7 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this article is to analyze the attitude of students to ethical consumption as a new environmental practice; to explore current research on ethical consumption. Methodology: The leading methods for the study of this problem are the methods of questioning and testing, allowing to make a qualitative analysis of the students' attitude to the new environmental practice – ethical consumption and contributing to a more detailed identification of such issues as: knowledge of students about ethical consumption; students' attitude to separate waste disposal; students' attitude to the use of environmental packaging products; identification of students' practices of secondary consumption. Results: The article deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of students' attitudes to ethical consumption as a new environmental practice. It is established that the level of students' awareness of ethical consumption is low. The proportion of informed students among social and humanities specialties is twice more than high as students of technical specialties. It is revealed that more than a third of respondents do not know about the production of environmentally friendly goods.  Almost all students are aware of the separate disposal of garbage and believe that it is necessary to install the appropriate bins. More than half of students are ready to sort garbage in the presence of such containers, and the readiness of humanitarians is 1.5 times higher than that of students of technical specialties. The main reasons why respondents would not buy goods in eco-friendly packaging are the lack of funds and the lack of sense for students. The majority of students believe the practice of secondary consumption to be popular one.  Applications of this study: The data obtained in the work can be used in environmental psychology, social psychology, pedagogy, the psychology of education, age psychology, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue. Novelty/Originality of this study: The originality of this article lies in the analysis of the social phenomenon of ethical consumption, which implies that only purchase and consumption of those goods, the production of which does not cause great harm to the environment, those goods in the production of which are not infringed the rights of the worker and moreover child labor is not used, and most importantly the recycling of waste after consumption of the product will not harm nature is ethical one

    Inclusive Education Importance and Problems for Students Social Integration

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    The article relevance. Modern concepts of education development, recognition of the uniqueness and self-worth of human individuality have led to the search for ways to socialize individuals with disabilities, to the development of new pedagogical strategies aimed at developing ideas of independent life for this category of the population. The research purpose is to study the features and identify ways to improve the quality of inclusive education. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the problems of formation and perception of inclusive education by participants in the educational process. Research results: the article describes the peculiarity of the current stage of inclusive education development, analyzes the social mechanisms for improving the quality of inclusive education. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the correspondence of the existing model of inclusive education to the needs of a significant part of the educational process subjects was investigated. It is shown that, from the point of view of educational services’ consumers, a significant obstacle to improving the quality of inclusive education is the orientation of the education system on results, and not the educational process. It is revealed that the main functions of an inclusive school are educational, career-oriented, educational, and integrative. It is shown that relationships with teachers are a significant factor of psychological stress in inclusive classes. It is found that inclusive classes are sufficiently distanced from interaction with the local community. It is shown that teachers lack the skills of teamwork and confident behavior of the teacher in the presence of another adult in the classroom. It is revealed that the inclusive school is currently characterized by a high level of internal unity, but is not focused on external relations with the local community.  It is shown that parents, unlike students, note the creation of an accessible environment only for certain categories of children with disabilities (including children with musculoskeletal disorders), but not for children with sensory disorders (vision and hearing). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in psychological research, pedagogical Sciences, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issu

    Youth Leisure in Cultural Space of Modern City: State and Prospects of Development

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    The relevance of this article is the need to study the leisure sphere of modern youth, since free time is one of the important means of forming a young person's personality. The use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular personality of a young person. The aim of the study is to analyze the strategy of youth leisure in the cultural space of the modern city. Research methods: as a research method, we used the questionnaire method, which allows us to analyze in detail the main forms and dynamics of the development of modern youth’s leisure practices living in an urban environment. Results of the research: the article considers the problems and prospects of leisure strategies’ development of young people living in the city. The features of organizing youth leisure in the city are described. The preferences of young people in leisure activities are revealed. The degree of satisfaction of young people with forms of leisure is analyzed. The article considers the respondents' awareness of the work of institutions of the social and cultural sphere in organizing leisure activities for young people in the city. The reasons that prevent young people from spending leisure time in accordance with their needs are identified. Alternative forms of leisure activities are considered. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the reasons why young people do not have the opportunity to build their leisure strategy in accordance with their needs are investigated: external reasons (lack of places, disinterest of organizers, certain forms of leisure are unattractive or unprofitable for entrepreneurs); internal reasons (strong employment at work, lack of energy after work, laziness). The reasons for the lack of interaction of young people with leisure and cultural organizations (lack of time; ignorance of where to address on this issue; unwillingness of the organizers to change the situation that is, ignoring the position of young people) are determined. It is revealed that young people show little interest in leisure activities organized by the authorities, since they are formal in nature and do not correspond to the leisure preferences of young people. For the first time, the main strategies for leisure activities for young people living in the city (meetings with friends, relatives, walks, computer games, viewing content, relaxing in silence, and reading) were identified. The strategies of leisure activities that are used to a lesser extent (visiting the cinema, theater; active recreation (Cycling, skating, various sports); attending concerts, exhibitions, master classes; learning foreign languages) are considered. It is revealed that young people are not satisfied with the available leisure opportunities in the city. The reasons for discontent are determined (limited material resources in the city for interesting forms of leisure; lack of cultural and leisure institutions in the city that would meet the requirements of young people; limited choice of institutions where you can spend your free time). There is a gap between the needs of young people in the field of leisure and the activities of the city's youth policy Department, which conducts events according to its own plan, without taking into account the opinion of young people. Young people's knowledge about events is examined and the problem is determined about unawareness of cultural and entertainment events that are associated with the lack of interest of young people and lack of desire of the organizers of the Department of culture to find out what interests this age group. Alternative forms of leisure that young people would like to see in the urban environment, as well as take part in them, are identified (such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants; amusement parks, attractions, water parks, bowling; master classes, courses, exhibitions; interest clubs (language, discussion, computer); Bicycle rental, roller skates, Quad bikes, go-karts; paragliding school; industrial tourism). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, pedagogy, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Inclusive Education Importance and Problems for Students Social Integration

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    The article relevance. Modern concepts of education development, recognition of the uniqueness and self-worth of human individuality have led to the search for ways to socialize individuals with disabilities, to the development of new pedagogical strategies aimed at developing ideas of independent life for this category of the population. The research purpose is to study the features and identify ways to improve the quality of inclusive education. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the problems of formation and perception of inclusive education by participants in the educational process. Research results: the article describes the peculiarity of the current stage of inclusive education development, analyzes the social mechanisms for improving the quality of inclusive education. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the correspondence of the existing model of inclusive education to the needs of a significant part of the educational process subjects was investigated. It is shown that, from the point of view of educational services’ consumers, a significant obstacle to improving the quality of inclusive education is the orientation of the education system on results, and not the educational process. It is revealed that the main functions of an inclusive school are educational, career-oriented, educational, and integrative. It is shown that relationships with teachers are a significant factor of psychological stress in inclusive classes. It is found that inclusive classes are sufficiently distanced from interaction with the local community. It is shown that teachers lack the skills of teamwork and confident behavior of the teacher in the presence of another adult in the classroom. It is revealed that the inclusive school is currently characterized by a high level of internal unity, but is not focused on external relations with the local community.  It is shown that parents, unlike students, note the creation of an accessible environment only for certain categories of children with disabilities (including children with musculoskeletal disorders), but not for children with sensory disorders (vision and hearing). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in psychological research, pedagogical Sciences, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issueRelevancia del artículo. Los conceptos modernos de desarrollo educativo, el reconocimiento de la singularidad y la autoestima de la individualidad humana han llevado a la búsqueda de formas de socializar a las personas con discapacidad, al desarrollo de nuevas estrategias pedagógicas destinadas a desarrollar ideas de vida independiente para esta categoría de la población. . El propósito de la investigación es estudiar las características e identificar formas de mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva. Métodos de investigación: como método de investigación, utilizamos una encuesta cuestionario como método de recolección de información primaria, que nos permite identificar diversos aspectos relacionados con los problemas de formación y percepción de la educación inclusiva por parte de los participantes en el proceso educativo. Resultados de la investigación: el artículo describe la peculiaridad de la etapa actual de desarrollo de la educación inclusiva, analiza los mecanismos sociales para mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva. La novedad y originalidad de la investigación radica en que por primera vez se investigó la correspondencia del modelo existente de educación inclusiva con las necesidades de una parte significativa de los sujetos del proceso educativo. Se muestra que, desde el punto de vista de los consumidores de los servicios educativos, un obstáculo importante para mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva es la orientación del sistema educativo a los resultados y no al proceso educativo. Se revela que las principales funciones de una escuela inclusiva son educativas, vocacionales, educativas e integradoras. Se demuestra que las relaciones con los profesores son un factor significativo de estrés psicológico en las clases inclusivas. Se encuentra que las clases inclusivas están suficientemente alejadas de la interacción con la comunidad local. Se demuestra que los profesores carecen de las habilidades de trabajo en equipo y del comportamiento confiado del profesor en presencia de otro adulto en el aula. Se revela que la escuela inclusiva se caracteriza actualmente por un alto nivel de unidad interna, pero no está enfocada a las relaciones externas con la comunidad local. Se muestra que los padres, a diferencia de los estudiantes, notan la creación de un entorno accesible solo para ciertas categorías de niños con discapacidades (incluidos los niños con trastornos musculoesqueléticos), pero no para los niños con trastornos sensoriales (visión y audición). Importancia práctica: los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden ser utilizados en investigación psicológica, ciencias pedagógicas, psicología de la edad, así como para un mayor desarrollo teórico de este tema

    Youth Leisure in Cultural Space of Modern City: State and Prospects of Development

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    The relevance of this article is the need to study the leisure sphere of modern youth, since free time is one of the important means of forming a young person's personality. The use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular personality of a young person. The aim of the study is to analyze the strategy of youth leisure in the cultural space of the modern city. Research methods: as a research method, we used the questionnaire method, which allows us to analyze in detail the main forms and dynamics of the development of modern youth’s leisure practices living in an urban environment. Results of the research: the article considers the problems and prospects of leisure strategies’ development of young people living in the city. The features of organizing youth leisure in the city are described. The preferences of young people in leisure activities are revealed. The degree of satisfaction of young people with forms of leisure is analyzed. The article considers the respondents' awareness of the work of institutions of the social and cultural sphere in organizing leisure activities for young people in the city. The reasons that prevent young people from spending leisure time in accordance with their needs are identified. Alternative forms of leisure activities are considered. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the reasons why young people do not have the opportunity to build their leisure strategy in accordance with their needs are investigated: external reasons (lack of places, disinterest of organizers, certain forms of leisure are unattractive or unprofitable for entrepreneurs); internal reasons (strong employment at work, lack of energy after work, laziness). The reasons for the lack of interaction of young people with leisure and cultural organizations (lack of time; ignorance of where to address on this issue; unwillingness of the organizers to change the situation that is, ignoring the position of young people) are determined. It is revealed that young people show little interest in leisure activities organized by the authorities, since they are formal in nature and do not correspond to the leisure preferences of young people. For the first time, the main strategies for leisure activities for young people living in the city (meetings with friends, relatives, walks, computer games, viewing content, relaxing in silence, and reading) were identified. The strategies of leisure activities that are used to a lesser extent (visiting the cinema, theater; active recreation (Cycling, skating, various sports); attending concerts, exhibitions, master classes; learning foreign languages) are considered. It is revealed that young people are not satisfied with the available leisure opportunities in the city. The reasons for discontent are determined (limited material resources in the city for interesting forms of leisure; lack of cultural and leisure institutions in the city that would meet the requirements of young people; limited choice of institutions where you can spend your free time). There is a gap between the needs of young people in the field of leisure and the activities of the city's youth policy Department, which conducts events according to its own plan, without taking into account the opinion of young people. Young people's knowledge about events is examined and the problem is determined about unawareness of cultural and entertainment events that are associated with the lack of interest of young people and lack of desire of the organizers of the Department of culture to find out what interests this age group. Alternative forms of leisure that young people would like to see in the urban environment, as well as take part in them, are identified (such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants; amusement parks, attractions, water parks, bowling; master classes, courses, exhibitions; interest clubs (language, discussion, computer); Bicycle rental, roller skates, Quad bikes, go-karts; paragliding school; industrial tourism). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, pedagogy, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue.La relevancia de este artículo es la necesidad de estudiar la esfera del ocio de la juventud moderna, ya que el ocio es uno de los medios importantes para formar la personalidad de un joven. El uso del tiempo libre por parte de los jóvenes es un tipo de indicador de cultura, el rango de necesidades e intereses espirituales de una personalidad particular de una persona joven. El objetivo del estudio es analizar la estrategia del ocio juvenil en el espacio cultural de la ciudad moderna. Métodos de investigación: como método de investigación, utilizamos el método del cuestionario, que nos permite analizar en detalle las principales formas y dinámicas de las prácticas modernas de ocio juvenil en un entorno urbano. Resultados de la investigación: artículo sobre los problemas y perspectivas del desarrollo de estrategias de ocio de los jóvenes que viven en la ciudad. Se describen las características de organizar el ocio juvenil en la ciudad. Se revelan las preferencias de los jóvenes en las actividades de ocio. Se analiza el grado de satisfacción de los jóvenes con formas de ocio. El artículo aborda la conciencia de los encuestados sobre el trabajo de las instituciones sociales y culturales en la organización de actividades de ocio para los jóvenes en la ciudad. Se identifican las razones que impiden que los jóvenes pasen tiempo libre de acuerdo con sus necesidades. Se consideran formas alternativas de actividades de ocio. La novedad y originalidad del estudio radica en el hecho de que, por primera vez, se investigan las razones por las cuales los jóvenes no tienen la oportunidad de construir su estrategia de ocio de acuerdo con sus necesidades: razones externas (falta de lugares, desinterés de los organizadores, ciertas formas de ocio no son atractivas o no son rentables para los empresarios); razones internas (empleo fuerte en el trabajo, falta de energía después del trabajo, pereza). Se determinan las razones de la falta de interacción de los jóvenes con las organizaciones culturales y de ocio (falta de tiempo; ignorancia de dónde abordar este problema; falta de voluntad de los organizadores para cambiar la situación, debido a la posición de los jóvenes). Se ha revelado que los jóvenes muestran poco interés en las actividades de ocio organizadas por las autoridades, ya que son de naturaleza formal y no se corresponden con las preferencias de ocio de los jóvenes. Por primera vez, se identificaron las principales estrategias de ocio para los jóvenes que viven en la ciudad (reuniones con amigos, familiares, caminatas, juegos de computadora, visualización de contenido, relajación en silencio y lectura). Se consideran las actividades de ocio que se utilizan en menor medida (visitar el cine, el teatro; recreación activa (ciclismo, patinaje, diversos deportes); asistir a conciertos, exposiciones, clases magistrales; aprender idiomas extranjeros). Se revela que los jóvenes no están satisfechos con las oportunidades de ocio disponibles en la ciudad. Se determinan las razones del descontento (recursos materiales limitados en la ciudad para formas de ocio interesantes; falta de instituciones culturales y de ocio en la ciudad para satisfacer las necesidades de los jóvenes; opciones limitadas de instituciones donde puede pasar su tiempo libre). Existe una brecha entre las necesidades de los jóvenes en el campo del ocio y las actividades del departamento de política juvenil de la ciudad, que lleva a cabo los eventos de acuerdo con su propio plan, sin tener en cuenta la opinión de los jóvenes. Se examina el conocimiento de los jóvenes sobre los eventos y el problema está determinado por la inevitabilidad de los eventos culturales y de entretenimiento asociados con la falta de interés de los jóvenes y la falta de deseo de los organizadores del Departamento de Cultura de averiguar qué interesa a este grupo de edad. . Se identifican formas alternativas de ocio que a los jóvenes les gustaría ver en el entorno urbano además de ser parte de ellas (como cines, teatros, restaurantes, parques de atracciones, atracciones, parques acuáticos, bolos, clases magistrales, cursos, etc. exposiciones; clubes de interés (lenguaje, discusión, computadora); alquiler de bicicletas, patines, quads, go-karts; escuela de parapente; turismo industrial). Importancia práctica: los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden utilizarse en psicología social, pedagogía, psicología de la edad, así como para un mayor desarrollo teórico de este tema