37 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Biochemichal Liver Profil of Ursus arctor in Albania

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    In this study, we have made the biochemical examination of liver, with biochemical analyzer Cobas for 18 bars (n = 18) of the race Ursus arctor. For all the results we have executed the statistical evaluation by using the computer program SSPS17 version. From the basic features, we have evaluated the main characteristic: the mean, standard error of the mean, standard deviation, variance, mode, skewness and kurtosis different percentiles. Also, we have used box plot for graphical presentation of different percentiles and histogram of the distribution of the data and plot of the Normal distribution of these data. The statistic biochemical indicators of liver show a general value about meridians values for GPT, GOT, GGT, and TP. The deviations from meridian values were noted only for CK. The variations in indicators of CRP condition the physiological, age and breeding conditions. The variations in glucose values highlighted the diversity of conditions in captivity breeding bears.Keywords: mean, normal distribution, kurtosis, skewness, percentage

    Programación lineal para el análisis y la recreación virtual de episodios históricos: la distribución de la artillería durante el sitio de Bilbao en 1874

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    [EN] The current digital technologies development makes it possible to apply new forms of studying historical events considering the geographical point of view. They rely on the location and the relationships among the different elements that took part in them over a recreated space (e.g. relief, roads, rivers); once these elements have been laid out on the virtual space, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used to analyse several factors, such as distances, visibility, connectivity and so on. Nevertheless, the development of the actions was also driven by the aims, needs and beliefs (either wise or misguided) of the people/actors involved in those situations; therefore, some ways of including reasoning would significantly improve the actual recreation and understanding of the episodes. In this sense, “linear programming” is a very versatile tool for system modelling and optimization that is broadly used in many fields (e.g. industry, transports, agriculture, etc.). Likewise, this technique can also be applied to past scenarios to simulate dynamics and cross-check sources. In this text, two models regarding the distribution and the allocation of supplies during the siege of Bilbao, in the framework of the Third Carlist War (1872-1876), from both parties —beleaguerer and besieged— were established based on the war front textual reports. In these models, the scenario is recreated through the system variables (which define the alternatives that can be or could have been taken) and the constraints (which limit the range of action); moreover, the actors’ goals that guided the course of events are defined by the objective. Despite the simplification in the modelling, the results show very interesting hints about the dynamics involved during the processes and are able to highlight some critical issues that significantly conditioned the final results. Besides, the modelling process itself proved to be an opportunity for collaboration between historians and computer scientists.[ES] El desarrollo de las tecnologías digitales ha posibilitado nuevas formas de estudio de los sucesos históricos desde la perspectiva geográfica. Estos métodos se basan en la localización (sobre un espacio que incluye el relieve, las vías de comunicación, los ríos, etc.) y el establecimiento de las relaciones entre los diferentes elementos que intervinieron en dichos sucesos. Una vez que toda esta información ha sido representada en el espacio virtual, es posible recurrir a los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) con el fin de analizar diversos factores como las distancias, la visibilidad, la conectividad, etc. Sin embargo, resulta evidente que el desarrollo de los acontecimientos también estuvo condicionado por las intenciones, las necesidades y las impresiones (tanto correctas como equivocadas) de las personas que intervinieron en ellos; por lo tanto, resulta oportuno pensar que la recreación del desarrollo de los eventos históricos, así como su correcta comprensión, mejorará sustancialmente si se incorpora algún método para simular el razonamiento de los actores. En esta línea, la “programación lineal” es una opción versátil para el modelado y la optimización de sistemas que cuenta con una amplia experiencia en diversos campos como la industria, los transportes, la agricultura, etc. Asimismo, esta técnica de modelado también es aplicable a escenarios históricos con el fin de realizar simulaciones de las dinámicas que se establecieron y como método de validación de las fuentes. En el presente texto, se desarrollan —con base a los informes del frente de guerra— dos modelos relativos a la distribución de suministros durante el sitio de la villa de Bilbao —que tuvo lugar en el contexto de la Tercera Guerra Carlista (1872-1876)— que corresponden a ambas partes (es decir, a los sitiadores y a los sitiados). En los modelos, el escenario se recrea a través de las variables del sistema (las cuales definen las alternativas que pueden tomarse) y las restricciones (que limitan el rango de acción), por otro lado, las metas que guiaron el curso de los acontecimientos se definen mediante el objetivo. A pesar de la simplificación que implica el proceso de modelado, los resultados ofrecen interesantes indicaciones sobre las dinámicas que intervinieron en el desarrollo de los procesos y son capaces de identificar aspectos críticos que, efectivamente, condicionaron los resultados finales. Asimismo, el propio proceso de modelado resulta ser una oportunidad de colaboración entre historiadores y expertos informáticos. The participation of Gorka Martín and Jaione Korro in this research is supported by the Basque Government through grants for doctoral studies of the call 2019-2020. Figures 1 and 3 are reproduced here with the permission of the Bizkaia Provincial Council Historical Archive (Archivo Histórico de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiaren Agiritegi Historikoa).Rodriguez-Miranda, A.; Ferreira-Lopes, P.; Martín-Etxebarria, G.; Korro Bañuelos, J. (2021). Linear programming for the analysis and virtual recreation of historical events: the allocation of the artillery during the Siege of Bilbao in 1874. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(25):99-113. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.15278991131225Alves, D., & Queiroz, A. I. (2015). Exploring literary landscapes: from texts to spatiotemporal analysis through collaborative work and GIS. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9(1), 57-73. http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/ijhac.2015.0138Bachagha, N., Wang, X., Luo, L., Li, L., Khatteli, H., & Lasaponara, R. (2020). Remote sensing and GIS techniques for reconstructing the military fort system on the Roman boundary (Tunisian section) and identifying archaeological sites. Remote Sensing of Environment, 236, 111418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111418Barone, P. M. (2019). Bombed Archeology: Towards a Precise Identification and a Safe Management of WWII's Dangerous Unexploded Bombs. Heritage, 2(4), 2704-2711. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage2040167Bevan A., & Wilson, A. (2013). Models of settlement hierarchy based on partial evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 2415-2427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2012.12.025Blanco-Rotea, R. (2015). Arquitectura y Paisaje. Fortificaciones de frontera en el sur de Galicia y norte de Portugal. (Doctoral thesis, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain). http://hdl.handle.net/10261/122137Bocinsky, R. K. (2014). Extrinsic site defensibility and landscape-based archaeological inference: An example from the Northwest Coast. 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A GIS of Sardinia's coastal defense system (XVI - XVIII century). The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-4/W7, 17-22. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-4-W7-17-2015Düring, M. (2016). How reliable are centrality measures for data collected from fragmentary and heterogeneous historical sources? A case study. In T. Brughmans, A. Collar, & F. Coward (eds.), The Connected Past: Challenges to Network Studies in Archaeology and History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 85-101. http://hdl.handle.net/10993/31309Earley-Spadoni, T. (2015). Landscapes of warfare: Intervisibility analysis of Early Iron and Urartian fire beacon stations (Armenia). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 3, 22-30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.05.008Ferreira-Lopes, P. (2015). La producción del sistema ferroviario. Hacia una IDE histórica del patrimonio ferroviario de Andalucía. Virtual Archaeology Review Journal, 13, 41-50. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2015.4371Ferreira-Lopes, P., & Molina Rozalen, J. F. (2018). Historical SDI, thematic maps and analysis of a complex network of medieval towers (13th-15th century) in the Moorish Strip. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-4, 177-183. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-177-2018Ferreira-Lopes, P., & Pinto Puerto, F. (2018). GIS and graph models for social, temporal and spatial digital analysis in heritage: The case-study of Ancient Kingdom of Seville Late Gothic production. Digital Application in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 9, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.daach.2018.e00074Garrec, T. (2019). Continuous patrolling and hiding games. European Journal of Operational Research, 277, 42-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.02.026Jahjah, M., Ulivieri, C., Invernizzi, A., & Parapetti, R. (2007). 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    Application of Immunohistochemical Avidin-Biotin Complex Method (IMHC-ABC) for the Identification of Tularemia Agent in the Tissues of Wild Hare Flesh in FYRoM

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    The study presents the results achieved from the application of the immunohistochemical avidin-biotin complex method (IMHC-ABC) or the assessment of the risk of the presence of the Tularemia antigen in the flesh of hares haunted by the hunters in some of the regions of Macedonia, the ex-republic of Yugoslavia. The study indicates the method applied in 70 samples taken from the hares killed by the hunters, as well as some samples taken from the restaurants which offer in their menu. The study results with the identification of 4 positive cases with Tularemia from the samples submitted to this check. The check is significant, as it presents a method of assessment of the risk of the meat of the hares with the presence of this zoonotic disease, as well as it exposes a method which has not been applied before for this disease in the region.Keywords:  Immunohistochemical, avidin-biotin method, tularemia, FYROM-Macedonia, IMHC

    Tularemia under Histological and Immunohistochemistry Examinations

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    Francisella tularensis is the aetiological agent of tularemia. Hares, rabbits, and small rodents are the main hosts. Humans can be infected and develop severe clinical symptoms. The occurrence of tularemia was studied with histological and immunohistochemistry examinations in 257 Lepus europaeus tissue samples in different parts of Macedonia (FYROM). Francisella tularensis seems to be an important pathogen in the surveyed area.The postmortem findings in hares dying of tularemia were characterized by focal coagulative necrosis in liver, spleen and bone marrow, with high numbers of gram-positive bacteria for Francisellatularensis. In Lepus europaeus tissue samples the most characteristic findings were hemorrhagic enteritis and typhlitis, although necrotic lesions could occur in liver, spleen and bone marrow. The presence of granulomatous inflammation was used as an indicator of Francisellatularensis infection. Further samples are being analyzed and advanced tests will be used in order to identify the most proper and affordable screening and confirmatory tests for monitoring the epidemiological situation of Francisellatularensisinfection. The sampling of tissues and organs is a simple process, less costly and more effective for the evaluation ofcases of tularemia in the population of rabbits under histological and immunohistochemistry examinations. Postmortem histological and immunohistochemical examinations were the simplest methods of work.Keywords: Tularemia, Francisellatularensis, Lepus europaeus, tissue samples

    Representación virtual interactiva del desaparecido convento del Carmen (Logroño) generada a partir de una maqueta de papel

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    [EN] The concept of mock-up, which share with the drawing the expressive synthesis for the analysis of the architectural form and evolution, is an invaluable asset for the preservation of the heritage. To mark the 175th anniversary of the Práxedes Mateo Sagasta’s secondary school of Logroño (Spain), an exhibition about the history of the institution was organized at the premises of La Rioja Library. The current school building became operational in 1900 and was built on the former site of a Carmelite convent. In fact, the convent rooms were the first location for the school, after the expropriations of religious communities during the mid-19th century. For the benefit of the aforementioned exhibition, it was considered interesting to generate a three-dimensional (3D) virtual reconstruction of the convent buildings to show how it would have looked. However, the lack of sufficient contemporary graphic information was a challenge, so it was decided that an efficient solution would be to generate the virtual reconstruction from a paper craft model, which had been created by the librarian of the secondary school as a result of his research on this matter. This text describes the 3D modelling of that cut-out element by means of monoscopic photogrammetry (perspective drawing) and the use of non-realistic rendering based on the appearance of the paper mock-up (and not trying to recreate the real image of the buildings) so as to provide a suggestive view of the convent and create interactive exhibition items. Moreover, the text deals with the long-term preservation and the improvement of the re-use of the 3D models. The former by resorting to institutional repositories —from which users can download the full detailed versions— and the latter employing versions able to be visualized in 3D warehouses (such as Sketchfab) and augmented reality (AR) applications.Highlights:A significant part of the architectural heritage is represented by mock-ups of different materials (paper, wood, metal and so on).Virtual modelling and augmented reality (AR) can be appropriate tools for materializing, recovering and disseminating scale models to the public.Techniques for geometric documentation and visual representation need to be adapted in order to tackle the peculiar features of these elements (size, materials, fragility, etc.).[ES] La maqueta, que comparte con el dibujo la síntesis expresiva para el análisis de la forma y evolución arquitectónica, resulta de un valor incalculable para la preservación del patrimonio. Con motivo del 175 aniversario del Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Práxedes Mateo Sagasta de Logroño (España) se organizó una exposición sobre su historia en la Biblioteca de La Rioja. El edificio que actualmente acoge el instituto fue inaugurado en el año 1900 y se construyó sobre el mismo terreno en el que, previamente, había estado un convento de Carmelitas. De hecho, la primera sede del instituto estuvo situada en las dependencias de este mismo convento, tras la desamortización de los edificios eclesiásticos que tuvo lugar a mediados del siglo XIX. Como parte de la muestra, se consideró interesante generar una reconstrucción virtual tridimensional (3D) de los edificios del convento con el fin de mostrar cómo debieron haber sido. La dificultad, sin embargo, residía en la escasez de fuentes gráficas de la época que permitieran conocer su forma y apariencia; por este motivo, se decidió utilizar como base para la recreación virtual una maqueta en papel que había sido realizada por el bibliotecario del instituto como resultado de sus investigaciones a lo largo de los años. El presente texto describe el proceso de modelado 3D a partir de esta maqueta de papel utilizando técnicas de fotogrametría monoscópica (dibujo perspectivo) y el empleo de renderizados no realistas basados en el aspecto de la maqueta de papel (y no en el que debieron tener los edificios) con el fin de generar vistas evocadoras del convento y crear contenidos útiles para la mencionada exposición. Asimismo, el texto trata la preservación a largo plazo de los modelos 3D y el incremento de su reutilización. En el primer caso, mediante el empleo de los repositorios institucionales —desde donde los usuarios pueden descargarse las versiones más detalladas— y, para el segundo fin, mediante la creación de versiones para su uso a través de almacenes de modelos 3D (como Sketchfab) y aplicaciones de realidad aumentada (RA).The authors wish to thank Mr. Alberto Abad Benito, director of the Práxedes Mateo Sagasta’s secondary school, for his enthusiasm and help in the development of this project. This article is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Fernando R. Blanco Martín, librarian of the Práxedes Mateo Sagasta’s secondary school for more than 25 years, who sadly died in 2019. We are grateful for both his tireless work in recovering information concerning the history of the city and the school, as well as the many pleasant conversations with him enjoyed by these authors. The participation of Jaione Korro in this research is supported by the Basque Government through a grant for doctoral studies of the call 2019-2020.Rodríguez-Miranda, A.; Valle Melón, JM.; Korro Bañuelos, J.; Elorriaga Aguirre, G. (2021). Interactive virtual representation of the disappeared convent of El Carmen (Logroño) generated from a paper craft model. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(24):77-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.14038OJS77891224Apollonio F. I. (2016). Classification schemes for visualization of uncertainty in digital hypothetical reconstructions. In S. Münster,M. Pfarr-Harfst, P. Kuroczyński & M. Ioannides (Eds.), 3D Research challenges in cultural heritage II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10025, 173-197. Cham: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47647-6_9Azara, P., & Esparza, V. (2006). Maquetas en el mundo antiguo: entrevista a Pedro Azara. DC. Revista de crítica arquitectónica, 15-16, 55-62.Buriánek, J. (2011). Digital Langweil model of Prague. 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    Tularemia is a communicable bacterial disease which affects both humans and animals. Recently, there are reported severe human cases in Kosovo, Montenegro, the Northern part of Albania and Macedonia. The European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) plays an important role as reservoirs of Francisella tularensis infection. In order to study the prevalence of F. tularensis infection we designed a longitudinal study in hares based on both agglutination test and histopathological results. In this study, we report the preliminary results based on tested samples submitted during 2014-2015 and Spring 2016. Samples are taken from different villages of Fyrom Macedonia such as: Debresh, Nerove, Allbance, Presille, Bellushine, Haracine, Tearce etc.. The serologic test by using F. tularensis antigen was performed at the infectious & wildlife diseases laboratories, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Tirana. In addition, we described gross lesions in suspected cases. 14 out of 127 samples were positive in agglutination test Presence of granulomatous inflammation was used as an indicator of F. tularensis infection. Further samples are being analyzed and advanced tests will be used in order to identify the most proper and affordable screening and confirmatory tests for monitoring the epidemiological situation of F. tularensis infection. Despite the serologic test, postmortem examination, Histological examination were also realized. We are in the process of realizing histological examination and bacteria isolation

    Archivo y difusión de contenidos 3D de elementos patrimoniales en repositorios institucionales y plataformas comerciales

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    [ES] En este texto se reflexiona sobre la preservación y difusión de los modelos 3D sobre elementos patrimoniales a través de repositorios institucionales y en plataformas comerciales. Se repasan algunas de las características más destacables de cada opción y se propone un uso conjunto que intente aprovechar las ventajas de ambos.[EN] This text analyses the preservation and dissemination of 3D models about elements of cultural heritage via institutional repositories and commercial webs. Some characteristics of both possibilities are reported and, finally, a combined usage is proposed in order to benefit from the advantages that each one provides

    Documentación de las intervenciones de conservación restauración del patrimonio arquitectónico: perspectiva histórica, situación actual y tendencias de futuro

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    La documentación de las intervenciones de conservación-restauración del patrimonio engloba los procesos metodológicos y los registros generados antes, durante y después de las mismas, influyendo en la preservación del patrimonio. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el contenido de las recomendaciones y normativas que enmarcan estos procesos, estudiando su evolución hasta la situación actual, tanto en el ámbito internacional como nacional. Para ello se analiza la doctrina internacional, la Ley del Patrimonio Histórico Español, las leyes autonómicas y el anteproyecto de reforma de la LPHE. Los resultados muestran que, en la doctrina internacional, las normativas amplían y complementan las anteriores. En el caso de España, cada comunidad autónoma dispone de leyes territoriales que determinan los procesos de intervención que han de disponer de documentación, aunque con diferencias entre ellas. Finalmente, las actualizaciones normativas recientes presentan la tendencia a incluir la documentación de la conservación-restauración, y a incorporar programas preventivos, como un requerimiento dentro del proyecto de intervención.La participación de J.K está financiada por el Gobierno Vasco a través de ayudas para estudios de doctorado, convocatoria 2019-2020 y posteriores renovaciones

    Inventory of the documentation regarding the conservation-restoration interventions taken out in the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, de Yuso (La Rioja) since it was declared a UNESCO Heritage Site in 1997

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    [ES] El monasterio de San Millán, de Yuso está conformado por un conjunto de edificios (iglesia, claustro, refectorio…) de diversas fechas desde el siglo XVI.En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una búsqueda, digitalización y clasificación de los trabajos relativos a las labores de conservación-restauración que se encuentran repartidos en cuatro archivos.[EN] The monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, de Yuso consists of a series of buildings (church, cloister, refectory…) from different epoch since the 16th century. The study located, digitized and classified the information about projects regarding the conservation and restoration of the complex that are scattered in four archives.Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla[ES] Documento PDF con la memoria del proyecto.[EN] Document in Spanish (PDF format) with the report of the project