14 research outputs found

    経済発展における認知スキルの役割 -Hanushek and Woessmannの再検討-

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    UNESCO and UNICEF’s Human Rights-Based Approach towards EFA goals, Economically Wise or Irrational: Policy Analysis from Economic Perspective

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    An analysis is given of UNESCO and UNICEF’s current thinking and practice in the education sector, especially on a human rights-based approach. Economically irrational policy implementation can be a result of inefficiency and ineffectiveness of resource allocation; therefore, policy assessment is necessary. Moreover, the deadline for EFA goals is approaching and it seems that EFA goals will not be met under current policy implementation by 2015. This paper bases its analysis on economic theory and offers policy implications and suggestions through a thought experiment and empirical case studies. An analysis is conducted in two levels, general perspective on education and specific aid projects/programmes. Analysing policies from economic perspective gives a new impression and dimension towards UNESCO and UNICEF. This paper argues that a human rights-based approach is economically rational and sustainable. Identifying rights-holders and duty-bearers cannot only induce demand and supply for education but also theoretically make individuals’ demand for education to be more inelastic to the prices or costs of education. However, in terms of effectiveness of project/programme investment, adjustments are required in the process of project/programme implementation. As a result, there is an ambiguous tension between theoretical and practical issues. Policy implications and suggestions are made accordingly. Keywords: Policy analysis, Human rights-based approach, Multilateral donor agencie

    仮想通貨規制 : 制度と金融の開放性

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    仮想通貨規制 : 制度と金融の開放性

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    I förarbetena till Konsumenttjänstlagen (1985:716) framförs att det är nödvändigt med lagstiftad reglering inom transporttjänster, däribland persontransporter. Det nämns även att att KtjL senare skulle kunna utökas till att gälla fler typer av tjänster än de i början avsedda. Lagstiftat konsumentskydd finns angående persontransporter i sjöfart, järnvägstrafik och luftfart samt paketresor. I dessa trafikslag samt i sjöfart har transportören ett lagstiftat ansvar gentemot passageraren vid förseningar, medan ett sådant ansvar saknas vid järnvägsbefordringar. Det saknas vidare i dagens läge lagstiftning som ger resenärer konsumentskydd vid vägtransporter. Reglering har istället utformats i form av resevillkor uppställda av de olika transportörer som finns inom persontransportområdet, det vill säga av motparten till resenären i avtalet om personbefordran. För att ett förtroende för, och ökning av, resor i kollektivtrafik skall finnas är det viktigt att resenärerna vet att de har vissa grundläggande rättigheter när de reser och att hänsyn tas till dessa rättigheter. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att utreda om KtjL kan vara analogiskt tillämplig på avtal om personbefordran vad gäller kollektivtrafik på väg och järnväg. Förutsättningarna för en analogitillämpning av KtjL utreds för att kunna bedöma om en sådan tillämpning är tillämpbar på avtal om personbefordran på väg och järnväg. Uppsatsen avslutas med en bedömning av huruvida en analogitillämpning av KtjL är mer fördelaktig för resenärerna i jämförelse med det skydd som transportörernas resevillkor gör

    Environmental Issues in the Mekong River Region : A Mitigation Model Based on Information Communications Technology

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    The Mekong River Basin region is extremely dependent economically on the Mekong River, which supports fisheries, agriculture, energy production, mining, and industries along its path. These activities, in many cases unregulated and uncontrolled, have been causing environmental damages to the river, with several many human activities having affected the river’s flow, its chemical composition, and the biosystem. In addition, one of the major issues that have sharply rose in the past years is the increasing number of dams deployed for energy production, which are severely disrupting the water flow downstream, causing droughts and flooding in the lower river path areas. Education and financial-related interventions represent traditional ways to tackle these issues affecting the Mekong River. But there are also more rooted approaches, involving and inducing a behavioral change in the people, offering alternative solutions to monitor environment while shifting toward alternative energies. In support of these approaches, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) can represent a common pivotal element. Yet, a multi-dimensional application of ICT to tackle environmental issues related to the Mekong River can foster a change, but only if a common approach and framework are agreed upon and followed by all the involved actors. To answer to this, in this paper, a three-pillar model of approaches is presented, leveraging on ICT affordances. This mitigation model is based on three pillars: behavioral approach, smart approach, and alternative energy approach. The proposed model should represent a starting point in the stakeholder’s discussion for the creation of a shared roadmap

    The role of cognitive skills in economic development revisited

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    UNESCO and UNICEF’s Human Rights-Based Approach towards EFA goals, Economically Wise or Irrational: Policy Analysis from Economic Perspective

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    ABSTRACTAn analysis is given of UNESCO and UNICEF’s current thinking and practice in the education sector, especially on a human rights-based approach. Economically irrational policy implementation can be a result of inefficiency and ineffectiveness of resource allocation; therefore, policy assessment is necessary. Moreover, the deadline for EFA goals is approaching and it seems that EFA goals will not be met under current policy implementation by 2015. This paper bases its analysis on economic theory and offers policy implications and suggestions through a thought experiment and empirical case studies. An analysis is conducted in two levels, general perspective on education and specific aid projects/programmes. Analysing policies from economic perspective gives a new impression and dimension towards UNESCO and UNICEF. This paper argues that a human rights-based approach is economically rational and sustainable. Identifying rights-holders and duty-bearers cannot only induce demand and supply for education but also theoretically make individuals’ demand for education to be more inelastic to the prices or costs of education. However, in terms of effectiveness of project/programme investment, adjustments are required in the process of project/programme implementation. As a result, there is an ambiguous tension between theoretical and practical issues. Policy implications and suggestions are made accordingly.Keywords: Policy analysis, Human rights-based approach, Multilateral donor agencie