42 research outputs found

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    Arvosteltu teos: Biskops- och prostvisitationsprotokoll från det äldre Wiborgska stiftet / på basis av Albin Simolins samling kompletterade och utgivna av Esko Häkli. Helsingfors : Finska kyrkohistoriska samfundet, 2015

    In memoriam Anu PylkkĂ€nen (1959–2013)

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    HyvÀt, pahat ja rumat maallikkoasioitsijat: Mielikuvat oikeudellisen tiedon haltijoista autonomian ajan Suomessa

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    Tieto ei sinÀnsÀ yleensÀ ole hyvÀÀ tai pahaa. Tieto on kuitenkin valtaa, eikÀ oikeudellinen tieto ole tÀstÀ poikkeus. Oikeudellinen tietotaito oli rahanarvoista ennen ja nyt, ja siitÀ saattoi olla merkittÀvÀÀ hyötyÀ henkilölle itselleen, mutta myös hÀnen yhteisölleen ja perheelleen kulttuurisena pÀÀomana. NykyÀÀn oikeudellista työtÀ Suomessa tekevÀt ennen kaikkea yliopistokoulutetut juristit. NÀin ei ole ollut aina. Maassamme on perinteisesti hankittu oikeudellista tietotaitoa kÀytÀnnön toiminnan kautta, vaikka yliopistotutkinnoista onkin 1900-luvun kuluessa tullut lÀhes yksinomainen vÀylÀ oikeudellisiin ammatteihin

    Marrying Off Sons and Daughters: Attitudes towards the Consent of Parents and Guardians in Early Modern Sweden

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    Curate Samuel Josephi Lithovius of LimingĂ„ (Liminka) in Ostrobothnia was one of the six representatives of the clergy of the diocese of Åbo (Turku) at the diet of Stockholm in 1647. At the diet, however, he was accused by his fellow clergymen of having performed an irregular solemnization (pĂ„ oordentligit wijs - - hadhe sammanwigdt) at the manor of Åhrsta outside the city of Stockholm. By doing this, he had usurped the authority of another priest and ‘confirmed the madness (galenskap) and disorder with which the parties had commenced their marriage’ for a sum of money. By his actions, he had compromised the whole estate (uppĂ„lagdt heela ministerio - - een elack notam).Curate Samuel Josephi Lithovius of LimingĂ„ (Liminka) in Ostrobothnia was one of the six representatives of the clergy of the diocese of Åbo (Turku) at the diet of Stockholm in 1647. At the diet, however, he was accused by his fellow clergymen of having performed an irregular solemnization (pĂ„ oordentligit wijs - - hadhe sammanwigdt) at the manor of Åhrsta outside the city of Stockholm. By doing this, he had usurped the authority of another priest and ‘confirmed the madness (galenskap) and disorder with which the parties had commenced their marriage’ for a sum of money. By his actions, he had compromised the whole estate (uppĂ„lagdt heela ministerio - - een elack notam)

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    Particularisme juridique et dĂ©veloppements communs (Moyen-Âge–Temps modernes): Une perspective suĂ©doise

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    This article discusses some key features of the medieval and early modern Swedish legal culture from a comparative European perspective. These key traits include an early codification of (nation-wide) law, the predominance of written law and a reliance on laymen as judges rather than university-trained lawyers. In fact, these became cornerstones of a national legal historical identity in early modern and modern Sweden and Finland. Finally, a comparative approach is considered indispensable in order to analyse particularisms and common developments in legal history.</p

    Legal Literacy in Premodern European Societies

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    Rikos ja ruumiin rankaisu : itsemurha suurvalta-Ruotsissa

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    Arvosteltu teos: Suicide in the seventeenth-century Sweden: The crime and legal praxis in the lower courts / Riikka Miettinen (Tampereen yliopisto, 2015)