19 research outputs found


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    In this paper a “Smart Home“ solution is proposed in which power plugs in a remote room can be controlled by a smartwatch, an Android mobile device or a PHP web app. Communication between these devices takes place in real time via server using Node.js technology. An electrical circuit for determining current and voltage on the plugs via Arduino Wi-Fi module sends the measured values to the server, based on which the electrical energy consumption in each time interval can be determined. All the measured values are stored in MySQL database and used for creation of appropriate reports. Smartwatch app enables remote plugging and unplugging. In addition, the setting of limits for electrical energy consumption on each plug is enabled, as well as the power of the consumption device that can be plugged. Exceeding of the allowed values leads to the automatic unplugging

    Teškoće u održavanju oralnog zdravlja kod dece i adolescenata sa poremećajima iz autističnog spektra - opažanja roditelja

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    Introduction/Objective Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by features that have the potential to make oral hygiene and dental appointments challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate difficulties related to oral hygiene and dental appointments that may be encountered in children and adolescents with ASD, in comparison to their typically developing peers. Methods A 48-item questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of the study and distributed to parents of children and adolescents with ASD in three specialized daycare centers, as well as to parents of typically developing children and adolescents at the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Belgrade, Serbia. Ninety-two questionnaires were considered and statistically analyzed in the SPSS program, using χ2 and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The following statistically significant differences were found between children and adolescents with ASD and their typically developing peers: general difficulties in everyday oral hygiene, need of help for basic oral hygiene tasks, tooth brushing frequency, sensory difficulties related to toothbrush and toothpaste, level of anxiety prior to dental appointment, cooperation during appointment, sensory difficulties related to touch, operatory light and sound of dental unit, number of treatments under general anesthesia, and the number of refused dental treatments. Conclusion Children and adolescents with ASD face significantly more difficulties concerning everyday oral hygiene and dental appointments in comparison to their typically developing peers. Dentists' awareness of issues that are specific to this population of patients is important in order to enable quality dental care.Uvod/Cilj Poremećaji autističnog spektra (PAS) mogu biti uzrok poteškoća vezanih za održavanje oralne higijene, kao i za posete stomatologu. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka sa aspekta održavanja oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu. Metode Upitnik od 48 pitanja distribuiran je roditeljima dece i adolescenata sa PAS u tri specijalizovana dnevna boravka, kao i roditeljima kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka. Devedeset dva upitnika je uzeto u obzir i statistički analizirano u programu SPSS. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i njihovih tipično razvijenih vršnjaka utvrđene su u sledećim kategorijama: teškoće u svakodnevnoj oralnoj higijeni, potreba za pomoći u održavanju oralne higijene, učestalost pranja zuba, senzorne teškoće vezane za četkicu i zubnu pastu, nivo anksioznosti pre posete stomatologu, saradnja tokom stomatološkog tretmana, senzorne teškoće vezane za dodir stomatologa, svetlo i zvuk stomatološkog uređaja, broj tretmana pod opštom anestezijom i broj odbijenih stomatoloških usluga. Zaključak Deca i adolescenti sa PAS suočavaju se sa znatno većim poteškoćama u pogledu svakodnevne oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu u poređenju sa tipično razvijenim vršnjacima. Svest stomatologa o pitanjima koja su specifična za ovu populaciju pacijenata je važna kako bi se deci i adolescentima sa PAS omogućila kvalitetna stomatološka nega


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    Most certainly, in the field of medicine there is a great contribution of new techniques and technologies, which is reflected in an entire system of health care services. Customized implants are both fully geometrically and topologically adjusted so as to meet the needs of individual patients, thus making each implant unique. Their production requires joint efforts of a multidisciplinary team of different profile experts who combine their knowledge in the Implant knowledge model. Thus, we develop an expert system which should help or replace humans in the process of Implant material selection. This paper gives an overview of the expert system concept for the given problem. Its task is to carry out a selection of biomaterial (or class of material) for a customized implant. The model significantly improves the efficiency of preoperative planning in orthopaedics


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    In this study, drying kinetics of autochthonous variety Požegača plum was examined in a laboratory dryer at three temperatures. The whole plum fruits, together with the kernels were subjected to the drying process. The effect of drying has been examined at temperatures of 55, 60 and 75 °C, with a constant air velocity of 1.1 m s-1. The corresponding experimental results were tested using six nonlinear regression models. Coefficient of determination (R2), standard regression error (SSE), model correlation coeficient (Vy), as well as the maximum absolute error (ΔY) showed that the logaritmic model was in good agreement with the experimental data obtained. During drying of plums, the effective diffusivity was found to be between 5.6×10-9 for 55 °C and 8.9×10-9 m2s-1 at 75 °C, respectively. The physical characteristics of fresh (length 39.64 mm and width 29.15 mm) and dried (length 37.52 mm and width 22.85 mm) plum fruit were determined. Finally, by chemical analysis, the contents of micro-and macro-elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, B and N, F, K, Ca, Mg and S) in the skin and flesh of the dried product, prunes, has been established

    Prosthetics in paediatric dentistry

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    Premature loss of teeth in children may lead to both functional and esthetic problems. Missing teeth in both anterior and posterior regions may cause malfunctions in mastication and proper pronunciation. If the missing teeth are not replaced, further complications may occur, including adjacent tooth migration, loss of alveolar bone, and irregular occlusion. Considering the sensitive nature of children, loss of teeth may cause the development of insecurities and low self esteem problems. Due to dynamic nature of growth in children and adolescents, prosthetic appliances must not hinder development of orofacial system, and must meet adequate esthetic and functional standards. Dental prosthetic appliances in paediatrics must be planned with respect to the special conditions that led to tooth loss or damage. Multi-disciplinary approach is needed, under constant supervision of paediatric dentist and orthodontist, as well as regular checkups with clinical and radiographical examinations

    Effect of temperature on the physical changes and drying kinetics in plum (Prunus domestica L.) Požegača variety

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    In this study, drying kinetics of autochthonous variety Požegača plum was examined in a laboratory dryer at three temperatures. The whole plum fruits, together with the kernels were subjected to the drying process. The effect of drying has been examined at temperatures of 55, 60 and 75 °C, with a constant air velocity of 1.1 m s-1. The corresponding experimental results were tested using six nonlinear regression models. Coefficient of determination (R2), standard regression error (SSE), model correlation coeficient (Vy), as well as the maximum absolute error (ΔY) showed that the logaritmic model was in good agreement with the experimental data obtained. During drying of plums, the effective diffusivity was found to be between 5.6×10-9 for 55 °C and 8.9×10-9 m2 s-1 at 75 °C, respectively. The physical characteristics of fresh (length 39.64 mm and width 29.15 mm) and dried (length 37.52 mm and width 22.85 mm) plum fruit were determined. Finally, by chemical analysis, the contents of micro- and macro-elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, B and N, F, K, Ca, Mg and S) in the skin and flesh of the dried product, prunes, has been established

    Crucial parameters of gas generator on tip-jet helicopter

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    The paper defines the minimum number of parameters which are sufficient for monitoring and controlling the gas generator operation in an innovative design of a tip-jet helicopter propulsion system. Firstly, the gas generator is tested separately on its test stand installation with several selected measuring and controlling parameters. Some ideas for implementing sensors for measuring certain parameters are presented in the paper. Then, a few parameters are selected as sufficient for controlling the tip-jet helicopter and experimentally verified on a helicopter hovering test as the minimum required parameters

    Laser welded inconel rotor blades for tip-jet helicopter

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    Most certainly, in the field of medicine there is a great contribution of new techniques and technologies, which is reflected in an entire system of health care services. Customized implants are both fully geometrically and topologically adjusted so as to meet the needs of individual patients, thus making each implant unique. Their production requires joint efforts of a multidisciplinary team of different profile experts who combine their knowledge in the Implant knowledge model. Thus, we develop an expert system which should help or replace humans in the process of Implant material selection. This paper gives an overview of the expert system concept for the given problem. Its task is to carry out a selection of biomaterial (or class of material) for a customized implant. The model significantly improves the efficiency of preoperative planning in orthopaedics