28 research outputs found

    Cable Aging Monitoring with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) in Nuclear Power Plants

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    As a requirement for plant life extension for more than 40 years, additional Cable Aging Management Program (CAMP) has to be implemented in Nuclear Power Plant Krško. Samples of cables are selected based on nuclear safety and electrical equipment criticality for inspection and testing, to check functionality and prevent unexpected failure during normal operation. Different onsite testing equipment and methods are implemented to find harsh environment due to temperature, radiation, humidity and chemical effects that could affect insulation lifetime. Infrared thermography is used for determining and evaluating temperature hot spots. The article presents a development of laboratory testing of cable insulation using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Thirty-six samples of different nuclear qualified cables made of most frequently used materials, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) and cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) – all with chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) jacket, were tested. Samples were 35 years old and additionally temperature aged in several steps with an intention to get acceptance criteria. Similar tests were conducted in two testing laboratories. The results showed an evident decrease in oxidation stability of the inner EPR insulation; the onset temperature of oxidation processes has been shifted from 238 °C (unaged samples) to 175 °C (most aged samples). A decrease in oxidation stability was also observed for XPLE insulation; the onset oxidation temperature decreased from 266 °C for unaged samples to 213 °C (most aged samples). For the jacket material CSPE used as the insulation protection nearly no changes were observed

    The Role of Cerium Valence in the Conversion Temperature of H2_2Ti3_3O7_7 Nanoribbons to TiO2_2-B and Anatase Nanoribbons, and Further to Rutile

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    CeO2_2-TiO2_2 is an important mixed oxide due to its catalytic properties, particularly in heterogeneous photocatalysis. This study presents a straightforward method to obtain 1D TiO2_2 nanostructures decorated with CeO2_2 nanoparticles at the surface. As the precursor, we used H2_2Ti3_3O7_7 nanoribbons prepared from sodium titanate nanoribbons by ion exchange. Two cerium sources with an oxidation state of +3 and +4 were used to obtain mixed oxides. HAADF–STEM mapping of the Ce4+^{4+}-modified nanoribbons revealed a thin continuous layer at the surface of the H2_2Ti3_3O7_7 nanoribbons, while Ce3+^{3+} cerium ions intercalated partially between the titanate layers. The phase composition and morphology changes were monitored during calcination between 620 °C and 960 °C. Thermal treatment led to the formation of CeO2_2 nanoparticles on the surface of the TiO2_2 nanoribbons, whose size increased with the calcination temperature. The use of Ce4+^{4+} raised the temperature required for converting H2_2Ti3_3O7_7 to TiO2_2-B by approximately 200 °C, and the temperature for the formation of anatase. For the Ce3+^{3+} batch, the presence of cerium inhibited the conversion to rutile. Analysis of cerium oxidation states revealed the existence of both +4 and +3 in all calcined samples, regardless of the initial cerium oxidation state

    Improved synthetic route of incorporation of nanosilicon species into phenol-formaldehyde resin and preparation of novel ZnAl-layered double-hydroxide hybrid phenol-formaldehyde resin

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    Hybrid phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins represent one of the most important niche groups of binding systems for composites. New industrial needs, environmental requirements, and price fluctuations have led to further research on materials with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties. The preparation of novel hybrid materials can be achieved by inclusion of various elements or functional groups in the organic polymer phenolic framework. Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of a PF-based hybrid material with different nanoscale silicone species and ZnAl-layered double hydroxide (LDH). The main goals of this study were to improve the synthetic pathways of hybrid resin, as well as to prepare granulated composite materials and test samples and determine their characterization. Added inorganic species increased the glass-transition temperature by a minimum of 8 °C, which was determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Rheological properties (melting viscosity and flow distance) of the hybrid resin were measured. The homogeneity of distribution of added species across the organic matrix was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). With synthesized new hybrid-binding systems, we prepared different granulated composite materials and evaluated them with the measurements of rheological properties (flow curing characteristics). Tensile strength of samples, prepared from granulated composite material, improved by more than 5%

    Biodegradable hydrogels - materials of the future

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    Hidrogeli spadajo v skupino tridimenzionalnih polimernih materialov, ki lahko absorbirajo in sproščajo velike količine vode na reverzibilen način kot odziv na okoljske dražljaje. Imajo širok potencial uporabe v prehrani, biomaterialih, kmetijstvu itd. Glede na njihov izvor jih delimo na hidrogele narejene iz naravnih polimerov in na hidrogele, pripravljene iz sintetičnih polimerov. Med najpomembnejšimi naravnimi hidrogeli, ki se danes precej pogosto uporabljajo, so hidrogeli na osnovi celuloze, ki jih sintetiziramo bodisi iz čiste celuloze, celuloznih kompozitov oziroma celuloznih hibridnih hidrogelov. Med najpogosteje uporabljenimi derivati celuloze za sintezo takih hidrogelov so karboksimetil celuloza, hidroksietil celuloza ali hidroksipropil celuloza. Po navadi so zamreženi z dikarboksilnimi kislinami (npr. citronsko kislino). Sinteza hidrogelov iz nativne celuloze je veliko bolj zahtevna predvsem zaradi slabe topnosti celuloznih vlaken v običajnih topilih. Večina uporabljenih karboksilnih kislin je biorazgradljiva

    EXAFS and IR analysis of electrochromic NiOxNiO_x/NiOxHyNiO_xH_y thin films

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    Electrochromic (EC) thin films of NiOxNiO_x and NiOxHyNiO_xH_y are prepared by sol-gel method from nickel chloride precursor and deposited onto a suitable substrate by dip-coating technique. The development of the structure with thermal treatment is investigated by EXAFS and IR spectroscopy in two series of films, with high and low concentration of chloride as counter ions. In the former, the predominant structure before thermal treatment is nickel hydroxide. The baking induces condensation, yet with no trace of NiO. In the latter group, colloidal particles are indicated, on which acetate groups are adsorbed or coordinated. At the maximum EC-response the formation of NiO grains is established by EXAFS and IR.Elektrokromne tanke plasti NiOxNiO_x in NiOxHyNiO_xH_y smo pripravili z metodo sol-gel iz nikelj-kloridnega prekurzorja in jih s tehniko potapljanja nanesli na ustrezno podlago. Razvoj strukture s temperaturo obdelave smo spremljali s spektroskopijama EXAFS in IR pri dveh serijah filmov z visoko oz. nizko koncentracijo kloridnih proti-ionov. V prvi pred termično obdelavo prevladuje struktura nikljevega hidroksida. Segrevanje nato izzove kondenzacijo, vendar brez sledov NiO. V drugi seriji so prisotni koloidni delci, na katere so adsorbirane acetatne skupine. Z obema spektroskopskima metodama smo pri plasteh z največjim elektrokromnim odzivom ugotovili prisotnost strukture nikljevega oksida

    Improved synthetic route of incorporation of nanosilicon species into phenol-formaldehyde resin and preparation of novel ZnAl-layered double-hydroxide hybrid phenol-formaldehyde resin

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    Hybrid phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins represent one of the most important niche groups of binding systems for composites. New industrial needs, environmental requirements, and price fluctuations have led to further research on materials with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties. The preparation of novel hybrid materials can be achieved by inclusion of various elements or functional groups in the organic polymer phenolic framework. Herein, we report the synthesis and characterization of a PF-based hybrid material with different nanoscale silicone species and ZnAl-layered double hydroxide (LDH). The main goals of this study were to improve the synthetic pathways of hybrid resin, as well as to prepare granulated composite materials and test samples and determine their characterization. Added inorganic species increased the glass-transition temperature by a minimum of 8 °C, which was determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Rheological properties (melting viscosity and flow distance) of the hybrid resin were measured. The homogeneity of distribution of added species across the organic matrix was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). With synthesized new hybrid-binding systems, we prepared different granulated composite materials and evaluated them with the measurements of rheological properties (flow curing characteristics). Tensile strength of samples, prepared from granulated composite material, improved by more than 5%

    Hydroxyl radical scavenging-based method for evaluation of TiO[sub]2 photocatalytic activity

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    Hydroxyl radical scavenging-based method for evaluation of TiO[sub]2 photocatalytic activit

    In-depth rheological characterization of tungsten sol-gel inks for inkjet printing

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    The inkjet printing of the functional materials prepared by the sol-gel route is gaining the attention for the production of the variety of the applications not limited to the printed boards, displays, smart labels, smart packaging, sensors and solar cells. However, due to the gelation process associated with the changes from Newtonian to non-Newtonian fluid the inkjet printing of the sol-gel inks is extremely complex. In this study we reveal in-depth rheological characterization of the WO3_3 sols in which we simulate the conditions of the inkjet printing process at different temperature of the cartridge (20–60 °C) by analyzing the structural and rheological changes taking place during the gelation of the tungsten oxide (WO3_3) ink. The results provide the information on the stability of the sol and a better insight on the effects of the temperature on the gelation time. Moreover, the information on the temperature and the time window at which the inkjet printing of the sol-gel inks could be performed without clogging were obtained. The WO3_3 ink was stable in a beaker and exhibited Newtonian flow behavior at room temperature over 3 weeks, while the gelation time decreased exponentially with increasing temperature down to 0.55 h at 60 °C

    Impact of steam-sterilization and oven drying on the thermal stability of phenolic extractives from pine and black locust wood

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    The main goal of the investigation was to measure and estimate the thermal stability of pinosylvin, pinosylvin monomethyl ether, robinetin, and dihydrorobinetin, i.e., characteristic compounds of wood of Scots pine and black locust, respectively. The pure compounds were analyzed with chromatography before and after they were steam-sterilized and oven-dried. Detailed thermogravimetric analysis was followed to check the thermal decomposition of the stilbenes and flavonoids of wood. The tested phenolic compounds were susceptible to thermal degradation. After the steam-sterilization and oven drying, the amount of investigated phenolic extractives decreased by more than a half. The thermogravimetric analysis showed that stilbenes decompose differently than flavonoids, which can be attributed to the different chemical structures. Twenty minutes of steam sterilization followed by 24 h of oven drying decreased the amount of phenolic compounds in the vialshowever, after the applied thermal treatments, the stilbenes and robinetins stayed available in such quantities that they can still provide sufficient bioactivity

    Integration of wood-based components – cellulose nanofibrils and tannic acid - into a poly(vinyl alcohol) matrix to improve functional properties

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    Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) biocomposite films reinforced with cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and biologically active tannic acid (TA) were prepared. The influence of different concentrations of CNF and TA in the PVA polymer matrix was investigated in terms of mechanical properties, thermal properties and hydrophobicity improvement of the prepared films. The results showed that in all cases the addition of CNF and TA improved the values of tensile strength and elastic modulus. The PVA film with 10 % CNF exhibited a 30 % higher tensile strength, and the three-component PVA film with 2 % CNF and 10 % TA (P2C10T) exhibited a 40 % higher tensile strength compared to the neat PVA film. The thermal properties (Tg_g, Tonset_{onset}) of the PVA biocomposite films were greatly improved, with a significant effect observed for the three-component PVA films. The Tg_g of the PVA film with 10 % CNF and 10 % TA was 87 °C, 12 °C higher than that of the neat PVA film. For three-component PVA biocomposites with 4 % and 6 % CNF and with all weight percentages of TA, the Tonset_{onset} shifted to a higher temperature range by about 30 °C compared to the neat PVA film. The PVA film with 2 % CNF and 10 % TA exhibited about a 20° higher contact angle than the neat PVA film. Moreover, the addition of both fillers to the PVA matrix resulted in PVA biocomposites with lower water absorption. PVA film with 10 % TA absorbed about 90 % less water and PVA film with 10 % CNF and 10 % TA absorbed about 80 % less water than the neat PVA film after the films were soaked in water for one hour. The better properties of the composite films produced are due to hydrogen and ester bonds between the components of the composite, which was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. Antioxidant effective films were also obtained due to the biologically active TA to the PVA and PVA/CNF systems