, and in clinical studies that will be conducted on the subject


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    The aim of the study was to compare the first and last magnetic resonance images (MRIs) in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) with MRIs of normal subjects. We wanted to investigate the region initially involved in MS patients. In this retrospective study, midsagittal plane was explored on brain MRIs taken at the time when MS diagnosis was established and the last MRI was obtained following treatment for MS. Comparison was done between healthy subjects and patients diagnosed with MS. The measures included the area of corpus callosum, cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, bulbus, fourth ventricle and pituitary gland. As a result, while there was growth in the fourth ventricle area, there was shrinkage in the other areas in MS patients. In women, the tissues involved at the beginning of the disease were pituitary gland, cerebrum and bulbus, and in men corpus callosum and cerebrum. Atrophy was not time-dependent. Assessment of the correlation between the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDDS) and atrophy revealed an increase in EDDS (disease progression) to be associated with a decrease in the area of cerebrum and corpus callosum in men, and an increase in the fourth ventricular area in women. In conclusion, we demonstrated that pituitary gland atrophy develops in the early stage of MS, especially in women. Additional studies are needed to investigate the phenomenon of early pituitary and bulbus atrophy in women versus late atrophy of these tissues in men.Cilj rada bio je usporediti prve i posljednje slike magnetske rezonancije (MR) u bolesnika s multiplom sklerozom (MS) sa slikama zdravih osoba. Kod bolesnika s MS htjeli smo ispitati najranije zahvaćeno područje. U ovoj studiji se srednjesagitalno područje kod bolesnika s postavljenom dijagnozom MS pregledalo na slikama MR mozga u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze i nakon liječenja. Uspoređivalo se zdrave osobe s bolesnicima kojima je dijagnosticirana MS. Mjerenje je uključilo područje korpusa kalozuma, mozga, malog mozga, ponsa, bulbusa, četvrtog ventrikula i hipofi ze. Kod bolesnika s MS doĆĄlo je do porasta na području četvrtog ventrikula, a do smanjenja u drugim područjima. Utvrđeno je da su zahvaćena tkiva u ĆŸena na početku bolesti bila hipofi za, mozak i bulbus, a kod muĆĄkaraca korpus kalozum i mozak. Otkriveno je da atrofi ja ne ovisi o vremenu. Kada se promatralo korelaciju između zbira na Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDDS) i atrofi je, vidjelo se da s povećanjem EDDS (kada bolest napreduje) dolazi do smanjenja područja malog mozga i korpusa kalozuma u muĆĄkaraca, a povećanja područja četvrtog ventrikula u ĆŸena. Pokazali smo da se atrofi ja hipofi ze razvija u ranoj fazi MS, osobito u ĆŸena. Pozornost privlači rana atrofi ja hipofi ze i bulbusa u ĆŸena te kasna atrofi ja ovih tkiva u muĆĄkaraca

    Evaluation of apertura piriformis and related cranial anatomical structures through computed tomography: golden ratio

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    Background: The purpose of study was to evaluate normal morphometric measurements of piriform aperture (PA) by limiting the age range in genders to show the morphometry of the relevant and close proximal cranial structures; and also to investigate whether these are in compliance with the golden ratio. Materials and methods: Our study was performed on 83 (42 female, 41 male) multidetector computed tomography images obtained from patients. A total of 14 morphological measurements were performed including the height of PA, the width of PA and 12 cranial structures; and these measurements were evaluated for compliance with the golden ratio. The differences of 14 parameters between the genders and age groups, and also the interaction of these two factors were analysed. Results: In our morphometric study, significant difference between the genders was found in all measurements except for the distance between vertex and rhinion (V~Rh), between rhinion and right foramen supraorbitalis (Rh~FSOR), between rhinion and left FSO (Rh~FSOL), and the width of PA on the level between the right and left foramen infraorbitalis (PAW~FIO) with the difference valid for both age subgroups (p < 0.05). When the differences between the age subgroups were evaluated, there was significant difference only at the widest distance of cranium (CW; p = 0.008); and it was observed that the average has increased with age in both genders. When the golden ratio was examined, the ratio of the distance between anterior nasal spine and nasion to the height of piriform aperture (NSA~N:PAH) was found to be within the limits of the golden ratio in males (p = 0.074). No golden ratio has been found in females. Conclusions: In our study, significant differences were detected between genders in all parameters of PA and in some parameters of the close cranial structures in the age group we examined. The effect of age was detected only in the CW parameter, and the PA and close cranial structures were not affected. In our study, the averages of the morphometric measurements of 13 parameters of young adults were determined. The PA and surrounding cranial structures are important for the area and related surgical procedures; however, gender differences must be considered in this respect. In addition to this, in the PA, which is the anterior limit of the skeletal nose in males, the NSA~N:PAH ratio having the ideal golden ratio limits is valuable in aesthetical terms and due to its position of the PA in the face

    Evaluation of pulmonary hydatid cyst cases

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    AbstractsBackgroundThe incidence of pulmonary hydatid cyst has been high in developing countries such as Turkey.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical presentation, treatment and outcomes of pulmonary hydatid cyst disease at a tertiary centre.MethodsA total of 138 patients, aged betwen 9 and 72 years with pulmonary hydatid cyst were diagnosed between 2000 and 2008 in 2nd thoracic surgery clinic at our hospital. Clinical characteristics of patients, epidemiological features, cyst diameters and localizations, laboratory findings, surgical approaches were recorded and analyzed.ResultsThe most frequent symptoms of pulmonary hydatid cyst were chest pain and cough (44.9%, 37.6%). According to cyst size, there was no difference between younger than twenty and older age groups (p>0.05). Twenty-two patients had complicated cyst cases. Most of them were symptomatic (90.9%). Association of complicated cyst with hepato-pulmonary involvement was significantly higher as compared with single hydatid cyst (p=0.01). Cystectomy was performed in 84.05% of patients and post-operative mortality was seen in only one patient due to pulmonary embolism.ConclusionAssociation of lung and liver hydatid cyst increased the risk of occurrence of a complicated pulmonary hydatid cyst. Choice of surgical approach had satisfactory results and post-operative mortality was low

    Design of surface-active artificial enzyme particles to stabilize Pickering emulsions for high-performance biphasic biocatalysis

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    © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Surface-active artificial enzymes (SAEs) are designed and constructed by a general and novel strategy. These SAEs can simultaneously stabilize Pickering emulsions and catalyze biphasic biotransformation with superior enzymatic stability and good re-usability; for example, for the interfacial conversion of hydrophobic p-nitrophenyl butyrate into yellow water-soluble p-nitrophenolate catalyzed by esterase-mimic SAE

    Manipulating the monolayer : responsive and reversible control of colloidal inorganic nanoparticle properties

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    Funding: EPSRC EP/K016342/1; Leverhulme Trust: RPG-2015-042For a wide range of nanomaterials, surface-bound molecules play a central role in defining properties, and are key to integration with other components – be they molecules, surfaces, or other nanoparticles. Predictable and general methods for manipulating the surface monolayer are therefore crucial to exploiting this new region of chemical space. This review highlights limitations of the few established methods for controlling nanoparticle-bound molecular functionality, then focuses on emerging new strategies. In particular, approaches that can achieve stimuli-responsive and reversible modification of surface-bound molecules in colloidal solution are examined, with an emphasis on using these methods to control nanoparticle properties such as solvent compatibility, catalytic activity and cytotoxicity. Finally, the outstanding challenges and future potential for precisely controlled nanoparticle bound monolayers are discussed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
