8 research outputs found

    Rigidity versus flexibility: is this an issue in S1 (sigma-1) receptor ligand affinity and activity?

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    A set of stereoisomeric 2,5-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octanes 14 and 15 was prepared in a chiral-pool synthesis starting from (S)- or (R)-aspartate. The key step in the synthesis was a Dieckmann-analogous cyclization of (dioxopiperazinyl)acetates 8, which involved trapping uf the intermediate hemiketal anion with Me3SiCl. The \u3c31 affinity was tested using membrane preparations from animal (guinea pig) and human origin. The binding of bicyclic compounds was analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations based on a 3D homology model of the \u3c31 receptor. The good correlation between Ki values observed in the \u3c31 assays and calculated free binding energy, coupled with the identification of four crucial ligand/receptor interactions allowed the formulation of structure affinity relationships. In an in vitro antitumor assay with seven human tumor cell lines, the bicyclic compounds inhibited selectively the growth of the cell line A427, which is due to induction of apoptosis. In this assay, the compounds behave like the known \u3c31 receptor antagonist haloperidol

    Apoptose und Autophagozytose in Krebszellen: Mechanismen des Zelltodes, verursacht durch Sigma-Rezeptor-Liganden und photoaktivierbare Pt(IV)-Komplexe

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten zwei verschiedene Wirkstoffklassen auf ihre Fähigkeit Apoptose und Autophagozytose zu aktivieren analysiert werden. Dabei wurden 39 Sigma-Rezeptor-Liganden, die an der Universität Münster (Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Bernhard Wünsch) synthetisiert wurden, zunächst auf ihre antiproliferativen Eigenschaften in acht humanen Krebszelllinien untersucht. Anhand der Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich große, raumfüllende Substituenten an beiden N-Atomen des Piperazin-Grundgerüstes positiv auf die Hemmung des Zellwachstums auswirken. Da die Multiple Myelom Zellinie RPMI 8226 eine hohe Dichte an Sigma-Rezeptoren exprimiert, wurde sie für weitere Versuche herangezogen. Als repräsentative Liganden wurde das Enantiomerenpaar (S)-11 und (R)-11 für weitere Versuche ausgewählt, da es neben einer guten Affinität zu beiden Rezeptor-Subtypen auch antiproliferierende Eigenschaften in der RPMI 8226-Zelllinie zeigte. Die Behandlung führte zur zeitabhängigen Induktion der Apoptose, die mit den typischen Charakteristika wie morphologische Membranausstülpungen, Annexin-V positive Zellen und der Chromatinkondensation einherging. Die Detektion von aktivierter Caspase-3, -8 und -9 im Durchflusszytometer deutete zunächst auf eine Beteiligung beider Signalwege der Apoptose hin. Da im Western Blot keine Caspase-9-Spaltprodukte detektiert werden konnten und auch die Vorinkubation mit den Caspase-Inhibitoren z-VAD-FMK und M50054 keinen Effekt auf die Apoptoserate bewirkte, scheinen die Caspasen im Sigma-Ligand-vermittelten Zelltod eine untergeordnete Rolle einzunehmen. Die frühe Abnahme des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials verbunden mit der zunehmenden Konzentration des Apoptose-induzierenden Faktors (AIF) im Zytosol der RPMI 8226-Zellen deuten ebenfalls auf eine Caspase-unabhängige Form der Apoptose hin, die besonders für Sigma(2)-Agonisten bereits beschrieben ist. Und auch in diesem Projekt zeigen die Sigma-Liganden zytotoxische Aktivitäten, wenn sie eine Affinität zum Sigma(2)-Rezeptor aufweisen. Neben der Apoptose konnten (S)-11 und (R)-11 auch die Autophagozytose induzieren. Dieser Prozess scheint jedoch der Apoptose nachgeschaltet zu sein und weist darauf hin, dass es sich nicht um einen Schutzmechanismus der Zelle handelt, sondern eher in einer direkten Form des programmierten Zelltodes vom Typ II begründet ist. Dieser ist bisher noch nicht für Sigma-Rezeptor-Liganden beschrieben und könnte einen Vorteil gegenüber anderen Vertretern dieser Wirkstoffklasse darstellen. Eine Gemeinsamkeit von Sigma-Ligand-induzierter Apoptose und Autophagozytose liegt in ihrer Aktivierung durch die Lipidperoxidation. Es wurde ein sehr früher Anstieg von LPO-Produkten detektiert, der sich nur durch das lipophile Antioxidans alpha-Tocopherol beeinflussen ließ. Desweiteren konnte die antiproliferierende Wirkung von (S)- 11 und (R)-11 im MTT-Assay komplett blockiert werden, und auch die Apoptoseraten wurden durch den Radikalfänger signifikant erniedrigt. Die Hemmung der LC3-II-Expression im Western Blot durch alpha-Tocopherol verdeutlicht auch hier die Beteiligung der LPO an der Autophagozytose. Als Vertreter einer weiteren Wirkstoffklasse wurde der phtoaktivierbare Pt(IV)-Komplex FM 165, der in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Peter Sadler (Universität Warwick, UK) synthetisiert wurde, untersucht. Die antiproliferierenden Eigenschaften der photoaktivierbaren Pt(IV)-Verbindung können nicht mit der Apoptose als Zelltodmechanismus begründet werden. In diesem Fall ließen sich keine morphologischen Charakteristika nachweisen und auch die Annexin-V Anfärbung fiel negativ aus. Die weiteren Untersuchungen zeigten jedoch auch die Aktivierung der Autophagozytose durch Expression von LC3-II und p62 im Western Blot. Eine Hemmung lysosomaler Enzyme durch die Protease-Inhibitoren E64d und Pepstatin A führte zu erhöhten LC3-II-Konzentrationen sowie einer p62-Akkumulation. Im Gegensatz zu den Sigma-Rezeptor-Liganden deutet dies eher auf eine vollständige Verlaufsform hin. Da die Autophagozytose bereits nach 6 h-Behandlung mit FM 165 detektiert wurde, ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es sich zunächst um eine zellschützende Funktion handeln könnte. Auch beim FM 165 scheinen oxidative Vorgänge eine wichtige Rolle hinsichtlich der Autophagozytose-Aktivierung zu übernehmen. Nach erfolgter Photoaktivierung der Zellen ließen sich ansteigende ROS Konzentrationen verzeichnen, die nach 2 h deutlich wurden und somit noch vor der Autophagozytose entstehen.In the present study two different classes of potential chemotherapeutic agents were investigated for their ability to induce apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells growing in vitro. In the first group, developed at the University of Münster in the group of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wünsch, 39 sigma-receptor-ligands were examined for their antiproliferative activity in a panel of eight different human cancer cell lines. Based on these data structure activity relationships (SAR) were constructed showing that a bulky residue at both N-atoms of the piperazine scaffold had a positive effect on cell growth inhibition. Due to the fact that the multiple myeloma cell line RPMI 8226 possess a high level of sigma-receptors, this cell line was used for further investigations on the mechanism of cell death. The enantiomers (S)-11 and (R)-11 were used throughout these investigations as model compounds because of their affinity for both sigma-receptors and their antiproliferative activity in the RPMI 8226 cell line. It was found that both compounds induced apoptosis in the multiple myeloma in a time-dependent manner. Typical characteristics of apoptosis such as morphological changes, annexin-V positive cells and chromatin condensation were detected. The activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 indicated an involvement of both the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathways. However, by western blot analysis no cleaved caspase-9 fragments were observed, and pretreatment with the caspase inhibitors z-VAD-FMK and M50054 both failed to block apoptosis. Therefore, both sigma-receptor-ligands appear to induce apoptosis by a caspase-independent pathway, caspases playing only a minor role in initiating cell death. Moreover, the early disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential paralleled the increasing levels of the apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) in the cytosolic fraction, further evidence that apoptosis is caspase-independent. Similar results have already been described for sigma(2)-agonists. In this work there appears to be a correlation between ¦Ò-ligands that showed cytotoxic activity and those that have affinity for the sigma(2)-receptor. In addition to apoptosis, (S)-11 and (R)-11 were also able to induce autophagy, which was first detected after the apoptotic machinery was put into action. Therefore, autophagy can not be cytoprotective but could rather be a direct cause of programmed cell death (type II). This characteristic, which has not been described for sigma-receptor-ligands to date, might give an advantage over other representatives of this class of sigma-ligands for use as anticancer drugs. Both apoptosis and autophagy appeared to be activated by lipid peroxidation (LPO). Detection of LPO generation was an early event that occurred within 1 h of treatment, and this could be suppressed by preincubation with the lipophilic antioxidant alpha-tocopherol. Notably, alpha-tocopherol diminished significantly the antiproliferative activity of (S)-11 and (R)-11 in the MTT-assay as well as the levels of annexin-V positive apoptotic cells. alpha-Tocopherol was also a potent inhibitor of autophagy, as evidenced by blockage of LC3-II-expression in western blot analysis, strengthening the idea that LPO plays a central role in programmed cell death. In a second group of potential anticancer agents, developed at the University of Warwick in the group of Prof. Dr. Peter Sadler, one photoactivatable Pt(IV)-diazide (FM165) was investigated. In contrast to the sigma-ligands, the antiproliferative activity of the photoactivatable FM165 in the HL60 human leukemia cell line could not be explained by apoptosis because the typical morphological characteristics and annexin-V positive cells were not observed. However, further investigations revealed the activation of autophagy based on the expression of LC3-II and p62 in western blot analysis. Inhibition of lysosomic enzymes with the protease inhibitors E64d and Pepstatin A led to an increased LC3-II formation as well as p62 accumulation when cells were treated with photoactivated FM165. In contrast to the ¦Ò-receptor-ligands, this data indicates a completely functional form of autophagy in HL60 cells. The early detection of autophagy after only 6 h incubation with photoactivated FM165 would appear to indicate that autophagy is cytoprotective, at least at first. Oxidative processes are also important during activation of autophagy by FM165 after photoactivation. In this case, ROS levels increased after 2 h, that is before autophagy was detected, hence their formation may be an autophagy trigger

    Synthesis, pharmacological evaluation and \u3c31 receptor interaction analysis of hydroxyethyl substituted piperazines

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    Starting from (S)- or (R)-aspartate, three synthetic strategies were explored to prepare hydroxyethyl substituted piperazines with different substituents at the N-atoms. \u3c3 receptor affinity was recorded using receptor material from both animal and human origin. \u3c31 affinities determined with guinea pig brain and human RPMI 8226 tumor cell lines differed slightly but showed the same tendency. (S)-2-[4-(Cyclohexylmethyl)-1-(naphthalene-2-ylmethyl)piperazin-2-yl]ethanol (7c) revealed the highest affinity at human \u3c31 receptors (Ki = 6.8 nM). The potent \u3c31 receptor ligand 7c was able to inhibit selectively the growth of three human tumor cell lines with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. The reduced growth of the RPMI-8226 cell line was caused by apoptosis. The interaction of 7c with the \u3c31 receptor was analyzed in detail using the 3D homology model of the \u3c31 receptor. The calculated free binding energies of all hydroxyethylpiperazines nicely correlate with their recorded affinities toward the human \u3c31 receptor

    Trans,trans,trans-[PtIV(N3)2(OH)2(py)(NH3)]:A Light-Activated Antitumor Platinum Complex That Kills Human Cancer Cells by an Apoptosis-Independent Mechanism

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    Photoactivatable PtIV diazido complexes have unusual photobiologic properties. We show here that trans,trans,trans-[PtIV(N3)2(OH)2(py)(NH3)] complex 3 is a potent photoactivated cytotoxin toward human cancer cells in culture, with an average IC50 value in 13 cell lines of 55 ± 28 μmol/L after 30 minutes (0.12 mW/cm2) photoactivation with UVA, although visible light was also effective. Photoactivated complex 3 was noncross-resistant to cisplatin in 3 of 4 resistant cell lines. Cell swelling but very little blebbing was seen for HL60 cells treated with irradiated complex 3. Unlike cisplatin and etoposide, both of which cause apoptosis in HL60 cells, no apoptosis was observed for UVA-activated complex 3 by the Annexin V/propidium iodide flow cytotometry assay. Changes in the levels of the autophagic proteins LC3B-II and p62 in HL60 cells treated with UVA-activated complex 3 indicate autophagy is active during cell death. In a clonogenic assay with the SISO human cervix cancer cell line, 3 inhibited colony formation when activated by UVA irradiation. Antitumor activity of complex 3 in mice bearing xenografted OE19 esophageal carcinoma tumors was photoaugmented by visible light. Insights into the novel reaction pathways of complex 3 have been obtained from 14N{1H} nuclear magnetic resonance studies, which show that photoactivation pathways can involve release of free azide in buffered solution. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations revealed the dissociative character of singlet and triplet excited states of complex 3, which gives rise to reactive, possibly cytotoxic azidyl radicals. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(9); 1894–904. ©2012 AACR

    Synthesis, Pharmacological Evaluation, and σ<sub>1</sub> Receptor Interaction Analysis of Hydroxyethyl Substituted Piperazines

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    Starting from (<i>S</i>)- or (<i>R</i>)-aspartate, three synthetic strategies were explored to prepare hydroxyethyl substituted piperazines with different substituents at the N-atoms. σ receptor affinity was recorded using receptor material from both animal and human origin. σ<sub>1</sub> affinities determined with guinea pig brain and human RPMI 8226 tumor cell lines differed slightly but showed the same tendency. (<i>S</i>)-2-[4-(Cyclohexylmethyl)-1-(naphthalene-2-ylmethyl)­piperazin-2-yl]­ethanol (<b>7c</b>) revealed the highest affinity at human σ<sub>1</sub> receptors (<i>K</i><sub>i</sub> = 6.8 nM). The potent σ<sub>1</sub> receptor ligand <b>7c</b> was able to inhibit selectively the growth of three human tumor cell lines with IC<sub>50</sub> values in the low micromolar range. The reduced growth of the RPMI-8226 cell line was caused by apoptosis. The interaction of <b>7c</b> with the σ<sub>1</sub> receptor was analyzed in detail using the 3D homology model of the σ<sub>1</sub> receptor. The calculated free binding energies of all hydroxyethylpiperazines nicely correlate with their recorded affinities toward the human σ<sub>1</sub> receptor

    Rigidity versus Flexibility: Is This an Issue in σ<sub>1</sub> Receptor Ligand Affinity and Activity?

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    Stereoisomeric 2,5-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]­octanes <b>14</b> and <b>15</b> were prepared in a chiral-pool synthesis starting from (<i>S</i>)- or (<i>R</i>)-aspartate. The key step in the synthesis was a Dieckmann-analogous cyclization of (dioxopiperazinyl)­acetates <b>8</b>, which involved trapping of the intermediate hemiketal anion with Me<sub>3</sub>SiCl. The σ<sub>1</sub> affinity was tested using membrane preparations from animal (guinea pig) and human origin. The binding of bicyclic compounds was analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations based on a 3D homology model of the σ<sub>1</sub> receptor. The good correlation between <i>K</i><sub>i</sub> values observed in the σ<sub>1</sub> assays and calculated free binding energy, coupled with the identification of four crucial ligand/receptor interactions, allowed the formulation of structure–affinity relationships. In an in vitro antitumor assay with seven human tumor cell lines, the bicyclic compounds inhibited selectively the growth of the cell line A427, which is due to induction of apoptosis. In this assay, the compounds behave like the known σ<sub>1</sub> receptor antagonist haloperidol