330 research outputs found

    The MES-conception in the field of intrafirm training of workers

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    In article the modular approach to the organization and realization intrafirm training of workers is considered. The essence of modular training and the basic directions of the analysis of concept «module» is determined. Features of the conception «Training that using modulars of employable skills» (МES-conception) with reference to the organization and realization intrafirm training of workers are openedРассматривается модульный подход к организации и осуществлению внутрифирменной подготовки рабочих кадров. Определяется сущность модульного обучения и основные направления анализа понятия «модуль». Раскрываются особенности концепции «Модули трудовых навыков» применительно к организации и осуществлению внутрифирменного обучения рабочих кадро

    The рersonal orientation of educational process in high school through the use of modular training

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    The artсle discusses the possibilities of modular technology of education based on the European concept of «Modular employs skills», from the standpoint of personal orientation of the learning process of students in technical disciplines. An example of organizing and conducting laboratory practical work on discipline «Machine tools» with use of modular technology educationВ работе рассматриваются возможности модульных технологий обучения, основанные на европейской концепции «Модули трудовых навыков», с позиций личностной ориентации процесса обучения студентов в вузе по техническим дисциплинам. Приводится пример организации и проведения лабораторного практикума по учебной дисциплине «Металлорежущие инструменты» с использованием модульной технологии обучени

    Electron-phonon scattering at the intersection of two Landau levels

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    We predict a double-resonant feature in the magnetic field dependence of the phonon-mediated longitudinal conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} of a two-subband quasi-two-dimensional electron system in a quantizing magnetic field. The two sharp peaks in σxx\sigma_{xx} appear when the energy separation between two Landau levels belonging to different size-quantization subbands is favorable for acoustic-phonon transitions. One-phonon and two-phonon mechanisms of electron conductivity are calculated and mutually compared. The phonon-mediated interaction between the intersecting Landau levels is considered and no avoided crossing is found at thermal equilibrium.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Future of superheavy element research: Which nuclei could be synthesized within the next few years?

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    Low values of the fusion cross sections and very short half-lives of nuclei with Z>>120 put obstacles in synthesis of new elements. Different nuclear reactions (fusion of stable and radioactive nuclei, multi-nucleon transfers and neutron capture), which could be used for the production of new isotopes of superheavy (SH) elements, are discussed in the paper. The gap of unknown SH nuclei, located between the isotopes which were produced earlier in the cold and hot fusion reactions, can be filled in fusion reactions of 48^{48}Ca with available lighter isotopes of Pu, Am, and Cm. Cross sections for the production of these nuclei are predicted to be rather large, and the corresponding experiments can be easily performed at existing facilities. For the first time, a narrow pathway is found to the middle of the island of stability owing to possible β+\beta^+-decay of SH isotopes which can be formed in ordinary fusion reactions of stable nuclei. Multi-nucleon transfer processes at near barrier collisions of heavy (and very heavy, U-like) ions are shown to be quite realistic reaction mechanism allowing us to produce new neutron enriched heavy nuclei located in the unexplored upper part of the nuclear map. Neutron capture reactions can be also used for the production of the long-living neutron rich SH nuclei. Strong neutron fluxes might be provided by pulsed nuclear reactors and by nuclear explosions in laboratory conditions and by supernova explosions in nature. All these possibilities are discussed in the paper.Comment: An Invited Plenary Talk given by Valeriy I. Zagrebaev at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    A novel long non-coding natural antisense RNA is a negative regulator of Nos1 gene expression

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    Long non-coding natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are widespread in eukaryotic species. Although recent studies indicate that long NATs are engaged in the regulation of gene expression, the precise functional roles of the vast majority of them are unknown. Here we report that a long NAT (Mm-antiNos1 RNA) complementary to mRNA encoding the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (Nos1) is expressed in the mouse brain and is transcribed from the non-template strand of the Nos1 locus. Nos1 produces nitric oxide (NO), a major signaling molecule in the CNS implicated in many important functions including neuronal differentiation and memory formation. We show that the newly discovered NAT negatively regulates Nos1 gene expression. Moreover, our quantitative studies of the temporal expression profiles of Mm-antiNos1 RNA in the mouse brain during embryonic development and postnatal life indicate that it may be involved in the regulation of NO-dependent neurogenesis

    Development of personnel of enterprises in system of intrafirm training

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования содержания подготовки рабочих в системе внутрифирменного обучения. Предлагается компетентностный подход для отбора, структурирования и формирования содержания внутрифирменного обученияThe article considers problems of formation of the content of training of workers to in-house training. Offers a competence-based approach for the selection, structuring and forming the content of in-house trainin

    Corporate educational space of the modern enterprise: a phenomenological approach

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    В статье описываются уровни организации функционирования корпоративного образовательного пространства: глобальный, локальный, общий и частный. Корпоративное образовательное пространство рассматривается как система с позиций феноменологического подходаThe levels of organization of functioning of the corporate education space: global, local, shared, and private are describes the article. The corporate educational space is considered as a system from the standpoint of the phenomenological approac