64 research outputs found

    Lokalne portale internetowe - przyszłość komunikowania medialnego na poziomie lokalnym

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    Znajdujemy się w przejściowym etapie, gdzie lokalne media tradycyjne są równoważone przez strukturę nowych mediów (zwłaszcza zaś ich egzemplifikację w postaci lokalnych portali internetowych). Lokalne portale internetowe rozwijają się coraz prężniej, a w najbliższej przyszłości mogą zacząć przeważać na lokalnych rynkach medialnych. W niniejszym szkicu podjęto próbę opisu i analizy lokalnych portali internetowych oraz ich aktualnej sytuacji na przykładzie Śląska Cieszyńskiego — regionu, gdzie korzystanie z mediów lokalnych ma długą i mocno zakorzenioną tradycję. Stwierdzono, że lokalne portale są równomiernie i dobrze rozwinięte. Mamy do czynienia z współistnieniem dużej liczby portali z różnych grup typologicznych. Relacje między prasą lokalną, będące podstawowym medium lokalnym a lokalnymi portalami internetowymi cechuje stale rosnąca konkurencja. Lokalne portale internetowe nie wykorzystują w pełni potencjału i możliwości jakie stwarza Internet jako medium, jednak mimo swych licznych niedociągnięć i uchybień, są na dobrej drodze, by w obszarze komunikowania lokalnego wyprzedzić media tradycyjne. Nowadays we are in a transition stage, where local traditional media are balanced by the structure of the new media (especially their exemplification in the form of local web portals). However, local portals are developed more and more dynamically and in the near future may start prevail in local media markets. In this article author attempt to describe and analyze local portals and their current situation as an example of Cieszyn Silesia — a region where the use of local media has a long and firmly‑rooted tradition. It was found that the local portals are steady and well developed also they are representing different typological groups. Relations between local press, which is the primary local media, and local portals are characterized by continuously increasing competition. Local portals do not fully utilize the potential and opportunities offered by the internet as a medium, but despite its numerous shortcomings they are on the way to overtake traditional media in the area of local communication

    Lokalne media internetowe - transgraniczne czy przygraniczne? Przypadek Cieszyna

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    Pogranicze to często obszar specyficzny, gdzie obserwować można bezpośrednie ścieranie się odmiennych językowo, społecznie czy historycznie grup nieraz obciążonych negatywnymi stereotypami o sąsiadach zza granicy. Media lokalne mogą jednak ograniczać bądź niwelować wzajemne bariery utrudniające współistnienie. Cieszyn jest ciekawym przykładem miasta podzielonego między dwa państwa: Polskę i Czechy. Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie czy lokalne portale wykorzystują możliwości, jakie oferuje internet i umacniają stosunki, współpracę między oboma wspólnotami oraz wskazanie, jakie czynniki mogą mieć wpływ na ten proces

    Lokalne media internetowe – transgraniczne czy przygraniczne? Przypadek Cieszyna

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    Borderland is a specific area where one can observe the direct language, social or historical conflict between groups, which are often overwhelmed by negative stereotypes about their neighbors from abroad. Local media may, however, limit or bridge the barriers to coexistence. Cieszyn is an interesting example of a city divided between two countries: Poland and the Czech Republic. This article attempts to answer the question of whether local web portals use the opportunities offered by the internet and strengthen relationships, cooperation between the two communities, and what factors might influence this process.Pogranicze to często obszar specyficzny, gdzie obserwować można bezpośrednie ścieranie się odmiennych językowo, społecznie czy historycznie grup nieraz obciążonych negatywnymi stereotypami o sąsiadach zza granicy. Media lokalne mogą jednak ograniczać bądź niwelować wzajemne bariery utrudniające współistnienie. Cieszyn jest ciekawym przykładem miasta podzielonego między dwa państwa: Polskę i Czechy. Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie czy lokalne portale wykorzystują możliwości, jakie oferuje internet i umacniają stosunki, współpracę między oboma wspólnotami oraz wskazanie, jakie czynniki mogą mieć wpływ na ten proces

    Media lokalne Śląska Cieszyńskiego : historia i współczesność

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    The monograph is a compendium of the knowledge about the local media of Cieszyn Silesia, which, being part of the historical and cultural regions of modern Poland, has preserved a strong regional identity. Not only does the paper organise the state of the knowledge about how the local media in this interesting region have been developing and functioning, but it also broadens the knowledge. […] The monograph has a problem-oriented structure and consists of three chapters that are substantively related to the dominant theme, which is the local media of Cieszyn Silesia. The content of the first chapter comprises reflections on the theory of local media and research practice. It defines the concept of local media, presents their typology and development after 1989, as well as limitations in their functioning. The issue of the local community is dealt with in the second chapter, where first the theory of the local community (including the so-called virtual community) is discussed and the concept of local and regional identity defined, and subsequently the characteristics of the community of Cieszyn Silesia and its territory is brought into focus, while the reference is made both to the complex history of this area and to the present day situation. The presentation of the local media in Cieszyn Silesia is the subject of deliberations in the third chapter. Firstly, the historical development of the local media – mainly the press, in this area until 1989, i.e. until the political and socio-political breakthrough beginning the systemic transformation of our country, has been characterised. Then, the transformations taking place on the local media market of this area after 1989 have been examined. The development of the local press segment [...] and the electronic media market of Cieszyn Silesia, including local radio, local television (mainly online) and local Internet portals […] have been separately presented. The paper ends with a summary of the studied issue through the presentation of the outline of the transformations of the contemporary local media in Cieszyn Silesia against the background of the nationwide processes in Poland. […] The reviewed paper constitutes a valuable publishing position, which apart from systematising the studied issues, also enriches the general knowledge about the formation and functioning of the contemporary local media system in Cieszyn Silesia. It is also of specific practical utility primarily for activists and officials of the local government and regionalists, as well as for students of journalism and social communication as well as political science and sociology

    Assessing Repetitive Negative Thinking Using Categorical and Transdiagnostic Approaches: A Comparison and Validation of Three Polish Language Adaptations of Self-Report Questionnaires

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    Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is a transdiagnostic process involved in the risk, maintenance, and relapse of serious conditions including mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders, and addictions. Processing mode theory provides a theoretical model to assess, research, and treat RNT using a transdiagnostic approach. Clinical researchers also often employ categorical approaches to RNT, including a focus on depressive rumination or worry, for similar purposes. Three widely used self-report questionnaires have been developed to assess these related constructs: the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS), the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (PTQ), and the Mini-Cambridge Exeter Repetitive Thought Scale (Mini-CERTS). Yet these scales have not previously been used in conjunction, despite useful theoretical distinctions only available in Mini-CERTS. The present validation of the methods in a Polish speaking population provides psychometric parameters estimates that contribute to current efforts to increase reliable replication of theoretical outcomes. Moreover, the following study aims to present particular characteristics and a comparison of the three methods. Although there has been some exploration of a categorical approach, the comparison of transdiagnostic methods is still lacking. These methods are particularly relevant for developing and evaluating theoretically based interventions like concreteness training, an emerging field of increasing interest, which can be used to address the maladaptive processing mode in RNT that can lead to depression and other disorders. Furthermore, the translation of these measures enables the examination of possible cross-cultural structural differences that may lead to important theoretical progress in the measurement and classification of RNT. The results support the theoretical hypothesis. As expected, the dimensions of brooding, general repetitive negative thinking, as well as abstract analytical thinking, can all be classified as unconstructive repetitive thinking. The particular characteristics of each scale and potential practical applications in clinical and research are discussed

    Narracja medialna wyrażona na okładkach wybranych tygodników opinii podczas parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej 2015 roku

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    Analysis of the covers if news weeklies such as „Do Rzeczy”, „Newsweek Polska”, „Polityka”, „Wprost” has become an area of discourse about media narrative, which is visible in studied materials in the period of the 2015parliamentary campaign. Determina-tion of political sympathies, verification of the degree of politicizing, studying materials and marking the dominating subject matter on the 44 covers, is the aim of conducted research work. The analysed covers were also use to show the fields of antagonisms appearing in the media narrative


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    Dziennikarstwo lokalne bywa niekiedy nazywane „zapomnianym sektorem”, co związane jest z dominacją problematyki ogólnokrajowej w mediach oraz procesami globalizacji. Referaty pokazały jednak, że tak wcale być nie musi, a lokalność i regionalność odgrywają w komunikowaniu masowym istotną rolę. [fragm. tekstu

    Zmiany w obrazie ultrasonograficznym i obrazie rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu u noworodków leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

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    Introduction: Hypoxic ischemic insults during labor remain an important cause of brain injury in term and near-term neonates. Selective cerebral hypothermia is a potentially neuroprotective rescue therapy. Ultrasonography (US) andnmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are routinely used to visualize intracranial changes in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic injuries. Aim of the study: We attempted to describe all pathological findings on US and MRI in the brains of our patients following selective cerebral hypothermia. Materials and methods: Twenty-nine neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) following therapeutic cooling were assessed with cranial ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The findings were compared with the clinical outcome. Results: Over one-fourth (27.6%) of the examined infants had a normal brain on MRI (with only 17.2% on US). Involvement of the basal ganglia and thalami was one of the most frequent findings in our material (9/29 = 31% on MRI, and 7/29-24.1% on US). Cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage was detected on MRI in as many as 7 (24.1%) and cerebellar parenchymal hemorrhage in 4 (13.8%) infants. The loss in the gray-white matter differentiation (‘fuzzy brain’), usually transient on US, was observed in 79.3% of the neonates. Diffusion restriction in the callosal splenium (13.8%) and hyperechoic thalami and basal ganglia were strictly correlated to a significantly higher incidence of severe developmental delay. Conclusion: Abnormalities on MRI and US were observed in 75% of newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with therapeutic hypothermia.Wstęp: Uraz niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwienny jest częstą przyczyną okołoporodowego uszkodzenia mózgu u noworodków, u których potencjalną, neuroprotekcyjną metodą leczenia jest selektywna hipotermia. Ultrasonografia (USG) i rezonans magnetyczny (MRI) są rutynowymi metodami obrazowania mózgu u noworodków ze zmianami niedotlenieniowo-niedokrwiennymi. Cel pracy: Podjęłyśmy próbę opisania wszystkich zmian patologicznych wykrytych w badaniu USG i MRI mózgu u noworodków, które leczone były metodą selektywnej hipotermii. Materiał i metoda: Przezciemiączkowe badanie ultrasonograficzne (USG) oraz badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MR) wykonano u 29 noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenienieniowo-niedokrwienną (ENN) po zastosowaniu terapeutycznej hipotermii. Wyniki badań porównano z oceną kliniczną. Wyniki: U ponad jednej czwartej badanych dzieci (27,6%) badanie MR mózgu było prawidłowe (w badaniu USG tylko u 17,2%). Zajęcie jąder podstawy i wzgórz było jednym z najczęstszych znalezisk w naszym materiale (9/29= 31% w MR i 7/29 = 24.1% w USG). Krwawienie śródmózgowe wykryto w MR aż w 7 przypadkach (24,1%), a śródmóżdżkowe w 4 (13,8%). Brak zróżnicowaniu istoty szarej i białej (“fuzzy brain”), zwykle przemijające w obrazie USG, obserwowano u 79,3% noworodków. Restrykcja dyfuzji wody w płacie ciała modzelowatego (13,8%) oraz hiperechogeniczność wzgórz i jąder podstawy mózgu ściśle korelowały z istotnie częstszym występowaniem znacznego opóźnienia rozwoju. Wnioski: Nieprawidłowy obraz MRI i US występuje u 75% noworodków z encefalopatią niedotlenieniowoniedokrwienną leczonych metodą selektywnej hipotermii

    Multiple brain abscesses caused by citrobacter koseri in a preterm neonate : case report

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    Background: Brain abscesses are very rarely diagnosed in neonates, but if present, they are associated with a high risk of severe complications and mortality. In neonates, brain abscesses can be detected on transfontanelle ultrasonography, in which they appear as hyperechogenic lesions surrounded by a hypoechogenic border. Case Report: We present a female neonate, born in the 28th week of gestation, with birth weight of 950 grams, who was born in an ambulance by spontaneous vaginal vertex delivery. No signs of infection were present until the 35th day of hospitalization, when a sudden and serious deterioration in the patient's condition was observed due to late-onset sepsis. Cranial US, performed on the 40th day of life, revealed hyperechogenic lesions with a hypoechogenic halo in the right frontal lobe, which could correspond to brain abscesses. These lesions were caused by Citrobacter koseri septicaemia, identified by transfontanelle ultrasonography, and confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging. The patient recovered and was discharged on the 91th day of life (39 PCA) with a recommendation of permanent neurological surveillance. Conclusions: Ultrasonography of the central nervous system can reveal inflammatory changes and developing brain abscesses. In neonates, magnetic resonance imaging should be performed as the method of choice for confirming brain abscesses

    Histologic evaluation of the atrioventricular nodal artery in healthy humans and in patients with conduction disturbances

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    The anatomy of the conduction system of the heart so relevant in the contemporary invasive cardiology is not fully understood. It has turned out that ablation procedures bring new information as to its structure and function, but in some cases can result in complete a-v block. Atrioventricular nodal artery located within the nodal-perinodal tissue can probably be damaged during the ablation procedures. Therefore, we decided to explore in detail the morphology and the topography of the atrioventricular nodal artery in healthy humans and in patients with clinical traits of a-v conduction disturbances requiring permanent pacing. The microscopic study was carried out on 30 normal human hearts specimens (17F, 3M) from 17 to 86 years of age, and on 20 hearts with conduction disturbances (11F, 9M) from 39 to 85 years of age. We found that the number of the atrioventricular node arteries is different and independent of the extent that induces block causing conduction disturbances. The topography of the artery in perinodal zone was consistent in normal hearts, yet in hearts with conduction disturbances we observed about 2% of deviations in its location. It might be the reason for generation of iatrogenic complications after invasive cardiological procedures. The morphology revealed changes in 50% of the examined hearts and their vessel walls, which was declared to be connected with ageing. This correlated with certain stages of atherosclerosis as well as hypertension characteristic of elderly patients. We observed that in 33% of hearts from control group small parietal thrombi were detected and in 60% of paced group respectively. Hence, it seems that the procedures in perinodal zone should be performed in its proximal part because of a minor probability of direct and indirect (through nodal artery) damage of the atrioventricular structure of the junction