28 research outputs found

    Non-cooperative joint replenishment under asymmetric information

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider jointly replenishing n ex-ante identical firms that operate under an EOQ like setting using a non-cooperative game under asymmetric information. In this game, each firm, upon being privately informed about its demand rate (or inventory cost rate), submits a private contribution to an intermediary that specifies how much it is willing to pay for its replenishment per unit of time and the intermediary determines the maximum feasible frequency for the joint orders that would finance the fixed replenishment cost. We show that a Bayesian Nash equilibrium exists and characterize the equilibrium in this game. We also show that the contributions are monotone increasing in each firm’s type. We finally conduct a numerical study to compare the equilibrium to solutions obtained under independent and cooperative ordering, and under full information. The results show that while information asymmetry eliminates free-riding in the contributions game, the resulting aggregate contributions are not as high as under full information, leading to higher aggregate costs. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Utilization-based dynamic scheduling algorithm for wireless mesh networks

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    Channel access scheduling is one of the key components in the design of multihop wireless mesh networks (WMNs). This paper addresses the allocation/demand mismatch problem observed in oblivious WMN channel access scheduling schemes and proposes Utilization-Based Scheduling (UBS). UBS is a Spatial-TDMA- (STDMA-) based dynamic channel access scheduling scheme designed with the aim of increasing the application-level throughput. In UBS, each node has a weight, which is dynamically adjusted in accordance with the node's slot usage history and packet-queue occupancy. UBS is a fully distributed algorithm, where each node adjusts its own weight and makes pseudorandom transmission attempts using only the locally available information. To demonstrate the performance improvements of the dynamic weight adjustment, the performance of UBS is compared against other channel access scheduling schemes through extensive ns-2 simulations under both uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns. © 2010 Miray Kas et al

    Active node determination for correlated data gathering in wireless sensor networks

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In wireless sensor network applications where data gathered by different sensor nodes is correlated, not all sensor nodes need to be active for the wireless sensor network to be functional. Given that the sensor nodes that are selected as active form a connected wireless network, the inactive sensor nodes can be turned off. Allowing some sensor nodes to be active and some sensor nodes inactive interchangably during the lifecycle of the application helps the wireless sensor network to have a longer lifetime. The problem of determining a set of active sensor nodes in a correlated data environment for a fully operational wireless sensor network can be formulated as an instance of the connected correlation-dominating set problem. In this work, our contribution is twofold; we propose an effective and runtime-efficient iterative improvement heuristic to solve the active sensor node determination problem, and a benefit function that aims to minimize the number of active sensor nodes while maximizing the residual energy levels of the selected active sensor nodes. Extensive simulations we performed show that the proposed approach achieves a good performance in terms of both network lifetime and runtime efficiency. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A framework for use of wireless sensor networks in forest fire detection and monitoring

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Forest fires are one of the main causes of environmental degradation nowadays. Current surveillance systems for forest fires lack in supporting real-time monitoring of every point of a region at all times and early detection of fire threats. Solutions using wireless sensor networks, on the other hand, can gather sensory data values, such as temperature and humidity, from all points of a field continuously, day and night, and, provide fresh and accurate data to the fire-fighting center quickly. However, sensor networks face serious obstacles like limited energy resources and high vulnerability to harsh environmental conditions, that have to be considered carefully. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for the use of wireless sensor networks for forest fire detection and monitoring. Our framework includes proposals for the wireless sensor network architecture, sensor deployment scheme, and clustering and communication protocols. The aim of the framework is to detect a fire threat as early as possible and yet consider the energy consumption of the sensor nodes and the environmental conditions that may affect the required activity level of the network. We implemented a simulator to validate and evaluate our proposed framework. Through extensive simulation experiments, we show that our framework can provide fast reaction to forest fires while also consuming energy efficiently. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effects of physical channel separation on application flows in a multi-radio multi-hop wireless mesh network: An experimental study on BilMesh testbed

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we introduce BilMesh, an indoor 802.11 b/g mesh networking testbed we established, and we report about our performance experiments conducted on multi-hop topologies with single-radio and multi-radio relay nodes. We investigate and report the effects of using multi-radio, multi-channel relay nodes in the mesh networking infrastructure in terms of network and application layer performance metrics. We also study the effects of physical channel separation on achievable end-to-end goodput perceived by the applications in the multi-radio case by varying the channel separation between the radio interfaces of a multi-radio relay node. We have observed that the difference between TCP and UDP goodput performances together with the delay and jitter performance depends on the hop count. We also observed that assigning overlapping channels with a central frequency separation of 5-15 MHz may render the CSMA mechanism used in 802.11 MAC ineffective and hence reduce the overall network performance. Finally, we provide some suggestions that can be considered while designing related protocols and algorithms to deal with the observed facts. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A novel measurement-based approach for modeling and computing interference factors for wireless channels

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Wireless communication technologies divide their available spectrum into pre-defined channels. Some wireless technologies, such as the IEEE 802.11b/g, define their channels in such a way that adjacent channels share the spectrum. When two distinct channels share some part of their spectrum, simultaneous transmissions on these channels cause what is k own as the adjacent channel interference. For problems that consider adjacent channel interference, such as the channel assignment problem for multi-channel wireless mesh networks, we need a model that quantitatively describes adjacent channel interference. The interference factor is a concept defined to quantify the amount of the overlap, hence the interference, between two wireless channels. Analytical and experimental methods have been proposed in the literature to define the interference factors among channels of a wireless technology. In this article, we propose a physical-layer-measurement-based, technology-independent and generic approach that is capable of determining interference factors between the channels of a wireless technology and also between the channels of two different wireless technologies, such as IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4. We also report our measurement results for interference factors among 802.11b DSSS channels and between 802.15.4 and 802.11b channels. Our results show that our approach is practical, accurate and generic enough to compute the interference factors of radio channels belonging to various wireless communication technologies. © 2013 Ulucinar et al

    Multi-period supplier selection under price uncertainty

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider a problem faced by a procurement manager who needs to purchase a large volume of multiple items over multiple periods from multiple suppliers that provide base prices and discounts. Discounts are contingent on meeting various conditions on total volume or spend, and some are tied to future realizations of random events that can be mutually verified. We formulate a scenario-based multi-stage stochastic optimization model that allows us to consider random events such as a drop in price because of the most favoured customer clauses, a price change in the spot market or a new discount offer. We propose certainty-equivalent heuristics and evaluate the regret of using them. We use our model for three bidding events of a large manufacturing company. The results show that considering most favored customer clauses in supplier offers may create substantial savings that may surpass the savings from regular discount offers

    Sleep scheduling with expected common coverage in wireless sensor networks

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    Abstract Sleep scheduling, which is putting some sensor nodes into sleep mode without harming network functionality, is a common method to reduce energy consumption in dense wireless sensor networks. This paper proposes a distributed and energy efficient sleep scheduling and routing scheme that can be used to extend the lifetime of a sensor network while maintaining a user defined coverage and connectivity. The scheme can activate and deactivate the three basic units of a sensor node (sensing, processing, and communication units) independently. The paper also provides a probabilistic method to estimate how much the sensing area of a node is covered by other active nodes in its neighborhood. The method is utilized by the proposed scheduling and routing scheme to reduce the control message overhead while deciding the next modes (fullactive, semi-active, inactive/sleeping) of sensor nodes. We evaluated our estimation method and scheduling scheme via simulation experiments and compared our scheme also with another scheme. The results validate our probabilistic method for coverage estimation and show that our sleep scheduling and routing scheme can significantly increase the network lifetime while keep- ing the message complexity low and preserving both connectivity and coverage

    A Survey on Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.IEEE 802.16 standard (also known as WiMAX) defines the wireless broadband network technology which aims to solve the so called last mile problem via providing high bandwidth Internet even to the rural areas for which the cable deployment is very costly. The standard mainly focuses on the MAC and PHY layer issues, supporting two transmission modes: PMP (Point-to-Multipoint) and mesh modes. Mesh mode is an optional mode developed as an extension to PMP mode and it has the advantage of having an improving performance as more subscribers are added to the system using multi-hop routes. In 802.16 MAC protocol, mesh mode slot allocation and reservation mechanisms are left open which makes this topic a hot research area. Hence, the focus of this survey will mostly be on the mesh mode, and the proposed scheduling algorithms and performance evaluation methods