105 research outputs found

    Communicating climate change risk: A content analysis of ipcc\u27s summary for policymakers

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of climate change risk communication in terms of its theoretical potential to stimulate recipients\u27 awareness and behavioral change. We selected the summary for policy makers (SPM) of the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in order to conduct a content analysis; the extended parallel process model and construal level theory served as conceptual lenses to perform the analysis. Specifically, we evaluated to what extent the SPM included informational elements of threat, efficacy and psychological distance related to climate change. The results showed that threat information was prominently present, but efficacy information was less frequently included, and when it was, more often in the latter parts of the SPM. With respect to construal level it was found that in the IPCC report concrete representations were used only sparingly. Theoretical relevance and implications for climate change risk communication with key audiences are discussed

    Zeb2 DNA-Binding Sites in Neuroprogenitor Cells Reveal Autoregulation and Affirm Neurodevelopmental Defects, Including in Mowat-Wilson Syndrome

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    Functional perturbation and action mechanism studies have shown that the transcription factor Zeb2 controls cell fate decisions, differentiation, and/or maturation in multiple cell lineages in embryos and after birth. In cultured embryonic stem cells (ESCs), Zeb2’s mRNA/protein upregulation is necessary for the exit from primed pluripotency and for entering general and neural differentiation. We edited mouse ESCs to produce Flag-V5 epitope-tagged Zeb2 protein from one endogenous allele. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with sequencing (ChIP-seq), we mapped 2432 DNA-binding sites for this tagged Zeb2 in ESC-derived neuroprogenitor cells (NPCs). A new, major binding site maps promoter-proximal to Zeb2 itself. The homozygous deletion of this site demonstrates that autoregulation of Zeb2 is necessary to elicit the appropriate Zeb2-dependent effects in ESC-to-NPC differentiation. We have also cross-referenced all the mapped Zeb2 binding sites with previously obtained transcriptome data from Zeb2 perturbations in ESC-derived NPCs, GABAergic interneurons from the ventral forebrain of mouse embryos, and stem/progenitor cells from the post-natal ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) in mouse forebrain, respectively. Despite the different characteristics of each of these neurogenic systems, we found interesting target gene overlaps. In addition, our study also contributes to explaining developmental disorders, including Mowat-Wilson syndrome caused by ZEB2 deficiency, and also other monogenic syndromes.</p

    Perioperative platelet reactivity over time in patients undergoing vascular surgery: An observational pilot study

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    Background Despite Antiplatelet therapy (APT), cardiovascular patients undergoing revascularisation remain at high risk for thrombotic events. Individual response to APT varies substantially, resulting in insufficient protection from thrombotic events due to high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HTPR) in ≤40% of patients. Individual variation in platelet response impairs APT guidance on a single patient level. Unfortunately, little is known about individual platelet response to APT over time, timing for accurate residual platelet reactivity measurement, or the optimal test to monitor residual platelet reactivity. Aims To investigate residual platelet reactivity variability over time in individual patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) treated with clopidogrel. Methods Platelet reactivity was determined in patients undergoing CEA in a prospective, single-centre, observational study using the VerifyNow (change in turbidity from ADP-induced binding to fibrinogen-coated beads), the VASP assay (quantification of phosphorylation of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein), and a flow-cytometry-based assay (PACT) at four perioperative time points. Genotyping identified slow (CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*3) and fast (CYP2C19*17) metabolisers. Results Between December 2017 and November 2019, 50 patients undergoing CEA were included. Platelet reactivity measured with the VerifyNow (p = < .001) and VASP (p = .029) changed over time, while the PACT did not. The VerifyNow identified patients changing HTRP status after surgery. The VASP identified patients changing HTPR status after eight weeks (p = .018). CYP2C19 genotyping identified 13 slow metabolisers. Conclusion In patients undergoing CEA, perioperative platelet reactivity measurements fluctuate over time with little agreement between platelet reactivity assays. Consequently, HTPR status of individual patients measured with the VerifyNow and VASP assay changed over time. Therefore, generally used perioperative platelet reactivity measurements seem unreliable for adjusting perioperative APT strategy

    Segmental volvulus of the ileum without malrotation in an infant: A case report

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    AbstractIntestinal volvulus usually occur secondary to malrotation, and primary segmental volvulus has rarely been reported. A 12-month-old female infant presented with a 3-day history of excessive vomiting. An ultrasonography revealed a “whirlpool sign” in the right upper abdomen, suggesting small bowel volvulus with obstruction. Laparotomy revealed a twisted, viable loop of small bowel in the right upper abdomen, and abnormal adhesions were noted between the distal and mid ileum, with resulting mesenteric narrowing. Attempted mesenteric widening by dissection of the peritoneum overlying the adhesions failed, because of abnormal, taut mesenteric vessels. Subsequent resection of the involved segment cured the patient. Recurrent obstructive symptoms in an infant can be an atypical presentation of segmental volvulus, and segmental volvulus should be included in the differential diagnosis of such cases

    Targeted chromatin conformation analysis identifies novel distal neural enhancers of ZEB2 in pluripotent stem cell differentiation

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    The transcription factor zinc finger E-box binding protein 2 (ZEB2) controls embryonic and adult cell fate decisions and cellular maturation in many stem/progenitor cell types. Defects in these processes in specific cell types underlie several aspects of Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MOWS), which is caused by ZEB2 haplo-insufficiency. Human ZEB2, like mouse Zeb2, is located on chromosome 2 downstream of a ±3.5 Mb-long gene-desert, lacking any protein-coding gene. Using temporal targeted chromatin capture (T2C), we show major chromatin structural changes based on mapping in-cis proximities between the ZEB2 promoter and this gene desert during neural differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells, including at early neuroprogenitor cell (NPC)/rosette state, where ZEB2 mRNA levels increase significantly. Combining T2C with histone-3 acetylation mapping, we identified three novel candidate enhancers about 500 kb upstream of the ZEB2 transcription start site. Functional luciferase-based assays in heterologous cells and NPCs reveal co-operation between these three enhancers. This study is the first to document in-cis Regulatory Elements located in ZEB2's gene desert. The results further show the usability of T2C for future studies of ZEB2 REs in differentiation and maturation of multiple cell types and the molecular characterization of newly identified MOWS patients that lack mutations in ZEB2 protein-coding exons

    Flow Cytometry Based Platelet Reactivity Testing to Predict the Occurrence of Per-operative Solid Microemboli During Carotid Endarterectomy

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    OBJECTIVE: Peri-operative antiplatelet therapy (APT) aims to prevent thrombotic events such as stroke. High platelet reactivity ,despite the use use of APT, increases the risk of thrombotic events. Transcranial Doppler imaging (TCD) is used to detect peri-operative microembolic signals (MES) during carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Peri-operative MES are associated with an increased risk of procedural stroke and new silent lesions on diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging following surgery. The main components of TCD detected MES are platelet aggregates, and therefore patients displaying multiple MES during surgery could have benefited from more stringent APT. This study investigated whether the use of flow cytometry based platelet reactivity measurements were correlated with the incidence of pre-operative MES and thereby in the future suitable to predict patients at increased risk of peri-operative thrombotic events. METHODS: Bilateral TCD with MES detection was performed in 197 patients undergoing CEA. Platelet reactivity was assessed with a flow cytometry based platelet reactivity assay measuring platelet response in whole blood. High on treatment platelet reactivity status was assessed for all patients. The secondary outcome was major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) within one year. RESULTS: In total, 197 patients were included, 49 had peri-operative MES. The platelet response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) correlated with MES (p = .021), and high on treatment platelet reactivity after adenosine diphosphate stimulation was associated with MACE (OR 2.34, 95% confidence interval 1.126 - 4.890, p = .023). CONCLUSION: Pre-operative platelet reactivity determined by flow cytometry after ADP stimulation correlated with the occurrence of intra-operative MES and post-operative MACE. Clopidogrel treatment showed the most substantial effect on reducing MES frequency and platelet reactivity measured by flow cytometry

    A simplified protocol for the generation of cortical brain organoids

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    Human brain organoid technology has the potential to generate unprecedented insight into normal and aberrant brain development. It opens up a developmental time window in which the effects of gene or environmental perturbations can be experimentally tested. However, detection sensitivity and correct interpretation of phenotypes are hampered by notable batch-to-batch variability and low reproducibility of cell and regional identities. Here, we describe a detailed, simplified protocol for the robust and reproducible generation of brain organoids with cortical identity from feeder-independent induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This self-patterning approach minimizes media supplements and handling steps, resulting in cortical brain organoids that can be maintained over prolonged periods and that contain radial glial and intermediate progenitors, deep and upper layer neurons, and astrocytes

    Effects of Deletion of Macrophage ABCA7 on Lipid Metabolism and the Development of Atherosclerosis in the Presence and Absence of ABCA1

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    ABCA7, a close relative of ABCA1 which facilitates cholesterol efflux to lipid-poor apoproteins, has been implicated in macrophage lipid efflux and clearance of apoptotic cells in in vitro studies. In the current study, we investigated the in vivo effects of macrophage ABCA7 deficiency on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. Chimeras with dysfunctional ABCA7 in macrophages and other blood cells were generated by transplantation of bone marrow from ABCA7 knockout (KO) mice into irradiated low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) KO mice. Unexpectedly, macrophage ABCA7 deficiency did not significantly affect atherosclerosis susceptibility of LDLr KO mice after 10 weeks Western-type diet feeding. However, ABCA7 deficiency was associated with 2-fold (p<0.05) higher macrophage ABCA1 mRNA expression levels. Combined disruption of ABCA1 and ABCA7 in bone-marrow-derived cells increased atherosclerotic lesion development (1.5-fold (p>0.05) as compared to wild type transplanted mice. However, single deletion of ABCA1 had a similar effect (1.8-fold, p<0.05). Macrophage foam cell accumulation in the peritoneal cavity was reduced in ABCA1/ABCA7 dKO transplanted animals as compared to single ABCA1 KO transplanted mice, which was associated with increased ABCG1 expression. Interestingly, spleens of ABCA1/ABCA7 double KO transplanted mice were significantly larger as compared to the other 3 groups and showed massive macrophage lipid accumulation, a reduction in CD3+ T-cells, and increased expression of key regulators of erythropoiesis. In conclusion, deletion of ABCA7 in bone marrow-derived cells does not affect atherogenesis in the arterial wall neither in the absence or presence of ABCA1. Interestingly, combined deletion of bone marrow ABCA1 and ABCA7 causes severe splenomegaly associated with cellular lipid accumulation, a reduction in splenic CD3+ T cells, and induced markers of erythropoeisis. Our data indicate that ABCA7 may play a role in T cell proliferation and erythropoeisis in spleen

    Challenges in Using Cultured Primary Rodent Hepatocytes or Cell Lines to Study Hepatic HDL Receptor SR-BI Regulation by Its Cytoplasmic Adaptor PDZK1

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    Background: PDZK1 is a four PDZ-domain containing cytoplasmic protein that binds to a variety of membrane proteins via their C-termini and can influence the abundance, localization and/or function of its target proteins. One of these targets in hepatocytes in vivo is the HDL receptor SR-BI. Normal hepatic expression of SR-BI protein requires PDZK1 - <5% of normal hepatic SR-BI is seen in the livers of PDZK1 knockout mice. Progress has been made in identifying features of PDZK1 required to control hepatic SR-BI in vivo using hepatic expression of wild-type and mutant forms of PDZK1 in wild-type and PDZK1 KO transgenic mice. Such in vivo studies are time consuming and expensive, and cannot readily be used to explore many features of the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we have explored the potential to use either primary rodent hepatocytes in culture using 2D collagen gels with newly developed optimized conditions or PDZK1/SR-BI co-transfected cultured cell lines (COS, HEK293) for such studies. SR-BI and PDZK1 protein and mRNA expression levels fell rapidly in primary hepatocyte cultures, indicating this system does not adequately mimic hepatocytes in vivo for analysis of the PDZK1 dependence of SR-BI. Although PDZK1 did alter SR-BI protein expression in the cell lines, its influence was independent of SR-BI’s C-terminus, and thus is not likely to occur via the same mechanism as that which occurs in hepatocytes in vivo. Conclusions/Significance: Caution must be exercised in using primary hepatocytes or cultured cell lines when studying the mechanism underlying the regulation of hepatic SR-BI by PDZK1. It may be possible to use SR-BI and PDZK1 expression as sensitive markers for the in vivo-like state of hepatocytes to further improve primary hepatocyte cell culture conditions.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HL052212)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HL066105)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES015241)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM068762
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