71 research outputs found

    Characteristics of neuromuscular function of top karate-athletes of different specialization

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju neuromišićne karakteristike karatista različite specijalizacije. Pošlo se od činjenice da takmičari u katama i borbama, u prvoj fazi obuke prolaze kroz jedinstveni trenažni proces, da bi u kasnijem periodu došlo do spontane diferencijacije pod uticajem raznih faktora i usmeravanja prema preferentnim takmičarskim disciplinama. Zahtevi takmičarske discipline uslovaljavaju određene specifičnosti u ispoljavanju kretnih zadataka zbog čega je spoljašnja slika karate tehnike različita kod ove dve grupe sportista. Ovom studijom ispitivane su karakteristike vrhunskih takmičara u katama i borbama, primenom testova opšte motorike, specifične motorike i testova za procenu neuromišićne funkcije u različitim režimima mišićnog naprezanja. Baterija testova specifične motorike obuhvatala je različite varijante izvođenja udarca gjaku zuki, kao najreprezentativnije tehnike karate sporta. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđene su razlike između ispitivanih grupa sportista, kao i povezanost dinamičkih i kinematičkih karakteristika udaraca sa varijablama opšte motorike i neuromišićne funkcije u svim ispitivanim režimima. Takmičari u katama pokazali su bolje rezultate u testovima opšte motorike i testovima za procenu neuromišićne funkcije. Rezultati razlika kinematičkih i dinamičkih karakteristika udarca potvrdili su drugačije izvođenje tehnike takmičara u katama i borbama. Naime, takmičari u katama pre započinju pokrete u svim posmatranim tačkama, ostvaruju veće ugaone brzine u zaglobovima lakta i kolena, ali takmičari u borbama imaju veću maksimalnu brzinu šake. U istraživanju je dobijen veći broj veza koje su očekivane s obzirom na relativnu bliskost prirode motoričkog ispoljavanja u svim testiranim subprostorima. Međutim, izostanak nekih očekivanih veza, kao i negativni predznaci povezanosti ukazuju na postojanje nekih nelogičnosti i koordinacijskih grešaka koje su ispitanici ispoljavali prilikom izvođenja udaraca. Dobijeni rezultati u ovoj studiji nameću potrebu za organizovanjem novih istraživanja u pravcu valorizacije biomehaničkih vrednosti primenjenih modela tehnike u karateu.The main goal of this research was to examine neuromuscular characteristics of karate athletes of different specialization. The basis for the research was the fact that the competitors in katas and combats in the first phase of training elapse through unique training process in order to get a spontaneous differentiation under the influence of various factors in the later period. The requirements of competitive discipline are conditioning some specificities in expression of motional tasks wherefore the external image of karate technique is different at this group of athletes. The characteristics of top competitors in katas and combats are examined by this study to determine the neuromuscular functions in different testing regimes. The battery of tests of specific motion included different variants of the performance of a kick gjaku zuki , the most representative technique of karate sport. On the basis of the research results differences among the examined groups of athletes have been established, as well as the relationship between dynamic and kinematic characteristics of the kicks with the variables of general motorics and neuromuscular function in all the examined regimes. Competitors in katas have shown better results in the tests of general motorics and the tests for neuromuscular function assessment. The results of differences between kinematic and dynamic characteristics of kicks have confirmed different technique performance among kate and combat competitors. Namely, kate competitors start their movements earlier in all the observed points, they achieve bigger angle speed in elbow and knee joints, but the combat competitors have maximal hand speed. In the research more relationships than expected have been found, taking into consideration the similar nature of motoric expression in all the tested subpositors. However, the absence of some expected relationships, as well as the negative indicators of these relationships show that there are some illogical and coordination errors, which were expressed by the examinees during their performance. The obtained results in this study impose the need for organizing new researches in direction of biomechanical values of implemented karate technique models valorization

    Strukturne karakteristike sportske borbe u karateu - magistarska teza

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    In karate, until these days, nobody had set any serious completed system of following and analysis sport's competitions, which could enable complete review of technical and tactical features of contestants. We could search the reason for that in objective complexity of sport's competitions, identifications of technical and tactical elements, as well as in their way of utilization for the analysis of competitive activity. Problem of this work concerns research of competitive activity karate competitors. During the orientation for this research problem, it proceeded from the assumption that results of research of competitive activity at sport today include in researches, very important for the planning and programming of training process, because under the influence of modification of competitive rules, sports also intensively change. Research theme refers to technical and tactical characteristics of sport's competition in karate. Research goal is determining of structural characteristics of sport's competitions by virtue of analysis of certain number of fights from the high quality European and world competitions in few last years. Sample for analysis consists of 89 final competitions, respectively 110 contestants in man competition and 64 contestants in women competition, from the European championships in Bremen (Germany) 2003, Moscow (Russia) 2004, Tenerife (Spain) 2005, and from the World championships in Madrid (Spain) 2002 and Monte Ray (Mexico) 2004. Based on descriptive statistical analysis, gained from the measuring of frequency of occurrence which is expressed from the aspect of relative and absolutely value, in addition by analyzing of quantitative differences, by using of individual and collective method - General Linear Model (GLA), it came to conclusion that there is statistically significant difference in quantitative frequency structural elements of sport's competitions. Research partially confirms existence of statistically significant differences in frequency of researched modalities of structural elements sport's competitions on European and World championships, but only for the men. However, research did not confirm existence of these differences in women competition. By using of Pierson's correlation, it determined existence of functionally connection of certain modalities of structural elements of sport's competition.U karateu, do sada, nije postavljen ozbiljniji konzistentno zaokružen sistem za praćenje i analizu sportskih borbi, koji bi omogućavao kompletno sagledavanje tehničko-taktičkih karakteristika takmičara. Razlozi za to mogu se tražiti u objektivnoj složenosti sportske borbe, identifikaciji tehničko-taktičkih elemenata kao i načina njihovog korišćenja za analizu takmičarske aktivnosti. Problem ovog rada vezan je za istraživanje takmičarske aktivnosti karatista. Prilikom opredeljenja za ovaj istraživački problem pošlo se od pretpostavke da rezultati istraživanja takmičarske aktivnosti u sportu danas spadaju u istraživanja od velikog značaja za planiranje i programiranje trenažnog procesa, tim pre što se pod uticajem promena takmičarskih pravila sportovi intenzivno menjaju. Predmet istraživanja uže se odnosi na tehničko-taktičke karakteristike sportske borbe u karateu. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje strukturnih elementa sportske borbe na bazi analize većeg broja borbi sa najkvalitetnijih evropskih i svetskih takmičenja u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Uzorak za analizu sastojao se od 89 finalnih borbi, odnosno 110 takmičara u muškoj konkurenciji i 64 u ženskoj konkurenciji, sa Evropskih prvenstva u Bremenu 2003. godine (Nemačka), Moskvi 2004. godine (Rusija), Tenerifama 2005. godine (Španija) i Svetskih prvenstva u Madridu 2002. godine (Španija) i Monte Reju 2004. godine (Meksiko). Na osnovu deskriptivne statističke analize, izračunavanjem učestalosti pojave koja je izražena sa aspekta relativne i apsolutne vrednosti, a zatim analizom kvantitativnih razlika primenom univarijatne i multivarijatne metode i to Generalnog linearnog modela došlo se do zaključka da postoji statistički zna­čajna razlika u kvantitativnoj zastupljenosti modaliteta strukturnih elemenata sportske borbe. Istraživanjem se delimično potvrdilo postojanje statistički značajnih razlika zastupljenosti ispitivanih strukturnih elemenata sportske borbe na evropskim i svetskim prvenstvima za subuzorak muškaraca. Istraživanjem se nije potvrdilo postojanje statistički značajnih razlika zastupljenosti ispitivanih modaliteta strukturnih elemenata sportske borbe na evropskim i svetskim prvenstvima za subuzorak žena. Metodom Pirsonove korelacije utvrđeno je postojanje funkcionalne povezanosti određenih modaliteta strukturnih elemenata sportske borbe

    Gender differences and classification of police university students relating to joint tissue flexibility

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    Flexibility influences the amplitude of body parts movement and consequently the efficiency of physical activities which are an integral part of police officers training and professional duties. The aim of this study was to determine the level of flexibility in students of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies (UCIPS), as well as the differences between genders and to establish the criteria for evaluation. The sample consisted of 121 participants, 51 female (age 20.2 ± 1.2 years) and 70 male students (age 20.3 ± 0.9 years). All participants were the second year students. A battery of tests for flexibility assessment included: Sideways Leg Splits (SsLS), Sideward Leg Splits right (SdLS right), Sideward Leg Splits left (SdLS_left), Single-Legged Knee Bend right (SLKB_right), Single-Legged Knee Bend left (SLKB_left), Lengthwise Leg Splits right (LLS_right), Lengthwise Leg Splits left (LLS_left), Sit and Reach (SR), and Shoulder Flexibility (SF). The existence of the differences between groups was determined by ANOVA, at the significance level of p < 0.05. The differences were found in tests SsLS (F = 11.459, p = 0.001), SdLS_right (F = 8.440, p = 0.004), SdLS_left (F = 5.502, p = 0.021), SLKB_left (F = 5.545, p = 0.025), LLS_right (F = 11.481, p = 0.001), LLS_left (F = 18.008, p = 0.000), SR (F = 7.886, p = 0.006) and SF (F = 25.447, p = 0.000). The obtained results indicated different flexibility levels between male and female students. In relation to martial arts and other athletes the UCIPS students had lower levels of flexibility. The applied percentage distribution results, including six different groups, could be used as a scale for assessment of the achieved level of flexibility in police university students

    Razlike bazično-motoričkog statusa pratilaca u upravi za obezbeđenje određenih ličnosti i objekata u odnosu na vrstu prethodnog profesionalnog angažovanja

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    The goal of this research is to establish - by measuring the selected variables and their comparison - whether a statistically significant difference in morphological and motor characteristics exists between escorts in the Administration for Guarding Certain Persons and Buildings according to the type of previous professional engagement. A successful selection is the basic precondition for forming an individual capable of responding to all challenges of the job, in accordance with the specific characteristics of the tasks of the Administration for Guarding Certain Persons and Buildings. The basic-motor status of police officers is a very important aspect of monitoring their work, and studying the differences of morphological characteristics and motor abilities shall provide guidelines in the education and advancement of police officers. The subjects were divided into 3 groups based on their previous professional engagements and organizational units. It was determined that between the escorts divided into groups, by type of previous professional engagement, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the morphological variables, at the general and partial level. In relation to the motor variables at the general level there were no statistically significant differences, whereas at the partial level there were significant differences with respect to the following variables: Lying-Sitting and Cooper. The results obtained in this research point to the need for continuous monitoring of the basic-motor status of police officers, comparing results with appropriate target groups and activities in accordance with the obtained indicators.Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje razlika u morfološkim i motoričkim karakteristikama između pratilaca u Upravi za obezbeđenje određenih ličnosti i objekata, u odnosu na vrstu prethodnog profesionalnog angažovanja. Uspešna selekcija je osnovni preduslov za formiranje pojedinca koji će biti sposoban da odgovori na sve izazove koje donose radni zadaci, u skladu sa specifičnošću poslova kojima se bavi Uprava za obezbeđenje određenih ličnosti i objekata. Bazično-motorički status policijskih službenika predstavlja veoma bitan aspekt praćenja nivoa njihove opšte fizičke pripremljenosti, a istraživanje razlika morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti mogu dati smernice u edukaciji i usavršavanju policijskih službenika. Ispitanici su podeljeni u tri grupe u odnosu na prethodno profesionalno angažovanje i organizacionu jedinicu. Utvrđeno je da između pratilaca podeljenih no vrsti prethodnog profesionalnog angažovanja ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na morfološke varijable, na generalnom i na parcijalnom nivou. U odnosu na varijable motorike na generalnom nivou takođe ne postoje statistički značajne razlike, ali na parcijalnom nivou postoje, i to kod varijabli: Ležanje-sed i Kuper. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju ukazuju na potrebu stalnog praćenja bazično-motoričkog statusa kod ispitivanih policijskih službenika, poređenje rezultata sa odgovarajućim ciljnim grupama i delovanje u skladu sa dobijenim pokazateljima

    Gender differences in short sprint performancewith and without occupational load

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    Maximum acceleration and running speed are significant for police officers in situations where they need to apprehend a running suspect. Most frequently, they have to handle these situations wearing work equipment that weighs equally for both genders. This research aims to determine the differences in maximum acceleration and running speed with equipment of different weight. 35 male and 24 female students from the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies took part in the research. The test measured the time needed for a 10m and 20m sprint, as well as a 10m flying start. All tests were performed without additional load, with a duty belt that contained police equipment weighing 5 kg total, as well as a vest weighing 10 kg. The Independent Samples t test found a statistically significant difference within groups in the time of running without occupational load compared to running with the load of 5 kg and 10 kg. Furthermore, the tests with 5 kg and 10 kg loads differed in the first 10m and 20m. All observed variables contained statistically significant differences between female and male students

    Trend promena rezultata na prijemnom ispitu studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije

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    The aim of the research was to determine the trends of changes on the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) entrance exam. Furthermore, the paper is to find whether there are any differences between the sexes in the terms of the results of the entrance exam. 1.576 examinees participated in the research (621 female and 955 male), all of which entered the ACPS as the students of basic and vocational studies. The paper analyses their scores in all components of the exam: High School Achievements (HSA), General Knowledge Test (GKT), Serbian Language and Literature Test (SLLT), the Level of Basic Motoric Abilities development (BMA) and the overall number of points achieved on the test. The results were firstly analysed by applying the basic descriptive statistics procedure, which determined the equation of trend of changes and R-squared values. The existence of the general variability differences between groups was determined by using MANOVA, while for the determination of partial differences between pairs of variables the Bonferroni test was used. The positive changes trend for both sexes in HSA and the negative one in SLLT were demonstrated. In females, a positive trend in BMA and a negative GKT trend were observed. However, an opposite effect was detected in males. Nevertheless, despite the different trends in individual tests, the overall number of points achieved on the entrance exam demonstrated a positive trend of changes in both populations. MANOVA results showed that the females had statistically better results in HSA, SLLT and BMA variables, but worse results in GKT. The overall result on the entrance examination taken into account, the females had statistically better scores by 3.31%.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi trendove promena komponenti prijemnog ispita na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji (KPA). Takođe, ovaj rad bi trebalo da utvrdi da li postoje razlike između polova u odnosu na uspeh postignut na prijemnom ispitu. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1.576 ispitanika, od čega 39,4% (621) žena i 60,6% (955) muškaraca, koji su se upisali na KPA kao studenti osnovnih akademskih ili strukovnih studija. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve komponente prijemnog ispita na osnovu kojih se vrši selekcija kandidata: uspeh u srednjoj školi (UŠ), test opšte informisanosti (TOI), test znanja iz srpskog jezika i književnosti (SR), nivo razvijenosti bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS) i ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu. Rezultati su analizirani primenom osnovne deskriptivne statističke procedure. Utvrđene su mere centralne tendencije, minimalne i maksimalne vrednosti i pravilnosti rasporeda rezultata. Na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti ustanovljena je jednačina trenda promena uz R-squared. Za utvrđivanje postojanja statistički značajne razlike na generalnom nivou korišćena je MANOVA, dok su parcijalne razlike između grupa ustanovljene Bonferonijevim testom. Statistička značajnost određena je na nivou od p lt 0,05. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji pozitivan trend promena kod oba pola za UŠ i negativan za SR. Kod žena je ustanovljen pozitivan trend BMS, ali negativan TOI. Međutim, kod muškaraca utvrđena suprotna pojava. Pored različitih trendova pojedinačnih testova, ukupan broj bodova ostvaren na prijemnom ispitu ima pozitivan trend promena za obe populacije. Hipotetički posmatrano, u narednom periodu može se očekivati da će se povećati prosečan broj bodova kandidata koji će biti upisani na KPA. Navedeno povećanje moglo bi biti izraženije kod kandidata ženskog pola koji u jednačini trenda promena imaju koeficijent +0,184 u odnosu na muškarce kod kojih izračunati koeficijent iznosi +0,014. Rezultati MANOVA su pokazali da na generalnom nivou između svih upisanih muškaraca i žena na KPA postoji statistički značajna razlika. Ustanovljeno je da su žene ostvarile statistički bolje rezultate za varijable UŠ, SR i BMS za 5,48%, 6,12% i 4,01%, respektivno. Lošiji rezultat ostvarile su na TOI za 5,71%. Međutim, kada se posmatra ukupan rezultat prijemnog ispita, žene su u ovom periodu imale statistički bolji skor za 3,31%. U daljoj analizi ustanovljeno je da su žene svake godine imale statistički značajno bolji UŠ i ukupan broj bodova. Bolje rezultate su ostvarile i na SR u periodu od 2012. do 2014, dok je 2015. godine razlika bila blizu nivoa statističke značajnosti. Razlike u BMS pojavile su se 2014. i 2015. godine - žene su imale statistički značajno veći broj bodova. Na osnovu ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je potrebno izvršiti izmene sistema pripreme i evaluacije SR u cilju zaustavljanja negativnog trenda kod oba pola. Takođe, potrebno je utvrditi tačne razloge različitog trenda promena i uspeha u TOI između muškaraca i žena

    Associations between Fitness Measures and Change of Direction Speeds with and without Occupational Loads in Female Police Officers

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    Female police officers may be required to pursue offenders on foot while wearing occupational loads. The aim of this study was to determine relationships between fitness measures and change of direction speed (CODS) in female police officers and the influence of their occupational loads. Retrospective data were provided for 27 female police officers (age = 32.19 ± 5.09 y, height = 162.78 ± 5.01 cm, and mass = 71.31 ± 13.42 kg) and included fitness measures of: lower-body power (standing long jump (SLJ)), upper-body and trunk muscle endurance (push-up (PU) and sit-up (SU)), aerobic power (estimated VO2max), and CODS (Illinois agility test). The CODS test was performed without and with occupational load (10 kg). Paired sample t-tests (between-load conditions) and Pearson's correlations (relationships between measures) were performed with linear regression analysis used to account for the contribution of measures to unloaded and loaded CODS performance. CODS was significantly slower when loaded (unloaded = ~23.17 s, loaded = ~24.14 s, p < 0.001) with a strong, significant relationship between load conditions (r = 0.956, p < 0.001). Moderate to strong, significant relationships were found between all fitness measures ranging from estimated VO2max (r = -0.448) to SU (r = -0.673) in the unloaded condition, with the strength of these relationships increasing in the loaded condition accounting for 61% to 67% of the variance, respectively. While unloaded agility test performance was strongly associated with loaded performance, female police officer CODS was significantly reduced when carrying occupational loads. A variety of fitness measures that influence officer CODS performances become increasingly important when occupational loads are carried

    Handgrip Strength and VO2max Trends in Police Cadets: A Case Study

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    Among other components of physical fitness, performance on tactical tasks depends on cardiorespiratory endurance (CE) and muscular strength (MS). Police academies’ curriculum aim to increase cadets’ CE and MS, with males outscoring females in both tests. Curricula should assist cadets to adopt and adhere to a physically-active lifestyle while in the academy and upon graduation, for both health-related benefits and success in their tactical tasks. PURPOSE: To explore both CE-MS and sex trends between a four-year curriculum. METHODS: Retrospective data of 98 males and 79 females analyzed. Besides the senior year, cadets receive physical education classes. This serves as the foundation for adopting and adhering to physically-active lifestyle during their senior and postgraduation years by applying different training methods on their own. As part of their yearly evaluation, cadets completed a 12-min Cooper and a handgrip strength test. Estimated VO2max and absolute bilateral handgrip strength (HS) used as dependent variables. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) 4X2 for academic years and sex performed using SPSSÓ. RESULTS: Using Pillai’s trace, there was a significant effect of academic years, V=.09, F6,338=2.6, p=.02, η2 =.04 and sex, V=.80, F2,168=344.4,

    Ne-etičko ponašanje u sportu

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    This study analyses various forms of unethical behavior, which are increasingly present in sports. The focus of the research is to identify various forms of punishment, humiliation, mistreatment and abuse in sports clubs, and to approach this issue with determination with the aim of reducing or removing the consequences. The research was conducted in a variety of sports clubs in Serbia, which were chosen at random, and the participants (n=250) responded to a specifically structured questionnaire. The research showed that, depending on the age category, various types of unethical behavior took place: undue threats and punishment (55% men, 50% women, but with a statistically significant gender difference among the lower age categories), forced to compete despite possible health risks (over 80% athletes), and sexual harassment (78% of the female respondents in the category of younger seniors). Abuse and mistreatment were present in the pioneer, cadet and junior categories, and they became more intense in the senior age. Considering that the research results clearly show the existence of certain forms of abuse and mistreatment of athletes, this points to the need for the educational work of coaches to be focused on sport.U ovom istraživanju analizirani su različiti oblici ne-etičkog ponašanja koje je sve češće u sportu. Fokus istraživanja bio je da se identifikuju različiti oblici kažnjavanja, ponižavanja, zlostavljanja i maltretiranja u sportskim klubovima, i da se ovom problemu pristupi sa ciljem da se njegove posledice ublaže ili nestanu. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u različitim sportskim klubovima u Srbiji, koji su nasumice izbrani, a učesnici (n=250) su odgovorili na posebno strukturisan upitnik. Istraživanje je pokazalo da, u zavisnosti od starosne kategorije, različiti oblici ne-etičkog ponašanja se javljaju u vidu: nepotrebne pretnje i kazne (55% muškaraca, 50% žena, ali sa statistički značajnim razlikama među polovima nižih starosnih kategorija), prisiljavanja na takmičenje uprkos opasnosti po zdravlje (preko80% sportista), i seksualnog uznemiravanja(78% ženskih učesnika u kategoriji mlađih seniora). Zlostavljanje i maltretiranje mogu se uočiti i među pionirima, kadetima i juniorskim kategorijama, i postaju ozbiljniji problemi u seniorskim kategorijama. S obzirom na to da rezultati istraživanja jasno ukazuju na to da postoji zloupotreba i maltretiranje sportista, ovo istraživanje ukazuje na potrebu da se treneri obrazuju tako da se tokom rada više fokusiraju na sportske aktivnosti

    Evaluation of Tests for the Assessment of Police Officers Physical Abilities

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    Physical abilities play an important role in the performance of police work and are one of the main preconditions for the effectiveness of critical incidents resolving. Therefore, one of the methods for determining the police officers working skills is checking the basic physical abilities (BPA) and specific physical abilities (SPA) development levels. The problem in this paper was the evaluation of the BPA tests used by the police organizations and the Test for assessment of specific physical abilities of police officers (OCSAPO1). The aim of the study is to determine the battery of tests that describes the observed space from the aspect of professional orientation. The sample consisted of 99 male examinees (age 28.1 ± 6.1 years) divided into four groups: 30 ACPS students, 28 members of the General Police Unit, 17 members of the Special Anti-terrorist Unit and 22 subjects of control group. Eighteen BPA variables were used, as well as the efficiency of a job related fitness test OCSAPO1 with metabolic and functional physical activity indicators. Based on the descriptive indicators, factor analysis has determined the mutual structure and structure of quantitative relations between all BPA, SPA and metabolic variables. The analysis of communality determined that extrusion values in all variables ranged from 0.456 to 0.862. The obtained results cumulatively explained 67.51% of the variability, and four main groups of factors are distinguished. The first group is defined by the specific physical abilities of police officers, the second by maximum muscular forces, the third by variables of the rate of force development and the fourth by physiological variables. Based on the analysis of the obtained results average values, it was found that 54.86% of respondents correspond to the group they belong to. In practice, in selection and control of the BPA level, the battery of tests are used for the assessment of the police officers complete motor space. Finally, the results of this study indicate that the tests OCSAPO1, Long jump and the maximum number of pull-ups, mostly discriminate efficiency in motor space of police officer