169 research outputs found

    News from an Experimental Counseling

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    In an open letter to home economics instructors and students Jeanette Korslund writes of her post-graduation discoveries. You\u27ll find some valuable advice, some whys and whats that every professional home economist can use

    Kortikosteroiders effekt på lungemodning hos premature : En litteraturstudie og dyreekperimentell studie på kylling

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    Abstract Children born preterm are at risk of complications due to immature organ systems. The lungs are normally not ready for gas exchange until the 24th gestational week. Numerous studies have shown the beneficial effect of antenatal steroids on lung maturation. To enhance maturation of the lungs, antenatal steroids are now standard treatment for women at risk of preterm birth prior to 34th gestational week. This has significantly increased the possible for a premature child to survive, and to survive without severe lung disease. However, questions still remains as to ideal dosage, type of steroid or form of administration. The relevant literature is reviewed. The cellular mechanisms of the beneficial steroid therapy are not completely understood. It is known that steroids increase the production of surfactant. We postulated that they additionally increase apoptosis in the interstitial tissue and thus make gas-exchange easier by reduced distance between alveolar epithelium and septal capillaries. The hypothesis was tested in an experimental pilot study. A series of chick embryo were treated with either steroids or placebo at various stages of late embryonic life. The number of interstitial lung mesenchymal cells in apoptosis was counted in sections immunostained with apoptosis-markers TUNEL and caspase 3. Only small differences were seen between the steroid group and controls. The apoptotic index alone could thus not alone explain the beneficial effects of steroids in the interstitial tissue. Our revised hypothesis additionally includes increases capillary neovascularisation in the interstitial tissue

    Host in reserve: The role of common shrews (Sorex araneus) as a supplementary source of tick hosts in small mammal communities influenced by rodent population cycles

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    Rodents often act as important hosts for ticks and as pathogen reservoirs. At north -ern latitudes, rodents often undergo multi- annual population cycles, and the peri -odic absence of certain hosts may inhibit the survival and recruitment of ticks. We investigated the potential role of common shrews (Sorex araneus) to serve as a sup -plementary host source to immature life stages (larvae and nymphs) of a generalist tick Ixodes ricinus and a small mammal specialist tick I. trianguliceps, during decreas-ing abundances of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). We used generalized mixed models to test whether ticks would have a propensity to parasitize a certain host species dependent on host population size and host population composition across two high- latitude gradients in southern Norway, by comparing tick burdens on trapped ani -mals. Host population size was defined as the total number of captured animals and host population composition as the proportion of voles to shrews. We found that a larger proportion of voles in the host population favored the parasitism of voles by I. ricinus larvae (estimate = −1.923, p= .039) but not by nymphs (estimate = −0.307,p= .772). I. trianguliceps larvae did not show a lower propensity to parasitize voles, regardless of host population composition (estimate = 0.875, p= .180), while nymphsparasitized shrews significantly more as vole abundance increased (estimate= 2.106, p= .002). These results indicate that common shrews may have the potential to act as a replacement host during periods of low rodent availability, but long- term observa-tions encompassing complete rodent cycles may determine whether shrews are able to maintain tick range expansion despite low rodent availability.publishedVersio

    Association between sociodemographic determinants and health behaviors, and clustering of health risk behaviors among 28,047 adults : a cross-sectional study among adults from the general Norwegian population

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    Background: Understanding the associations between health behaviors and which subgroups are at risk of developing health risk behaviors is vital knowledge to develop effective public health interventions to reduce the high prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The objective of the study was to assess the association between physical activity, diet, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption and sociodemographic determinants (sex and education), and to examine clustering patterns of these health behaviors. Method: Data was collected from an online self-reported questionnaire from the Norwegian public health survey conducted in 2019. The study sample consisted of 28,047 adults (≥18 years old) from Agder county in Southern Norway. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the association between sex and education according to physical activity, diet, tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Linear regression was used to examine the association between educational level and number of health risk behaviors, and cluster analysis were performed to determine cluster patterns. Results: Females were more likely than men to meet the national public health recommendations for diet (p<0.001), tobacco use (p<0.01), and alcohol consumption (p<0.001). High education was associated with meeting the recommendations for each of the four health behaviors and with a lower risk of having three or four health risk behaviors simultaneously. Furthermore, clustering of health risk behaviors was observed in five of the sixteen health behavior patterns. Conclusion: Our findings show a higher risk of having multiple health risk behaviors for males and individuals with low education, and these subgroup findings could inform public health policy and be target goals in future publicpublishedVersio

    Scanning behaviour in successful defensive interactions at the highest level in club football

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    Hensikten med oppgaven var å kartlegge hva som kjennetegner søkeatferd i vellykkede defensive involveringer på det høyeste nivået i klubbfotball. Med søkeatferd menes søkefrekvens og kjennetegn på søk, som hvor langt unna en involvering man bør starte å søke, hva slags søkstype som benyttes og timing av søk. Teoretisk perspektiv var økologisk tilnærming til persepsjon. De ble brukt kvantitativ metode med virkelighetsstudie som design. Det ble hentet inn video fra 15 seminfinaler/finaler i Champions League fra 2017, 2018 og 2019. Fra disse ble det plottet 332 situasjoner til analyse av søkefrekvens. I disse situasjonene oppsto 1039 søk som ble registrert i et eget datasett for analyse av kjennetegn. Det ble utført T-test, Anova og Khikvadrattest. T-testen indikerte at søkefrekvensen er signifikant høyere i etablert angrep (M = 3,24, SD = 1,40) i forhold til kontringsfasen (M = 2,56, SD = 1,44), t(283) = 3,35, p = ,001. Anova viste ingen statistiske signifikante forskjeller på søkefrekvens i posisjon F(3, 281) = 0,14, p = ,936. Khikvadrattest viste signifikant sammenheng mellom hvilket trekk og fase (p = ,031), type trekk (p = ,001) og hvilket søk (p < ,001). Khikvadrattest viste sammenheng mellom søkstype og pressledd (p < ,001), hvilket trekk (p < ,001) og timing (p < ,001). Khikvadrattest viste sammenheng mellom timing og pressledd (p < ,001), hvilket trekk (p < ,001), ballførers posisjon (p < ,001) og hvilket søk (p < ,001). Resultatene fra khikvadrattesten ble tolket og drøftet, før det ble konkludert med at flere med og motspillere involvert i en situasjon, gir flere handlingsmuligheter som igjen stiller krav til flere søk for å oppnå prospektiv kontroll. Spillerne ser ut til å bruke motstanderens oppbygging av angrep til å kartlegge handlingsmuligheter i omgivelsene og oppnår prospektiv kontroll, og når de havner i nærheten av situasjonen, har de såpass god oversikt over handlingsmulighetene at de kan belage seg på at det perifere synet oppdager nye trusler eller annen relevant informasjon. Typiske trekk som utløser et defensivt søk er pasning sideveis, føring innover i banen og føring fremover i banen. Søkstype er for det meste kortvarig. I et teoretisk perspektiv kan dette si at spillere på høyere nivå evner å oppfatte mange handlingsmuligheter ved å søke raskt, ettersom de er gode til å oppdatere seg på bakgrunn av uskarpe konturer og farger i detperifere synet. Det ble anbefalt retning til videre forskning og til praksisfeltet