18 research outputs found

    The effects of conflict resolution and mediation education on problem solving behavior of 6 years old children

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, çatışma çözme ve arabuluculuk eğitiminin altı yaş grubu çocukların problem çözme becerilerine etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmada, ön test son test deney öncesi model kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Koruklu ve Özdil (2008) tarafından geliştirilmiş “Kişilerarası Problem Çözme Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmacılar ayrıca video kaydı ve gözlem tekniğinden yararlanarak nitel verilerle çalışmayı desteklemişlerdir. Bulgulara göre, çatışma çözme ve arabuluculuk eğitimi altı yaş grubu çocukların problem çözme becerilerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür (p<.05). Bu bulguya göre, eğitim alan öğrencilerin eğitim öncesi akranlarıyla yaşadıkları kişilerarası çatışmalarda gösterdikleri yıkıcı davranışlarda azalmaların olduğu ve yapıcı davranışlarda da artışların olduğu saptanmıştır. Nitel verilerden elde edilen bulgulara göre ise çocukların eğitimden sonra yapıcı problem çözme becerisini ortaya koyan kelimeleri kullanmaya başladığı görülmüştür. Bunlar; “problemimizi nasıl çözebiliriz?”, “Hadi çözüm için konuşalım.”, “problemimizin alternatif çözümünü bulabilir misin?” şeklinde özetlenebilir. Bu bulgular, okulöncesi dönemde çocuklara verilecek çatışma çözme ve arabuluculuk eğitiminin öğrencilerin problem çözme davranışlarına etki ettiğini göstermektedir.The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of conflict resolution and mediation education on problem solving skills of 6 years old children. The research was pre test-post test pre experimental one group model. In order to get data “Interpersonal Problem Solving Scale” which was developed by Koruklu and Özdil (2008) was used. Also researcher used video record for gathering quantitative data. Results shows that the conflict resolution and mediation education effects on problem solving skills of 6 years old children (p<.05). It means, after education children destructive behavior decreased and constructive behavior increased in their peer relation. Also children begin to use some words which are related with constructive problem solving skills. Such as; “how can we solve our problem, let’s talk about this”, “Can you find any other alternatives in order to solve our problem” etc. These are showed us that the education is effective on children problem solving behavior

    Üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygı düzeyi ile ilişkili bazı değişkenlerin incelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygıları ile ilişkili bazı değişkenlerin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesinde öğrenim görmekte olan birinci ve son sınıf öğrencilerinden tesadüfü olarak seçilen 1335 kişiden oluşmuştur. Araştırmada veriler “Öğrenci Bilgi Formu” ve “Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; t-testi ki-kare, varyans analizi, lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi 0.05 olarak alınmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre kız öğrencilerin benlik saygısı düzeyleri erkek öğrencilere göre daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Fakülte/yüksekokulda okuyan öğrencilerin benlik saygısı düzeyleri 2 yıllık meslek yüksekokullarından daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Son sınıfta okuyan öğrencilerin benlik saygısı puanları birinci sınıfta okuyanlara göre daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Geriye doğru seçimli ikili lojistik regresyon analizine göre; yaş, son sınıfta okumak, yaşantıdan memnun olma ve gelecekten umutlu olma değişkenlerinin benlik saygısı puanları üzerine önemli düzeyde etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır.The purpose of this study was to examine some variables which related with self-esteem of the university students. The study included 1335 students between first and last grades of the Adnan Menderes University. Participants were selected randomly. “Demographic Data Form '' and ''Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale'' was used to get data. t-test, ki square, variance analyse, logical regression were used to analyze the data. Significance level was taken as 0.05. According to the results, self-esteem level of the girls is higher than the boys. Self-esteem level of four years faculty students is higher than two years high school students. Self-esteem level of last class students is higher than the first class students. According to the bilateral logical regression analyse age, attending to the last class, satisfaction about life, expectation about future have important effects on self-esteem of students

    The perceptions of university students' professional socialization process

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of university student’s professional socialization process. The study adopted the qualitative research design. Easily accessible case sampling method, was used to determine the participants of the study group. The study group consisted of 16 students. The data were collected through two focus groups. The data of the study were analysed using the content analysis method. According to the findings of the content analysis the themes “adaptation to society”, “professional role achievements”, and “adoption of the profession”, and relevant sub-themes were identified. The results of the study revealed that students who were studying at both faculties expressed the concept of ‘professional socialization’ in a multidimensional way. In the light of the findings obtained from the research, it is proposed to make new curriculum arrangements that will provide the development of professional socialization for students

    İlk Ergenlikte Ana-Babaya Bağlanma, Okula Bağlanma ve Yaşam Doyumu

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    This study examined the relationships between parental attachments, school attachments and life satisfaction, and whether school attachment served as a mediator between parental attachment and life satisfaction in a sample of early adolescents (n= 153; mean age= 12.71 years). Results indicated that both maternal and paternal attachment positively related to life satisfaction; among the school attachment dimensions only attachment to teacher associated with life satisfaction of adolescents. Hierarchical regression analyses provided evidence that school attachment partially mediated the link between parental attachment and life satisfaction for both maternal and paternal models. Implications for intervention programs are discussed

    A Study on Turkish Adolescent's Internet Use: Possible Predictors of Internet Addiction

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    WOS: 000316189700009PubMed ID: 23253206The purpose of this study is to investigate the internet use of Turkish adolescents, with a (particular) focus on the risk of internet addiction. A web-based questionnaire was completed by a total of 4,311 adolescents attending public high schools in grades 9-12, in a small-sized city in western Turkey. Ages ranged from 15 to 19 years, 54 percent were female and 46 percent male. The questionnaire included items on sociodemographic information, internet usage, and a Turkish version of the Young's Internet Addiction Test. The data were analyzed in SPPS 15.0 program using the t test, the Mann-Whitney U test, correlation and hierarchic regression analysis. The findings show that, regardless of gender, Facebook ranked highest in the classification of students' purpose of internet use; it was also found that females mainly used the internet for communication, whereas males were more interested in playing online games and reading newspapers and magazines. The results of hierarchic regression analysis indicated that the significant predictors of the internet addiction were the presence of internet access at home, gender, and family income levels