334 research outputs found

    Comparison of extended and ensemble based Kalman filters with low and high resolution primitive equation ocean models

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    International audienceKalman filters are widely used for data assimilation into ocean models. The aim of this study is to discuss the relevance of these filters with high resolution ocean models. This was investigated through the comparison of two advanced Kalman filters: the singular evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK) filter and its ensemble-based variant, called SEIK filter. The two filters were implemented with the Princeton Ocean model (POM) considering a low spatial resolution configuration (Mediterranean sea model) and a very high one (Pagasitikos Gulf coastal model). It is shown that the two filters perform reasonably well when applied with the low resolution model. However, when the high resolution model is considered, the behavior of the SEEK filter seriously degrades because of strong model nonlinearities while the SEIK filter remains remarkably more stable. Based on the assumption of prior Gaussian distributions, the linear analysis step of the latter can still be improved though

    Eastern Mediterranean biogeochemical flux model: simulations of the pelagic ecosystem

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    International audienceDuring the second phase (2003?2006) of the Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System Project (MFS) named Toward Environmental Predictions (MFSTEP) one of the three major aims was the development of numerical forecasting systems. In this context a generic Biochemical Flux Model (BFM) was developed and coupled with hydrodynamic models already operating at basin scale as well as at regional areas. In the Eastern Mediterranean basin the BFM was coupled with the Aegean Levantine Eddy Resolving MOdel (ALERMO). The BFM is a generic highly complex model based on ERSEM and although a detailed description of the model and its sub models is beyond the scope of this work a short presentation of the main processes, paying emphasis on the parameter values used is presented. Additionally the performance of the model is evaluated with some preliminary results being qualitatively compared against field observations. The model at its present form is rather promising reproducing all major important features even though there are inefficiencies mostly related to primary and bacterial productivity rates

    Assessing the phenomenology of the Cretan Sea shelf area using coupling modelling techniques

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    International audienceIn this work the ability of nesting two hydrodynamical models, the high-resolution Cretan Sea shelf model and the lower resolution regional ALERMO model, was investigated. A new database was developed by objectively analysing raw climatological data from the MODB database enriched with in situ measurements collected by the Institute of Marine Biology of Crete. Prior to nesting with the ALERMO model, the Cretan Sea model was integrated using this new hydrological database, in order to investigate the capability of the model setup to describe the phenomenology of the Cretan Sea. Results show that the model can successfully reproduce the complex general circulation characteristics of the area, such as the dipole of a cyclone and an anticyclone, and the flow reversal between winter and summer. As a next step, the shelf-model was one-way nested with the ALERMO model and was integrated on a climatological basis. The evolution of the circulation characteristics of the Cretan Sea was compared, qualitatively and quantitatively, against the results of the regional model, and proved that the nesting between the two models can provide reliable information while overcoming at the same time the computational constraints imposed by high-resolution models

    Diagnosis of Single- or Multiple-Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo according to the Type of Nystagmus

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    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common peripheral vestibular disorder encountered in primary care and specialist otolaryngology and neurology clinics. It is associated with a characteristic paroxysmal positional nystagmus, which can be elicited with specific diagnostic positional maneuvers, such as the Dix-Hallpike test and the supine roll test. Current clinical research focused on diagnosing and treating various types of BPPV, according to the semicircular canal involved and according to the implicated pathogenetic mechanism. Cases of multiple-canal BPPV have been specifically investigated because until recently these were resistant to treatment with standard canalith repositioning procedures. Probably, the most significant factor in diagnosis of the type of BPPV is observation of the provoked nystagmus, during the diagnostic positional maneuvers. We describe in detail the various types of nystagmus, according to the canals involved, which are the keypoint to accurate diagnosis

    A 2-year intercomparison of the WAM-Cycle4 and the WAVEWATCH-III wave models implemented within the Mediterranean Sea

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    In this work we present the implementation of a wave forecast/hindcast system for the Mediterranean Sea at a 1/10º horizontal resolution and we show a first assessment of its performance by inter-comparing model results to observational data time series at selected points for the period 2000-2001. The system which is part of the POSEIDON-II operational system includes the WAM – Cycle4 and the WAVEWATCH-III wave forecast models (implemented within the same region) one way coupled with the non-hydrostatic version of the ETA atmospheric model which provides at 3-hour intervals the necessary wind velocity fields to the wave models. The same system but based on the WAM-Cycle4 wave model, has been used in the past for the production of the Aegean Sea wind and wave Atlas. Overall, the inter-comparison shows that both wave models are rather skilful in predicting the integral wave parameters with significant wave height skill scores in the range 0.85-0.90 and mean period scores in the range 0.77-0.83. It is also evident that WAM model has a tendency to overestimate mean wave periods while the opposite is true for WAVEWATCH-III model. Differences between the two models simulated spectra exist along the main passage of cyclonic systems over the Mediterranean Sea while in the wind seas dominated areas of the basin (the Aegean Sea for example) the two models show almost the same behavior

    The interplay between cognition, functional and dual-task gait in persons with a vestibular disorder versus healthy controls

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    Close links exist between vestibular function and cognition. Dual-task (DT) tests may have ecological validity to assess the impact of daily life cognitive-motor demands in people with vestibular dysfunction (PwVD), functional gait and falls risk. The present paper aimed at building predictive models for functional gait under DT conditions, while clarifying the impact of vestibular dysfunction, individual characteristics, varying task types and motor-cognitive demands. Case-controlled observational study with 39 PwVD and 62 healthy participants. The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA), with and without an additional motor, numeracy, or literacy task, was completed. Multiple linear regression was used to fit models to predict FGA under single and DT performance. Dual task cost (DTC, %) was calculated to assess DT interference on FGA performance using the equation: 100*(single task score-dual task score)/single-task score. Following Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons (corrected alpha level of 0.003), PwVD had poorer performance than controls for all FGA conditions (p < 0.001), motor (- 3.94%; p = 0.002) and numeracy (- 22.77%; p = 0.001) DTCs and spatial working memory (p = 0.002). The literacy DTC was marginally significant (- 19.39% p = 0.005). FGA single and DT motor, numeracy, and literacy models explained 76%, 76%, 66% and 67% of the variance respectively for PwVD. Sustained attention, visual memory and sex contributed to all models; short-term visual recognition memory, balance confidence, and migraine contributed to some models. Cognitive performance is impaired in PwVD. Motor, numeracy and literacy tasks impair functional gait performance. Cognitive assessment and FGA with a numeracy or literacy cognitive component should be included within assessment protocols and considered in the provision of targeted interventions for PwVD

    Transiently Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions in Children with Otitis Media with Effusion

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    Introduction. Otitis media with effusion is a common pediatric disease whose diagnosis is based on pneumatic otoscopy, pure-tone audiometry, and tympanometry. The aim of this study was to evaluate transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions in the diagnosis of otitis media with effusion as compared to tympanometry. Patients and Methods. 38 children with bilateral otitis media with effusion were studied. 40 normal children of similar age and sex were used as controls. All subjects underwent pneumatic otoscopy, standard pure-tone audiometry, tympanometry, and transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. Results. In the group of children with bilateral otitis media, transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions were absent in 51 ears (67%). In the remaining 25 ears (33%) the mean emission amplitude was reduced, as compared to the mean value of the control group. Conclusions. Transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions should be included in the diagnostic workup of otitis media with effusion because it is a fast, reliable, and objective test. Transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions should always be used in conjunction with tympanometry, because a more meaningful interpretation of transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions measures is possible

    Study of Allergic Rhinitis in Childhood

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    Allergic rhinitis is common among children and quite often represents a stage of the atopic march. Although sensitization to food and airborne allergens may appear in infancy and early childhood, symptoms of the disease are usually present after age 3. The aim of this study was to determine the most frequent food and indoor and outdoor respiratory allergens involved in allergic rhinitis in children in the region of Piraeus. The study was performed in the outpatient clinic of otolaryngologic allergy of a general hospital. Fifty children (ranged 6–14 ) with symptoms of allergic rhinitis and positive radioallergosorbent test (RAST) for IgE antibodies or skin prick tests were included in the study. Thirty six (72%) of the subjects of the study had intermittent allergic rhinitis. The most common aeroallergens determined were grass pollens and Parietaria, whereas egg and milk were the food allergens identified. The detection of indoor and outdoor allergens in the region of Piraeus, based on skin prick tests and RAST tests, showed high incidence of grasses and food allergens, which is similar to other Mediterranean countries

    A comprehensive dataset of vegetation states, fluxes of matter and energy, weather, agricultural management, and soil properties from intensively monitored crop sites in western Germany

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    Data description paperThe development and validation of hydroecological land-surface models to simulate agricultural areas require extensive data on weather, soil properties, agricultural management, and vegetation states and fluxes. However, these comprehensive data are rarely available since measurement, quality control, documentation, and compilation of the different data types are costly in terms of time and money. Here, we present a comprehensive dataset, which was collected at four agricultural sites within the Rur catchment in western Germany in the framework of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (TR32) "Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modeling and Data Assimilation". Vegetation-related data comprise fresh and dry biomass (green and brown, predominantly per organ), plant height, green and brown leaf area index, phenological development state, nitrogen and carbon content (overall > 17 000 entries), and masses of harvest residues and regrowth of vegetation after harvest or before planting of the main crop (> 250 entries). Vegetation data including LAI were collected in frequencies of 1 to 3 weeks in the years 2015 until 2017, mostly during overflights of the Sentinel 1 and Radarsat 2 satellites. In addition, fluxes of carbon, energy, and water (> 180 000 half-hourly records) measured using the eddy covariance technique are included. Three flux time series have simultaneous data from two different heights. Data on agricultural management include sowing and harvest dates as well as information on cultivation, fertilization, and agrochemicals (27 management periods). The dataset also includes gap-filled weather data (> 200 000 hourly records) and soil parameters (particle size distributions, carbon and nitrogen content; > 800 records). These data can also be useful for development and validation of remote-sensing products. The dataset is hosted at the TR32 database (https://www.tr32db.uni-koeln.de/data.php?dataID=1889, last access: 29 September 2020) and has the DOI https://doi.org/10.5880/TR32DB.39 (Reichenau et al., 2020).Peer reviewe