13 research outputs found

    Forms and functions of codeswitching to Hindi/Urdu in Indian English and Pakistani English

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    This study examines the forms and functions of codeswitching to Hindi/Urdu in Indian English and Pakistani English. The aim is to find out how these local languages manifest and are used in the local non-native variety of English. Previous research on codeswitching to Hindi and Urdu in Indian English and Pakistani English has mostly concentrated only on the use of single lexical items and their impact on the lexicon of the local English leaving the more varied ways in which the local languages show relatively unresearched. The material was collected from the Corpus of Global Web-based English (GloWbE). This study served additionally as a methodological experiment using the most frequent Hindi and Urdu words to locate and collect codeswitches in the corpus. The analysis of the structural patterns showed that Hindi and Urdu codeswitches manifest in a variety of different forms ranging from longer intersentential codeswitches for complete Hindi and Urdu sentences to interclausal switches, i.e. switches between main and dependent clauses, and to shorter intraclausal codeswitches like words and phrases. The structural analysis also revealed that the structural patterns appear to follow the same tendencies in both Indian and Pakistani English. The Hindi/Urdu codeswitches also served diverse types of functions. The switches could roughly be divided into switches with a communicative function and cultural switches. Communicative functions included, among others, quotations, figurative language, conveying greetings and prayers, interjections, reiterations, and metalinguistic commentary. Cultural codeswitches expressed objects and concepts specific to the Indian and Pakistani culture. Cultural switches also functioned as references to the Indian and Pakistani culture implying the Indianness or Pakistaniness of something or someone

    “Gruß aus Saksa”: Multilingual practices in a German expatriate online community in Finland

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    This article investigates forms and functions of multilingual practices among German-speaking expatriates in Finland in an online community. It focuses on Finnish codeswitches in otherwise German forum messages in a material that consists of 179 discussion threads with a total of 616 Finnish codeswitches. The structural analysis of the Finnish codeswitches revealed that most of the Finnish codeswitches were intrasentential switches - most often common and proper nouns. Switches of other parts of speech such as verbs and adjectives occurred significantly less often. Almost half of the Finnish nouns were orthographically adapted into German through capitalisation of the initial letter. The functional analysis showed that codeswitches referring to Finnish culture and society were common. Other central functions included metalinguistic commentary, slips of the tongue, greetings and closings, reported speech, and reiteration. The forum members largely relied on their shared knowledge of Finnish and Finland, and only some codeswitches were translated into German. The findings of this study indicate that Finnish codeswitches are an expression of the multicultural and multilingual lives and identities of the forum members. Codeswitching to Finnish serves both as a means of communicating their shared Finnish experience and as a signal of membership in the online community.&nbsp

    Deutsch-Finnisches Codeswitching im Forum Deutsche in Finnland : strukturelle und funktionale Aspekte

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    Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit Codeswitching, d.h. Wechsel zwischen zwei oder mehreren Sprachen oder Sprachvarietäten innerhalb eines Diskurses, zwischen der deutschen und der finnischen Sprache. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist herauszufinden, welchen Funktionen Codeswitching aus dem Deutschen ins Finnische dient und welche strukturellen Formen die finnischen Codeswitches annehmen. Dazu wurde untersucht, ob finnische Codeswitches besonders häufig im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten Themen oder Themenbereichen vorkommen. Das Material dieser Studie besteht aus Beiträgen, die aus dem Forum Deutsche in Finnland gesammelt wurden. Die strukturelle Analyse der finnischen Codeswitches bestand aus Kategorisierung der Codeswitches nach ihrer Struktur. Die Ergebnisse der strukturellen Analyse zeigten, dass der überwiegend größte Teil der finnischen Codeswitches Substantive war. Die zweit- und drittgrößten Kategorien waren Eigennamen und Nominalphrasen. Die finnischen Codeswitches waren am üblichsten intrasententielle Codeswitches, aber es gab auch einige intersententielle Switches. Die Analyse der Funktionen zeigte, dass Finnisch besonders in Zitaten, Begrüßungen und Verabschiedungen, Wiederholungen, metasprachlichen Gesprächen, und Erklärungen der Versprecher verwendet wurde. Viele Codeswitches waren auch finnische Wörter und Begriffe, die mit der finnischen Kultur, der finnischen Gesellschaft und dem Alltag in Finnland zusammenhängen. Die Analyse der Themenbereiche zeigte, dass Deutsch besonders häufig in Diskussionen über die finnische Sprache, Essen, und das alltägliche Leben in Finnland vorkam

    “Gruß aus Saksa”: Multilingual practices in a German expatriate online community in Finland

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    This article investigates forms and functions of multilingual practices among German-speaking expatriates in Finland in an online community. It focuses on Finnish codeswitches in otherwise German forum messages in a material that consists of 179 discussion threads with a total of 616 Finnish codeswitches. The structural analysis of the Finnish codeswitches revealed that most of the Finnish codeswitches were intrasentential switches – most often common and proper nouns. Switches of other parts of speech such as verbs and adjectives occurred significantly less often. Almost half of the Finnish nouns were orthograph-ically adapted into German through capitalisation of the initial letter. The functional analysis showed that codeswitches referring to Finnish culture and society were common. Other central functions included metalinguistic commentary, slips of the tongue, greetings and closings, reported speech, and reiteration. The forum members largely relied on their shared knowledge of Finnish and Finland, and only some code-switches were translated into German. The findings of this study indi-cate that these Finnish codeswitches are an expression of the multicul-tural and multilingual lives and identities of the forum members. Codeswitching to Finnish serves both as a means of communicating their shared Finnish experience and as a signal of membership in the online community. </p

    Effectiveness of clinical exome sequencing in adult patients with difficult-to-diagnose neurological disorders

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    Objectives Clinical diagnostics in adults with hereditary neurological diseases is complicated by clinical and genetic heterogeneity, as well as lifestyle effects. Here, we evaluate the effectiveness of exome sequencing and clinical costs in our difficult-to-diagnose adult patient cohort. Additionally, we expand the phenotypic and genetic spectrum of hereditary neurological disorders in Finland. Methods We performed clinical exome sequencing (CES) to 100 adult patients from Finland with neurological symptoms of suspected genetic cause. The patients were classified as myopathy (n = 57), peripheral neuropathy (n = 16), ataxia (n = 15), spastic paraplegia (n = 4), Parkinsonism (n = 3), and mixed (n = 5). In addition, we gathered the costs of prior diagnostic work-up to retrospectively assess the cost-effectiveness of CES as a first-line diagnostic tool. Results The overall diagnostic yield of CES was 27%. Pathogenic variants were found for 14 patients (in genes ANO5, CHCHD10, CLCN1, DES, DOK7, FKBP14, POLG, PYROXD1, SCN4A, TUBB3, and TTN) and likely pathogenic previously undescribed variants for 13 patients (in genes ABCD1, AFG3L2, ATL1, CACNA1A, COL6A1, DYSF, IRF2BPL, KCNA1, MT-ATP6, SAMD9L, SGCB, and TPM2). Age of onset below 40 years increased the probability of finding a genetic cause. Our cost evaluation of prior diagnostic work-up suggested that early CES would be cost-effective in this patient group, in which diagnostic costs increase linearly with prolonged investigations. Conclusions Based on our results, CES is a cost-effective, powerful first-line diagnostic tool in establishing the molecular diagnosis in adult neurological patients with variable symptoms. Importantly, CES can markedly shorten the diagnostic odysseys of about one third of patients.Peer reviewe

    Attitudes towards genetic testing and information : does parenthood shape the views?

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    This study examines how parents of pediatric patients might differ in their views and attitudes towards genetic technology and information when compared to adult patients. There is surprisingly little evidence on how parents compare to other parts of population in their attitudes. Previous empirical studies often relate health-related preferences and attitudes to factors such as age, education, and income instead of parental status, thus evading comparison of parents to others as health-related decision makers. Findings related to the parental status can be useful when implementing genetic technology in clinical practice. We conducted a survey of views on genetic technology and information for groups of adult neurology patients (n = 68) and parents of pediatric neurology patients (n = 31) to shed some light on this issue. In addition to our own survey instrument, we conducted other surveys to gain insight on psychosocial factors that might affect these attitudes. The results suggest that parents are more concerned about their children's genetic risk factors when compared to the attitudes of adult patients about their own risk. For both groups, negative emotional state was associated with more concerns towards genetic information. Our study provides insights on how parental views might affect the acceptance of genetic technology and information.Peer reviewe

    Attitudes towards genetic testing and information: does parenthood shape the views?

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    This study examines how parents of pediatric patients might differ in their views and attitudes towards genetic technology and information when compared to adult patients. There is surprisingly little evidence on how parents compare to other parts of population in their attitudes. Previous empirical studies often relate health-related preferences and attitudes to factors such as age, education, and income instead of parental status, thus evading comparison of parents to others as health-related decision makers. Findings related to the parental status can be useful when implementing genetic technology in clinical practice. We conducted a survey of views on genetic technology and information for groups of adult neurology patients (n = 68) and parents of pediatric neurology patients (n = 31) to shed some light on this issue. In addition to our own survey instrument, we conducted other surveys to gain insight on psychosocial factors that might affect these attitudes. The results suggest that parents are more concerned about their children's genetic risk factors when compared to the attitudes of adult patients about their own risk. For both groups, negative emotional state was associated with more concerns towards genetic information. Our study provides insights on how parental views might affect the acceptance of genetic technology and information

    Yläraajan neurografinen tutkimus : video-ohje hoitajille

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    Kliininen neurofysiologia on keskus- ja ääreishermostoa sekä autonomista hermostoa tutkiva lääketieteen erikoisala. Kliinisen neurofysiologian laboratoriossa suoritetaan tavallisimmin esimerkiksi elektroenkefalografia- eli EEG-tutkimuksia, unitutkimuksia, herätevastetutkimuksia ja tuntokynnysmittauksia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä opetusvideo Kuopion Yliopistollisen Sairaalan kliinisen neurofysiologian osastolle bioanalyytikon suorittamasta yläraajan kliinisestä neurografiatutkimuksesta. Tavoitteena oli tehdä sellainen opetusvideo, jonka avulla voidaan perehdyttää henkilökuntaa neurografisten tutkimusten suorittamiseen. Tämän opinnäytetyön kirjallisessa raportissa käsitellään aiheen teoreettista taustaa laajemmin. Tähän videoon liittyen tehtiin lisäksi kysely työntekijöille heidän oppimisestaan videon avulla sekä heidän mielipiteistään. ENG eli elektroneurografia on kliinisen neurofysiologian tutkimus, jossa mitataan hermojen johtonopeuksia. Tutkimus tehdään esimerkiksi hermovaurion löytämiseksi ja mahdollisen vaurion laajuuden määrittämiseksi. Bioanalyytikot voivat tehdä yläraajan neurografiatutkimuksia, mutta toisaalta vain muutama Kuopion Yliopistollisen Sairaalan kliinisen neurofysiologian osastolla on koulutettu tekemään niitä. Neurofysiologian osastolla suoritettiin kysely videon ensimmäisen version valmistuttua. Kaikki työntekijät eivät vastanneet kyselyyn, jolloin tulosten luotettavuutta voidaankin kyseenalaistaa, kun vastanneita oli 21 työntekijästä vain 11. Alkuperäisen videon sisällöstä kuitenkin keskusteltiin ohjaajien, kliinisen neurofysiologian lääkärin ja fyysikon kanssa, jolloin saatiin varmuus niistä sisällöllisistä muutoksista ja toiveista, joita videolle haluttiin. Näiden palautteiden sekä kyselyn tulosten perusteella saatiin tehtyä tavoitteemme täyttävä opetusvideo.Clinical neurophysiology is a special field in medicine studying the central and peripheral nervous systems. Studies such as electroencephalography studies, sleep studies, evoked potential studies, and sensory testings are performed in a clinical neurophysiological laboratory. The purpose for this thesis was to make an educational video of the neurographical study of the upper limb performed by a biomedical laboratory scientist for the clinical neurophysiological unit of Kuopio University Hospital. The objective was to make an educational video that can be used to introduce the nerve conduction studies to the unit's staff. Additionally, this written part was done where the theory behind the study is discussed more widely. A poll was also held for the unit's staff about their opinions and what they learned from the video. ENG or electroneurography, is a study of the clinical neurophysiological laboratory where nerve conduction studies take place. The study is performed when nerve damage is under suspicion and also to examine the extent of such possible damage. Biomedical laboratory scientists can perform neurographies of the upper limb. Only a few biomedical laboratory scientists are trained to do that in the clinical neurophysiological unit of Kuopio University Hospital, though. The poll was held at the neurophysiological unit after the first version of the video was completed. All the members of the staff did not partake and thus the reliability of the poll can be questioned. Only 11 out of 21 staff members partook in the poll. The content of the original video was discussed with instructors, a doctor, and a physicist so that a certainty of the wanted contents was reached. The objective was thus fulfilled based on those feedbacks and poll results.Liitteenä mainittu opinnäytetyön video sijaitsee Savonia-ammattikorkeakoululla sosiaali- ja terveysalan yksikössä Kuopiossa. Liitteenä mainittu KYSin tutkimuslupa sijaitsee Savonia-ammattikorkeakoululla sosiaali- ja terveysalan yksikössä Kuopiossa

    3-5-vuotiaiden lasten kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä päiväkodin ohjatusta liikunnasta

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    Nykyisin lapset liikkuvat liian vähän ja varhaiskasvatusympäristöllä on iso merkitys lasten päivittäisten liikuntasuositusten saavuttamisessa. Lasten osallisuutta ja lapsilähtöisyyttä on alettu korostamaan. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Hammaslahden päiväkoti Hippulan 3–5-vuotiaiden lasten kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä päiväkodin liikuntakasvatuksesta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada lasten ääni kuuluviin ja tuoda heidän mielipiteensä varhaiskasvattajien tietoon. Toukokuussa 2020 neljä 3–5-vuotiaiden ryhmissä työskentelevää varhaiskasvattajaa vastasi ennakkokyselyyn. Toinen osa tutkimuksesta toteutettiin syyskuussa 2020 lasten teemahaastatteluin. Haastatteluihin osallistui yhteensä 17 Hippulan päiväkodin 3–5-vuotiaiden lapsiryhmien lasta. Kyselylomakkeet analysoitiin teemoittelemalla ja haastatteluiden avulla kerätty aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöistä menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan useita erilaisia toimintoja ja liikunnassa hyödynnettäviä välineitä sisältäneet ohjatut tuokiot, kuten lapsille pidetyt leikkimieliset olympialaiset ja rakennetut temppuradat, olivat suosittuja. Yksittäisistä välineistä eniten pidettiin renkaista, trampoliinista ja potkuautoista. Eniten mielipiteitä jakoivat kiipeilyä vaativat liikuntamuodot, jotka tarjosivat sekä hyvänlaista jännitystä että pelokkaita tunteita. Lasten mielipiteet liikuntatuokioiden miellyttävyydestä olivat sidoksissa heidän omaan kokemukseensa omasta taito- ja osaamistasostaan.Nowadays children do not move enough and the early childhood education environments are in an important role to increase children’s physical exercises. Children’s participation and a child-oriented way to think are highlighted in today’s ECEC. The purpose of this thesis was to find out, how does children aged 3–5 feel and see organized physical education in Hippula day-care centre in Hammaslahti. The aim of this thesis was to hear children’s voices and get their opinions for their pedagogues. In May 2020 four ECEC pedagogues answered the enquiry in advance. The final survey was carried out in September 2020 as themed interviews. In total 17 Hippula day-care centre children aged 3–5 took part in the interviews. I used thematization to analyze the inquiries and data-based method to analyze the answers of the interviews. The research results showed that children liked diverse exercises like playful Olympics and agility tracks. Rings, trampoline and ride-on cars were the most popular of the separate attractions. Exercises that included climbing, divided most opinions. Some children found those activities exciting but in a good way, and some of the children thought that those activities were too exciting or even scary. Children’s opinions about organized exercise moments seemed to be bonded to their own experience of their know-how grades in that very function