44 research outputs found

    Non-Native Forest Tree Species in Europe: The Question of Seed Origin in Afforestation

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    Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century the significance of the seed source origin for their economic use was recognized, resulting in the establishment of numerous provenance trials at a national, regional, European and International level, as those led by IUFRO. Breeding programs have also been launched in the continent for the most economically important species. Aim of this work is the formulation of provenance recommendations for planting of five non-native tree species in Europe (Douglas fir, grand fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black locust), based on the information obtained from twenty countries, in the frame of the EU FP-1403 NNEXT Cost Action. The survey revealed that official and non-official national recommendations, based on provenance research results, have been elaborated and followed at a different level and extend for the above five species, but only for Douglas fir recommendations exist in almost all the participating to the survey countries. The compilation of provenance recommendations across Europe for each species is presented in the current work. Besides the recommended introduced seed sources, European seed sources are also preferred for planting, due to ease of access and high availability of forest reproductive material. European breeding programs yielding genetic material of high productivity and quality constitute currently the seed source of choice for several species and countries. Consolidation of trial data obtained across countries will allow the joint analysis that is urgently needed to draw solid conclusions, and will facilitate the development of ‘Universal-Response-Functions’ for the species of interest, rendering possible the identification of the genetic material suitable for global change. New provenance trial series that will test seed sources from the entire climatic range of the species, established in sites falling within and outside the environmental envelopes of their natural ranges, are urgently needed to pinpoint and understand the species-specific climate constraints, as well as to correlate functional traits to the seed origin and the environmental conditions of the test sites, so that the selection of suitable forest reproductive material of non-native tree species in the face of climate change can be feasible.publishedVersio

    Study of Abies somatic embryogenesis and its application

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    This paper provides results of somatic embryogenesis study in our laboratory. General description of somatic embryogenesis (SE) induction, maturation of somatic embryos and plantlets regeneration of the Abies species, followed by a comparisons of some characteristics of zygotic and somatic embryos, seedlings and emblings (somatic seedlings). Own results are supplemented with some literature data. Also aplication of SE for improving of plantlet regeneration of elite fir trees from Dobroč primeval is described as well as initiation of the SE from seeds of incompatible crossings of firs where zygotic embryos abort usually several weeks after pollinatio

    Molecular Insight into Genetic Structure and Diversity of Putative Hybrid Swarms of Pinus sylvestris × P. mugo in Slovakia

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    The genetic structures of the four putative hybrid swarms of Pinus sylvestris × P. mugo in Slovakia were analyzed in terms of individual admixture proportions calculated via inter-primer binding site (iPBS) marker loci. This work aimed to reevaluate the hybrid swarms’ differentiation status as postulated in the previous studies at both population and genomic levels. The study confirmed intermediate divergence of each of the swarms examined. Based on 80-loci hybrid index scores, we have revealed the presence of introgressive and intermediate hybrids with frequencies corresponding to differentiation estimates. Surprisingly, irrespective of individual phenotypes, the most frequent intermediates were found in Sucha Hora (29.5%) and Obsivanka (28.6%) populations, which resemble rather pure P. mugo and were previously considered as bimodal hybrid zones with a negligible amount of hybrids. The remaining hybrid zone population Zuberec seems to be highly introgressed to P. sylvestris, while Tisovnica is clearly inclined to P. mugo. The results and different methodologies are discussed

    Growth characteristics and needle structure in some interspecific hybrids of Abies cephalonica Loud

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    The height growth dynamics of three interspecific crosses with Greek fir (Abies cephalonica Loud.) acting as mother and a control variant from self-pollination were followed throughout a period of 30 years. The hybrid combination A. cephalonica × A. nordmanniana exhibited enhanced growth relative to the selfed control at stage of 4-year old seedlings already, whereas the hybrid A. cephalonica × A. alba only at stage of 9-year old saplings. At age of 30, the heterotic growth persisted only in the latter, the hybrid A. cephalonica × A.nordmanniana was comparable in height growth parameters with a selfed control. The interspecific cross A. cephalonica × A. numidica was remarkable by its accelerated growth during early stages of the development. At age of 4 years it has surpassed in height growth both A. cephalonica × A. alba and control but has declined profoundly during subsequent stages of its development. A conspicuous feature of the hybrid needle anatomy were abundant resin canals and reduced size of some anatomical traits of its needles. In spite of variable growth potentials, all the three interspecific hybrids are recommended for planting in Slovakia, especially at densely polluted areas where domestic silver fir cannot withstand emission pressure