648 research outputs found


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    У статті запропонована теоретична концепція побудови механізму монетарного регулювання на основі теорії економічних механізмів. Узагальнено погляди на сутність механізму монетарного регулювання та визначено його складові. Обгрунтовано багаторівневий підхід до визначення сутності механізму монетарного регулювання. Систематизовано та розглянуто структуру інструментів механізму монетарного регулювання. Запропоновано інструменти монетарного регулювання розподілити на традиційні та нетрадиційні інструменти, або інструменти фінансових репресій. Також запропоновано всі інструменти монетарного регулювання згрупувати у три великі групи: інструменти забезпечення стабільності грошового обігу, інструменти забезпечення ліквідності, інструменти забезпечення обсягів кредитування. (In this article theoretical conception of construction of mechanism of the monetary regulation offers on the basis of theory of economic mechanisms. Looks are generalized to essence of mechanism of the monetary regulation and his constituents are certain. Reasonably multilevel going near determination of essence of mechanism of the monetary regulation. The structure of instruments of mechanism of the monetary regulation is systematized and considered. It offers to divide the instruments of the monetary regulation into traditional and unconventional instruments or instruments of financial repressions. Also it offers to group all instruments of the monetary regulation in three large groups: instruments of providing of stability of money circulation, instruments of providing of liquidity, instruments of providing of volumes of crediting.

    The Concentration of Capital as a Reason for the Accelerated Development of the Economic System

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    Recently, much attention is paid to the relationship of accelerated development of the economy and the growth of the welfare society, assessment and factors influencing its development. Concentration of resources and capital is the starting point of accelerated economic development. At the same time the dominance of any form of capital available. The successful combination of the names of all forms of capital leads to the emergence of innovation, which in turn contribute to the development of not only the production sector, but also the economic system as a whole at a faster pace. This increases the quality of life and increasing well-being of the population

    The Concentration of Capital as a Reason for the Accelerated Development of the Economic System

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    Recently, much attention is paid to the relationship of accelerated development of the economy and the growth of the welfare society, assessment and factors influencing its development. Concentration of resources and capital is the starting point of accelerated economic development. At the same time the dominance of any form of capital available. The successful combination of the names of all forms of capital leads to the emergence of innovation, which in turn contribute to the development of not only the production sector, but also the economic system as a whole at a faster pace. This increases the quality of life and increasing well-being of the population

    Самостоятельная работа как ведущая форма организации учебной деятельности в овладении иностранным языком профессионального направления в неязыковом высшем учебном заведении

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    У статті аналізується організація роботи з написання реферату та його представлення на студентській науковій конференції. Цей процес передбачає взаємозв’язок у навчанні усім видам іноземної мовленнєвої діяльності.The paper demonstrates the educational potential of independent activities aimed at participation in higher education institution research and creative student conference. Organization of work to prepare a library-research paper and its presentation at the student research conference can serve as an example of organization of independent work since this process established conditions for natural correlation in mastering all types of foreign-language activities.В статье показано насколько большим образовательно-воспитательным потенциалом обладает самостоятельная работа по подготовке к участию в вузовской научно-творческой студенческой конференции. Организация работы по написанию реферата и его представление на студенческой научной конференции может служить примером организации самостоятельной работы, поскольку этот процесс предусматривает естественную взаимосвязь в обучении всем видам иноязычной речевой деятельности

    Using an OPEN UMS format for document flow formalization in medicine

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    The question about construction of medical documents by means of AURRORA MIS with the use of the Open UMS format is considered in the work. The approach suggested allows data storage in the electronic form suitable for generation of required statistical reports and different researches and preserves a possibility of correct data interpretation

    Психолингвистические основы организации учебного процесса по овладению иностранным языком профессиональной направленности посредством технологии погружения

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    У статті описані психолінгвістичні основи технології занурення за S.Krashen, а також їх реалізація при моделюванні навчального процесу через спільну рецептивно-продуктивну діяльність викладача та студентів на шляху досягнення освітніх цілей, допомогу в оволодінні навчальним матеріалом та забезпечення безперервного мовного розвитку на всіх рівнях навчального процесу, контекстуалізацію процесів викладання та навчання, навчання комплексного мислення, залучення учасників навчального процесу до освітнього діалогу.The paper describes the psycholinguistic basis of the language immersion technique in accordance with S.Krashen and its introduction in the course curriculum by joint receptive and productive activities of the teacher and students in order to achieve educational goals; assistance in mastering of the training materials and provision of continuous language training at all levels of educational process, contextualization of the teaching and studying processes, training integrated thinking, drawing of the study process participants in the educational dialogue.В статье описаны психолингвистические основы технологии погружения по S.Krashen, а также их реализация при моделировании учебного процесса посредством совместной рецептивно-продуктивной деятельности преподавателя и студентов на пути достижения образовательных целей, помощь в овладении учебным материалом и обеспечение непрерывного языкового развития на всех уровнях учебного процесса, контекстуализацию процессов преподавания и обучения, обучение комплексному мышлению, привлечение участников учебного процесса к образовательному диалогу

    Barriers to Innovation in the Implementation of the Investment Strategy: An Empirical Study

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    The problem of inward investment to the innovative economic sector is very acute today. The investment determines the economic development, but nowadays the low efficiency of investment activity in the sphere of innovations is obvious. This indicates the need for correction of the strategy taking into account social processes. The implications of innovative changes are not always predictable. The society takes innovations with a great caution. The innovation resistance can differ by the degree of its manifestation depending on the scale of innovative changes. Barriers encountered in the innovative changes hinder the innovative activity of financial companies, prevent the creation of new institutions and formation of innovative strategies, hamper the development of the actors implementing investment projects. This article studies the causes of innovative resistance and the parameters of existing barriers. The existence of innovation barriers and their detailed classification is described for the first time. The aim of this study is to create a model that allows to assess the barriers to the innovative development basing on their parameters. The study justifies the factors of the investment strategy adaptation in order to create the environment of successful activity for a company in the innovative region. The study determines the influence of these parameters on the state investment strategy. The suggested model is based on the statistical data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. It can be implemented to analyze the innovative situation in a region in order to provide a necessary adaptation of the investment strategies

    Role of immersive experience technology for autonomy in older adults transitioned into assisted living: A user-centered design approach

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    The purpose of this study was to explore how immersive experience technology may impact older adults in transition into assisted living; through the perspective of older adults within those assisted living facilities. By creating a preliminary/exploratory study for future applied research, the goal of this study was to gather information on understanding and then specifying the resident's experiences in their transitions and their perspectives on the barriers and benefits in the use of immersive experience technologies prior to transitions. Understanding and specifying user needs are the first two steps in user-centered design, which helped guide this research, and will inform future research in production and evaluation of an immersive experience intervention design. This study was broken up into three phases, Phases 1 and 2 were two focus groups to gather qualitative data and Phase 3 was an online survey questionnaire to gather quantitative responses. The Phase 3 data is only included in the Appendix due to low response rates. Findings of this study revealed that loss of autonomy occurs prior to the transition, following two types of transitions; independent and dependent. The two types of transitions were found to have two different intervention paths, independent transitions leading to limited to no intervention and the dependent transitions having the children as the primary intervention. It was suggested that the virtual walkthrough would help improve autonomy in the independently transitioned older adults, through easing concern during the transition, as well as improving navigation and control within the new assisted living apartment once the transition is complete