201 research outputs found

    Heat generation based on wood fuel as a basis for improving energy effi ciency in the timber industry

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    Теплогенерация на основе древесного топлива повышает энергоэффективность в лесопромышленном производстве. Древесное топливо является возобновимым и экологичным ресурсом и рассматривается как эффективная замена топливу из ископаемых ресурсов. Применение нормированных видов древесного топлива позволяет снизить затраты на теплогенерацию. Древесное топливо имеет самые низкие показатели выделения углекислого газа, а также отсутствие серы при сгорании, что обеспечивает экологичность применения данного вида топлива. Важными организационными мероприятиями по переходу на древесные виды топлива являются создание унифицированных муниципальных топливно-технологических терминалов, расширение производства топливной щепы при рубках ухода, а также экспорт избыточной топливной щепы. Эти мероприятия позволяют увеличить количество высокопроизводительных рабочих мест.Heat generation based on wood fuel increases energy effi ciency in the timber industry. Wood fuel is a renewable and environmentally friendly resource and is seen as an effective substitute for fossil fuels. The use of standardized types of wood fuel can reduce the cost of heat generation. Wood fuel has the lowest rates of carbon dioxide emissions, as well as the absence of sulfur during combustion, which ensures environmental friendliness of this type of fuel. Important organizational measures for the transition to wood fuels are the creation of unifi ed municipal fuel technology terminals, the expansion of the production of fuel chips during logging operations, as well as the export of excess fuel chips. These activities increase the number of high-performance jobs

    Biomechanical study athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles (on example of phase of flight)

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    Purpose: To design a theoretical biomechanical model of athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles and then check there movements on real athletes. Material: In the practical part of the study participated 10 smortsmen. Results: Showing the possibility of constructing a theoretical model of hurdling technique. The basis of cons tructing a model using the known approaches in theoretical mechanics. Shows the calculated and actual performance movement of the athlete. Conclusions: The developed model provides a good theoretical understanding of the interactions of individual elements of movement and the ability to simulate different situations and to determine the optimal values of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the athlete. The model allows the individual elements of motion correction directly in the process of training. When analyzing art movement should consider specific features of physical development and anthropometric characteristics of the athlete's body

    Identification of electrofacies on the basis of well logging to determine sedimentation environment of horizon JK[2] in Em-Egovskoe field (Western Siberia)

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    Well logging results are one of the ways to study the buried terrigenous rocks genesis. To ensure the most objective characterization of the rock and identification of electrofacies it is necessary to use a complex geological and geophysical survey. The comprehensive investigations of environmental conditions based on well logging have been performed for the horizon JK[2] of Tumenskoe formation in Em-Egovskoe area, Krasnoleninskoe field (Western Siberia). The defined electrofacies were compared with the results of earlier conducted granulometric and mineralogical analyses. The totality of research provided for a conclusion that the investigated sediments of horizon JK2 had been formed within the destructive tidal delta. Thus, objective facies prediction can only be ensured by analyzing core and well logging data comprehensively

    High-efficiency WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors operating at 2.5 K

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    We investigate the operation of WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) at 2.5 K, a temperature which is ~ 70 % of the superconducting transition temperature (TC) of 3.4 K. We demonstrate saturation of the system detection efficiency at 78 +- 2 % with a jitter of 191 ps. We find that the jitter at 2.5 K is limited by the noise of the readout, and can be improved through the use of cryogenic amplifiers. Operation of SNSPDs with high efficiency at temperatures very close to TC appears to be a unique property of amorphous WSi

    Дослідження напівпровідникового твердого розчину V1-xTixFeSb. I. Особливості електрокінетичних характеристик

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    The peculiarities of the temperature and concentration characteristics of resistivity and thermopower of V1-xTixFeSb semiconductor solid solution were investigated in the temperature and concentration ranges of T = 4.2 -400 K and Ті  ≈ 9.5·1019–3.6·1021 см-3 (х = 0.005 - 0.20), respectively. The existence of previously unknown mechanism for the generation of structural defects with donor nature which determined the conduction of n-VFeSb and V1-xTixFeSb was established. The acceptor type of structural defects generated in V1-xTixFeSb by substitution of V atoms by Ti ones was confirmed.Досліджено особливості температурних та концентраційних характеристик питомого електроопору та коефіцієнта термо-ерс напівпровідникового твердого розчину V1-xTixFeSb у діапазонах температур та концентрацій: Т = 4,2 – 400 К та Ті  ≈ 9.5·1019–3,6·1021 см-3 (х = 0,005–0,20). Встановлено існування невідомого раніше механізму генерування структурних дефектів донорної природи, які визначають провідність n-VFeSb та V1-xTixFeSb. Підтверджено акцепторну природу структурних дефектів, генерованих у V1-xTixFeSb, при заміщенні V атомами Ті

    High-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors fabricated from MoSi thin-films

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    We demonstrate high-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) fabricated from MoSi thin-films. We measure a maximum system detection efficiency (SDE) of 87 +- 0.5 % at 1542 nm at a temperature of 0.7 K, with a jitter of 76 ps, maximum count rate approaching 10 MHz, and polarization dependence as low as 3.4 +- 0.7 % The SDE curves show saturation of the internal efficiency similar to WSi-based SNSPDs at temperatures as high as 2.3 K. We show that at similar cryogenic temperatures, MoSi SNSPDs achieve efficiencies comparable to WSi-based SNSPDs with nearly a factor of two reduction in jitter

    In vivo Analysis of Choroid Plexus Morphogenesis in Zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: The choroid plexus (ChP), a component of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), produces the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and as a result plays a role in (i) protecting and nurturing the brain as well as (ii) in coordinating neuronal migration during neurodevelopment. Until now ChP development was not analyzed in living vertebrates due to technical problems. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have analyzed the formation of the fourth ventricle ChP of zebrafish in the GFP-tagged enhancer trap transgenic line SqET33-E20 (Gateways) by a combination of in vivo imaging, histology and mutant analysis. This process includes the formation of the tela choroidea (TC), the recruitment of cells from rhombic lips and, finally, the coalescence of TC resulting in formation of ChP. In Notch-deficient mib mutants the first phase of this process is affected with premature GFP expression, deficient cell recruitment into TC and abnormal patterning of ChP. In Hedgehog-deficient smu mutants the second phase of the ChP morphogenesis lacks cell recruitment and TC cells undergo apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study is the first to demonstrate the formation of ChP in vivo revealing a role of Notch and Hedgehog signalling pathways during different developmental phases of this process